
3111-0819-8654 || Bec (UM)
3111-0819-8654 || Bec (UM) || XXXX

Trades (36)

[+] Events (20)
1. Custom Shiny Zangoose for Redeemed 2iv Timid Shaymin /u/WreckItMike
2. Two Scrap Codes, Shiny 6iv Venonat for Unova Trio /u/SmellyFartado
3. 3 Scrap Codes for Language set of 7 Vivillon /u/Umbra-Profess
4. 2 Scrap Codes for Korean WCSK Linoone /u/Expo911
5. Competitive Aerodactyl, Rhyhorn, Paras, Magnemite, Mawile and Mareep for 10 Dragonite Codes /u/j_skiddles
6. Shiny Feebas, Shiny Milotic for Naive Diancie /u/Cypristj
7. DB HA Female Aerodactyl, DB HA Female Eevee for Hiroshima Magikarp /u/Hatenai_Sora
8. Flawless shiny Vulpix+Feebas and Moon Ball Ralts for SR'd Gamestop Dragonite redemption /u/Gidonka
9. Shiny Skarmory, shiny Wailmer, shiny Scraggy and shiny Honedge for Two Hiroshima Magikarps /u/Hatenai_Sora
10. Hiroshima Magikarp for Tough Pinsir /u/Event_Collector
11. Redemption of Rooquaza, SR for nature for Steven's Beldum /u/blackaurora
12. Ekans, Chansey, Mareep and Mawile for Two Hiroshima Magikarps /u/Hatenai_Sora
13. Two Gamestop Dragonite Codes for Shiny Competitive Mudkip /u/Demoyon
14. Palquaza code for Harry Hoopa code /u/fleepter
15. Trophy shinies Ponyta and Snorunt for Four Sly Zoroarks /u/BenedictRulerOfEggs
16. Shiny comp Eevee, shiny comp Horsea for 1 Dutch/PAL Harry Hoopa code /u/PTSCrumbled
17. Redemption of PAL Hoopa for NA Zoroark /u/wendhere
18. Galileo Rayquaza for HA Articuno /u/tawmie123
19. Shiny competitive Spritzee for PAL Articuno code /u/SnakesNSerpents
20. Shiny Ralts for Anniversary Jirachi /u/StealthXDerpy
[+] Shinies (1)
1. 6iv HA Shiny Vulpix for 5iv Shiny Pawniard /u/sejinimm
[+] Competitive / Casual (12)
1. Dream Ball HA Venonat for Dream Ball Mareep /u/noxxiioouuss42
2. Dream Ball Venonat for 5iv 4EM Tyrunt /u/asaf719
3. Dream Ball Venonat for 5iv Fennekin /u/amazingupdatetrion
4. Dream Ball Venonat for DB Clamperl /u/agarvin
5. 5iv HA Vulpix for 5iv HA Poochyena /u/DukeNeedles
6. Dream Ball Scraggy, Dream Ball Druddigon for Dream Ball Snorlax /u/Sancheztadore
7. DB HA EM Female Venonat for HP Ice Pichu /u/Shiny_Sylveon
8. Jolly HA Dive Ball male Zangoose for Premier Ball Female Skiddo /u/mikavalentine
9. DB Eevee for Heal Ball Goomy /u/lurkerton3000
10. DB Eevee for HP Fire Bulbasaur and Air Balloon /u/GiftsFTW
11. 5iv 4em female Petilil for RNG'd Flawless HP Fire Ditto /u/Flareblitz12
12. Competitive male DBHA Eevee for Flawless female Pinsir, Sport Ball /u/Interfectrix
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (3)
1. Shiny Ralts, Gastly, Trevenant (evolved from Phantump), Goomy, Shroomish and Roggenrola for Event Keldeo, Plasma Genesect /u/Roger_doge
2. Gamestop Dragonite Code for Wishmaker Jirachi /u/lavaburst14
3. PAL Hoopa code redemptions x2 for RNGd Cleffa and Skarmoru /u/Admiral_Fish

Egg Hatches (18)

1. Shiny hatch, Charmander /u/Baldomaro
2. Hatched a shiny numel, nicknamed it DARTHmoomoo /u/MightyMawile
3. Hatched a shiny Nidoran Male for Kahtod. /u/Kahtod
4. Hatched a shiny Snorunt /u/MikeAU
5. Hatched a shiny Aipom /u/Neckes
6. Hatched shiny Pawniard /u/Alpha-jd
7. Hatched a Nidoran Male /u/steelfather
8. Hatched a shiny Scraggy /u/117jokes
9. Hatched a shiny Mawile /u/clarity7
10. Hatched a shiny HP Ice Mareep /u/Mushy_64
11. Hatched a shiny Venonat /u/Jjgierh
12. Hatched a shiny Ralts /u/almond7
13. Hatched an Igglybuff /u/ShinyD3
14. Hatched a shiny Sneasel /u/qweligator
15. Hatched a shiny Larvesta for OP /u/Whimms
16. Hatched a shiny Keckleon /u/Blackballroom
17. Hatched a shiny Nidoran Female /u/aides_free92
18. Hatched a shiny Miltank /u/dltnnm123

Giveaways/Contests (8 Pokémon given, 11 eggs given)

1. Gave some Vulpix and Feebas eggs (Sub: SVExchange, 11 given)
2. Gave out 8 female Dream Ball HA EM Venonats (Sub: pokemontrades, 8 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (4 threads, 36 given)

1. Checked thirty eggs for SlashAgris (30 checked)
2. Checked Duegat's TSV (1 checked)
3. Checked SofaKingSavage's Charmander egg (1 checked)
4. Checked FrostByte_Manuel's eggs (4 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (9)

1. Helped keep an egg from hatching unduly /u/Akrisn
2. Helped out with breeding Torchics /u/o13Dennison130
3. Gave a HA Zangoose in a dive ball in return for nothing. /u/VanagandrUnbound
4. Got 12 Pokemon and held them so they could be transferred to another game /u/Raevix
5. Evolved Haunter for OP /u/BecouseImBatman
6. Evolved a Gengar for OP /u/jovere
7. Gave three eggs for an Egglocke /u/twistedtrogdor
8. Evolved Scyther via trading for OP /u/AnotherAbidingDude
9. Evolved their Feebas for them /u/andrewpham2411

Misc (0)


DukeNeedles Dec 4, 2014 9:11:42 AM

Thanks for the Vulpix!

Il_Lupey's Information


Hey, I play Omega Ruby and Pokemon X at the moment; my Friend Code is 2423-3154-7885, IGN being Jess for Pokemon X and Lupo for Omega Ruby. Welcome to my Flair!

Friend codes:

  • 2423-3154-7885
