
3797-8403-2021 || Jose (αS), Jose (Y)
3797-8403-2021 || Jose (αS), Jose (Y) || 1553, 2656, 1472

Trades (178)

[+] Events (30)
1. Darkrai Code AND 5 Comp Shinies (Cottonee, Lileep, Lotad, Kabuto, and Meditite) for SR'd GAME Darkrai /u/xBsh3rx
2. GAME Darkrai Code for Shiny Comp: Riolu, Honedge, Bagon, Electrike, Charmander, Pawniard /u/Pancham4
3. Facebook Kanghaskhan Code (Hong Kong) for 2 Coro Coro Rayquaza Codes /u/Expo911
4. Coro Coro Rayquaza Code for Coro Coro Rayquaza Redemption /u/eraco
5. PGL Amaura Code for 4 Darkrai Codes + 8 Comp Shinies: Fletchling, Lotad, Lotad, Cottonee, Charmander, Chespin, Charmander, Eevee /u/overworld99
6. Taiwan Facebook Kanghaskhan Code for Coro Coro Rayquaza Code /u/sleepywings
7. Coro Coro Rayquaza Code for GAME Charizard and 3 Scrap Codes /u/Propallor
8. GAME Darkrai for 5 Competitive Shinies: Piplup, Timburr, Phanphy, Weedle, and Tentacool /u/Jozcef
9. Comp Shiny: Bulbasaur, Growlithe, Torchic, Honedge, Magnemite, Weedle, Aerodactyl, Lapras, and Goomy for 4 Scrap Codes /u/dantelukas
10. Comp Shiny: Buneary, Charmander, Cyndaquil, Dratini, Smoochum, Gastly, Hoppip, Hoppip, Shinx, Skiddo for 3 Scrap Codes /u/Acrylami
11. Shiny Skarmory and Shiny Yanma for Redeemed Keldeo Scrap /u/Onizuak31
12. Shiny Tyrunt, Pawniard, Feraligator, Electrike, and Lotad for 2 Scrap Codes /u/pikasang
13. Shiny Comp Froakie, Gastly, and Riolu for WCSK15 Linoone /u/broccoliYT
14. Semi-Comp Bergmite for Serena's Fennekin /u/Onizuak31
15. Semi Comp Croagunk for Redeemed Scrap Victini /u/Onizuak31
16. Semi Comp Shiny Larvitar; Comp Shiny Froakie and Goomy for Movie Diancie /u/DsrwLetters
17. Comp Shiny Froakie for SUM2014 Tough Heracross /u/Paxin15
18. Comp Shiny Charmander and Spinarak for Halloween Shiny Gengar Event /u/XxStevagexX
19. 5 Scrap Codes + Comp Shiny Chatot, Magikarp, Tyrunt, Spinarak, Horsea, Meditite for M18 Arceus /u/pikasang
20. Comp Shiny Bulbasaur HP Fire for Pokeball Vivillion, Fancy Vivillion, and XY Torchic /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
21. Comp Shiny: Aerodactyl, Klefki, Machop, Pawniard, Sableye, Shinx, Skorupi, and Teddiursa for Spring 2015 Kangaskhan /u/broccoliYT
22. Scrap Shaymin Code for Comp Shiny Helioptile, Togepi, and Gible /u/WenSnake
23. Comp Shiny Ferroseed for Summer 2014 Tough Pinsir and Heracross /u/Demoyon
24. Comp Shiny Gastly, Buneary, Chespin, Marill, Pawniard, Piplup, Sneasel, and Swablu for Maxsoft Rayquaza Code /u/Demoyon
25. BR Pokemon: Arcanine, Arcanine, Scizor, Clefairy, Luxray, Venusaur, Gastrodon, Ludicolo, Salamance, Scrafty, Excadrill, Manectric, Swampert, and Mamoswine for PGL Amaura Code /u/SoMuchDeath
26. 40 Custom/On-Hand Comp Shinies for 2nd Distribution Se Jun Park's Pachirisu /u/broccoliYT
27. 10 Comp Shinies for Korean Diancie /u/kore_hana
28. 17 Comp Shinies for Guidebook Keldeo /u/BenjittoSSJ5
29. Comp Shiny Zubat for Gamestop Dragonite Event /u/March1392
30. Shiny Petilil and Exeggcute for Hiroshima Magikarp /u/Hatenai_Sora
[+] Shinies (14)
1. DB Buneary, DB Drilbur, DB Sableye, DB Dratini, DB Gligar for Shiny Comp Dratini /u/willster191
2. Shiny Comp Meditite for Shiny Comp Ralts /u/Kobi2604
3. Mawile for Shellder /u/Akrisn
4. Lapras and Taillow for Scyther /u/Godreig
5. Charmander, Rotom, Mawile for Squirtle and Magnemite /u/juchem69z
6. Move Relearner Service for Semi Comp Chansey /u/Admiral_Fish
7. Tyrunt for Gible /u/frank0789
8. Snivy for Klefki /u/ragnaroq
9. Rotom for Swirlix /u/Cometbringer
10. Tyrunt for Elgyem /u/ThePokeBro
11. Lotad for Sneasel /u/willster191
12. Semi Comp - Cyndaquil, Natu, and Mime Jr. for DB HA Stantler, Safari Ball Skorupi, and Friend Ball Kanghaskhan /u/Godreig
13. Comp Shiny Klefki for Comp Shiny Abra /u/Jodzysip
14. Comp Shiny Ponyta and Kangaskhan for GAME Electabuzz /u/Magnezomniac
[+] Competitive / Casual (134)
1. Kanghaskhan for Zubat /u/dieyou44
2. Pawniard for Rotom /u/Joshua141
3. Froakie for Scyther /u/vini023
4. Heracross, Noibat, Axew for Magnemite, Shroomish, Pawniard /u/Potato_Jello
5. Roserade for Ralts /u/ragedra
6. Skrelp for Axew /u/MuleCap
7. Houndour, Heracross, Roselia for Skrelp, Noibat, Venipede /u/matthewtune
8. Escavalier for Accelgor /u/Onizuak31
9. Larvitar for Marill /u/AP_Feeder
10. Masterball for Gastly /u/shypan
11. Dawn Stone for Skarmory /u/RainbowPlatypus
12. Togepi for Houndour /u/Lenvil
13. Shiny Absol for Dream Ball Chansey, Dream Ball Gligar, Dream Ball Ralts /u/PlaygroundofPandas
14. Moon Ball Absol for Dream Ball Slowpoke /u/Summerspear
15. Dream Ball Zubat, Moon Ball Cleffa, Safari Ball Pinsir for Moon Ball Gastly, Moon Ball Sneasel, Dream Ball Slowpoke /u/fliippyy
16. Dream Ball Zubat and Safari Ball Pinsir for Dream Ball Pidgey and Dream Ball Shellos /u/primeknight20
17. Safari Ball Riolu, Dream Ball Corphish, Safari Ball Pinsir for Lure Ball Horsea, Dream Ball Pineco, Dream Ball Gligar /u/crystallized
18. Love Ball Mawile for Moon Ball Meditite /u/loutwo2
19. Shroomish for Torchic /u/Drake_Bugatti
20. Ralts for Mienfoo /u/titoperaz
21. Moon Ball Absol and Dream Ball Sableye for Dream Ball Farfetch'd and Dream Ball Karrablast /u/chaosbringer255
22. Dream Ball Scraggy and Luxury Ball Honedge for Moon Ball Snorlax, Dream Ball Drilbur, and Moon Ball Nidoran /u/LuxrayShiny
23. Moon Ball Absol for Moon Ball Yanma /u/LeonCecil
24. Heavy Ball Skarmory and Moon Ball Sneasel for Dream Ball Cherubi and Dream Ball Natu /u/radiowarrrr
25. Dream Ball Farfetch'd for Dream Ball Oddish /u/DuskLordX
26. Friend Ball Larvitar and Dream Ball Ralts for Dream Ball Swablu, Fast Ball Shinx, and Dream Ball Petilil /u/PokemonTrainerMatt
27. Friend Ball Machop for Dream Ball Lotad and Dream Ball Trapinch /u/alypalyola
28. 2 PP Up for Dream Ball Magikarp and Dream Ball Illumise /u/mm245
29. MB Cleffa, MB Growlithe, MB Nidoran, MB Yanma, FB Larvitar, and FB Machop for DB Cranidos, DB Tangela, DB Vulpix, DB Audino, DB Spiritomb, /u/PlaygroundofPandas
30. DB Ralts, DB Electrike, and DB Natu for DB Smeargle, DB Gible, DB Kricketot /u/tasty_crayon
31. DB Riolu for DB Buneary /u/thelink955
32. DB Cranidos, DB Electrike, DB Murkrow, DB Natu, and Moon Ball Cleffa for DB Sentret, DB Durant, DB Ledyba, DB Hoppip, DB Smoochum, DB Wobbuffet, and DB Spoink /u/crystallized
33. DB Chansey, DB Sableye, DB Lotad, DB Pidgey, DB Ralts, DB Scraggy for DB Dratini, DB Shuppet, DB Snorunt, DB Solosis, DB Timburr /u/jevox
34. Perfect DB Zubat and DB Cranidos for HA Tyrunt and DB Starly /u/fidofishy5
35. DB Corphish for DB Exeggcute /u/cubanpete26
36. Help with Poliwhirl evolution for DB Alomomola /u/Jozcef
37. DB Ralts for DB Maractus /u/Hoodenize
38. Moon Ball Meditite for DB Bellsprout /u/alypalyola
39. DB Karrablast, DB Carvanha, and DB Shellos for DB Sigilyph, DB Doduo, and DB Snubbull /u/radiowarrrr
40. DB Cranidos and DB Pidgey for DB Aerodactyl and DB Lapras /u/Mito236
41. DB Shellos Perfect 5IV for DB Shieldon /u/Syberous
42. Friend Ball Larvitar for DB Cacnea /u/Jka22419
43. DB Chansey, and Moon Ball Nidoran for DB Duskull, and DB Cottonee /u/primeknight20
44. DB Smoochum for DB Cubone /u/Nega_Elemental
45. DB Scraggy, DB Drilbur, and DB Dratini for DB Skitty, DB Tentacool, and DB Heracross /u/ltimebombl
46. DB Murkrow, DB Smeargle, DB Lotad for DB Abra, DB Seedot, DB Elgyem /u/2Fat-free
47. DB Lotad, DB Chansey, DB Cubone, DB Sigilyph for DB Eevee, DB Perf Male Eevee /u/mm245
48. Luxury Honedge for HA Bulbasaur /u/sturdy_shedninja
49. DB Smoochum for DB Feebas /u/Cobolt
50. DB: Corphish, Croagunk, Electrike, Lotad, Magikarp, Pidgey, Smeargle and Shuppet for DB: Togepi, Chatot, Clampearl, Ducklett, Kanghaskhan, and Venipede /u/Dracojuwel
51. DB Croagunk, DB Elektrike, and DB Lotad for DB Mr.Mime, DB Bagon, and DB Seel /u/dosquared
52. DB Sigilyph and DB Shuppet for DB Wailmer and DB Luvdisc /u/mz_valkyrie
53. Dream Ball: Pineco, Pidgey, Sigilyph, Alomomola, Audino, Venonat, Skitty, Snubbull, and Trapinch for Dream Ball: Wooper, Larvesta, Zangoose, Shellos (Blue), Sneasel, Sudowoodo, Hoot Hoot, Pachurisu, and Shuckle /u/darkredzero
54. DB Sigilyph, DB Corphish, DB Shellos for DB Chinchou, DB Starly, DB Stunky /u/gamerking272
55. DB Larvitar, DB Pineco, DB Cubone, and DB Trapinch for DB Delibird, DB Pawniard, DB Emolga, and DB Qwilfish /u/Dracojuwel
56. Items: Fire Stone, Leaf Stone, Thunder Stone, Scope Lens for DB Slakoth, DB Plusle, DB Glameow, DB Oddish, DB Burmy, and DB Heatmor /u/Righteous_Bread
57. DB Mankey for DB Koffing /u/dOoBiOuS85
58. DB HA: Cubone, Farfetch'd, Joltik, Larvitar, Pineco, and Trapinch for DB HA: Shroomish, Aron, Absol, Axew, Stunfisk, and Zigzagoon /u/radiowarrrr
59. DB Gligar, DB Farfetch'd, DB Nidoran, DB Joltik, and Moon Ball Sneasel for DB Gastly, DB Corsola, DB Sandshrew, DB Whismur, DB Buizel /u/Nachito625
60. HA Skrelp for HA Foongus /u/_Donut_
61. DB HA Larvitar for DB HA Teddiursa /u/2Fat-free
62. Fast Ball Marill, Friend Ball Machop, Moon Ball Growlithe, Moon Ball Meditite, Moon Ball Yanma for DB HA: Horsea, Nidoran, Qwilfish, Snover, Spearow, Torkoal, Tympole /u/Parkimus
63. HA Skrelp for Bagon /u/PepperDip
64. Heracross for Snivy /u/Hpfm2
65. DB HA Cubone and Snubull for DB HA Carvanha and Roggenrola /u/mingst
66. DB HA Murkrow, DB HA Smeargle for DB HA Igglybuff and Sport Ball Scyther /u/HalaMadrid97
67. DB HA Chansey, Drilbur, Electrike, Magikarp, Ralts, Sableye, and Gligar, Moon Ball Cleffa, Love Ball Mawile, and Friend Ball Larvitar for DB HA: Rhyhorn, Slugma, and Nosepass; Sport Ball: Caterpie, Weedle, Venonat, Paras, Wurmple, Illumise, Kricketot, and Nincada /u/xSince86x
68. DB HA Croagunk for DB HA Spheal /u/LuxrayShiny
69. Perfect Moon Ball Meditite for Perfect Dream Ball Shroomish /u/chuni_pok
70. Perfect DB HA Natu for Perfect Heal Ball Mareep /u/cubanpete26
71. Moon Ball Sneasel for Moon Ball Shinx /u/Joseak
72. DB HA Taillow and Aipom for DB HA Swinub /u/WhiteOps02
73. DB Misdreavus, DB HA: Larvitar, Taillow, Slakoth, Audino, Chansey, and Cubone; Safari Riolu, Pinsir; Friend Ball Machop; Moon Ball Cleffa for DB HA Ekans, Paras, Poliwag, Sunkern, Girafarig, Gulpin, Skorupi, Basculin Red, Druddigon, Seviper, Sandile /u/peatsahad
74. DB HA Murkrow and Cubone for Safari Ball Aron /u/DarkZero_RKO
75. DB HA Smeargle for Lure Ball Marill /u/Wangwangg
76. DB HA Snubbull and Aipom for DB HA Pinsir /u/Seek152
77. Friend Ball Larvitar; Fast Ball Shinx and Marill; Moon Ball Growlithe, Meditite, and Yanma; Safari Ball Pinsir and Riolu for DB HA Mawile, Castform, Whiscash, Pidove, Carnivine, Onix, and Maractus /u/Rashe
78. Whipped Dream and Scope Lens for DB HA Seedot; Safari Ball: Phanphy, Hippopotas, Doduo, and Shinx /u/Righteous_Bread
79. MY DB HA Natu, Omanyte and Luxury Female Froakie for Safari: Nidoran, Yanma, Tropius, Hoothoot, Mr. Mime, Jigglypuff, Bellsprout /u/skuggeland
80. Luxury Ball HA Froakie for DB HA Krabby, Phanphy, Tropius; Safari Rhyhorn /u/2Fat-free
81. Moon Ball Sneasel for Heal Ball Goomy /u/RJA00000
82. Perfect DB Omanyte, DB Dratini, and DB Scraggy for Perfect Noibat and Dive Ball Ducklett /u/jacksoncabot
83. Friend Ball Machop for Safari Ball Scyther /u/seadrop
84. DB HA Sigilyph and Moon Ball Nidoran for Safari Misdreavus /u/ramc5
85. Moon Ball Gastly and HA Tyrunt for Love Ball Swablu (Perfect), and Level Ball Houndour /u/LinDUNguin
86. Comp Magnemite, Ralts, and Karrablast for DB HA: Magby, Dunsparce, Spinda, Sentret, Miltank, Bidoof, and Cleffa /u/Akrisn
87. Friend Ball Machop and Moon Ball Meditite for DB HA Meditite, Numel, and Marill /u/Rashe
88. 6IV Moon Ball Houndour for 5IV HA Staryu /u/Wuh-Bam
89. DB HA: Yanma, Gligar, Audino, Trapinch; Moon Ball Meditite for Safari Ball: Bidoof, Lickitung, Koffing, Krabby, and Paras /u/seadrop
90. DB HA: Karrablast, Skitty, Taillow, Murkrow, Farfetch'd, Carvanha, Audino, Natu, Venonat, Zubat, Cranidos, Omanyte, Smoochum, Snorunt, Joltik, and Sigilyph for Safari: Abra, Cacnea, Cubone, Duskull, Elekid, Grimer, Houndour, Illumise, Machop, Meditite, Nosepeass, Pichu, Wooper, Tangela, Poliwag, Rattata, Remoraid, Gligar, Sandshrew, and Snubbull /u/xSince86x
91. 6IV DB Zubat for 6IV Vulpix with Fire Stone /u/lurkerton3000
92. Service to Move Egg for Safari Ball Marill /u/radiowarrrr
93. Competitive Dratini, Buneary, and Larvitar for Comp Shiny Hawlucha /u/galironxero
94. Female DBHA Murkrow for Female Sport Ball Scyther /u/AceLifeOx
95. Moon Ball Cleffa, Dream Ball Dratini for Love Ball Buneary, Safari Ball Spinarak /u/DatMooneh
96. DB HA Smeargle Karrablast, Croagunk, Yanma, Audino for e DBHA Geodude, Shellos Blue, Cherubi; Safari Ball Kangaskhan and Magikarp /u/Artulypy
97. DBHA Slugma, Snover, Solosis, Spoink, Wobbuffet, Phanphy, and Scyther for DBHA Chimeco, Diglett, Drifloon, Dwebble, Grimer, Kecleon, Vanillite /u/mm245
98. DB HA Taillow, Zubat, Aerodactyl, Eevee for DB HA Anorith, Lileep; Heavy Ball Machop /u/Crimsonskydeath
99. Comp Shiny Drilbur and Rotom for RNG Ditto - HP Fire and HP Grass /u/Pokech
100. DB HA Female: Solosis, Mankey, Omanyte, Smeargle, Slugma; Moon Ball Houndour for Event: Halloween Pumpkaboo and Bank Celebi /u/Ustrina
101. DB HA Natu for DB HA Meowth /u/HALLADAYYY
102. DB HA Snover for DB HA Shinx /u/Alan199
103. DB HA Lapras and Ralts for DB HA Roselia; Safari Ball Trapinch /u/KayParfait
104. DB HA Slugma, Yanma, Solosis; Moon Ball Nidoran; Fast Ball Shinx for DB HA Snorlax and Psyduck /u/ourcertifiablegenre
105. DB HA Zubat and Snubbull for DB HA Munna; Safari Ball Teddiursa /u/kinniie
106. DBHA: Geodude, Farfetch'd Grimer, Rhyhorn, Larvitar, Seedot, Nosepass, Roselia, Numel, Spinda, Bidoof, Carnivine, Snover, Basculin (B), Sandile, Dwebble, Ducklett, Vanillite, Joltik, and Pawniard; Safari Ball: Spearow, Sandshrew, Paras, Bellsprout, Doduo, Grimer, Krabby for Dream Ball HA Weedle, Growlithe, Machop, Ponyta, Shellder, Drowzee, Krabby, Elekid, Spinarak, Mantine, Houndour, Surskit, Minun (w/o HA), Illumise, Relicanth, Combee, Hippopotas and Finneon /u/nothing-creative
107. DB HA Trapinch, Shellos P, Electrike for Sport Ball Combee /u/twofreecents
108. Lure Ball Hoothoot; Safari Ball Grimer for DB HA Wingull and Remoraid /u/alypalyola
109. DB HA Sandile for Safari Ball Larvitar /u/LeonardoSquidBee
110. DBHA Carvanha for Safari Ball Lapras /u/magns774
111. Moon Ball Meditite for Safari Ball Starly /u/radiowarrrr
112. DB HA Sigilyph, Joltik, and Mankey for Safari Ball Cleffa, Drowzee, Geodude /u/Paparos
113. 2 BR Smeargle w/ 4 Moves for Safari Ball: Ponyta, Venonat, Pidgey, Pineco, Onix, Natu, Ledyba, Hoppip, Wobbuffet, Keckleon, Roselia, Pachirisu /u/xSince86x
114. Safari Skorupi, Bidoof, Starly, and Tangela for Safari Miltank, Shroomish, Surskit, and Zigzagoon /u/alypalyola
115. DBHA Alomomola, Mankey, Natu, Electrike; Fast Ball Shinx for Safari Ball: Ekans, Diglett, Goldeen, Corphish, Chimecho /u/ImagineLeft
116. Safari Abra for Safari Seedot and Spheal /u/xSince86x
117. Dream Ball Croagunk for Safari Ball Aipom /u/ourcertifiablegenre
118. Friend Ball Machop for Safari Zangoose and Psyduck /u/seadrop
119. DBHA Audino, Riolu, Slugma, Yanma, Abra, Combee, and Drifloon for afari Slowpoke, Exeggcute, Magby, Sunkern, Murkrow, Girafarig, Shuckle, Smeargle, Carvanha, Seviper, Barboach, Shuppet, and Buizel /u/twofreecents
120. DB HA Slugma for Safari Stantler /u/xSince86x
121. DB HA Farfetch'd for DB HA Lotad /u/ourcertifiablegenre
122. DB HA Omanyte for HA Mudkip /u/ourcertifiablegenre
123. DB HA Omanyte for Net Ball Cyndaquil /u/LermanCT
124. DB HA Shuppet and Taillow for Safari HP Ice Electrike /u/ourcertifiablegenre
125. Perfect DB HA Drifloon for Perfect DB HA Skarmory /u/JuliusPrime
126. Perfect DB HA Karrablast for Perfect Dive Ball HA Skrelp /u/mexican_honey_badger
127. Comp Shiny Aerodactyl, Buneary, Carnivine, Chimchar, Gligar, Koffing, Numel, Pumpkaboo, Teddiursa for Dittos: HP Ice, HP Ground, 6IV Impish, 6IV Bold, 6IV Calm, 6IV Careful, 6IV Modest, 6IV Adamant, and 0 Speed Quiet /u/Onizuak31
128. Perfect DB Mankey and DBHA Omanyte for Perfect Level Ball Numel /u/swags789
129. Perfect Magnemite for Perfect Beldum /u/Wwarriorg
130. Perfect DB HA Dratini, and DB HA Cranidos for Timer Ball Frillish and Dive Ball Vulpix /u/dewfeathers
131. DB HA Exeggcute for Heal Ball Shellos /u/LovelyMagickUnicorn
132. DB Cubone for Dive Ball Poliwag /u/Skipper1304
133. Safari Ball: Mareep, Gible, Buizel, and Pachirisu for Larvesta, Zangoose, Venipede, Sandshrew /u/gmpsmendes
134. DBHA: Castform, Delibird, Hoothoot, Sudowoodo for Solosis, Bunnelby, Goomy, Weedle /u/Pillow_Starcraft
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (65)

1. TSV Hatch - Roselia /u/Timmeh7o7
2. Ponyta /u/AtomicJellos
3. Ralts /u/radiowarrrr
4. Nidoran /u/HarliquinTrainer96
5. Shinx /u/SaiphCharon
6. Treecko /u/Darkreaper248
7. Phantump /u/fliippyy
8. Binacle /u/Pancham4
9. Rhyhorn /u/Pancham4
10. Zubat /u/eddiy
11. Swinub /u/willster191
12. Hoothoot /u/Tanith5
13. Charmander /u/Pancham4
14. Snorunt /u/MRBlobbable
15. Paras /u/locoghoul
16. 2 Mareep /u/ShinriNoHikari
17. Bagon /u/Cypristj
18. Eevee /u/Umbra-Profess
19. Gastly /u/Pancham4
20. Eevee /u/tofinima
21. Larvitar /u/ProjectROXO
22. Eevee /u/fliippyy
23. Pichu /u/fliippyy
24. Froakie /u/MochiBgr8
25. Slakoth /u/Neckes
26. Skarmory /u/csmith179
27. Zubat /u/hjan3312
28. Meowth /u/GeumJi
29. Misdreavus /u/Kangsar
30. Axew /u/Orthovanadate
31. Numel /u/vamwerefairy
32. Poliwag /u/Hongdo
33. Mudkip /u/GeumJi
34. Pichu /u/Pichu20
35. Kangaskhan /u/ShaqDukey123
36. Eevee /u/Q10609
37. Eevee /u/s_10
38. Gastly /u/WhiteOps02
39. Axew /u/Jozcef
40. Amaura /u/Haunani14
41. Kabuto /u/MundaneButterfly
42. Hippopotas /u/bsnh
43. Pidgey /u/PrincessOddish
44. Beldum /u/theshyghost
45. Drilbur /u/cubanpete26
46. Frillish /u/ShadowSkeet
47. Aron /u/lawtrafalgar02
48. Kanghaskhan /u/9812bin
49. Panpour /u/Bouncer2085
50. Togepi /u/KaiTheLoneWolf
51. Hoothoot /u/imp3rf3ct
52. Feebas /u/Tacanacy
53. Shinx /u/DeathMasterRed
54. Eevee /u/RIMAN2209
55. Scatterbug /u/knightshade17
56. Lapras /u/DethZero
57. Trapinch /u/togawe
58. Mudkip /u/togawe
59. Mime Jr. /u/gabriel_983
60. Abra /u/vohnie
61. Foongus /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
62. Swirlix /u/savannah_allie
63. Charmander /u/-Scepty
64. Cottonee /u/MerryFellows
65. Bagon /u/SorTheFreak

Giveaways/Contests (119 Pokémon given, 40 eggs given)

1. Gave away mutliple breedjects including Mawile, Chansey, Houndour, Larvitar, Dratini, and Gible - High IVs (Sub: pokemontrades, 37 given)
2. Gave away Tyrunts, Torchics, and Rotoms (Sub: pokemontrades, 32 given)
3. Dream Ball Pinsir Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 40 given)
4. Gave away spare perfect 5IV pokemon (Sub: pokemontrades, 31 given)
5. Imperfect Breedjects/Bankballs (Sub: pokemontrades)
6. Gave away Perfect Male Pokemon (Sub: pokemontrades, 19 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (19 threads, 190 given)

1. Checked Feebas Eggs (ESV) (30 checked)
2. TSV Check through GTS (1 checked)
3. TSV Check through GTS (1 checked)
4. Mix of ESV and TSV Check (44 checked)
5. Pidgeys and Absols checked (10 checked)
6. Swinub and Nidoran (10 checked)
7. Tyrunt Eggs (3 checked)
8. Absol (14 checked)
9. Togepi (12 checked)
10. Purroin (1 checked)
11. Gible, Nidoran, Anorith (4 checked)
12. Fletchling, Ralts, Mareep, and Hoothoot (4 checked)
13. Ralts Eggs (12 checked)
14. Honedge (4 checked)
15. Absol, Ralts, Fennekin (9 checked)
16. Miltank (9 checked)
17. Vullaby and Porygon (5 checked)
18. Mareep and Electrike (9 checked)
19. Zangoose (8 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (20)

1. Tradeback evolutions for Kadabra, Graveler, and Seadra /u/ReaperofHeartless
2. Slowpoke, Rhydon, Magmar, Porygon and Graveler /u/polyamorus
3. Graveler /u/milliam777
4. Dusknoir and Rhydon /u/mr__420
5. Feebas /u/TrainerSparrow
6. Scyther /u/midnightmotivation
7. Spritzee /u/mm245
8. Karrablast /u/AZJackaL
9. Haunter and Kadabra /u/swaginatorrr
10. Karrablast /u/Relonikiv
11. Gurdurr /u/hammerg0d
12. Moved Multiple Items from Y to AS + Evolved Haunter /u/BBabbit
13. Machoke, Gurdurr, Magmar, Scyther, and Slowpoke /u/Jfinlay
14. Duskskull Tradeback /u/Xonque
15. Scyther /u/zxn444
16. Clampearl (x2) /u/Stinktiere
17. Scyther /u/MuchosDisturbus
18. Haunter /u/Artollas
19. Seadra /u/LR1990
20. Clampearl /u/jaxxly

Misc (0)


ShadowSkeet Nov 21, 2015 5:08:14 AM

Hatched my shiny Frillish even though I gave him the wrong egg first! Great guy!

theshyghost Oct 13, 2015 3:56:11 PM

Hatched my shiny Beldum, thank you very much!

Haunani14 Sep 12, 2015 2:54:06 PM

hatched my amaura despite time differences thanks!

Timmeh7o7 Sep 3, 2015 6:19:18 PM

Hatched me a Roselia egg a while ago - nicknamed it for me a couple months later, as well! Thank you!

s_10 Aug 31, 2015 4:31:48 AM

Hatched a shiny eevee for me. Very nice and efficient hatcher! Thanks so much!! :D

Q10609 Aug 31, 2015 3:57:03 AM

Hatched a shiny Eevee and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and reliable. Thanks again!

Umbra-Profess May 16, 2015 5:24:10 PM

Helped me hatch a Shiny Eevee. Quick and easy. Thanks again!

WenSnake Apr 25, 2015 11:10:07 PM

Quickly responded and hatched my Crogunk shiny for me!

Synnove- Apr 23, 2015 3:54:47 AM

Got a ESV check and also explained me how it works. Very simple and very quick. Thanks a lot! :)

PhoenixAegolius Apr 19, 2015 6:24:40 PM

Got a TSV check within 30 minutes of responding to their thread. Prompt and simple process :)

Esmeya Apr 14, 2015 6:16:14 PM

Gave me two Pinsir from their giveaway. Thank you!

peatsahad Apr 14, 2015 5:43:12 PM

Received a perfect Pinsir from a giveaway. Thanks again!!! :)

jem529 Apr 13, 2015 2:29:47 PM

Received 2 shiny Pinsir Eggs from his give away And added both of my FCs so I didn't have to switch games and was very nice

mike15835 Apr 13, 2015 1:02:35 AM

Received a Shiny Pinsir Egg from his giveaway! Polite and quick to respond!

Timmeh7o7 Mar 29, 2015 4:20:54 AM

Hatched me a shiny Roselia and responded very quickly despite the fact that I forgot to go back online! Quick and polite

J-AnideM's Information


Hi! I like to breed and trade, and battle from time to time

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