
4570-7960-2746 || Jumon (Y)

Trades (48)

[+] Events (29)
1. US Gengar Code for 2 PokeViv and Celebi /u/khennlionhart
2. GAME Electabuzz for 2 US Gengar Codes /u/TurtlesRock5
3. German Charizard Code for GAME Charizard Adamant Nature /u/vincentasm
4. US Gengar Code for 2 Heracross, Fancy Viv, UT Torchic /u/MrIcePick
5. JAP Halloween Gengar for GAME Magmar/Electabuzz /u/Blk_Hwk
6. US Gengar Code for Pokeball Viv/Heracross/Pinsir /u/GJones18
7. 3 US Gengar Codes for Pumpkaboo Language Set /u/go4ino
8. 2 US Gengar Codes for 4 Torchics /u/Nukedawg
9. 2 US Gengar Codes for 6iv shiny Cranidos, 6iv shiny Meowth /u/Pheo6
10. US Gengar Code for Adamant Game Buzz /u/Magnicarp
11. 10 US Gengar Codes for JPN Poke Center Vivillion /u/Ju-da-su
12. German Charizard Code for Japan Movie Diancie /u/Expo911
13. 2 SG Gengar Codes, Ger Charizard Code for WCS Aegislash /u/Expo911
14. Singapore Gengar Code for Tanabata Jirachi /u/Naive_Riolu
15. 6 Gengar Codes, 4 Diancie Codes for Modest HKZard Y /u/Rimon-Hanit
16. 3 Diancie Codes for UT Torchic and Celebi /u/Rimon-Hanit
17. Diancie Code for UT Celebi /u/xXD3sT1nYXx
18. 2 Diancie Codes for UT Torchic /u/Garu81
19. 4 DIancie Codes for 2 UT Torchic /u/Dorotheos
20. 2 Diancie Codes for UT Torchic /u/igroso
21. Diancie Code for UT Celebi /u/Xepherlight
22. Tanabata Jirachi, PCBC Gyarados for Pokemon Champions Pachirisu, JPN Vivillion /u/AJKyle56
23. 2 Diancie Codes for UT Torchic /u/iIIidAn
24. 3 US Diancie Codes for UT Beldum, UT Torchic /u/Earthtotyler
25. Diancie Code for UT Beldum /u/SomeDude39
26. US Gengar Code for UT Beldum /u/Cirrusoul
27. US Gengar Code for UT Beldum /u/74123698521478963
28. World Champions Pachirisu, Plasma Genesect for PC Piplup /u/AJKyle56
29. 5 Gengar Codes, 3 Diancie Codes for Language Set Beldum /u/jeremyps
[+] Shinies (16)
1. 2 US Gengar Codes for 5iv Shiny Tyrantrum, 6iv shiny Meowstic /u/Thederpywartortle
2. X/Y Torchic for 5iv shiny Bagon /u/doritoburrrito
3. US Diancie Code for 5iv Shiny Horsea /u/go4ino
4. 2 Diancie Codes for 5iv shiny Sandile, 5iv shiny Larvitar /u/javier_m2
5. 2 Diancie Codes for HP Ice Shiny Helioptile /u/javier_m2
6. US Diancie Code for 5iv Shiny Jolly Ralts /u/MiguelYx
7. Diancie Code for 6iv Shiny Machop /u/Neckes
8. Diancie Code for 5iv shiny Carvanha /u/Highpawn
9. 2 Diancie Codes for 5iv shiny Charmander /u/Ezelking
10. 3 Diancie Codes for 5iv Shiny Skiddo/Wingull /u/SaberMarie
11. 2 Diancie Codes for Shiny HP Rock Shelmet /u/HighMans
12. 3 NA Diancie Codes for 6iv Shiny Torkoal, 5iv shiny Skitty /u/Gatsby25
13. 2 Gengar Codes, 2 Diancie Codes for 5iv Shiny Torchic, 5iv shiny Absol, 5iv shiny Magby /u/DethZero
14. US Gengar Code for 5iv Shiny Charmander /u/Rimon-Hanit
15. 2 Diancie Codes for Shiny HP Ice Abra /u/Velosarahptor
16. NA Gengar Code for 5iv comp Shiny Shroomish /u/Seankle
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (3)
1. Singapore Gengar/PCBC Tyranitar for Corocoro Charizard /u/Flareblitz007
2. 2 Diancie Codes, 2 Gengar Codes for SPR 2012 Zekrom /u/Captain_Dude
3. HK Charizard Set, UT Torchic for PKTOPIA Electivire/Magmortar Set/Gamestop Deoxys /u/Earendil503

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


SaberMarie Dec 24, 2014 10:41:36 AM

Traded 3 Diancie codes to me for some shinies. All three of the codes worked, but there were typos in two of them so I had to guess and check what he meant. At least they worked in the end. Thanks for the trade.

Earendil503 Dec 21, 2014 9:10:19 PM

A very friendly and highly communicative individual to whom I traded a Gamestp Deoxys and a PKTOPIA Electivire and Magmortar set in exchange for a set of X & Y Facebook Charizard and an XY Torchic. I was provided with quite ample proof for the Charizard, and would certainly be happy to trade with this individual again in the future! Thanks again for a great experience.

id_entity Dec 15, 2014 7:43:42 AM

traded UT event beldum for Diancie code, good man.

pretzelol236 Dec 15, 2014 7:31:01 AM

Traded for 2 NA Diancie codes. Great trade!

velosarahptor Dec 2, 2014 2:45:09 AM

Traded my shiny HP ice abra for 2 diancie codes; trade went smoothly and /u/JDynasty (FlairHQ) was reliable and quick to respond. Would trade with again :)

somedude39 Nov 23, 2014 7:28:05 AM

Traded shiny event Beldum for Diance code. Everything went smoothly.

Gatsby25 Nov 17, 2014 10:57:37 PM

Traded me 3 Diancie codes for two of my competitive shiny Pokemon. Everything went smoothly!

xXD3sT1nYXx Nov 9, 2014 9:51:10 AM

Great trader! Fast and reliable.

Neckes Nov 7, 2014 7:53:04 PM

5/5 Traded a Shiny 6iv for two Diancie codes. Great traded! All is good.

flareblitz007 Nov 7, 2014 6:30:26 AM

Traded PCBC T-Tar and a Singapore Gengar, great trader!

MiguelYx Nov 6, 2014 8:01:51 PM

traded a shiny comp for a diancie code, was quick and succesful

javier_m2 Nov 2, 2014 8:05:43 PM

Another succesful trade!! :D

javier_m2 Nov 1, 2014 6:49:03 AM

Great and quick trader! Pleasure to deal with

Rimon-Hanit Oct 31, 2014 5:58:42 PM

Good trade.

boy-o-boy Oct 24, 2014 6:58:51 PM

Traded a Tretta Rottom for PCBC Gyarados. Everything went smoothly, and he helped avert a minor crisis! Would recommend!

Magnicarp Oct 24, 2014 6:25:56 AM

Traded me a Gengar code for my SPRING-Buzz

JDynasty's Information


Friend codes:
