
SW-4637-8787-1774 || Kar-Kay (SW), (PLA, VIO)
SW-4637-8787-1774 || Kar-Kay (SW), (PLA, VIO) || XXXX

Trades (206)

[+] Events (47)
1. 1 HOME Zeraora for 1 Event Tapu Koko (2017) /u/texas41711
2. 3 JPN Scrap mythicals (Gen8) for 30 Beast Balls /u/Stridel
3. 1 Zarude for 5 Level Balls /u/ads999
4. 1 HOME Melmetal for 5 Level Balls /u/Glenncinho
5. 1 JPN Mythical Get Marshadow for 1 Shiny event Zacian /u/Revealed
6. 2 GVM code sets for 4 JPN movie codes /u/Xpore
7. 1 GVM code set for 1 Shiny Eternatus code /u/1WeekNotice
8. 1 Shiny Spiritomb egg for 1 Shiny Eternatus code /u/danberk73
9. 1 GVM code set + 1 Shiny Eternatus code for 1 custom JPN movie Dialga redeem + 1 custom BDSP Birthday Happiny redeem /u/Caedei
10. 1x Kohei Sakurai's Torkoal for 1 JPN Pikachu movie code /u/dimabcn
11. 1x Shiny Eternatus code for 1x Pocha Marche Piplup redeem in BDSP /u/TheRedCans1
12. 2 Shinies for 1 Marshadow code /u/MissAzrael
13. Mythical22 GVM set for Baik Jongyoon's Amoonguss and VGC20 Porygon2 /u/Dragynfyre
14. 4 shinies - Blastoise, Flareon, Electivire and Magmortar for Global Link Arceus and 2012MAY Darkai /u/FinalBossBowser
15. 1x Global Link Arceus for 1 KOR Pichu code + 1 Red PC Flabébé /u/theforgottenapple
16. 4x Yasuharu Shimizu's Bronzong redeems w/ video proof + 1x Lechonk code + 1 JPN Pikachu code for 1x 2019 PJCS Gastrodon (OT カ・エール, TID 200822) /u/Anderswelten
17. 1x CHT Rock Star Toxtricity for 2x Paul Chua's Arcanine redeems /u/RABAT8108
18. 4x Paul Chua's Arcanine redeems + 6x Self-caught Pogo shinies + 2 Pikatto Pikachu codes + 1 Lechonk code for Birthday Flabébé (White) + Otsukimi Clefairy Set of 3 + Jiseok Lee's Garganacl /u/Evthe420
19. 1 Pikatto Pikachu code for 3 Pikatto Pikachu redeems w/ video-proof /u/ron0213
20. 1 Pikatto Pikachu code for 2 Paul Chua's Arcanine redeems w/ video proof /u/RABAT8108
21. 1 Walking Wake + 1 Iron Leaves for 1 Paul Chua's Arcanine Redeem w/ video proof /u/misumi20
22. 1x Iron Leaves for 1x Paul Chua's Arcanine w/ WC proof /u/Shiru_the_Hunter
23. 1x Melemele Shiny Tapu Koko and 1x Pikatto Pikachu for 2x Worlds23 Tatsugiri codes /u/Weeping_Souls
24. 5x Level1 Fully evolved Pogo shinies Custom-OT Ev for 1x BDSP Ten'i Village Regigigas with video proof /u/Evthe420
25. 1x 25th Anniversary Pikatto Pika Pika Pikachu for 1x CoroCoro Iron Jugulis code /u/Mmusubii
26. 1 Shiny Alolan Raichu for 1 SWSH Alola Cap Pikachu w/ WC /u/mrmkperson
27. 1 PC Birthday Red Flabebe for 1 set: Brute Bonnet & Iron Thorns CoroCoro codes /u/FinnTheCookie
28. 3 Mimikyu codes for 23 apriballs /u/starturneddust
29. 2 Project Snorlax codes for 1 Blue PC Flabebe /u/ToastyMonkey
30. 4x Project Snorlax codes for 1x KOR Baxcalibur with video proof /u/woobit
31. 1x BD Pawmi code for 1x Flutter Mane code /u/Garchompz313
32. SV Events: Lechonk, Palafin, JPN Bronzong, KOR Gastrodon, Shiny Arcanine, Dragapult, Shiny Lucario, Snorlax for Mr Donut Chansey JPN PC Milcery /u/Stridel
33. 13 aprimons for 1 SV Project Snorlax code /u/Komezu
34. Mythical2022 GVM set for 9 KOR Flutter Mane redeems /u/Flint_AlterKasai
35. SV Backpack codes (set of 3) for 3x KOR Flutter Mane redeems /u/ToastyMonkey
36. CHT KIBO's Pikachu for Hosting a Union Circle on Scarlet /u/Scyllascum
37. Jeong Sang-yoon's Porygon-Z for Hosting a Union Circle on Scarlet /u/Scyllascum
38. 2 sets of Pokémon Center Birthday Pawmi & Charcadet code (4 codes total) for 1x PokéDoko Pokéss Matsuri Eevee code and 1x Worlds24 Steenee code /u/woobit
39. 1x Custom OT Shiny Melmetal for 1x Worlds24 Steenee code /u/FrontierBrainJace
40. Wolfe Glick's Gigantamax Coalossal for 2x Worlds24 Steenee codes /u/mismatched7
41. Custom OT Shiny XXL Squirtle and Litten, Shiny 0IV Att Cyndaquil for 1x Worlds24 Steenee code /u/mismatched7
42. 1x Paul Chua's Shiny Arcanine (WC proof) for 2x Patrick Connors's Shiny Pelipper redeems (video-proofed) /u/kakesu
43. Kaito Arii's Talonflame (4x) and Nils Dunlop's Porygon2 (x1) for 2022 World Championships Sinistea (x1) /u/sparrowcount
44. 3x Flying-Tera Eevee codes for 2x KOR KZD code sets /u/woobit
45. Alex Gómez Berna's Dragapult x1 + Paul Chua's Arcanine x1 for 3x Flying-Tera Eevee codes /u/DirtyDan257
46. 1x Custom-OT Shiny Melmetal for 1x Flying-Tera Eevee code /u/eliwood01
47. 1x Custom-OT Genesect and Hoopa for 2x Flying-Tera Eevee codes /u/captaintoosdale
[+] Shinies (14)
1. 1 Shiny Love G-Slowpoke for 1 Shiny Dream sinistea egg /u/ScrewtaperBK
2. 1 shiny Grovyle, 1 shiny Aggron for 12 Apriballs /u/Evthe420
3. 1 Urshifu for 1 Shiny Horsea /u/hp_zephyr
4. 1 Shiny for 1 HA 6iv Aprimon /u/ScrewtaperBK
5. 5 Shinies + 1 Masterball for 1 Shiny A-Raichu /u/Saiyan8592
6. 2 apriballs +1 MB for 1 Shiny /u/Egamer20
7. 1 Shiny Gmax Hattrem for 1 Phione /u/teogeorgiou
8. 2 shinies for 4 apriballs /u/teogeorgiou
9. 4 shinies for 2 events /u/FinalBossBowser
10. 1 Shiny Dragonair for 2 Fast balls /u/UnusualDictionary
11. Shiny Electivire and shinx for 2 apriballs /u/sam_553
12. 3 shinies for 3 apriballs /u/sam_553
13. 2 shinies for 2 apriballs /u/__CuriousOwl__
14. 2 shinies for 4 apriballs /u/UnusualDictionary
[+] Competitive / Casual (145)
1. 9 Aprimons for 9 Aprimons /u/littleKarloff
2. 2 Aprimons for 2 Aprimons /u/Consistent-Comfort66
3. 1 lotad for 1 centiskorch /u/Competitive_Swim2727
4. 1 Shield for 1 Dream ball /u/Morrpad
5. 40 Aprimons for 40 Aprimons /u/TheHammer34
6. 3 Aprimon for 3 Aprimon /u/Hrairoo_
7. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/ElitistChobo
8. 4 aprimons for 4 aprimons /u/Xyresic-Lemon
9. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/KittyKateez
10. 2 aprimon for 2 aprimon /u/snoooooorlaaaaax
11. 6 aprimon for 6 aprimon /u/Xyresic-Lemon
12. 4 aprimon for 4 aprimon /u/TwisterPika
13. 4 aprimon for 4 aprimon /u/TheExcitedTech
14. 1 Sword for 3 Apriballs /u/tuksen
15. 4 aprimons for 4 aprimons /u/Arsenal019
16. 2 Aprimon for 2 Aprimon /u/Shadow_sm36
17. 6 aprimons for 6 aprimons /u/TheMadCollector
18. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/ScrewtaperBK
19. 6 aprimons for 6 aprimons /u/Notorious813
20. 7 aprimons for 7 aprimons /u/Xyresic-Lemon
21. 2 aprimons for 2 aprimons /u/eovh3287
22. 13 aprimon for 13 aprimon /u/Walker15367
23. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/supahnovaaa
24. 4 aprimon for 4 aprimon /u/ads999
25. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/hoozayisdead
26. 3 aprimons for 3 aprimons /u/SkidMk
27. 3 aprimon for x1 Beast Alolan Raichu /u/AgentMelyanna
28. 3 aprimon for 3 aprimon /u/DSN37
29. 2 aprimon for 2 aprimon /u/gb_rezende
30. 2 aprimon for 2 aprimon /u/johnappleseed168
31. 1 Rusted Shield for 1 Rusted Sword /u/-Azalyr-
32. 10 aprimon for 10 aprimon /u/swags789
33. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/soahcthegod2012
34. 1 Aprimon for 3 Aprimon /u/TheMadCollector
35. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/hoozayisdead
36. 2 aprimon for 2 aprimon /u/ReikrashTM
37. 10 aprimon for 10 aprimon /u/Walker15367
38. 10 aprimon for 10 aprimon /u/PopTartManic
39. 21 aprimon for 21 aprimon /u/kienseyo
40. 1 Heavy Ball for 1 Dream Ball /u/Kass_perr
41. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/Govul
42. 3 aprimon for 1 moon ball /u/Aaaight
43. 1 aprimon for 1 aprimon /u/torment09
44. 1 sport ball for 1 safari ball /u/friendguard
45. 1 Rusted Sword for 3 apriballs /u/ScrewtaperBK
46. 1 fast ball for 1 level ball /u/Holmes627
47. 10 aprimons for 2 lure balls /u/Always_A_Rainy_Day
48. 5 aprimon for 1 friend ball /u/oiezihxd
49. 5 aprimon for 1 love ball /u/oiezihxd
50. 5 aprimon for 1 dream ball /u/ProllyMAD
51. 3 shinies for 9 apriballs /u/Zealousideal_Ask3828
52. 5 aprimons for 1 love ball /u/pinggwin296
53. 5 aprimon for 1 heavy ball /u/KuspR
54. 5 aprimon for 1 heavy ball /u/EyeAmAFlower
55. 5 aprimon for 1 dream ball /u/HurricaneAlaine
56. 5 aprimon for 1 dream ball /u/Glenncinho
57. 5 aprimon for 1 Ability patch /u/SwindleVU
58. 3 vivillons for 3 apriballs /u/thisSHADYkid
59. 8 aprimons for 2 apriballs /u/tito27
60. 2 ability patches for 2 Level balls /u/chenj25
61. 5 aprimons for 1 Friend ball /u/Glenncinho
62. 5 aprimon for 1 Love ball /u/Billawesome7
63. 10 ability patches for 10 apriballs /u/ShaikhAndBake
64. 10 ability patches for 10 apriballs /u/chaoticdopamine
65. 3 ability patches for 3 apriballs /u/dzhoshua_2
66. 14 ability patches for 14 apriballs /u/D4rkHun7erzzz
67. 10 ability patches for 10 apriballs /u/-Shiny_Star-
68. 7 ability patches for 7 apriballs /u/krappypatty013
69. 4 ability patches for 4 apriballs /u/portgasdp
70. 1 ability patch for 1 apriball /u/CutterOJ
71. 15 ability patches for 15 apriballs /u/BitterHoney_
72. 12 ability patches for 12 apriballs /u/xJemma24
73. 3 Ability patches for 3 apriballs /u/capn-redbeard-ahoy
74. 1 ability patch for 1 apriball /u/totallyrobin
75. 14 ability patches for 2 x 2 sets of apriball codes /u/Greenevers
76. a 6IV aprimon for a 6IV aprimon /u/JolleyLewis
77. 3 ability patches for 3 apriballs /u/yan_patick
78. 16 ability patches for 16 apriballs /u/Tommiegotchi
79. 4 abilitypatches + 2 TRs for 4 apriballs /u/SigleiWiggly
80. 11 Alcremies for 2 apriballs /u/itsarah95
81. 2 apriballs for 5 beast balls /u/xXThaumaturgeXx
82. 3 Master balls for 1 Fast Ball /u/best-nerd
83. 1 Safari ball for 2 Apriballs /u/sjl666
84. 3 Heavy Balls for 6 Beast Balls /u/chaoticdopamine
85. 1 Safari Ball for 2 Level Ball /u/WreckItMike
86. 1 Lure Ball for 1 Level Ball /u/vaporsnake
87. 3 aprimons for 1 fast ball /u/funyarinpa00
88. 1 Safari ball for 3 apriballs /u/BluePenguin96
89. 2 Safari Balls for 6 Beast Balls /u/funyarinpa00
90. 1 Safari Ball for 3 Beast Balls /u/xXRadecXx
91. 96 foreign pokemon for 37 apriballs /u/jakiroyu12
92. 1 Lure and 1 Dream ball for 2 Level Balls /u/hoozayisdead
93. 1 Love ball for 1 Level Ball /u/wanderingscribe
94. 11 Aprimons for 2 Level Balls /u/plasmagica
95. 15 apriballs for 15 Level Balls /u/GoroMajimaIsMyIdol
96. 3 Master balls for 1 Beast balls /u/polkurz
97. 3 6IV mons for 1 Safari ball /u/Tedonism
98. 5 aprimon for 1 Ability patch /u/DSjawa90
99. 1 Kyurem for 1 Ability patch /u/Thugnastyy
100. 5 Love balls for 5 Moon balls /u/RemKnowsBest1
101. 1 Dream ball for 1 Lure ball /u/akazumi_
102. 4 6IV mons for 2 apriballs /u/EchoKind
103. 1 Giratina for 1 ability patch /u/MochiPori
104. 1 Entei for 1 Moon Ball /u/best-nerd
105. 2 Dream Balls for 2 apriballs /u/funyarinpa00
106. 2 6IV mons for 1 Ability patch /u/Thugnastyy
107. 5 aprimons for 1 Beast Ball /u/lush_puppy
108. 2 6IV mons for 1 Love ball /u/ProllyMAD
109. 5 Love balls for 5 apriballs /u/RemKnowsBest1
110. 2 Legendaries and 2 6IV mons for 3 apriballs /u/SuperDryTurban
111. 1 Xurkitree for 1 Friend ball /u/funyarinpa00
112. 1 HA Dream cutiefly for 1 random mon /u/wanderingscribe
113. 2 6IV mons for 1 Moon ball /u/Zbolt82
114. 10 aprimons for 1 Friend ball /u/Die_P0tat0_Die
115. 1 6IV and 5 aprimons for 1 ability patch /u/LawlersLawyer
116. 10 aprimons for 1 Friend ball /u/snomming
117. 1 Heavy Ball for 1 Friend ball /u/OMGsamosam
118. 10 aprimons for 1 ability patch /u/snomming
119. 10 aprimons for 1 ability patch /u/jazzyfate
120. 1 Heavy ball for 1 Friend ball /u/Hionhelium87
121. 2 Apriballs for 1 Safari ball /u/twofl0wer
122. 10 Aprimons for 1 Beast Ball /u/StarknightTheBest
123. 3 Master balls for 1 Friend ball /u/D-D-Cloudy
124. 2 6IV aprimons for 1 Sport ball /u/JuicyGravitas
125. 1 JPN ditto for 3 Thunder stones /u/Arzoon1500
126. 1 JPN ditto for 3 Thunder stones /u/RedReynard93
127. 1 6IV Lillipup for 3 evo stones /u/sistoast
128. 1 JPN ditto for 3 Thunder stones /u/cndyi
129. 1 6IV Ditto for 3 evo stones /u/bigpeachpie
130. 1 JPN ditto +6IV Rowlet for 1 Suicune /u/Apple882square
131. 2 6IV mons for 6 evo stones /u/Hika_00
132. 1 GER Ditto for 3 evo stones /u/Thejeet03
133. 6IV Chansey for 3 evo stones /u/Tdashi
134. 1 6IV Beldum for 1 Sweet Apple /u/ryanzhou1998
135. JPN ditto + 6IV Duskull for 1 Moon ball /u/Jaracgos
136. 2 6IV mons, 2 foreign dittos for 1 Zapdos, 1 Articuno /u/DaughterOfSappho
137. 8x 6IV aprimons for 4 Apriballs /u/GarchompRawr
138. 6IV porygon for Sweet apple /u/TheBassCave
139. 6IV Bunnelby for Sweet Apple /u/waldsaum
140. 6IV Wingull and Spiritomb for Love Ball /u/Brissan
141. Love HA Hitmonchan for Sport HA Cottonee /u/Valmoer
142. 6IV HA Scorbunny for 1 Love ball /u/-Spades
143. 2 aprimons for 2 HA aprimons /u/Kathalian
144. 2 6IV mons + foreign ditto for 2 apriballs /u/JakeAscotia
145. 2 6IV mons for Dream ball /u/Impactplxyz
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (162 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. [PLA] Spare Cherubi, Cherrim, Cranidos, Shieldon Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)
2. [SV] Random mons (Sub: pokemontrades, 35 given)
3. [SV] Random mons (Sub: pokemontrades, 55 given)
4. HOME Trade only: Giving away OT Alphas (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)
5. PLA Giveaway: Rowlet/ Cleffa/ Budew/ Happiny/ Munchlax (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
6. SWSH 4-5IV HA SPORT Hoenn Zigzagoon (3EM) (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)
7. Modern Vivillon in Repeat Ball (Sub: pokemontrades, 14 given)
8. Charmander in Level Ball w/ Blaze (Sub: pokemontrades, 18 given)
9. Galarian Meowths in Poke Ball (Sub: pokemontrades, 11 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (11)

1. Regidrago, Spectrier tradeback for HOME dex /u/xavierfeb11
2. Koraidon touchtrade /u/Himbo2
3. Miraidon TT, Slowpoke+Scyther trade evolve /u/CarCrafter
4. Koraidon touchtrade /u/ant1tes1s
5. Koraidon touchtrade /u/Kleindain
6. Koraidon touchtrade /u/artizay
7. Koraidon touchtrade /u/DabbleMeister
8. Touchtrade Slowking+Blissey /u/Shadowk1ng
9. Scyther trade evo /u/yeti_visa
10. Koraidon touchtrade /u/linkfanz
11. Slowking/ Scizor trade evo /u/Zestyclose-Ad-3043

Misc (0)


JKKM2445's Information


I have stopped recording trades since 2022 (except event trades).

My shiny trade history is now recorded here.

Friend codes:
