
2251-5723-4206 || Rishy (M), Rishon (Y, αS)
2251-5723-4206 || Rishy (M), Rishon (Y, αS) || 3735

Trades (96)

[+] Events (5)
1. 20th Anniversary Meloetta for 20th Anniversary Celebi /u/viewsft6
2. Shiny Comp {DBHA (Piplup, Porygon), Dusk Ball Serene Grace Togepi, Luxury Ball Zorua, HA Froakie} + 5 Bottlecaps to Help with any Impurities in IVS for 2 Wishmaker Jirachis /u/expiredjellybean
3. Love Lapras, Love Miltank HA, Lure Morelull, Moon Pancham, Moon Phanpy, Friend Phantump, Moon Pyukumuku, Lure Pyukumuku, Love Sandile, Love Snorlax, Heavy Taurus HA, Heavy Torkoal, Heavy Chimecho, Love Eevee, Love Feebas, Level Gible for 4 NA Silvally Codes /u/theshyghost
4. 1 NA Silvally Code for Fast Ball HA Hawlucha, Fast Ball HA Helioptile, Heavy HA Skrelp, Friend Ball HA Froakie, Lure HA Frillish /u/ninjaslayr
5. 1 NA Silvally Code for Love HA Vullaby, Moon Baltoy, Level HA Burmy, Love HA Dewpider, Lure HA Rufflet /u/cyandigo
[+] Shinies (4)
1. Wimpod with 2 EM for Premier Ball Shiny Male Salandit /u/TeriyakiDynamite
2. DBHA Porygon , Luxury HA {Treecko, Turtwig, Shelmet} for Shiny Beldum /u/DBN7
3. 4 Pokemon to Fill Pokedex (Returned After) for Shiny Pawniard /u/ZylyzNumir14
4. Lure Ball Nidoran - F, DBHA Togepi, Moon HA Drampa, Love HA Fomantis for Wormhole Shinies Floatzel, Magcargo /u/toxiclaws
[+] Competitive / Casual (87)
1. 2 Bottle caps for HA Foongus , Ferroseed /u/sbig6458
2. Love Ball Swablu , Lure Ball HA Pyukumuku for Dreamball HA Mudkip , Dream Ball HA Tympole /u/Zaskarel
3. Swirlix HA for Phione /u/Shipwrecked_Pianta
4. Luxury Ball HA Blitzle for Dream Ball HA Buneary /u/mimikyu3
5. DBHA Houndour , DBHA Tympole for DBHA Shuppet , DBHA Mantine /u/meowzerz0598
6. DBHA Heracross for HA Treecko /u/Sirpinkhands
7. Luxury Ball HA Blitzle , Prmier Ball HA Taillow for HA Pachirisu , HA Espurr /u/kaisoo_brownies
8. Luxury Ball HA Blitzle for DBHA Slugma /u/pakfron
9. DBHA Shuppet with 3 Egg Moves for DBHA Meditite with 4 Egg Moves /u/TheLorkofIslam
10. DBHA Shuppet with 3EM , Luxury Ball HA Blitzle with 4EM for DBHA Shroomish with 4EM , DBHA Lotad with 4EM /u/LaZel73
11. Luxury Ball HA Vulpix-A for Bulbasaur /u/LeoBranford
12. Dive Ball HA Espurr for DBHA Drilbur /u/wyau90
13. Luxury Ball HA Blitzle for DBHA Teddiursa /u/SamK1001
14. Ralts with Synchronize and Modest Nature for DBHA Mr. Mime /u/Sebster21
15. DBHA Shuppet with 4 Egg Moves for DBHA Seel with 4 Egg Moves /u/Vanity333
16. DBHA Gligar for Love Ball HA Feebas /u/BladeEntity
17. DBHA Shuppet with 4 EM for DBHA Poochyena /u/Falconium_ms
18. DBHA Lotad with 4 EM for Lure Ball HA Totodile with 4 EM /u/AntoF13
19. HA Blitzle , HA Foongus , Love Ball HA Cyndaquil for HA Corphish, HA Smoochum , HA Swinub /u/WelchsBerries
20. Luxury Ball HA Cubone, Dusk Ball HA Geodude-A for LoveBall HA Pichu, DBHA Aerodactyl /u/Darkbla
21. DBHA Meditite, DBHA Seel for DBHA Ekans , DBHA Oddish /u/Dhyago
22. HA Swirlix, HA Blitzle for DBHA Piplup, Beast Ball HA Litwick /u/tringuyen1121
23. DBHA Slugma, DBHA Shuppet for Luxury Ball HA Fennekin, Luxury Ball HA Charmander /u/GaleWindscar
24. Luxury Ball HA Blitzle, DBHA {Shuppet, Slugma ,Meditite} for DBHA {Zigzagoon, Combee} , Safari Ball {Bagon, Shinx} /u/Xamarqand
25. Luxury Ball HA Fennekin for DBHA Wurmple /u/ValkyrieG
26. Luxury Ball HA Fennekin, Beast Ball HA Litwick, Friend Ball HA Snivy for DBHA Skitty, DBHA Chimchar, Love Ball HA Lapras /u/Sunstreaky
27. DBHA Combee for DBHA Pawniard /u/Vanity333
28. Luxury Ball HA Fennekin with 4 EM for DBHA Ducklett /u/MaddieeeK
29. DBHA Houndour, DBHA Zigzagoon for DBHA Roselia, DBHA Kabuto /u/colonelfarva
30. Moon Ball HA Drampa, Lure Ball HA Pyukumuku for Love Ball HA Togedemaru, Love Ball HA Vulpix-A /u/kirakori
31. DBHA Ducklett with 4EM for DBHA Buizel with 4EM /u/Vanity333
32. DBHA {Aerodactyl , Buizel, KAbuto, Torchic} DB Rotom for HA {Starly, Slowpoke, Abra, Alomomola, Drifloom} (In varied balls) /u/pecon94
33. Luxury Ball Zorua , Lure Ball Chinchou , DBHA {Tympole, Ekans} for Moon Ball HA {Absol, Sableye, Gastly(No HA)} Luxury Ball Pawniard /u/BBallHunter
34. HA Corphish, HA Drilbur for DBHA Nincada, MoonBall HA Pyukumuku /u/NutellaRaichu
35. DBHA {Skitty, Ducklett} for Love Ball HA Corsola , DBHA Omanyte /u/xthedance
36. Luxury Ball HA Charmander for Polar Pattern ScatterBug /u/mordsithdee
37. Luxury Ball Zorua for Love Ball HA Clamperl /u/Kresslia
38. HA Female Sandshrew for HA Kanto Vulpix /u/InFernalEntity
39. DBHA Wurmple for DBHA Chatot /u/Falconium_ms
40. HA Treecko , HA Mudkip for HA Darumaka , HA Larvesta /u/Muncheez
41. Lure Ball {Chinchou, Pyukumuku(HA)} for Luxury Ball HA {Turtwig, Treecko} /u/Alejo0304
42. DBHA Shuppet , DBHA Lotad for Heavy Ball HA Swinub , Friend Ball HA Tangela /u/BBallHunter
43. DBHA {Wurmple, Shuppet, Buizel, Combee, Shroomish, Swinub, Zigzagoon} Lure Ball { Pyukumuku(HA), Chinchou} for Friend HA Tangela, Love Chimecho, Love HA Milktank , Moon HA Zubat, Heavy HA Tauros, Level HA Tepig, Moon HA Oshawott, DBHA Wooper, DBHA Mareep /u/raysian_sensation
44. Friend Passimian, Love Ball HA Alomomola, BBHA Abra for Heavy Ball Chimecho, Moon Ball Phanpy, Love Ball Whismur /u/kirakori
45. BBHA Horsea for Luxury Ball HA Shelmet /u/Yggdrasil-IX
46. 2 Bottlecaps for Premier Ball Deerling (Winter , Spring) /u/dweez009
47. HA Treecko with 4 EM for Technician Meowth-A with 4EM /u/SacredBeard
48. DBHA Mudkip for DB Treecko /u/MikeyofPnath
49. Love Ball HA Clamperl for 1 Rare Candy /u/shamaela
50. DBHA Pachirisu for 5 IV Cherubi /u/CRZlangler
51. 2 BottleCaps for Love Ball HA {Goomy, Snorlax} , Friend Ball HA Sycther , DBHA Hippopotas /u/DeathEmerald
52. Beast Ball HA Litwick for Love Ball HA Jangmo-o /u/sakudono
53. Luxury Ball HA Turtwig for HA Tyrunt /u/topshot069
54. Friend Ball HA Tangela, DBHA Poochyena for DBHA Dweeble , Friend HA Larvitar /u/Pandagami
55. Moon Ball Phanpy , Love Ball HA Clamperl for Net Ball HA Tirtouga , DBHA Krabby /u/Alejo0304
56. Level Ball HA Tepig for Level Ball Turtonator /u/MrGeneral
57. Love Ball HA Clamperl, Dive Ball HA Espurr, Luxury Ball Zorua, Lure Ball Nidoran (1 Male ,1 Female) for Beast Ball Ha {Shellder, Crabrawler} , Heavy Ball HA Torkoal /u/valere1213
58. DBHA Wurmple , Lure Ball Nidoran - Female for Dive Ball Clauncher /u/GaleWindscar
59. HA Crabrawler for Lure Ball HA Bruxish /u/troysmitt
60. Fast Ball HA Growlithe with 4 EM for DBHA Chimchar with 4 EM /u/Avaltric
61. Love Ball HA {Absol, Clamperl, Chimecho(Has no HA)} , DBHA {Ducklett, Lotad, Mantine, Meditite, Oddish, Nincada, Numel, Pawniard, Remoraid, Slugma, Hippopotas, Whismur} , Safari Ball HA {Shinx} for Lure Ball HA {Morelull} , Friend Ball HA {Phantump} , Love Ball HA {Stufful} , Beast Ball HA {Grimer-A, Barboach} , DBHA {Elgyem, Maractus, Meowth-K, Axew, Anorith, Cacnea, Karrablast, Glameow, Golett} , Safari Ball HA {Roselia, Seedot, Lunatone(Has no HA)} /u/luigy12
62. Safari HA Shinx, DB Joltik, Premier HA Taillow, Love HA Alomomola for Moon HA {Pancham, Relicanth}, Love HA Sandile, Sport Illumise /u/Xianthia
63. Moon HA Zubat, Heavy HA Tauros, Friend HA Snivy , 2 Pomeg Berries for Dive HA Cubchoo, DBHA {Drowzee, Zangoose, Farfetch'd} , Net Ball HA Inkay /u/Gazier
64. Heavy Ball HA Tauros for Lure Ball HA Shroomish /u/Jakael10
65. 4EM {DBHA [Buizel, Slugma, Maractus, Teddiursa] , Love Ball [Clamperl(HA), Swablu, Chimecho] , Safari Ball HA Roselia , Moon Ball HA [Oshawott]} for Non-Comp {Uxie , Azelf , Mespirit} /u/PinkOveralls
66. DBHA Cacnea + DBHA Hippopotas for Lure Ball Wingull + Moon Ball Marill /u/1Three2Four
67. DBHA {Drifloon, Buizel, Axew} for RNG 6IV Timid Ditto (OT: Samuel , IDNo: 09067) /u/Fushen
68. Moon Ball HA Oshawott with 4EM for 5iV Female Popplio with Perish Song /u/radblook
69. Lure Ball {Morelull(HA), Nidoran-M} , DBHA {Zangoose, Krabby, Drowzee} for DBHA {Nidoran-M, Ponyta, Snover, Timburr} , Lure HA {Girafarig} /u/raysian_sensation
70. Dive Ball HA Espurr, Premier Ball HA Deerling-Spring. for Dream Ball Baltoy, Premier Ball HA Minccino /u/NutellaRaichu
71. DBHA Gligar for HA Poliwag 5IV with Low Attack /u/warimano
72. DBHA Buizel, Love Ball Chimecho, Love Ball HA Slowpoke, Luxury Ball HA Blitzle for Love Ball HA Venipede, Love Ball Mimikyu, Premier Ball Flabebe, Premier Ball HA Pinsir /u/wyau90
73. HA {Deerling, Inkay, Cubchoo} for DBHA {Tropius, Heatmor,Sudowoodo} /u/Falconium_ms
74. DBHA {Drifloon, Combee, Farfetch'd, Poochyena, Dwebble} for DBHA {Bidoof, Burmy, Electrike, Shuckle, Mankey} /u/123alexis123
75. Moon Ball HA Zubat with 4EM for Love Ball HA Vanillite with 4EM /u/bbbaer
76. Heavy {Chimecho, Onix-HA} , Dive HA Cubchoo , Lure HA Morelull , Moon Phanpy , Love HA Sentret , DBHA Wurmple for DBHA {Aipom, Sunkern, Dunsparce, Nosepass, Seviper} , Lure HA Gulpin , Friend HA Spinda /u/HashG8
77. DBHA {Baltoy(No HA), Cacnea, Dwebble, Elgyem, Hippopotas, Pawniard Lotad, Remoraid} Safari {Lunatone, Bagon(HA)} , Lure HA Girafarig for DBHA {Bronzor, Cranidos, Hoothoot, Munna, Panpour, Shieldon, Spiritomb, Pansear} , Safari Ball {Lotad, Misdreavus} , HA Amaura /u/Millenio
78. BBHA Rattata-A , DBHA Togepi both with 4 EM for DBHA {Stunky, Lickitung, Pansage, Durant} /u/username---password
79. HA Scyther, 2 Bottlecaps for Moon Ball Froakie, Lure Ball Dhelmise, Love Ball Bounsweet /u/imnotwarren
80. In an assortment of ApriBalls/DB {HA Morelull, Ha Numel, HA Relicanth, HA Togedemaru, HA Bruxish, HA Clamperl, HA Crabrawler, HA Alomomola} for All HA{Lure Ball Squirtle, Friend Ball Oddish, Friend Ball Farfetch'd, Lure Ball Horsea, Dream Ball Aipom, Friend Ball Pineco , Moon Ball Buneary, Moon Ball Gligar} /u/Gizmaluke
81. HA Blitzle, HA Tympole for Love Ball Ralts, Love Ball Meditite /u/Vanaeus
82. Moon Ball HA 4EM: Drampa, Oshawott, Pyukumuku, Relicanth, Rockruff, Zubat for DBHA Voltorb, Fast HA Mudbray, Love HA Salandit, Heavy HA Trubbish, DBHA Makuhita, DBHA Lileep /u/Falconium_ms
83. Love HA Almomola for Love HA Froakie /u/Sake_Papi
84. 1 - Love Ball Komala 2 - HA Larvesta 3 - Lunatone Safari Ball 4 - HA Mudbray Fast Ball 5 - HA Nincada Dream Ball 6 - HA Oshawott Moon Ball 7 - Passimian Friend Ball 8 - HA Pidgey Level Ball 9 - HA Pyukumuku Lure Ball 10 - Rotom Dream Ball 11 - HA Torkoal Heavy Ball 12 - Turtonator Level Ball 13 - HA Vanillite Love Ball 14 - HA Tyrunt 15 - HA Drifloon 16 - HA Tympole for 1- Fast HA Qwilfish 2 - Friend HA Delibird 3 - Lure HA Remoraid 4 - Safari HA Zigzagoon 5 - DBHA Taillow 6 - DBHA Slakoth 7 - DBHA Plusle 8 - DBHA Minum 9 - DBHA Illumise 10 - Friend HA Spinda 11 - Moon HA Swablu 12 - Safari HA Tropius 13 - Friend HA Spheal 14 - DBHA Sandshrew 15 - DBHA Tentacool 16 - Love HA Shellder /u/Gizmaluke
85. Moon Baltoy, Level HA Burmy, Moon HA Drampa, Lure HA Frillish, Moon HA Oshawott, Friend HA Froakie, Friend HA Pineco, Lure HA Girafarig, Love HA Dewpider, Moon HA Absol, Lure HA Rufflet, Love HA Goomy, Level HA Gible, Love HA Vullaby, Fast HA Growlithe, Fast HA Helioptile, Safari Lunatone, Safari HA Lotad for 1- DBHA Doduo 2- DBHA Exeggcute 3- DBHA Carvanha 4- DBHA Spinarak 5- DBHA Wailmer 6- DBHA Chinchou 7- DBHA Yanma 8- DBHA Larvitar 9- DBHA Surskit 10- DBHA Spoink 11- Love HA Ekans 12- Love HA Marill 13- Safari HA Abra 14- Safari HA Hoothoot 15- Safari HA Cacnea 16- Sport HA Pinsir 17- Sport HA Wurmple 18- BBHA Mudkip /u/ciaradoyle
86. Beast HA Barboach, Heavy Chimecho, Beast HA Crabrawler, Lure HA Morelull, Moon HA Relicanth for Love HA Torchic, Moon HA Mudkip, Level HA Tediursa, Fast HA Feebas, Lure HA Torchic /u/ciaradoyle
87. Lure Horsea, Safari Zigzagoon, Level Burmy, Love Corsola, Dive Espurr for Moon Deino, Moon Cyndaquil, Lure Mudkip Love Fennikin, Friend Treecko /u/username---password
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (13)

1. Hatched a Shiny Mawile on Mt. Lanakila with the Nickname: Mana /u/Haruiteul
2. Hatched a Shiny Beldum /u/Quazord
3. Hatched a Shiny Tangela /u/littlefabi
4. Hatched a Shiny Spearow /u/trollolly
5. Hatched a Shiny Weedle /u/jang808
6. Hatched a Shiny Spritzee with the Nickname: ♦Sweetscent /u/junior8686
7. Hatched a Shiny Feebas /u/robyn_herbert
8. Hatched a Shiny Foongus with the Nickname: ◇Superfungus /u/Pierre90
9. Hatched a Shiny Honedge /u/amy5088
10. Hatched a Shiny Mareanie with the Nickname: Pomegranate /u/paria06
11. Hatched a Shiny Deino /u/londeros
12. Hatched a Shiny Shuckle with the Nickname: BlueBoi /u/Crodriguez97
13. Hatched a Shiny Froakie /u/ShadowedSong

Giveaways/Contests (474 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Starter HA and Non HA Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
2. Give Away of HA and Apricorn Ball Pokemon (Sub: pokemontrades, 65 given)
3. HA, DB and Apricorn Ball Giveway (Sub: pokemontrades, 57 given)
4. Give Away of HA and Apri Mons (Sub: pokemontrades, 66 given)
5. Give Away of Leftover Mons from my Other Give Aways (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)
6. Contestants Post Memes in Return For Prizes (Sub: pokemontrades, 45 given)
7. Give Away of Pokemon with Shells (All HA where Applicable except for Togepi) (Sub: pokemontrades, 65 given)
8. GiveAway of Pet Pokemon (Dog, Cats, Foxes, Bunnies) (Sub: pokemontrades, 57 given)
9. Small Giveaway of Leftover Mons from My Other Giveaways (Sub: pokemontrades, 29 given)
10. Give Away of Mons mostly Aprimons/DB/HA (Sub: pokemontrades, 45 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. Several trades for trade only evolutions including Scizor, Slowking , Porygon z etc /u/withjetpacks
2. TradeBack for Graveler to Golem /u/eevee2277
3. Tradeback of Porygon 2 and Z , Tradeback of Kartana /u/extremet19t
4. Tradebacked Haunter /u/swimmerfish94
5. Tradeback of Seven Trade-Evolution Mons : Magmortar, Electivire, Porygon2, Politoed, Slowking, Scizor, Milotic /u/Ozx4
6. Tradeback of Kartana /u/Jonas017
7. Tradeback of Porygon 2 and Z /u/TheMushyPea
8. Tradeback Evolved Electabuzz and Porygon /u/Agent_Cobalt
9. Trade Back of Lunala and Celesteela /u/Beastintheomlet
10. Evolved Scizor and Tradebacked Haunter /u/ZZFlares

Misc (2)

1. Gave one Lvl 1 Luxury Ball HA Vulpix-A for Free
2. Gave HA Rockruff for Free


Jehan5000's Information


Friend codes:
