
4785-9126-2018 || Ace (Y)
4785-9126-2018 || Ace (Y) || 1843

Trades (106)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (106)
1. Feebas for Fletching /u/MurrayBabyYeah
2. Gible for Froakie /u/Bluesyzygy
3. Gible for Froakie /u/Bugrobotsky
4. Gible for Feebas /u/AmalioGaming
5. Sawk for Throh /u/GoldStriker19
6. Feebas for Slowpoke /u/otterinthewater
7. Swirlix for Kangaskhan /u/dcope928
8. Kangaskhan for Tranpinch /u/MarioPol
9. Feebas for Chimchar /u/Contxmpt
10. ralts for Torchic /u/thedaddysaur
11. Ralts for Charmander /u/theforbidden_one
12. Ralts for Togepi Egg /u/radvibes
13. bulbasaur for magikarp /u/PND88
14. Kangaskhan for Goomy /u/Mel0233
15. Froakie for Gible /u/JerryR21
16. Gible and Feebas for Abra and Snivy /u/ultimateorc
17. Kangaskhan for HA Torchic /u/Daltrain
18. Bulbasaur for Aron /u/Batchel91
19. HA Dratini for HA Chimchar /u/Seek_Seek_Lest
20. Feebas for Cleffa /u/ramses27
21. Bulbasaur for Chansey /u/Foxlery
22. Feebas for Drilbur /u/Izzy2394
23. Gible for Xerneas /u/Njorsk
24. Vulpix for Dratini /u/buckembarnes
25. Toxic Orb for Dratini /u/flaw1ess1994
26. Feebas & Magikarp for Scyther & Barboach /u/moomooreporter
27. Magikarp and Gible for Chansey and Kangaskhan /u/Tensaa_
28. Gible for Gible /u/longdig
29. Gible for Absol /u/Fennwitty
30. Kangaskhan for Mukrow /u/zekkas
31. Dratini for Rotom /u/Lueron
32. Tyrantrum for Houndour /u/my_belle_peche
33. Feebas for Cleffa /u/zyrianer
34. Litleo for Larvesta /u/moomooreporter
35. Fletchinder for Bagon /u/DJPlaysPokemon
36. Swinub for Mareep /u/quinell25
37. 5 Pokemons for 5 Pokemons /u/mamoru127
38. 5 Pokemons for 5 Pokemons /u/Sakisd7
39. Tropius for Doduo /u/Gazier
40. 5 Pokemons for 5 Pokemons /u/Coastey
41. 6 Pokemons for 6 Pokemons /u/eddy4po
42. 5 Pokemons for 5 Pokemons /u/Menarin
43. 8 Pokemons for 8 Pokemons /u/mamoru127
44. Dratini for Raikou /u/SergDP14
45. Relicanth and Swinub for Torchics /u/DeepFriedPotater123
46. Tropius and Spheal for Whismur and Lotad /u/erwincole
47. Torchic for Abra /u/Qwency
48. Absol for Tirtouga /u/Gazier
49. Houndor for Drilbur /u/bigthurm45
50. Spheal and Relicanth for Tirtouga and Stunky /u/sagejonathan
51. Ralts for Shuppet and Pidgey /u/Foxlery
52. Croagunk for Wailmer /u/saywhatwhit
53. Venipede for Starly /u/Chissoff
54. 4 Pokemons for 4 Pokemons /u/Sakisd7
55. Tangela for Snorunt /u/LuckPusher
56. Tirtouga for 3 Pokemons /u/eddy4po
57. Mareep for Roselia /u/Cancerian808
58. Shrromish for Joltik /u/Kinrai
59. 5 Gastly Eggs for Machop /u/Omafisch
60. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/Coastey
61. 8 Pokemons for 8 Pokemons /u/repaulyu
62. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/Zhangweizi
63. Miltank for Poliwag /u/PlokCro
64. Ducklett for Shellos /u/sagejonathan
65. 5 Pokemons for 5 Pokemons /u/jean010
66. Minun for Plusle /u/Coastey
67. 4 Pokemons for 4 Pokemons /u/cirej12
68. Tirtouga for Aerodactyl /u/34loppyXsoko
69. 4 Pokemons for 4 Pokemons /u/-Solis-
70. Lileep for Squirtle /u/deathsoal
71. Skrelp for Skiddo and Bergmite /u/InTenSan3Lik3
72. Tropius for Meditite /u/deathsoal
73. 9 Pokemons for 9 Pokemons /u/Moonlightcat18
74. 3 Pokemons for Munchlax /u/ffernii
75. Eevee and Kabuto for Relicanth and Froakie /u/PopeJP22
76. Durant for Espurr and Axew /u/Aeryllis
77. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/34loppyXsoko
78. Larvitar for Ekans and Vulpix /u/Jublusion
79. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/chrismofowong
80. Kangaskhan for Shellos /u/kimchiboy85
81. Shellder for Shinx /u/Gazier
82. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/-NovaStar-
83. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/Chissoff
84. 5 Pokemons for 5 Pokemons /u/PikaCuber
85. 3 Pokemons for 3 Pokemons /u/Sakisd7
86. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/Aeryllis
87. Hippopotas for Bagon /u/Dragynfyre
88. Glameow for Luvdisc /u/cl3w
89. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/flaw1ess1994
90. Swinub for Swirlix /u/ctboy99
91. Houndour for Meowth /u/Jublusion
92. Tangela for Roselia /u/Windtalker4life
93. Gible for Cacnea /u/quinell25
94. Shuppet for Goomy /u/kalle2934
95. Ralts for Corphish /u/quinell25
96. 4 Pokemons for 4 Pokemons /u/reloadv
97. 4 Pokemons for 4 Pokemons /u/manowar1150
98. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/buckembarnes
99. Magby for Elekid /u/34loppyXsoko
100. Tirtouga for 3 Pokemons /u/StardualDragon
101. Bulbasaur for Tirtouga /u/deathsoal
102. Tirtouga and Anorith for Shiny Slowpoke and Stunfisk /u/CyanideShotgun
103. Sandshrew for Aron /u/lycilla
104. 2 Pokemons for 4 Pokemons /u/quinell25
105. 2 Pokemons for 3 Pokemons /u/kirakori
106. 2 Pokemons for 2 Pokemons /u/TurtlesAllTheW4yDown
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (5)

1. Hatched shiny Clamperl /u/Koroze23
2. Hatched shiny Spritzee /u/Nellidae302
3. Hatched shiny Ekans /u/ryanthomas917
4. Hatched shiny Ralts /u/Xathyr
5. Hatched Shiny Skarmory /u/Osagras94

Giveaways/Contests (63 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Bulbasaur Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)
2. Bulbasaur and Gible Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)
3. Goomy Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 16 given)
4. Litleo Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 20 given)
5. Dratini Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (14)

1. Help for Evolution /u/KingClimer
2. Help for Evolution /u/SamHutton7
3. Help for Evolution /u/Bookenzio
4. Help for Evolution /u/NafonC
5. Help for Evolution /u/ObjectiveTits
6. Help transferring 2 Pokemons /u/deathsoal
7. Tradeback for her dex /u/zyrianer
8. Help for Evolution /u/Pyr0mani4c1
9. Help for Evolution /u/TyrantsInSpace
10. Tradeback for her Dex /u/RikiiMarinedragon
11. Help for Evolution /u/FluoroLime
12. Help for Evolution /u/DinnersReadyx
13. Help for evolution /u/erocc93
14. Help for Evolution /u/quinell25

Misc (0)


JiaJ7N's Information


Friend codes:
