
5344-2298-0843, SW-0975-2807-8969 || Nolas (αS, UM, SW)
5344-2298-0843, SW-0975-2807-8969 || Nolas (αS, UM, SW) || 1173

Trades (21)

[+] Events (1)
1. Xerneas for Rayquaza /u/Malinhion
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (20)
1. Totodile and Snivy for Snorlax /u/AnonKnowsBest
2. Charmander Egg for Zangoose /u/ctkamp3
3. Fennekin for Cottonee /u/Solvernia
4. Totodile for Bulbasaur /u/ELB95
5. Tyrunt and Totodile for Amaura and Oshawott /u/ayylemiau
6. Aerodactyl for Chikorita /u/Vengeance_seeker
7. Cyndaquil and Aerodactyl for Wartortle and Quilladin /u/Onionn
8. Tyrunt for Slowpoke /u/tarvisnsb
9. 3 Shiny Yveltal with different language tags for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/Laer_Uial
10. Totodile for Upgrade /u/Aeryllis
11. Mudkip for Tyrunt /u/inguinha
12. Snivy for Chimchar /u/jwfhesketh1993
13. Gastly, Porygon, Totodile, Vulpix and Snivy for EV training items /u/ggmod
14. Xerneas for Beldum /u/fgh8ud
15. Pineco for Bronzor /u/Sovereigntea
16. Sawk and Klink for Kangaskhan and Timburr /u/ReddyRaptor
17. Luxury ball for Assault vest /u/ginnycutie
18. Totodile for Snorunt /u/GarchEnemy
19. Ralts for Chansey /u/DrunkFern
20. Scyther for Chansey /u/Katschiko
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (1)

1. Hatched a Pancham egg /u/drdesconocido

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


JoNolasco's Information


Friend codes:
