
2853-2560-2995 || つき (M), Moon (M), Ruby (ΩR), Sun (US)
2853-2560-2995 || つき (M), Moon (M), Ruby (ΩR), Sun (US) || XXXX

Trades (278)

[+] Events (260)
1. Shiny Beldum for 20th Mew /u/majormoron747
2. Shiny Cubone, A-Sandshrew x2, A-Vulpix x2, Beldum, and Mareanie for SPA XY&Z yvetal, JPN XY&Z Zygarden, ITA XY&Z Xerneas, Eng Wifi Zoroark /u/endy1102
3. Shiny Sneasel and Gible for Galileo Rayquaza /u/sixth-sense
4. Shiny Beldum, A-Vulpix, Minior, Mimikyu for OCT2014 Diancie, Steven Beldum, Alexander Hoopa, Pokeball Vivillon /u/jazilli
5. Shiny Dratini, Eevee, Mareanie for SPA Corocoro Rayquaza /u/flaw1ess1994
6. x10 custom shiny A-Geodudes for ENG Corocoro Rayquaza /u/endy1102
7. Shiny Cubone and Gible for 7 Volcanion Codes /u/DeadpanLaughter
8. Shiny Scyther, A-Vulpix, Carvanha for Lunar Magikarp code /u/herry159357
9. Shiny Scyther, Charmander, Bagon, Marianie + Ash-Greninja for 4 Lunar Karp codes /u/waysofmt
10. Shiny Rotom, Shroomish, Minior for Zekrom, Rayquaza, Dialga, Giratina, Suicune, Entei + Alexander Hoopa /u/The_TallaNasty
11. Shiny A-Grimer, Cubone + Zekrom, Dialga, Suicune, Engei, Mespirit + 20th Arceus for 6 Lunar Karp Codes /u/waysofmt
12. Shiny Beldum for XY Torchic /u/reauxg
13. Shiny Eevee for Lunar Karp Redemption /u/bundleofsocks
14. Shiny Dratini for Lunar Karp Redemption /u/browhatup
15. Shiny Rotom for Lunar Karp Code /u/waysofmt
16. Shiny A-Vulpix for Spring2014 Magmar /u/taptop
17. Shiny Sneasel, Charmander for 20th Genesect Lang Set /u/poobana
18. Shiny A-Vulpix, Charmander, Dratini for 20th Darkrai, Keldeo, Victini /u/crackbeard41
19. Shiny Minior for Spring2015 Charizard /u/Karpthehobo
20. Shiny Torchic + Thundurus for Saori Machamp /u/waysofmt
21. Shiny Charmander, Cubone, Phione, Jangmo-o, A-Sandshrew, A-Vulpix for Chymia Gardevoir, Wishmaker Jirachi /u/DTranscendent
22. Shiny Cubone, Minior, Mimikyu for Hope Diancie /u/jlmonkey7
23. Shiny Beldum, Tyrunt for Happy Meowth, Genesect Custom Lang Sets /u/wookieatheart
24. Shiny Charmander, Mimikyu, Geodude for Present Unova trio /u/robyn_herbert
25. Shiny A-Sandshrew, Minior, Rotom, A- Vulpix for 20th Mew, Celebi, Jirachi /u/hatsuneluka
26. Shiny A-Sandshrew, A-Geodude, Minior, Mimikyu for XYZ Gardevoir, Gengar, Mawile, Tyranitar /u/mushy_64
27. Custom Shiny Froakie for OCT2014 Gengar /u/Hunter00015
28. Custom shiny cottonee for Alexander Hoopa /u/crazedcatguy
29. Custom Shiny A-Vulpix for SUM2014 Heracross /u/thatlightskindavid
30. Shiny Minior, Mimikyu, Froakie for WIN2011 Dog Trio /u/glemmstengal
31. Custom Shiny Minior for Custom Wishmaker Jirachi /u/wreckitmike
32. Shiny pidgey for Helen Volcanion /u/crackbeard41
33. Custom shiny Larvitar, Ralts, Turtwig for Jarvis Gengar /u/hunter00015
34. Shiny minior for Alexander Hoopa /u/savannah_allie
35. Shiny Charmander, Bulbasaur, Porygon for 20th Shaymin, GAMESTP Suicune, SPR2013 Meloetta /u/LaZel73
36. 20th Victini for Lunar Karp Code /u/waysofmt
37. 20th Arceus for Lunar Karp Code /u/amogha100
38. Happy Meowth for Lunar Karp Code /u/knees_are_ok
39. 20th Genesect, Arceus for 2 Lunar Karp Codes /u/a91043484
40. 20th Arceus, Helen Volcanion for Mewtwo, Zapdow, Articuno /u/bigknox
41. Helen Volcanion for Aldora Articuno /u/epalm
42. 20th Meloetta for Alexander Hoopa /u/the_shiny_guru
43. Shiny Cubone for 20th Keldeo /u/crackbeard41
44. Helen Volcanion for XYZ Zygarde /u/Vhazhiphor
45. Shiny Minior, Rotom for 20th Darkrai + Tornadus /u/30shadesofkale
46. Custom Shiny Roggenrola, Porygon, Grubbin, Dewpider, Bounsweet, Torkoal, Dhelmise, Oranguru for Sapporo A-Vulpix, 20th Keldeo, Victini, Darkrai /u/DTranscendent
47. RNG'd Shiny Raikou, Entei, Suicune for Corocoro Charizard, Donation Pikachu /u/cute_fox
48. RNG'd shiny Dialga, Palkia, Mewtwo, Kyogre, Heatran, Kyurem, Landorus, Giratina, Terrakion for 7-Eleven Lugia, PGL Darmanitan, Movie 14 Victini /u/flaw1ess1994
49. RNG shiny Zapdos, Landorus for JPN Shiny Tapu Koko code /u/mambamatthew
50. RNG Shiny Regigigas, Cresselia, Cresselia for 2 JPN Shiny Tapu Koko codes /u/dbrown24
51. RNG'd Heatran, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Cresselia, Landorus, Terrakion, Zekrom, Shiny Cresselia + RNG'd comp Move tutored Geodude for GameFreak HK/TW Mew + 20th Shaymin, Darkrai, Victini, Keldeo, Genesect, Arceus + Helen Volcanion + Shiny comp vulpix /u/lawtrafalgar24
52. RNG Shiny Giratina, Palkia, Dialga, Heatran, Mesprit for Dahara City Giratina /u/Xamarqand
53. 1 JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Code for RNG JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Redemption /u/Ask_me_about_birds
54. RNG Shiny Articuno for Lance's Dragonite /u/taptop
55. RNG shiny Giratina + comp shiny poliwag, a-geodude, larvitar for corocoro charizard code /u/That1Fool
56. Comp Shiny Grubbin, Cubone for 20th Darkrai /u/bundleofsocks
57. RNG shiny Raikou, Latias for 1 JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Code /u/mambamatthew
58. RNG shiny Groudon + comp shiny ralts for WIN 2011 Celebi /u/8907
59. Custom RNG Shiny Latios for SUM2014 Pokeball Vivillon /u/Reauxg
60. Shiny RNG Thundurus, Tornadus, Landorus for Maxie's Camerupt + OCT 2014 Diancie + 1 JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Code /u/Milady_Snowdrop
61. Comp Shiny Ralts, Porygon, Carvanha for 3 JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Codes /u/bunny-and-macaw
62. RNG Shiny Latios, Latias for Corocoro Charizard, JPN Shiny Tapu Koko /u/kenneth52045
63. Comp Shiny Oranguru, Torkoal, Rotom, Cottonee for 2 JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Codes /u/nahcap
64. Comp Shiny Poliwag for JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Code /u/bapscap
65. RNG 6IV Ditto for PGL Pikachu /u/dncrrnz
66. RNG Shiny Bird Trio for Kimia Gardevoir + Tohoku Pikachu /u/crazedcatguy
67. JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Code for Donation Tohoku Pikachu code /u/xsniipez
68. custom RNG [JPN] Shiny Lugia, Ho-oh, Groudon, Zapdos, Entei, Suicune for ENG Corocoro Charizard + JPN Corocoro Charizard + Corocoro Charizard code /u/kenneth52045
69. Comp Shiny Porygon, Dewpiter, Grubbin, Roggenrola, Salandit, Rotom for PGL Miltank, PGL Garchomp /u/CandyDetector
70. RNG Shiny Rayquaza, Regice + JPN Shiny Tapu Koko code for KOR A-Vulpix event /u/rayquaza_black
71. RNG Shiny Latias for Tohoku Donation Pikachu Code /u/mizudomi
72. RNG Shiny Suicune, Regigigas, Cresselia for Movie14 Victini /u/mizudomi
73. RNG TSV matching Larvesta egg for 20th Jirachi /u/skreya
74. RNG Shiny Articuno, Rayquaza, Mewtwo, Latios for 2 JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Codes + Tohoku Donation Pikachu /u/kenneth52045
75. RNG Shiny Thundurus for Lang Set of Galileo Rayquazas /u/mizudomi
76. Comp Suicune + Landorus for Liberty Pass Victini /u/PORYGONZ
77. RNG Shiny Lugia + Comp Entei for Shiny JPN Tapu koko Code /u/Crystal1501
78. RNG 6IV Ditto for 1 Shiny JPN Tapu Koko Code /u/Buckembarnes
79. RNG Shiny Rayquaza, Giratina, Palkia for GAMESTP Suicune + WIN2011 Celebi /u/kabobs117
80. RNG Shiny Raikou + JPN Shiny Tapu Koko for Masuda Psyduck /u/ItsMiladFam
81. lunar magikarp for corocoro charizard code /u/shugo405
82. RNG Zapdos + RNG Shiny Moltres, Virizion, Azelf for JPN Ash Hat Pikachu Code /u/taranteeeno
83. JPN Ash Hat Pikachu Code for Manesh Arceus /u/lawtrafalgar02
84. RNG ShinySinjoh Trio for Mark McQuillan Machamp /u/mizudomi
85. Kimia Gardevoir for 2 JPN Ash Hat Pikachus /u/1102yoyo
86. 3 RNG'd Dittos for 5 JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Codes /u/shugo405
87. RNG Shiny Justice Trio + 3 lucky eggs for JPN XY&Z Yvetal/Xerneas/Zygarde /u/crazedcatguy
88. RNG Shiny Heatran for 20th Manaphy + Meloetta /u/buckembarnes
89. 20th keldeo, keldeo, darkrai, victini, celebi for 5 HK/TW Shiny Tapu Koko codes /u/26860507
90. RNG Shiny Kyurem, Cresselia for Dahara City Giratina + Kimia Gardevoir /u/SaintRocker96
91. White 1 Save, OT: Alex 12916, Completed save with no legendaries available. for JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Code /u/theonlyxdude
92. RNG Shiny Mewtwo for Plasma Deoxys /u/crazedcatguy
93. RNG Shiny Latios, Entei for PC Sapporo Vulpix /u/mizudomi
94. Shiny A-Vulpix, Poliwag, Bagon, Fletchling, Oranguru for 2 JPN Shiny Tapu Koko Codes /u/schwing-
95. 2 HK/TW Shiny Tapu Koko Codes for Nebel Volcanion /u/conquestofgaul
96. RNG Shiny Cobalion for HK/TW Shiny Tapu Koko Code /u/buckembarnes
97. RNG shiny rayquaza, ho-oh for 3 HK/TW Tapu Koko Codes /u/jacat1114
98. RNG Shiny Mewtwo, Lugia, Dialga, Heatran, Rayquaza + comp shiny Scyther, Minior for 13 HK/TW Shiny Tapu Koko Codes /u/jerickson88
99. RNG Shiny Heatran for 4 HK/TW Shiny Tapu Koko Codes /u/buckembarnes
100. RNG Shiny Heatran for 4 HK/TW Shiny Tapu Koko Codes /u/crazedcatguy
101. RNG TSV Matching comp shiny sandygast, onix, skarmory, larvitar, eevee, mawile, poliwag for 3 ash hat pikachu codes /u/nobyuki
102. RNG Shiny Kyogre for Corocoro charizard code /u/buckembarnes
103. Corocoro Charizard for Ash's Hat Pikachu /u/nobyuki
104. KOR Wifi Set (4) for Ash's Hat Pikachu Code /u/howard0804
105. RNG Shiny Landorus + Kyurem for Ash's Hat Pikachu Code /u/blueassasin29
106. RNG Shiny Regirock for 2 NA Lycanroc Codes /u/nobyuki
107. RNG Tapu Lele, Bulu, Fini + RNG HK/TW Shiny Koko + Shiny Wimpod for 2 Ash's hat pikachu codes /u/nobyuki
108. kor wifi set for ash hat pikachu code /u/buckembarnes
109. 6 HK/TW ShinyTapu Codes + 2 NA Lycanroc Codes for 8 JPN Koko codes /u/kuronon
110. RNG shiny Kyurem for 3 HK/TW Shiny Tapu Koko Codes /u/crazedcatguy
111. RNG 6IV ditto for 4 NA Lycanroc Codes /u/8907
112. RNG Shiny Cobalion, Terrakion for 3 HK/TW Tapu Koko Codes /u/Stevoo299
113. RNG Shiny Lugia, Moltres for JPN Aldora Bird Set /u/destinysaber
114. tsc matching shiny mudbray for 2 NA Lycan codes /u/lucasfromstatefarm
115. RNG shiny giratina, kyurem + TSV matching shiny sandygast, treecko + shiny salandit, ralts for 13 NA Lycan Codes /u/Cherryl3lossom
116. RNG JPN Shiny Tapu Koko + RNG Magearna for ash hat pika code /u/blueassasin29
117. TSV Matching Shiny Tirtouga, Torkoal for 3 NA lycan codes /u/vader34mt
118. shiny charmander for 2 NA Lycan codes /u/DangerD015
119. RNG shiny latios, latias, raikou, suicune for 2 ash hat pika codes /u/nobyuki
120. RNG Shiny Justice Trio for 6 NA Lycanroc Codes /u/log94
121. caterpie for PCI Pyroar /u/philvpham10
122. 9 NA Lycan Codes for 6 JPN Tapu koko codes /u/Haruto000
123. JPN Tapu koko Redeem + HK/TW Tapu koko Redeem for 20th shyamin, keldeo /u/jayhaynes
124. Nature Preserve Haxorus for 3 HK/TW Tapu codes /u/JoeyLin1215
125. 2 KOR Moon saves, each with KOR Wifi Set (4) for Facebook 2015 SPRING Kangaskhan /u/feltlands
126. 3 pika hat codes for wcsk2017 mew /u/endy1102
127. RNG shiny bird trio, creation trio, dog trio, latias, heatran + KOR wifi sandshrew for 2015 Worlds Sharpedo /u/kewligirl95
128. 3 HK/TW koko redemption saves for 1 Sun Playthrough /u/feltlands
129. 6IV Ditto for 6 NA Lycan Codes /u/danielmz
130. RNG Shiny Rayquaza for 3 NA Lycan codes + 1 April Mega Code /u/Super_Fua
131. shiny litwick, 3 megastones for May Megastone Code /u/Super_Fua
132. Shiny Rockruff, Rockruff, Solosis, Shinx, Froakie, Riolu, Rotom, Scyther, Rotom, Eevee, Tyrogue, Tyrogue, Tyrogue for 2 Ash hat pika codes /u/nobyuki
133. KOR Wifi Set for 20 NA lycanroc codes /u/spellground
134. Shiny Treecko+ Sceptilite, Manectite, Tyranitarite for May Megastone Code /u/taranteeeno
135. RNG shiny rayquaza for April Mega code + May mega code /u/callistaeve
136. Shiny Mareanie + Lucarionite, Metagroassite, Blazikenite for May Mega Code /u/cfunkhouser
137. Shiny Feebas for May Mega Code /u/robertoxmed
138. KOR Alola Wifi Set (4) for Aldora Birds Set /u/darvishfan
139. TSV Matching Charmander + Charizardite Y for April Mega Code /u/burtical
140. Mallow's Steenee Redemption/RNG for Mallow's Steenee Code /u/buckembarnes
141. shiny mimikyu for Lure ball code /u/OniWanKinetic
142. shiny electrike for lure ball code /u/mariochu
143. RNG shiny zapdos for lure ball code /u/hankylander
144. RNG Mallow's Steenee Redemption for Mallow's Steenee Code /u/qweligator
145. KOR Alola Wifi Set (4) for 6 HK/TW Shiny Tapu Codes /u/Morgan-Meme-Machine
146. KOR Alola Wifi Set (4) for 6 HK/TW Shiny Tapu koko codes /u/snuffles24
147. Shiny Wishiwashi, Shellder for May Mega Code + April Mega Code /u/bedbugsex
148. Kiawe's Turtonator Redemption for Kiawe's Turtonator Code /u/buckembarnes
149. RNG Shiny Thundurus for 6 Kiawe's Turtonator Codes /u/taranteeeno
150. RNG Kiawe's Turtonator Redeem for Kiawe's Turtonator Code /u/qweligator
151. 2 Kiawe's Turtonator Redemption for Kiawe's Turtonator Code /u/transcendentyo
152. 2 HK/TW Shiny Tapu Koko Codes for Unredeemed 20th Jirachi Save /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
153. 2 RNG'd HK/TW Shiny Tapu Koko for 2 Unredeemed XYZ Xerneas Saves /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
154. 2 Mallow's Steenee, 2 Kiawe's Turt Redeems for Mallow's Steenee Code + Kiawe's Turt Code /u/puddlejumper7187
155. Kiawe's Turt Redeem for Kiawe's Turt Code /u/19redx92
156. 2 Lillie's A-Vulpix Redemption for Lillie's A-Vulpix Code /u/puddlejumper7187
157. TSV Matching Shiny Mimikyu, Drampa for May Mega Codes /u/Haunani14
158. Lillie's A-Vulpix RNG/Redemption for Lillie's A-Vulpix Code /u/Jonesin05
159. Lillie's A-Vulpix Redeem/RNG for Lillie's A-Vulpix Code /u/buckembarnes
160. GAMESTP Suicune + RNG Shiny Kyogre for 3 7-11 Mew Codes /u/thekudagitsune
161. 4 20TH 7-11 Mew Redemptions for 20TH 7-11 Mew Code + 2 Lillie's A-Vulpix Codes /u/puddlejumper7187
162. mallow's steenee save, 2 kiawe's turt codes, lillie's a-vulpix code for unredeemed PC Tohoku Victini Save /u/joeylin1215
163. 2 Kiawe's Turt codes, 2 Lillie's Vulpix Codes for Ash hat pika code /u/puh7777
164. Lance's Dragonite for 3 Lillie's Vulpix Codes /u/archer10702
165. Ash pika hat code for JPN PC Espeon, Sylveon /u/cute_fox
166. shiny nosepass for 20th shaymin /u/geckodragon96
167. 2 RNG 7-11 Mew Redemptions + Lillie's A-Vulpix Code for 2 7-11 Mew Codes /u/Iamknownasmartin
168. RNG'd 7-11 Mew for 7-11 Mew Code /u/iamadeinonychusama
169. TSV Matching shiny bronzor for Moon ball code /u/leafs_kmy
170. RNG Shiny Hoothoot, Eevee for Moon Ball Code /u/notsamire
171. RNG Shiny timburr, oricorio for moon ball code /u/qwerligator
172. RNG Shiny ralts for Moon ball code /u/IHavetwoNipples
173. RNG Shiny absol, ralts for Moon ball code /u/Sergio_Moy
174. RNG 7-11 Mew for Lillie's A-Vulpix Code /u/Iamknownasmartin
175. RNG Shiny Espurr, Espurr for Moon ball code /u/OniWanKinetic
176. Shiny charmander, a-geodude, a-vulpix for moon ball code /u/JeuTheIdit
177. Shiny Porygon for Moon Ball Code /u/meltedmochi
178. shiny munchlax, roggenrola + 4 bottle caps for moon ball code /u/snuffles24
179. Kiawe's Turtonator, Lillie's Vulpix Redemption for Lillie's Vulpix Code /u/jfowls
180. Coro ho-oh redemption for lillie's vulpix code /u/puddlejumper7187
181. RNG 7-11 20TH Mew Redemption for 7-11 20TH Mew code /u/Super_Fua
182. Lang Set of Lillie's A-Vulpix Redemptions for 3 7-11 20TH Mew Codes /u/koto-om
183. RNG shiny swablu for Moon ball code /u/BigChili121
184. 2 Lillie's A-Vulpix Redemptions for Lillie's A-Vulpix Code /u/iamknownasmartin
185. RNG Shiny Bird Trio, Mewtwo for 2 7-11 20TH Mew codes + 1 Lillie's A-Vulpix Code /u/xpore
186. RNG'd 7-11 20TH Mew Redemption for Lillie's Vulpix Code /u/buckembarnes
187. 2 7-11 20TH Mew Redemptions for 7-11 20TH Mew Code /u/gingerdoodle3
188. RNG Ditto for XYZ Yvetal /u/darmeg
189. KOR Alola Wifi Set + 20 PAL Lycan Codes for PAL Rocky Lycanroc Language Set /u/SimoxxGb
190. RNG Shiny Thundurus, Zekrom, Hoppip, Wobbuffet, Dunsparce, Teddyursa, Mantine, Stantler, Makuhita, Carvanha, Torkoal, Zangoose for 2 Se Jun Park's Pachirisu /u/towersman
191. Coro Ho-oh RNG Redemption + Pika Hat (Original) Redemption for 7-11 20TH Mew Code /u/puddlejumper7187
192. Shiny Tyrunt, Dhelmise for 7-11 20TH Mew Code /u/871020sss
193. 3 7-11 20TH Mew Redemptions for 7-11 Ash's Charizard Code /u/nohara_kazuo
194. 1 Daisuki Lunatone + 2 Daisuki Solrock for PAL Melemele Tapu Koko Language Set /u/hryujii
195. Shiny Unown D, F for Weakness Code + Fast Ball Code /u/log94
196. shiny mimikyu for weakness code /u/hjan3312
197. Shiny A-Vulpix for Weakness Code /u/MarioGamer159
198. Shiny Sandygast for Weakness Code /u/beanlyone25
199. shiny mareanie for Weakness Code /u/Haunani14
200. Hoenn Cap Pika Redemption + Sorrel's Lucario Redemption for Verity's Piplup Code /u/puddlejumper7187
201. 7-11 Charizard, Piplup, Lucario RNG Redeemptions for 7-11 Charizard, Piplup, Lucario Codes /u/jfowls
202. RNG Shiny Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Lugia, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza for 4 Sets of Pokemon Rally 7-11 Codes (Ash's Charizard, Verity's Piplup, Sorrel's Lucario) /u/t3345678
203. shiny rowlet for fast ball code /u/silverhawk23
204. shiny lileep for fast ball code /u/vader34mt
205. shiny charmander, treecko for 6 NA Clovis Salazzle Codes /u/Mr_Navillus
206. shiny K-Vulpix for fast ball code /u/Leafs_kmy
207. RNG Shiny Moltres for 7-11 Lucario Code /u/log94
208. 2 RNG'd playthroughs of shiny legends (HG and B2) except Zekrom for 2 Language Sets of Gamestop Dragonites + KOR and SPA XYZ Trios /u/Markus1999B
209. 2x Pokemon Rally 7-11 Charizard/Piplup/Lucario set redemptions + 1 rng lucario redemption for Pokemon Rally 7-11 Charizard(1)/Piplup(1)/Lucario(2) codes /u/puddlejumper7187
210. Pika Cap Redeem for 3 na clovis salazzle codes /u/puddlejumper7187
211. Shiny mimikyu, pikapek, jangmo-o for 10 na clovis salazzle codes /u/Mr_Navillus
212. pika hat redeem for 3 na clovis salazzle codes /u/puddlejumper7187
213. Shiny K-Vulpix, A-Vulpix, Happiny for 12 na clovis salazzle codes /u/spellground
214. RNG shiny Giratina, Palkia, Dialga for GS VC Celebi /u/arthurrol
215. RNG JPN Silvally Redemption for JPN Silvally Code /u/buckembarnes
216. Pika Hat Redemption for 3 NA Clovis Salazzle Codes /u/puddlejumper7187
217. Shiny Mareanie for 6 Bullseye Charizard Codes /u/Overheat
218. JPN Aether Silvally Redemption for JPN Aether Silvally Code /u/Super_Fua
219. Shiny Dewpiter, Mimikyu for 10 Bullseye Charizard Codes /u/heliosiesus
220. Shiny A-Vulpix, A-Sandshrew + RNG Shiny Entei, Suicune for 28 bullseye charizard codes /u/Foxypuff
221. Shiny Sneasel for 3 bullseye charizard codes /u/overheat
222. shiny skarmory for JPN Aether Silvally Code /u/overheat
223. Shiny sneasel for 4 bullseye charizard codes /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
224. shiny ralts for 6 bullseye charizard codes /u/log94
225. Aether Silvally, Alola Pika Hat Redemption for Aether Silvally Code /u/puddlejumper7187
226. 3 NA Marshadow codes for 3 JPN Aether Silvally Codes /u/shirayuki_snow
227. 7 JPN Aether Silvally Redemptions for 3 JPN Aether Silvally Codes /u/destinysaber
228. 11 JPN Aether Silvally Redemptions for 11 JPN Aether Silvally Codes /u/foxypuff
229. JPN Aether Silvally Redemption for 50BP Mega Melee Code /u/Rootbearr
230. RNG ditto for 4 NA Marshadow Codes /u/georgejonathaan
231. 3 Shiny Type Nulls for 2 Worlds2015 Exeggutors /u/Robotic_Chimera
232. RNG azelf for 12 NA Marshadow Codes /u/puliwew
233. 9 NA Bullseye Charizard Codes for 3 sets of KOR redemption pairs (Mallow's Steenee + Lillie's Vulpix) = 6 total /u/henryxv
234. Shiny Mawile, A-vulpix, Rockruff, Bounsweet for 8 JPN Aether Shiny Silvally Codes /u/sealionmermaid
235. RNG Shiny Entei, Ho-oh for 20 NA Marshadow Codes /u/ali8fayad
236. 2x RNG Shiny Mewtwo for 20 NA Aether Silvally Codes /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
237. 2 JPN Kyogre Redemptions for 2 JPN Kyogre Codes /u/puddlejumper7187
238. 5 Niconico Corsola Codes for 5 JPN Ultra Shiny Grou/Kyo Codes /u/philvpham10
239. Kyogre, Corsola, Rotom Redemptions for 5 Kyo/Grou Codes /u/flaw1ess1994
240. Shiny Bulbasaur for Dia/Pal Code /u/billytherusher
241. 3 Kyo Redemptions for 6 Dia/Pal Codes /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
242. Kyo redemption for 2 PAL/Dia codes /u/MortalShare
243. Kyo redemption for 2 Dia/Pal codes /u/Stiff_Churros
244. Kyogre Redemption for 3 Dia/Pal codes /u/tehmadpanda
245. Kyodon code for Scrap code /u/3anton3
246. 20 NA Marshadow Codes for PC Mimikyu /u/philvpham10
247. 10 Niconico Corsola Redemptions + 3 LINE Rotom Redemptions for 5 LINE rotom codes + 3 Kyodon Codes /u/Acrylami
248. Coro Arceus RNG Redemption for 2 Kyodon Codes /u/UmiMizuAi
249. 2 Kyogre Redemptions + 2 Groudon Redemptions + 2 Corocoro Arceus Redemptions + 1 2018 Tohoku Pikachu Redemption for Corocoro Arceus code + Poipole Code /u/acerene
250. RNG Poipole redemption + 2018 Tohoku Pikachu Redemption for 3 Poipole Codes /u/buckembarnes
251. RNG Poipole redemption for 2 Poipole codes /u/pr0th1
252. RNG Palkia for PC Tohoku Victini /u/goodmuse
253. 2 2018 Tohoku Pikachu Redemptions for 8 NA Pal/Dia codes /u/killer_whale_penguin
254. Shiny Litten, Popplio, Rowlet, Elekid for Bank HA Trio /u/Theduskwolf
255. RNG Shiny Electrike, Honedge, Sentret, Pawniard for NA Celebi Code /u/CreativeUsernaem
256. 2 RNG Coro Arceus Redemptions for 4 Kyodon Codes /u/UmiMizuAi
257. 2 RNG Poipole for 4 Kyodon codes /u/trollolly
258. Shiny Bulbasaur x2, Pidgey, Geodude x3, Turtwig x2, Bounsweet x2, Oranguru, Dhelmise, Minior, Phione, Grubbin, Bagon, Dratini for 68 NA 2018 Legends Entei/Raikou Codes /u/savannah_allie
259. RNG Shiny Articuno, Zapdos, Hooh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Regigigas, Heatran, Cresselia, Dialga, Giratina, Palkia, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Kyurem, Tornadus, Landorus for PDC 2018 Set, 2018 Legends Dialga /u/destinysaber
260. 2 Ultra Poipole Redemption for 4 Ultra Poipole Codes /u/Unlucky-Sevens
[+] Shinies (6)
1. Shiny Cotonnee, Mimikyu for Shiny Ralts (gen6) /u/DTranscendent
2. Shiny Charmander, Bagon for Entei, Suicune /u/trollolly
3. Custom Shiny Growlithe for Magearna /u/venonattylight
4. Shiny Treeko, Riolu for 2 Level Ball Codes /u/Morgan-Meme-Machine
5. Shiny Rhyhorn, Minccino, Scraggy, Swirlix for W2 playthrough /u/xamarqand
6. RNG Reshiram + Shiny deerling, a-geodude, onix for B2 Playthrough /u/Xamarqand
[+] Competitive / Casual (12)
1. Shiny Beldum for VC Moltres /u/riggidyray
2. Shiny Charmander for Thundurus /u/bridgiepika
3. Shiny Gible for Mespirit, Terrakion /u/bundleofsocks
4. Shiny Marill for Rayquaza /u/bridgiepika
5. Shiny Gible, Shroomish for Kartana, Xurkitree /u/Doaln
6. Shiny A-Vulpix, Bagon for Terrakion /u/bundleofsocks
7. Shiny Shroomish for Landorus /u/30shadesofkale
8. RNGd Shiny Latias, Kyogre, Mewtwo for Gen 4 HG Playthrough /u/Xamarqand
9. RNG'd Shiny Cresselia + RNG'd Reshiram for Gen 5 W2 Playthrough /u/xamarqand
10. RNG Reshiram, Shiny Kyurem for Black 1 Playthrough /u/Xamarqand
11. RNG Shiny genie trio + RNG Reshiram for 2 B2 playthroughs /u/xamarqand
12. RNG Nihilego for Moon Playthrough /u/buckembarnes
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (13)

1. Egg hatch /u/sharmaopankaj
2. Egg hatch /u/curseotz
3. Egg Hatch /u/-dark-knight-
4. Egg Hatch /u/vinefire
5. Egg hatch /u/bouncer2085
6. Egg hatch /u/happinessu
7. Egg hatch /u/MysticHomer
8. Egg hatch /u/HandsmeBWnderful
9. Egg hatch /u/chang0471
10. Egg hatch /u/X_Savier
11. Egg hatch /u/Myo-yeon
12. Egg hatch /u/Aznip
13. Egg hatch /u/michaelsaurus90

Giveaways/Contests (4 Pokémon given, 24 eggs given)

1. TSV Matching Giveaway 1 (Sub: SVExchange, 24 given)
2. Giveaway 3 Perfect Collectors Shiny Magikarp (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)
3. Giveaway 3 Perfect Collectors Shiny Feebas (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (5)

1. Hypertrain Meloetta /u/gfauxpas
2. Tradeback Kadabra /u/dileloco15
3. Tradeback slowpoke+king's rock /u/Thenticer
4. Ash's Pikachu - Alola HatRedemption /u/transcendentyo
5. Tradeback Boldore /u/ninjapokemon

Misc (1)

1. Free KOR A-Vulpix


Joeldstar's Information


Friend codes:
