
5386-7610-6906, SW-3077-3725-1027 || AJ (S, US, SH)
5386-7610-6906, SW-3077-3725-1027 || AJ (S, US, SH) || 2755

Trades (86)

[+] Events (4)
1. Diancie for Diancie /u/blackaurora
2. Zeraora Code for Groudon/Kyogre Code /u/frankhow
3. Zeraora Code for Latios/Latias Code /u/cpgupta561
4. Buneray for Jirachi /u/sub06905
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (82)
1. Honchkrow for Klinklang /u/slomo5793
2. Eevee for Gligar /u/rickymcflyy
3. Sentret for Phanpy /u/mingst
4. Phanpy for Phanpy /u/defmyname
5. Phanpy for Feebas /u/NevermorePKMN
6. Ditto for Shellos /u/pft7
7. Nosepass for Goldeen /u/Jozcef
8. Phanpy for Swablu /u/Treyshadows
9. Seedot for Exeggcute /u/Camcato
10. Shellos for Espeon /u/judalol
11. Pineco for Tentacool /u/Loshi777
12. Sandshrew for Dratini /u/asmodous
13. Horsea for Carvanha /u/Ephemeral_Being
14. Phanpy for Enigma Berry /u/Pangotron
15. Sentret for Starf Berry /u/sittinginatincan420
16. Phanpy for Piplup /u/DBN7
17. Swinub for Mareep /u/ReallyAMiddleAgedMan
18. Shellos for Trapinch /u/Hiddeslow
19. Horsea for Gastly /u/WatchMeDrive
20. Mareep for Vulpix /u/CantBeHonest
21. Mudkip for Houndour /u/guilty-star
22. Gastly & Mudkip for Ralts & Petilil /u/ShaolinGene
23. Mareep for Ralts /u/Shiakisama
24. Mareep & Swablu & Trapinch for Charmander & Squirtle & Snivy /u/baudtack
25. Mareep for Totodile /u/ryaaaaanb
26. Trapinch & Mareep & Swablu for Jangmo-o & Chikorita & Fomantis /u/Managrimm
27. Drifloon & Staryu & Shellos for Elgyem & Lileep & Chatot /u/Krauser_X
28. Swablu for Charmander /u/Rainewood
29. Stantler for Golett /u/lbott
30. Random Egg for Rockruff /u/34loppyXsoko
31. Staryu for Inkay /u/Eisenheim88
32. Mareep for Murkrow /u/Berniieee
33. Driftloon for Oddish /u/voltrathelively
34. Oddish and Nincada for Chimchar and Combee /u/Th3M4rti4n
35. Swablu for Chinchou /u/muhna
36. Trapinch for Snivy /u/Wantahonedge
37. Sandshrew for Totodile /u/Woolagaroo
38. Staryu and Swablu for Growlithe and Shinx /u/TrickRoomBro
39. Shinx for Piplup /u/ATXPokes
40. Bronzor & Chikorita & Shellos for Rockruff & Torkoal & Togedemaru /u/Eisenheim88
41. Shinx for Oshawott /u/Turlastra
42. Bronzor for Torchic /u/Calmarno9
43. Trapinch for Buneary /u/TrickRoomBro
44. Trapinch for Skitty /u/SafeCapsule
45. Shinx for Eevee /u/lbott
46. Bunerary & Bunerary for Litleo & Sandile /u/MC_CoyoteClan
47. Buneary for Dratini /u/ragedra
48. Buneary for Minior /u/Celegorm0
49. Growlith & Swablu & Gastly & Drifloon for Bulbasaur & Eevee & Beldum & Magnemite /u/smadler92
50. Piplup & Shinx for Squirtle & Sandshrew /u/TcL1337
51. Swablu and Stantler for Mankey and Geodude /u/AuburnEnigma
52. Piplup and Shinx for Froakie and Pineco /u/mastrwield1
53. Eevee for Minccino /u/Criomede
54. Trapinch & Eevee & Snivy & Sandshrew for Kecleon & Cyndaquil & Goomy & Pinsir /u/reynosocali
55. Buneary & Snivy & Minior for Cubone & Tyrogue & Relicanth /u/Relapse175
56. Swablu for Voltorb /u/Nany266
57. Driftloon for Aron /u/Eisenheim88
58. Exeggcute & Chansey & Kecleon & Croagunk for Caterpie & Pinsir & Illumise & Bellsprout /u/Dragonflare25
59. Mankey & Sandshrew for Kabuto & Bounsweet /u/Relapse175
60. Gastly for Snorlax /u/RPSupps
61. Mudkip for Clamperl /u/HeavyWater20
62. Vulpix & Buneary for Electrike & Koffing /u/rickflors
63. Goldeen for Pachirisu /u/Dragonflare25
64. Bronzor for Koffing /u/Relapse175
65. Swablu for Poochyena /u/Nany266
66. Ekans & Trapinch & Torchic & Exeggcute & Oddish & Riolu & Chatot & Geodude & Kangaskhan for Turtonator & Salandit & Gothita & Cacnea & Machop & Onix & Shroomish & Skitty & Spheal /u/Eisenheim88
67. Rhyhorn for Fennekin /u/smadler92
68. A-Geodude & Minccino for Corphish & Ponyta /u/malroth99
69. Trapinch for Rockruff /u/MisterLenz
70. Eevee for Poliwag /u/SuperTyranitar
71. Sandshrew for Sewaddle /u/FIELDfullofHIGGS
72. Minccino for Noibat /u/couchbo0yz
73. Bronzor for Houndour /u/kakesu
74. Torchic for Eevee /u/jimbobpikachu
75. Mimikyu Holding Friend Ball for Applin /u/online_barbecue
76. Applin for Duraludon /u/chowzilla100
77. Chewtle for Darumaka /u/lunarinterlude
78. Fossilized Fish and Drake for Hatenna /u/MarioGamer159
79. Ponyta & Chewtle for Rookidee & Falinks /u/PutItBack
80. Chewtle for Milcery /u/ggbaegel
81. Hatenna and Galarian Darumaka for Stonjourner and Farfetch'd /u/Bk7241100
82. Hatenna for Tart Apple /u/Wubz_wub
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (3)

1. Hatched Shiny Sudowoodo /u/iSlaiter
2. Hatched Shiny Lapras /u/Kresslia
3. Hatched Shiny Torchic /u/cuteball

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. Moving X Megastone to Y /u/Little_Icarus
2. Haunter Tradeback /u/IcePick1123
3. Haunter Tradeback /u/Gilhools
4. Scyther Tradeback /u/yetisunny
5. Haunter Tradeback /u/MangoMonarch
6. Haunter/Gengar Trade Back /u/voltrathelively
7. Cosmog & Cosmoem /u/voltrathelively
8. Haunter and Rockruff Evolve /u/Rainbowforest
9. Dusclops Evolve /u/lt_spank
10. Evolve Kadabra /u/knoeKNAME

Misc (0)


Jomang's Information


Friend codes:

  • 5386-7610-6906


  • IGN: AJ