
0018-0744-7144 || Judy (X) || 0037

Trades (31)

[+] Events (19)
1. Meloetta for Game Electabuzz /u/IKill4Cash
2. Shiny Lugia for 16 Bank Celebis /u/ek93922
3. 15 Bank Celebis for Shiny Ho-Oh /u/TheKingWhoKnelt
4. 3 Bank Celebis for RNG Eevee /u/huehuehuehuehuehu
5. 3 RNGs for M14 Victini /u/darkcollecter
6. Korean Jirachi and Plasma Deoxys for 65 Bank Celebis /u/Kuina
7. Gensect and Victini for Shiny Ho-Oh /u/Pyrosoad
8. Shiny Landurus for World 13 Smeargle /u/mastergrumpus
9. World 14 Aegislash for Event Code Redemption Services /u/defy_juice
10. World 14 Aegislash for VGC Mamoswine and 5iv Shiny Psyduck /u/EpsilonTheGreat
11. 3 Bank Celebis for 4 5iv Sun Scatterbug eggs /u/SaberMarie
12. Shiny Hariyama and Shiny Gligar for Victini /u/PandaFan82
13. Decorola Jirachi for Win2012 Raikou /u/trollgasm22
14. VGC Mamoswine for M18 Kyogre and Groudon /u/blackaurora
15. 5 mew codes for 1 delibird code /u/rodnazics
16. 10 20th aniv arceus codes for m18 arceus /u/iamadeinonychusama
17. Korean Wishing Star Jirachi for Korean Spa Pikachu Code /u/dragonstorm55
18. PC Mega Swablu Egg, PGL Tyrunt for Tretta Rotom, PGL Miltank /u/blackaurora
19. Worlds Aegislash for Totodile, cyndaquil lab codes /u/xtakeru
[+] Shinies (5)
1. 5iv shiny Clampear for 6iv Scatterbug /u/Dphef
2. Shiny HP Fire Solosis for Shiny 5iv Icy Snow Vivillon and Shiny Vulpix /u/LMWXNO
3. Shiny Tyrouge for Shiny Gigalith /u/Mountain_Man122
4. Shiny Ditto for Shiny Tepig /u/iscariot_13
5. Shiny Voltorb for Shiny Stunfisk /u/ihavethekey5
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (7)
1. TRU Arceus for PCBC Kangaskhan, M17 Darkrai, 2 GAME Codes /u/Voltagic
2. SMR2012 Keldeo for 4 GameZards /u/weaponess
3. World 14 Aegislash for Shiny RNG Thundurus and 2 HKzard codes /u/mashugana
4. Shiny Suicune, Shiny Zapdos for 16 shiny 5ivs /u/lurkerton3000
5. Shiny Raikou for Pal Shiny Charizard /u/Pichu20
6. oblivia heatran for pco pikachu code, and wifi jirachi /u/iamadeinonychusama
7. Korean Concert Piplup for NA Play! Mewtwo Code, JPN Volcanion Code, PC Simisear, Masuda's Psyduck /u/caelumkrieger

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Rodnazics Sep 27, 2016 5:35:39 AM

Jude is still cool. Trade with him.

IAMADeinonychusAMA Aug 14, 2016 3:53:27 AM

Easy to work with in trading

Rodnazics Aug 3, 2016 4:25:56 AM

Jude is cool. Trade with him.

blackaurora Aug 3, 2016 4:20:49 AM


JudeFaceKilla's Information


Friend codes:
