0705-3325-6186 || Green (X, S, US), Red (αS)
0705-3325-6186 || Green (X, S, US), Red (αS) || XXXX

Trades (89)

[+] Events (6)
1. Murkrow and Yanma for Darkrai Code /u/SpaceV
2. Celebi, Murkrow, Vulpix, and Grimer for Two Newsletter Mew Codes /u/jackspidermonkey
3. Three Arceus codes for Lugia /u/CukiieMonstaa
4. Charziard, Alakazam, Gengar for Hoppa /u/CyanideShotgun
5. 2 L/H codes for 2 Z/R codes /u/FizzixAP
6. 3 Zeraora & 1 Poipole Code for 1 L/L Code /u/Ichigo2011
[+] Shinies (1)
1. PP Max for Charmander /u/Fockereller
[+] Competitive / Casual (82)
1. Natu for Slowpoke /u/giraffe196
2. Larvitar, Snivy and Tyrunt for Phanphy, Starly, Swablu, Dratini, Horsea, Poliwag, and Onix. /u/1234jkvi
3. Skarmory for Karrablast /u/senorjavi
4. Absol and mienfoo for Nidoran and Chansey. /u/imnotwarren
5. Smeargle, Absol, and Snorunt for Carvanha, Tentacool, and Weedle /u/HKG_Teddy
6. Absol and Snorunt for Chespin /u/JuliusPrime
7. Skarmory and Zubat for Magikarp and Sneasel /u/Izzy2394
8. Meditite and Absol for Buneary and Scyther /u/Chance_Lo
9. mienfoo and dratini for Gligar and Mareep /u/mdizzie
10. rotom, meinfoo, and litwick for Feebas, buneary, and gligar /u/Bunnimon
11. Snorunt for Swirlix /u/MysticUmbreonB
12. Smeragle for stanler /u/ShadowSneaky
13. Gible, Dratini, and Grimer for snorlax, dedenne, and tepig /u/kaito97
14. Grimer for Riolu /u/cynoidea
15. totodile, DB cottonee, grimer, and DBHA weedle for DBHA elekid, DBHA ponyta, DBHA Swinub and the DBHA Doduo. /u/sagejonathan
16. weedle and nidoran for Aerodactyl /u/DocSword
17. Assault Vest for trokoal /u/JuliusPrime
18. Gible for Dratini /u/ianmross90
19. skarmory, larvitar, and marril for Misdreavus, sandshrew and drilbur /u/Novical
20. Sycther for porygon /u/Evanarblez
21. Weedle and charmander for Solosis and smoochum /u/Lundrity
22. Murkrow, Weedle, and gastly for Pineco, Sentret, and Tentacool /u/V1C1OU5LY
23. Lileep for Groundon /u/AmazingHotPocket
24. DBHA murkrow, Love ball Chansey, Moon Ball Gastly, Moon ball Marill and DBHA Zubat for mimikyu, torchic, rotom, riolu, and rotom. /u/Chefsaltyballs69
25. Moonball Gastly for fast ball Chimchar /u/lrn2swm
26. Snivy for Totodile /u/cricketicecream
27. DB Gligar, moon ball ralts, and Tyrunt for Heavy ball Mudkip, Beldum and Tepig /u/dermzxc
28. Trapinch for Totdile. /u/waysofmt
29. karrablast for Treecko /u/TheJace15
30. Sycther for a-vulpix /u/Spanksaurus
31. Karrablast for Froakie /u/Katie8999
32. Absol for Bottle Cap /u/Yatry
33. Abra and Weedle for Larvitar, Dratini, and Heracross /u/Wanbli
34. Shroomish for Lucky Egg /u/spacez52
35. Zubat, K-Vulpix, Murkrow for Togepi, Smoochum, and Qwilfish /u/Arriuss
36. Sandshrew for Tyrogue /u/Arriuss
37. Weedle for Spiritomb /u/hikarii
38. Ring Target, Weakness Policy, Safety Goggles, and Assault Vest for DBHA Pidgey, DBHA Oddish, DBHA Tentacool, and DBHA Krabby /u/pokemon871
39. 11 Rare Candies for Chespin, phantump, Fletchling, Drampa, Gothita, Litwick, Sigilyph, Pinsir, Skorupi, Noibat, and Shellos /u/rufusdrumknott
40. Venepede for Mareanie /u/Reddieformore
41. Dranpa for Chikorita and piplup /u/Creators_End
42. Staryu for togedemaru /u/Tozalin
43. HA Rowlet with 4 EMs for 3 Bottle Caps /u/hjan3312
44. Rowlet, Popplio, Litten for hippopotas, frillish, mienfoo /u/zablek
45. Friend Bruxish Heavy Tepig Heavy Frillish Friend Goomy Heavy Phantump for Friend Bounsweet Friend Ralts Friend Dratini Love Eevee Moon Helioptile /u/Rein7607
46. Friend Poliwag, Friend Scyther, Friend Tynamo, and Friend Houndour for Heavy Pineco, Dream Omanyte, Moon Drampa, Heavy Tepig /u/coney-
47. Bruxish and shroomish for Rhyhorn and Golett /u/Usual25
48. Shuppet and Bagon for Rotom and Cyndaquil /u/lalonde_R
49. Bagon and Tyrant for Gibble and Solrock /u/asbiz
50. Beldum for Larvesta /u/asbiz
51. Litwick for Gible /u/Chefsaltyballs69
52. Miltank and Flabebe for Durant and Larvesta /u/TheUsualpleasee
53. Phantump HA Friend Goomy HA Heavy Mienfoo HA Heavy Frillish HA Love Squirtle HA Fast Larvesta Friend Tynamo for Shroomish, Friend Eletrick, Friend Roselia, Fiend Bagon, Friend Skrelp, Friend Riolu, and Friend Eevee /u/TheUsualpleasee
54. Durant & Frennekin for caterpie & Cubone /u/ArchdukePanda
55. larvesta for mankey /u/chainsawmari
56. friend fennekin *heavy phantump *heavy frillish *heavy mienfoo *friend goomy *friend gible *friend tynamo *Friend zorua *Friend trapinch *Friend taillow *Friend electrike *Love gothita, and Safari Starly for Squirtle *Friend Charmander *Friend Exeggcute *Friend Solosis *Friend axew *Friend tangela *Friend Noibat *Friend Comfey Lure Carvahna *Friend Pyukumuku *Heavy Wimpod *Friend Vullaby and Chimchar /u/ciaradoyle
57. Rowlet, Litten, Popplio for Heavy Mudbray *Level Passimian *Heavy Sandygast *Level Litleo *Friend Phantump *Firend Sandile *DBHA Anorith *DBHA Hippopotas *DBHA Shieldon /u/rufusdrumknott
58. Level Electrike *Beast Hawlucha *Friend Ralts for Friend Froakie *Friend Grimer (Alola) *Friend Pancham /u/ciaradoyle
59. Bruxish for Turtonator /u/peatsahad
60. Gible, FB Larvesta, FB Bruxish, and friend ball Fennekin for slugma, Ha heavy ball Inkay, HA heavy ball Bincal, and friend ball HA scraggy /u/Arriuss
61. Lansat berry for Litleo /u/mm245
62. Aerodactyl for Ferrothorn /u/BreitheNua
63. litwick for bellsprot /u/Fockereller
64. Shroomish for Aron /u/lostgloves
65. Fletchling for scatterbug /u/Inefable51332
66. tropius and starly for corsola and phanphy /u/Floowey
67. Abra, Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Magnemite, Scyther, Bellsprout, Poliwag, Vulpix - k, Pinsir, & Kabuto for Reshiram and Terrakion /u/Foldemort
68. Zorua for Gligar /u/Syberous
69. Hawlucha, Litleo, Popplio for Magby, Slowpoke, and Sawk /u/Vanity333
70. Snivy, Squirtle, Totodile for Geodude, Wishiwashi, Snover /u/sibranex
71. Pineco for wimpod /u/hikarii
72. Scyther, Goomy, Chimchar for Pawniard, Pineco, Hawlucha /u/Bakrys
73. Pinsir Friend shroomish, and even DBHA Kabuto for Mareep, Safari HA elekid, and moon HA klefki /u/Bakrys
74. Snivy for Druddigon /u/Theduskwolf
75. Durant for PP Max /u/redspex
76. litleo & Squirtle for Minccion & Druddigon /u/zablek
77. Karrablast & tyrunt for wailmer & cherubi /u/Darkaloid
78. Girafarig, Mareep, Phanpy, Dratini, Riolu, Slugma for Ditto /u/buckembarnes
79. Minccino for Dhelmise /u/catgoesmeow_
80. Gligar for Tyrogue /u/IHidan
81. Sawk and a Moon ball Zubat. for Misdreavus /u/ShinMalphurr
82. Ekans for Sneasel /u/Ecksel
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (122 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. NA Mew Codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
2. Marshadow NA code (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. Moonball Mareep, DBHA Grimer-K, and Lexuray Chespin HA (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)
4. Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 26 given)
5. Giveaway of Gible, Fennekin, Larvesta, Mimikyu, Drampa, Abra, and Dribur (Sub: pokemontrades, 40 given)
6. Giveaway of Rotom, Trapinch, Gastly, Drilbur, Swinub, Gible, and Houndour (Sub: pokemontrades, 40 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (15)

1. Redeemed a Darkrai /u/xDEMONUSx
2. Pumpkaboo tradeback /u/Babooobo
3. Traded six pokemon to help complete their dex /u/joker18213
4. Traded my Giratina and Porygon-Z to help them complete their dex /u/Marlosang
5. Redeemed Mew and Bird Trio. /u/Artollas
6. Scyther Metal Coat tradeback /u/Parkingstall
7. Trade back Machoke /u/Wxxxfy
8. Karrablast tradeback /u/lDoogy
9. Katana tradeback /u/I_Vtec_Bwahh
10. Haunter tradeback /u/meclano
11. Magmar & Boldore tradeback /u/Palossand96
12. electribuzz tradeback /u/Ecarton
13. Haunter tradeback /u/RoboticAnatomy
14. Evolve Porygon-2 /u/Dragonslayor777
15. Traded back 9 pokemon so they would evolve /u/dzudemennis

Misc (0)


xDEMONUSx Aug 2, 2016 7:54:06 PM

KLKPKS helped me redeem a great Darkrai, and even though the first code didnt work, took time to try the second code. he went above and beyond for a free redeemption

KLKPKS's Information


Friend codes:
