
SW-3295-5835-4113 || Nicolas (SW), (SCA)
SW-3295-5835-4113 || Nicolas (SW), (SCA) || XXXX

Trades (104)

[+] Events (1)
1. 2 mb for Fennel's Munna /u/Milchik
[+] Shinies (11)
1. 7 masterballs for Shiny Litten and Shiny cottonee /u/sobblethelizard
2. 1mb 2 lure for Shiny bulba and timburr /u/offscientistr
3. 1 MB for Shiny Boltund, Sylveon and Linoone /u/nodogr
4. 5MB for Shiny Scorbunny /u/D_oll
5. JPN Shiny Necrozma for Shiny Dracovish /u/sendme6ivditto
6. Shiny Mewtwo for 6 MB /u/gone_kamping
7. Shiny Timburr for 8 beast balls 7 dream balls /u/muleLove
8. Zeraora for Shiny Arctozolt /u/sendme6ivditto
9. 5 MB for Shiny Durant and Shiny Golisopod /u/Makvi
10. 20MB for Shiny variants of Sobble, rowlett, litten and moon dreepy /u/TitusT94
11. 3 MB and 6 apriballs for 7 previous gen shinies /u/savannah_allie
[+] Competitive / Casual (92)
1. 1 Master ball for 1 Love Ball 1 Moon Ball /u/raiko39
2. 30 masterballs for 60 assorted apriballs /u/whotakemy
3. 2 masterballs for 2 dream & 2 heavy /u/raiko39
4. Melmetal with toxic and EQ for 4 apriballs & 2 HA aprimons /u/czarmageddon69
5. Melmetal in Prem ball with EQ and Toxic for 5 apriballs in 5 Aprimon starters /u/shapopo
6. JPN Litten for Gigantamax Meowth /u/Monstruken
7. 1 Masterball for 2 Moon balls /u/AJANtheASIAN
8. 1 Masterball for 1 moon ball 1 love ball /u/Hobonicklas
9. 2 moon balls for Gmax corviknight and toxtricity /u/AJANtheASIAN
10. 1 Mewtwo & 1 Kanto Weezing for Gmax Grimmsnarl and Gmax Centisorch /u/Drago451
11. 3 MB for 5 dream 1 lure ball /u/whotakemy
12. 1 Melmetal for Gmax Gengar, Gmax Flapple /u/Shant_P
13. 1 melmetal for 1 mb and 1 apriball /u/darkspear
14. Dream ball Solosis and dream ball dreepy for dream ball snom and dream ball togepi /u/doctordoak11
15. 1 friend ball for Grookey (B), Level Ball Cramorant and beast ball duskull /u/Shapopo
16. scraggy, stonjourner and jangmo-o for sableeye, croagunk and lunatone /u/Lacjt
17. Kanto Weezing and HA Alolan Vulpix for HA Mareanies and HA Snorlax /u/Ca3ie
18. Rufflet, mawile, passimian, stonjourner, deino for rhyperior, Spritzee and swirlix, escavalier, aromatisse/slurpuff tradeback /u/abadbb
19. Slurpuff, mawile and turtonator for thorh, togedemaru and pincurchin /u/ninjasponge1
20. drampa, solosis, lavitar + free tradeback service for 3 eeveelutions /u/APitts197
21. Croagunk, Larvitar, Eiscue for Beast ball deino, mantyke, budew, spritzee /u/djs200
22. 1 friend ball larvitar for 1 love ball HA woobat /u/Hedoro_Matt
23. stonjourner for mamoswine /u/melodicrobotic
24. 4 bottle caps for Nincada (Beast), Riolu (beast), Feebas (moon), Pawniard (Moon) /u/CliffClimberCliff
25. throh, lotad, drampa, sableeye, larvitar for cleffa, drapion, toxapex /u/tyrex
26. Koffing for Clefairy /u/moon307
27. Mewtwo, Meltan, Melmetal for 3MB, 3 apriballs /u/pristineknight
28. JPN Kyurem for 1 MB, 4 Apriballs /u/Monstruken
29. 1 5iv jp ditto, 1 6iv eng ditto for moon,dream,love ball /u/slatronx
30. 1 MB for Moon, Dream, Heavy Ball /u/nevaeK
31. Dream Dreepy and Dream Cottonee for Ralts HA in dream ball and Salandit in a love ball /u/Ragiakurusu
32. HA Dreamball Snom for HA Beast ball Woobat /u/TheGeminiTwins
33. croagunk for beast ball ponyta-g /u/TheStonedRealist
34. 6iv ditto for 1 lure ball, heavy ball, beast ball /u/Bigchungus6969
35. 1 heavy ball for fast ball delibird, love ball elgyem, moon ball drampa /u/rainbowbows
36. Dream Togepi for Level Machop /u/wideboi_420
37. Scraggy for Hitmontop with pokerus /u/DroppedmM
38. passimian and turtonator for Espeon /u/aienuss
39. HA popplio for HA mudbray in level ball /u/TryazX
40. Sports ball Combee and Sports ball caterpie for safari ball duskull, friend ball hoenn zigzagoon /u/Snacqk
41. 4 beast ball for 3 sport ball aprimon, 7 beast ball aprimon 10 safari aprimon /u/WhisperingHopeAway
42. 1 heavy ball 1 friend ball for Heavy Ball Larvesta HA Moon Ball Gible HA Moon Ball Shelmet HA Fast Ball Helioptile HA Level Ball Fletchling HA Love Ball Jangmo-O HA /u/Dracula192
43. Love Ball Yamper for HA love ball litwick /u/gamergoldin
44. ekans on LGPE for 6iv g-zigzagoon on swsh /u/Kleurendove
45. Popplio HA for 6IV Beast Ball HA Togepi /u/Prothesiac
46. Sports ball combee for beast phantump /u/Significant-Field
47. safari ball barboach for Friend Ball sudowoodo HA /u/Trades4days
48. Mewtwo for 1 of each (MB, friend, moon, love) /u/Mostar94
49. 1MB for 9 assorted aprimon /u/nickyyavellian
50. 2 MB for 18 assorted aprimon /u/AngryFeminist69420
51. 3 MBs for 27 Assorted Aprimons /u/cliffclimbercliff
52. Dream Drampa HA, Beast ball axew, level mudbray, bottle cap for Friend and love G-Slowpoke, beastball rotom and heavy ball micery /u/FatBrah
53. Beast Duskull, Dream A-Vulpix, Beast Vanillite (all HA) for Love G-Mr. Mime, Love Goomy, Friend Farfetch (all HA) /u/Uchuujin85
54. Dream Shelmet HA for Love ball applin HA, friend ball pumpkaboo (super) HA /u/Basilhorx99
55. 4 dream ball HA aprimons for 4 dream ball HA aprimons /u/doctordoak11
56. alolan diglett for lure goldeen HA /u/Famous_Catch
57. HA litwick for Love Ball /u/sigurb0y
58. Beast HA Duskull for Love ha rookidee /u/ABadSnip3r
59. Gmax Centisorch and Corviknight for friend and beast ball alolan meowth /u/AgentMelyanna
60. 6 rare candies for Assorted Aprimon /u/CryoSparks888
61. 4 aprimon for 2 love balls /u/pkmndan
62. 1MB for 1 dream ball /u/khunt003
63. 3 MB + 1 love ball for 19 assorted aprimons /u/ivictorhd
64. 1 MB for Beast and Moon ball /u/khunt003
65. 1 MB for fast and heavy ball /u/AngryFeminist69420
66. 10 DBHA Aprimon + 1 PP up for 11 DBHA Aprimon /u/GoodMuse
67. dream Impidimp w/ Prankster for level rookidee /u/Ewh1t3
68. 8 HA Aprimon for 8 HA Aprimon /u/EEK_Oh_a_shadow
69. 2 MB for 18 Assorted HA Aprimon /u/Lukari13
70. 2 apriballs for 6 HA Aprimon /u/junglesux
71. Timburr, Cleffa, and Growlithe (Aprimons) for Level Passimian, Love Togepi, and Level Pincurchin /u/ImaginarySam
72. Heavy and Lure Ball for Moon Purrloin, Dream Cutiefly, Beast Cleffa, Level G-Meowth, Heavy A-Meowth and Friend Passimian /u/junglesux
73. Sigyliph moon bal for HA friend ball dreepy /u/Shyve123
74. Moon Sigilyph for Moon HA Duraludon /u/_Xavier17_
75. moon sigilyph for beast HA noibat /u/bbbunit
76. Moon HA Sigilyph for beast HA Toxel /u/Uchuujin85
77. 18 HA Assorted Aprimon + 2 Apriballs for 18 HA Assorted Aprimon + 4 Comp ready pokes /u/Tomek900
78. 1 Dream Ball for Pichu Dream HA and the Morpeko, and shellder heavy /u/TheWorstf0u
79. 11 DBHA Aprimons for 13 DBHA Aprimons /u/skewtr
80. 2 Apriballs for 1 Competitive Alolan Raichu in Love Ball /u/danielqv
81. 2 aprimon (Grubbin and Pinchurchin) for 2 aprimon ( Deino and Heatmor) /u/CryoSparks888
82. beast balls, one moon & one dream for 12 assorted HA aprimon /u/annie4664
83. 15 MBs for Lure Ball Zacian with Sword and HA Aprimon Cleffa /u/IamArobot77
84. 15 apriballs for 43 aprimon /u/merindruzy
85. 10 Apriballs for 27 HA Aprimon /u/hgperez678
86. 10 MBs for Love and heavy ball Eternatus /u/Le_Pyromane
87. 6 apriballs for 4 misc. mints /u/junglesux
88. Gmax meowth for Zamazenta with shield /u/ShinyBisharp89
89. 5 apriballs for 15 assorted aprimon /u/bigthurm45
90. 3 apriballs and 3 bottlecaps for 18 assorted aprimon /u/savannah_allie
91. 20 MBs for Eternatus in beast ball, Zacian in moon ball /u/Le_Pyromane
92. 10 ha aprimons for 20 ha aprimons /u/Anubis2525
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (10 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Moon ball A-Vulpix Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 9 given)
2. Shiny Aprimon Egg Contest (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. Zamazenta Tradeback Service /u/tyrex
2. Haunter tradeback /u/realbryanpang
3. feebas tradeback /u/emmessjee8
4. gurdurr tradeback /u/Savage198020206
5. Electabuzz on SMUSUM /u/Limes-are-sour
6. Rhyperior Tradeback /u/TomatoSauce04
7. KKadabra, Machamp, Graveler, Haunter Tradeback in LGPE /u/jpmmaia
8. Zacian Zamazenta tradeback /u/Zoomyx
9. solgaleo tradeback /u/greenhillzone180
10. Shy Politoed tradeback /u/Drako_Blaze

Misc (1)

1. JPN Marshadow for Event M2


Kazehara's Information


Friend codes:
