
0318-7654-4337 || Kayleigh
0318-7654-4337 || Kayleigh || 0362, 0421, 0347, 0460

WARNING: This user is banned.

Trades (46)

[+] Events (6)
1. Event Code for HA Pokemon /u/blackaurora
2. HOOPA code for HA pokemon /u/nyni
3. Event Code for 2 shinies /u/LuxrayShiny
4. 1 Hoopa code and two bank balls for Shiny Fennekin /u/x-astrogrrl-x
5. Hoopa Event Code for 3 shiny Pokemon /u/Pochamo
6. Event code for 2x shiny /u/Akisame-kun
[+] Shinies (25)
1. Shiny Slugma for Shiny Quilladin /u/Onizuak31
2. Shiny Magikarp for Shiny Aipom /u/lawtrafalgar02
3. 9 HA Pokemon for 4 Shiny Pokemon /u/Strafingfire
4. Hoopa Code for 2 Shiny Pokemon /u/ScarletTea
5. 2x Hoopa codes for 4 shiny pokemon /u/ZiR1402
6. Kangaskhan for Shelmet /u/RamenNinja
7. Shiny Noibat for Shiny Meditite and 2 bank balls /u/IntransigentAsh
8. 2 Bank balls for Shiny honedge /u/Imponderabls
9. Shiny Shroomish for Shiny Machop /u/surgex10
10. Magneton for Bergmite /u/Onizuak31
11. Ability capsules for shiny fletchling /u/Interfectrix
12. Druddigon for Klink /u/Yu-GoBB
13. 4 bank balls for 2 shinies /u/Asurge
14. Deerling for Purrloin /u/VenusGuy
15. 2 event pokemon for 3 shiny pokemon /u/KageNoRaito
16. Shiny Eevee for Shiny Phantump /u/LadyLucario
17. Yanma and Maractus for Cacnea and Pichu /u/imp3rf3ct
18. several HA pokemon for Shiny poliwag, goomy, joltik, fearow /u/MvllyJvlly
19. HA Pokemon for Shiny Scatterbug /u/Bro-brocop
20. HA pokemon for Shiny Lotad and Helioptile /u/AnchorWeight
21. 4 DBHA Pokemon for Shiny Axew /u/Strafingfire
22. 2 bank ball pokemon for Shiny Toxicroak /u/spaceminer47
23. 4 DBHA Pokemon for Shiny Litwick /u/spaceminer47
24. 6 DBHA or Bank Ball Pokemon for Shiny Pansage and some HA Pokemon /u/sl15221
25. Shiny Beedrill for Shiny Totodile /u/Level5Misaka
[+] Competitive / Casual (14)
1. Shuppet for Heracross /u/ZiR1402
2. Shupper for Vulpix /u/OmniZzid
3. Shuppet for Dratini /u/Theinfectious
4. Shuppet for Onix /u/FreshGeneral
5. Shuppet for Chatot /u/KageNoRaito
6. Shuppet and Gastly for Gothorita /u/FernStone
7. Two mega stones for 2 Berries /u/OriginalBeefman
8. Mega Stone for Bank Balls /u/KageNoRaito
9. 4 ha pokemon for 5 bank ball and ha pokemon /u/KageNoRaito
10. DBHA Chatot for Level Ball Weedle /u/ghlyt
11. Love Ball Miltank for DBHA Weedle /u/Sono-chan
12. Moon ball Koffing for Sport Ball Weedle /u/34loppyXsoko
13. Moon Ball Sneasel for DBHA Buneary /u/sl15221
14. Ability Capsule for Shiny Sentret /u/Fllawlless
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Shiny Event Magikarp for Maxsoft Arceus Code /u/lavaburst14

Egg Hatches (26)

1. Hatched Phanpy /u/Jhueller
2. Hatched on specific route /u/Ausgirl89
3. Successful hatch /u/Coldecay
4. Buneary /u/bruhmanchillin
5. successful hatch /u/dutchjojo
6. squirtle /u/zandin7
7. Munchlax /u/EpsilonTheGreat
8. successful hatch /u/gaara090389
9. success /u/Death_Paradox
10. goomy /u/Sowhat160
11. Diglett /u/infiniteshadow
12. Hatched Buneary /u/LuxrayShiny
13. Lapras Hatch /u/Rubaszny_Mike
14. Shiny Noibat /u/Mushy_64
15. Shiny sandshrew /u/imp3rf3ct
16. Shiny Poochyena /u/imp3rf3ct
17. Shiny Ducklett /u/Haunani14
18. Shiny Scyther /u/wingzerocats
19. Shiny Pachirisu /u/mamababo
20. Shiny Smeargle /u/Zangoose1
21. Shiny Scyther /u/histronics
22. Shiny Meditite /u/IntentionOfAbyss
23. Shiny Buneary /u/beekachuu
24. Shiny Delibird /u/PikaCuber
25. Shiny Totodile /u/Zhakien
26. Shiny Purrloin /u/Juliette_Dark

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 4 eggs given)

1. Weedle Egg (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
2. Weedle Egg (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
3. Weedle Egg (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)
4. Weedle Egg (Sub: SVExchange, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Gurdurr /u/iSkimz

Misc (0)


Blinki56 Jan 2, 2016 1:46:24 PM

he giveaway 1 egg shiny ! thanks a lot !

Kitsune_Fire's Information


I'm known as Kayleigh, Kitsune or Klee and I'm completing a Shiny Living Dex

Friend codes:

  • 0318-7654-4337
