
0491-0455-2788 || Koroze (X, S, M)
0491-0455-2788 || Koroze (X, S, M) || 3541, 1047, 3098

Trades (18)

[+] Events (17)
1. Moltres-Articuno-Latios RNG for CoroCoro charizard code+TapuKoko shiny code /u/kenneth52045
2. PC Bewear for 2 CoroZard codes /u/DDR_17
3. 2 RNG Dittos - RNG Latias for 1 Pikachu Hat code /u/taranteeeno
4. OR save file with unredeem event for 4 PAL Lycanroc codes /u/soufiane11
5. 2 RNG S-Groudon/S-Rayquaza for 6 HK/TW Koko Codes /u/JoeyLin1215
6. 1 PikaHat code for 1 PC Easter Egg Goomy /u/LettieT
7. Redeem+RNG KOR Turtonator for 1 KOR Turtonator Code /u/tacocat777
8. shiny Lugia RNG for 2 JPN Shiny Silvally codes /u/log94
9. 2 PAL Marshadow codes for 2 JPN Shiny Silvally codes /u/kuronon
10. Redeem KOR Lillie's Vulpix + Mallow's Steenee for 2 NA Charizard codes /u/FairestTerror8
11. 1 PAL Marshadow code for 2 NA Charizard codes /u/Iamknownasmartin
12. 1PAL Marshadow code + 2 NA Charizard codes for 2 JON Shiny Silvally codes /u/XecoX
13. 2 NA Marshadoe codes for 2 JPN Shiny Silvally codes /u/kuronon
14. 3RNG Shiny Legendary from 4GEN for 2 Celebi codes(NA/PAL)+8NA Charizard codes /u/CallistaEve
15. Save with unredemeed PC Shiny Mimikyu for Save with Unredemmed PC Victini /u/sharkgills
16. 2RNG Legend for 1NA Celebi code /u/ChallengerEspeon
17. 10 PAL Marshadow codes for PC Eeveelution Vaporeon /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
[+] Shinies (1)
1. RNG Ditto for 2 tapu koko shiny codes /u/MonkeyD-Victor
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (13)

1. Shiny hatch /u/MrVexual
2. Shiny hatch /u/pandaglassjaw
3. Shiny hatch /u/Blaze132
4. Shiny hatch /u/theflamesof
5. shiny hatch /u/infiniteshadow
6. "Shiny hatch" /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
7. "Shiny hatch" /u/Josh023
8. "Shiny hatch" /u/Paramuse2
9. "Shiny hatch" /u/Rafat9
10. Shiny hatch /u/hjan3312
11. shiny hatch /u/Poke_Phil
12. Shiny Hatch /u/skjin_01
13. shiny hatch /u/shugo405

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Redeem HK/TW Shiny Koko /u/Flor_of_Abyss

Misc (0)


IAMADeinonychusAMA Dec 23, 2016 6:08:10 PM

Quick reply, thanks for the hatch!

Koroze23's Information


Friend codes:
