
4957-4104-2054 || Kuri (X), Alexia (αS)
4957-4104-2054 || Kuri (X), Alexia (αS) || 2273, 1654

Trades (23)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (23)
1. Moon Ball Tentacool, Level Ball Phanpy for Dream Ball Poliwag, Dream Ball Feebas /u/Velideon
2. Dive Ball Mantine for DBHA Kangaskhan /u/CukiieMonstaa
3. DBHA Lileep for DBHA Kangaskhan /u/Stormzeer
4. 6IV DBHA Lileep for 6IV DBHA Cranidos /u/magusblack
5. Iron Fist Chimchar, Contrary Snivy for 4IV Swablu, 4IV Aron /u/repaulyu
6. Level Ball Phanpy, Premier Ball Cyndaquil for Love Ball Pidgey, Dusk Ball Froakie /u/Kendrickson21
7. DBHA Eevee for DBHA Gible /u/hkgrice
8. DBHA Chatot for DBHA Taillow /u/Mintcinno
9. Bunch of Breedjects: Chatot, Cranidos, Elekid, Hoppip, Koffing, Ralts. for Bunch of Breedjects: Froakie, Scyther. /u/Crikit47
10. DBHA Pachirisu for DBHA Shroomish, DBHA Spearow /u/adamantiger
11. 5IV Rotom for Pickpocket Sneasel /u/spacialrend7
12. Heavy Ball Skarmory for 5IV Yanma /u/leeffulgence
13. DBHA Hoppip, DBHA Eevee for Safari Ball Ekans, Dusk Ball Zubat /u/potemkincitylimits12
14. Moon Ball Tentacool for 6IV Zangoose /u/GrandmasterNova
15. Horsea, Phanpy, Flabébé, Beldum, Druddigon for Machop, Yamask, Karrablast, Charmander, Kabuto /u/FrigidArrow
16. DBHA Pachirisu for DBHA Gligar /u/JuliusPrime
17. HA Tyrunt for HA Snorunt /u/addole
18. Corpish, Joltik, Krabby, Starly, Scyther, Larvesta, Axew for Togepi(2), Weedle, Shellos, Gible, Froakie, Mudkip /u/Bobius
19. Sturdy Tyrunt for Regenerator Tangela /u/spacialrend7
20. 5IV Bronzor for HA Cacnea /u/Zardary
21. HA Mudkip for DB Sneasel /u/RaydenSmash
22. Lure Ball Chinchou, DBHA Drifloon, DBHA Taillow, DBHA Poochyena, DBHA Hoppip for Level Ball Magby, Heavy Ball Rhyhorn, DBHA Shuckle, DBHA Starly. /u/Cognito17
23. Premier Ball Cyndaquil for Moon Ball Murkrow /u/-novanon-
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (1)

1. Hatched a Shiny Ralts for /u/The-Tempest-22 with TSV 2273 /u/The-Tempest-22

Giveaways/Contests (45 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Breedjects Giveaway! (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
2. Breedjects Giveaway 2 (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Kuri721's Information


Friend codes:

  • 4957-4104-2054


  • IGN: Kuri TSV: 2273
  • IGN: Alexia TSV: 1654