
4313-3693-9025 || Marina (αS, Y)
4313-3693-9025 || Marina (αS, Y) || 2303, 0125

WARNING: This user is banned.

Trades (44)

[+] Events (7)
1. Calm Pokebank Meganium for XYZ Yveltal /u/WreckItMike
2. 4x Shiny 6IV Oshawott for SRed XY&Z JPN Set /u/endy1102
3. 5IV Tyrunt, Mudkip, Ralts Shinies for 3x PAL Galileo Ray Codes /u/lawtrafalgar02
4. EV Trained 6IV Shiny Aegislash and Gyarados for UT Celebi + Hoopa Code /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
5. 5IV Shiny Bagon, Hippopotas, Ponyta for 2x PAL Rayquaza Redemption + Nature SR /u/BairnOwl
6. 4 Custom Shinies for 2 Hiroshima Magikarps /u/tellu_poke
7. 12 Breeding Parents + 3 Custom Shinies for HK Diancie /u/jeremyps
[+] Shinies (15)
1. 5 IV Beldum for 6 IV Dreamball Dratini /u/histronics
2. 5IV Honedge for 5IV Absol /u/ReviaTheStarf
3. Ralts, Litwick, and Venipede for Rotom /u/noobkiller69
4. Zubat for Klefki /u/bizietrick21
5. 6IV Froakie for 6IV Inkay /u/nauter
6. Honedge for Noibat /u/mykdsucks
7. Ralts for Drillbur /u/SunTea07
8. Mawile for Rotom /u/DavYGG
9. Aron for Inkay /u/jettix
10. Ralts for Gastly /u/MakeYouFaggotFlambe
11. Master Ball, Ability Capsule and Lum Berry for Modest Comp Shiny Magnemite /u/Interfectrix
12. 5IV Eevee for 2IV Shiny Fletchinder /u/Nomisus
13. 13 Rare Candy for Shiny 2IV Bisharp /u/flaminganbu
14. 8 PP Max for Shiny 4IV Gligar /u/IronVolvametal
15. Master Ball, Ability Capsule, and Chople Berry for 5IV Totodile /u/Interfectrix
[+] Competitive / Casual (21)
1. 5IV Aron for 5IV Houndoom Pair /u/Atelier-Lynette
2. 5IV Aron for 5IV Ralts /u/Icy_Jake
3. 5IV Scyther for 5IV Mawile /u/LegoBlockGlasses
4. 5IV Arom for 5IV Marill /u/tenjak2
5. 5IV Aron for 5IV Skarmory /u/badbond
6. 5IV Torchic for 5IV Shellder /u/stylone
7. 5IV Absol for 5IV Abra /u/Lethal1313
8. 5IV Torchic for 5IV Charmander /u/bndken13
9. 5IV Scyther for 5IV Gastly /u/iodic_acid
10. 5IV Torchic for Larvitar Breeding Pair /u/JohnnyJVL
11. 5IV Eevee and Absol for Korean 5IV Eevee and Absol /u/krberu
12. 5IV Torchic for Xerneas /u/FanaticalPk
13. 5IV Torchic for 5IV Sneasel /u/SmurfyPaul
14. 4IV Eevee and Aron for Rotom and Heracross /u/Mongoblack
15. Dusk Stone and PP Up for DBHA Poliwag breedject /u/PikaCuber
16. Dawn, Dusk, and Shiny stones for Female 5IV Mudkip /u/hothotgoose
17. Master Ball and Shiny Stone for Deerling and Pinsir breedjects /u/tinymacaroni
18. Aggronite for Luminous Moss /u/IronVolvametal
19. 5IV Rotom for Imperfect 5IV Fletchling /u/blanchasaur
20. Manectricite for Houndoomite /u/castchi1
21. Lansat and Starf Berries for 4IV Growlithe and Phanpy /u/sauritar
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. 6IV Shiny Marill and 6IV Shiny Dratini for 4x Hayley's Phione /u/xchicowx

Egg Hatches (16)

1. Chansey /u/Chunq
2. Noibat /u/Lucifiaro
3. Fletchling /u/timasahh
4. Tyrunt /u/andreeb99
5. Tirtouga /u/owly87
6. Espurr /u/wonderher
7. Klefki /u/chaoskane
8. Togepi /u/salst1314
9. Joltik /u/The_Immortal123
10. Honedge /u/LeGiTTrAiNz
11. Rotom /u/lolnoob1459
12. Bulbasaur /u/spiral234
13. Hatched Shiny /u/CacCactus
14. Phione /u/hyung2129
15. Helioptile /u/infiniteshadow
16. Scatterbug /u/patchespatch04

Giveaways/Contests (146 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Eeveelutions Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 55 given)
2. Shiny Scyther with Metal Coat Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. Bankball Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)
4. Bank ball Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)
5. Matching pokeball giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. Lent Dialgia, Zekrom, & Thundurus /u/dr__ham__
2. Holding onto 2 items /u/spoilerseanbeandies
3. Clamperl Evolution /u/Phoxys
4. Taught Mamoswine Iron Head /u/LifeAsSkeletor
5. Shaymin and Arceus for Pokedex /u/yamttr
6. Groudon for Hoenndex /u/PlumNFSA
7. Porygon Tradeback Evolution /u/Aliceinpsycholandxo
8. Kyogre + Latias for HoennDex /u/slay_r430
9. Rhyperior evolution + 2 move tutors /u/IronVolvametal
10. Articuno and Zapdos for pokedex /u/Dilla123

Misc (0)


infiniteshadow Oct 31, 2015 1:55:09 AM

Gave me an egg that matched my TSV for free! Thanks and it was very kind of you.

L1quid_Ic3's Information


Heya, I like shinies and giving stuff out.

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jPe0_s2xjBUv_y2hcvnHFisq6gnTWhUd9v87ThDCWL0

Friend codes:

  • 4313-3693-9025


  • IGN: Marina TSV: 0125
  • IGN: Marina TSV: 2303