
SW-2483-1873-5702 || Beck (VIO)
SW-2483-1873-5702 || Beck (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (38)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (38)
1. HA Lure Ball Shellder, HA Lure Ball Corphish, HA Level Ball Hawlucha for Spell Tag /u/DrSexyMango
2. Moon Ball Hawlucha, Moon Ball Gastly, Moon Ball HA Duskull, Lure Ball HA Mantine, Love Ball Ponyta, Heavy Ball HA Diglett, Heavy Ball Ralts, Friend Ball HA Bulbasaur, Friend Ball Cottonee, Friend Ball Joltik, Friend Ball Larvitar, Friend Ball Machop, Fast Ball HA Torkoal, Dream Ball Corsola, and Beast Ball HA Squirtle for DB Duskull (HA) BB Eevee (HA) DB Eevee (HA) FrB Eevee (HA) FaB Eevee (HA) LB Farfetch’d (HA) FB Helioptile (HA) FB Jangmo-o MB Koffing (HA) MB Litwick (HA) LB Nincada (HA) HB Onix (HA) LB Remoraid (HA) MB Rufflet (HA) LB Shellos (HA) DB Vullaby (HA) MB Vullaby (HA) LB Vulpix (HA) /u/Tepig967
3. Solosis for Gold Bottle Cap /u/ConceptrunAway
4. A-Sandshrew, Rockruff, Scyther for Buneary, G-Slowpoke, Magnemite /u/Wenitzb
5. Dream Ball for Heracross, Sandile, Fletchling /u/CloverDash9517
6. G-Slowpoke, Rockruff for Pichu, Fletchling /u/DJC-35
7. Corphish, Heracross, Fletchling, Scraggy, A-Sandshrew, Pichu for Horsea, Poliwag, Shinx, Abra, Emolga, Buneary /u/Thierry_Bergkamp
8. Onix, Scyther for A-Diglett, Porygon /u/fartyards
9. Fletchling, G-Slowpoke, A-Sandshrew for Gastly, Scrafty, Sizzlipede /u/minutial
10. Lure Ball for Beast Ball /u/ChillNigz
11. Koffing, Nincada, Gothita, Sandile, Gastly, Scrafty, Sizzlipede, Solosis for Rhyhorn, Duskull, G-Slowpoke x2, Scyther, A-Sandshrew, K-Mr. Mime, Abra /u/Starkiller_RN4L
12. Gastly, Scraggy, Sandile, Sizzlipede for Bulbasaur, Chamrander, Squirtle, Larvesta /u/ShaikhAndBake
13. Scraggy, Fletchling, Gastly for Skrelp, Fomantis, Larvitar /u/XXTentaclezXX09
14. Sandile for Trapinch /u/RaGinRake
15. Fast Ball, Friend Ball, Lure Ball, Love Ball for A-Marowak /u/flyinrisu
16. Scraggy for Mienfoo /u/PopTartManic
17. Ferroseed, Magnemite, Poliwag, Emolga, Eevee, Rockruff, Rufflet, A-Sandshrew, K-Mr. Mime, Fletchling for x3 Masterballs /u/Diooo
18. Duskull for Tangela /u/Greenevers
19. Pinsir for Skarmory /u/avs6134
20. Porygon for Skarmory /u/Wooden-Frosting
21. Porygon for Skarmory /u/bigglyboof9
22. 4 Apriballs for German 6IV Ditto /u/DieGenerates97
23. 2 Apriballs for 6IV Japanese Ditto /u/itschapstick
24. Slakoth for Miraidon /u/Frequent_Ad_7860
25. Star Piece for HA Mankey /u/ValkyrieG
26. Friend Ball Applin, Fast Ball Magikarp, Friend Ball Shroomish, Heavy Ball Rowlet for Moon Ball Froakie, Friend Ball Fomantis, Beast Ball Oshawott, Level Ball Scorbunny /u/Maximum_Dependent760
27. Iron Hands for Flutter Mane /u/StrekArdiuz
28. Scizor for Great Tusk /u/enzoplasm
29. Shroomish for H Zorua /u/GodComplxxx
30. 2 Bottle Caps, 1 HA Mankey for Petilil, Venonat, G Meowth, Pikachu, Snover, Misdreavus, Luvdisc /u/GodComplxxx
31. Friend Ball Shroomish, Heavy Ball Rowlet, Friend Ball Fomantis, Moon Ball Froakie, and Love Ball Pikachu, Beast Ball H-Zorua for Moon Ball Gible, Moon Ball Charcadet, Fast Ball Scorbunny, Lure Ball Oshawott, Lure Ball Froakie, and Moon Ball Frigibax /u/SevereCalligrapher23
32. HA Oshawott for HA Froakie /u/YumeMusouka
33. Love Pichu, Moon Gible, Moon Charcadet, Moon Frigibax, Friend Fomantis for Friend Ball Dratini, Love Ball Mareep, Love Ball Sneasel, Moon Ball Riolu, Moon Ball Deino /u/CrystalKitstone
34. Level Ball Venonat, HA Love Ball Pichu, Heavy Ball Misdreavus, Love Ball Luvdisc, Friend Ball Snover, Fast Ball Petilil, HA Friend Ball Fomantis for Love Rowlet, Dream Flamigo, Level Cyndaquil, Friend Capsakid, Heavy Frigibax, Love Tinkatink, Moon Murkrow, Moon H-Zorua, Moon Eevee, Level G-Meowth, Dream Finizen, Love Hatenna /u/OwlMeister96
35. HA Beast Ball Sobble for HA Love Wooper, HA Moon Charmander /u/brittybird77
36. HA Beast Sobble for HA Moon Oshawott, HA Fast Cyndaquil /u/gudjaun
37. HA Beast Sobble for HA Beast Charmander /u/Surferbaseball10
38. Upgrade, Dubious Disk for Cramorant, Gligar /u/Cyneric_
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (56 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Pseudo-Flawless Chansey (w/ Seismic Toss) in SafariBall (Sub: pokemontrades, 40 given)
2. Competitively Viable Shuckle w/ EMs in BB (Sub: pokemontrades, 16 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Gave HA Pichu /u/Willsg98
2. Gave HA Koffing /u/GearOnAcid
3. Slowking, Porygon 2, Porygon-Z Tradeback /u/ChrisPDoritos

Misc (0)


LakeWallace's Information


Friend codes:
