
SW-5172-4573-2527 || Luciole (VIO, SW)
SW-5172-4573-2527 || Luciole (VIO, SW) || XXXX

Trades (105)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (2)
1. Catcher Gallade for Shiny Clawitzer /u/babosacerebral
2. Shiny Alolan Marowak for Melmetal /u/Ductapenguin
[+] Competitive / Casual (102)
1. HA Dratini with Extreme Speed for Enigma Berry /u/TheCloudKitty
2. HA Dreamball Female Riolu for HA female Espurr, Abra and Pachirisu /u/shade549
3. HA foongus, remoraid and kecleon for HA gabite, spiritomb and sneasel /u/RainThunder0
4. HA sableye for HA bulbasaur /u/beware_the_gunner
5. Chikorita for Rare Candy /u/darth123197
6. Serene Grace Togepi for HA Chimchar /u/pokemasterm
7. MoonBall Skarmory for DreamBall HA Smeargle /u/tlatham86
8. HA Female Braixen for HA Male Snivy /u/eduard03wade
9. HA female Litwick in premier ball for Superluck female Absol /u/Raevix
10. 5IV HA Pichu for 5IV HA Magikarp /u/clarity7
11. Moon ball female Skarmory for DBHA female Pachirisu /u/Booshes
12. Love ball female slowpoke for DBHA female swablu /u/gmpsmendes
13. Breedject Tynamo for Breedject Emolga /u/Ipwnuevryday
14. HA Nidoran Female for DBHA Pinsir female /u/aaronfaren
15. HA drilbur for HA tyrunt /u/Robertxtrem
16. HA Porygon for HA Lileep /u/lifeofburgers
17. HA Skiddo for HA Shroomish /u/solomon7916
18. HA Bergmite for HA Treecko /u/-_Oz_-
19. Jolly HA Female Durant for DBHA Female Timburr 5IVs, 4EMs /u/Nibfoo
20. 6IV Charmander for 5IV perfect Buneary /u/Bonerkiin
21. Basculin, Helioptile & Bergmite for DBHA Female Corpish /u/vemulaneelesh
22. 5IV Perfect Helioptile for 5IV Perfect Frilish /u/PochyPerez
23. 5IV perfect Prankster Murkrow for 5IV prefect Moxie sandile /u/TheCaMo
24. Comp sandile and sneasel for Power bracer, Power lens, Power band, Power anklet, Choice band /u/Skipper1304
25. 5IV Perfect HA Abra Timid for 6IV Jolly Pressure Aerodactyl 4EM /u/Falco_Lau
26. HA Beastball rufflet for Modest sync abra /u/Dragynfyre
27. Beastball HA Rufflet for Hasty sync abra /u/MadBase
28. Beastball HA rufflet for Impish sync abra /u/pcdateixeira
29. Clefable for Farfetch'd /u/xuaeee
30. Dracozolt for Drampa /u/Nihal585
31. HA eevee for HA magikarp /u/MaxTheFoxx
32. HA hatenna for HA Darumaka /u/joeistoopro
33. HA Hatenna for HA Drilbur /u/RashFetchum
34. Jolly Ditto for HA Indeedee /u/emiliopowers
35. HA Pichu in fast ball for HA Sneasel in love ball /u/MattressMaker
36. HA Hatenna for HA Snorlax /u/Youngsidedude
37. HA Growlithe for HA Mareanie /u/Dekompozed
38. Jolly Ditto for 5IV Honedge /u/Lyprid
39. HA Indeedee for HA Duraludon /u/slipperytriple
40. Master ball for Flame orb /u/Pelleas
41. HA snom in moon ball for HA sableye in level ball /u/GeoffreyfactorX
42. Moon ball Dreepy for Love ball Cottonnee /u/King_Detox
43. HA sableye for HA dreepy + bottle cap /u/Bmac136
44. HA Munna for HA Rowlett /u/OMGPIKAJEW
45. HA Fast ball Pichu for HA Love ball Purrloin /u/dollydolci
46. ha cleffa for ha alolan vulpix /u/Rurii
47. Safari ball Machop for HA Heavy ball Golett /u/Wawie
48. 2 ability capsules for 3 HA pokémons in dream ball /u/Skeletowl
49. Tart Apple for Sweet Apple /u/mercedxs
50. HA solosis for HA Arrokuda /u/Anubis2525
51. HA togedmaru for HA duskull /u/DopeAnteater
52. Love ball HA Purrloin for Beast ball HA Charmander /u/Olig2
53. HA 0 speed Duskull for HA Unovan Darumaka /u/CookieOverlord123
54. HA 0 speed Duskull for Xp. Candy XL /u/Late-Wafer
55. HA Heavy ball Corsola for HA Dream ball Falinks /u/Lumiharu
56. HA Dream ball Falinks for HA Moon ball Noibat /u/I_Is_Jen0013
57. HA Cleffa for HA Friend ball Galarian Farfetch'd /u/idgafjlmp
58. HA fast ball Pichu for HA Helioptile /u/Spochy
59. Dream ball HA Swinub for Safari ball HA Rhyhorn /u/PopTartManic
60. Dream ball HA Tympole for Dream ball HA Rhyhorn /u/beefstrike
61. Dream HA Falinks for Dream HA Galar Yamask /u/HansSoloed
62. HA moon Gothita for HA love Mareanie /u/mochiicecream82
63. HA love Purrloin for HA dream Snorunt /u/coffee_with_cats
64. Moon ball Feebas for HA Safari Larvitar /u/kumail786
65. HA Safari Rhydon for HA Lure Shellder /u/MySweatyTh1ghs
66. 3 ability capsules for Perfect IV Dream Oranguru /u/Pedsu
67. Moon Deino, HA Fast Pichu for HA Heatmor, HA Shellos /u/Androptic
68. HA Galar Farfetch'd for HA Feebas /u/FLOOPERXD
69. love vulpix, safari rhydon, moon duskull and dream togedmaru for Level Silicobra, Heavy Durant, Beast Snorunt and Repeat Sinistea /u/bigthurm45
70. HA Fast Pichu, HA Safari Larvitar for HA Dream Galarian Darumaka and HA Friend Applin /u/bigthurm45
71. HA Dream Snorunt for Love Morpeko /u/DragoniteChamp
72. HA Dream ball Falinks for HA Love ball Woobat /u/Tomek900
73. Friend ball HA Bulbasaur for Safari Lotad /u/TryazX
74. Dream HA Oranguru for Dream HA Morelull /u/Wawie
75. DBHA Buneary for Safari HA Skwovet /u/ChocoMcLoco
76. DBHA Pinsir for HA Heracross /u/NickPotts2002
77. Dream ball HA Cutiefly, HA dream ball Oranguru for HA Moon ball Larvesta, own tempo Rockruff /u/SirMeowza
78. HA Dream Falinks for HA Lure Horsea /u/Dosed_By_Fru
79. Beast HA Shinx, Fast Grubbin, Fast OT Rockruff, Love Rotom, Lure HA Horsea, Moon HA Larvesta, Moon HA Noibat, Safari HA Skwovet for Beast OT Rockruff, Beast HA Sableye, Fast HA Maractus, Level HA Gothita, Love HA Cleffa, Lure Clauncher, Lure HA Tympole, Sport HA Pinsir /u/Wawie
80. HA Moon Duskull for HA Fast Growlithe /u/ThomasJefferson431
81. Fast HA Rockruff, Heavy Dhelmise, and Dream HA Falinks for Lure HA Skrelp, Beast HA Fomantis, Fast HA Yamper /u/shinydwebble
82. Safari HA Skwovet, friend HA farfetch'd for Sport HA Sawk, fast HA Emolga /u/seventhird
83. HA Popplio for Safari HA Lapras /u/DSjawa90
84. heavy golett, love salandit, heavy dhelmise, safari skwovet, dream purrloin, dream timbuee, dream tympole, dream solosis, dream goomy, dream cutiefly, dream togedemaru, dream falinks, dream indeedee for Heavy HA Bulbasaur, Fast HA Bulbasaur, Friend HA Charmander, Heavy HA Charmander, Fast HA Charmander, Heavy HA Alolan Sandshrew, Moon HA Kanto Vulpix, Level HA Kanto Vulpix, Fast HA Scyther, Level HA Trapinch, Fast HA Venipede, Level HA Sandile, Sport HA Larvesta, Moon HA Klefki, Friend HA Pyukumuku /u/ImportantTree147
85. Safari HA Larvesta for Safari Scyther /u/Pojemans
86. Heavy HA Rookidee for Moon HA Foongus /u/Nellidae302
87. HA Fast ball Pichu, DBHA Cutiefly and DBHA falinks for HA Beast Duraludon, HA Beast fletchling and HA Safari Poliwag /u/SocialistGrandpa
88. HA Darumaka for XL Exp Candy /u/Nephilim_77
89. dream HA unova and beast HA galar Darumaka for dream eiscue and ha safari farfetchd /u/xtxinverse
90. Safari HA Skwovet, Moon HA Feebas for Masterball /u/agent_10
91. HA Moon Klefki, HA Heavy Pichu, HA Moon Foongus, HA Fast Emolga and Fast Grubbin for HA Dream Porygon, HA Dream Sawk, HA Friend Cufant, HA Heavy Axew and HA Beast Pawniard /u/beefstrike
92. 5 XL Exp Candies for Sport Sandile, Sport Foongus, HA Safari Purrloin, HA Fast Hawlucha, HA Heavy Duraludon and Safari HA Duskull /u/platokie
93. Competitive Alolan Marowak for Lure Ball, Heavy Ball /u/Digitech490
94. Competitive Alolan Marowak for Masterball /u/minhdnguyen
95. Competitive Alolan Marowak for Master ball /u/eddiespaghetti1234
96. Competitive Alolan Marowak for Dream and Beast ball /u/GoGoZeppili
97. Competitive Alolan Marowak for Master ball /u/PeDominik
98. Competitive Alolan Marowak for Master ball /u/0_Hopplo_0
99. Competitive Alolan Marowak for 2 Dream balls /u/Enterprise90
100. Competitive Huge Power Marill in a Love ball for Grookey holding Friend ball /u/waggypants
101. Safari HA Slowpoke for Dream HA Charmander /u/1998fordaerostar
102. Competitive Alolan Marowak for 2 love balls /u/KilluaZoldyck0105
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Hayley's Mew for M14 Darkrai /u/kasrit

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (226 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Heavyball Dhelmise box giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)
2. Giveawawy 2 boxes of Heavy ball HA Rookidee, 3 egg moves, Impish, minimum 3IV (Sub: pokemontrades, 22 given)
3. Various Moon HA (when exists) Aprimon (Sub: pokemontrades, 37 given)
4. Various HA Aprimon Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 41 given)
5. Various HA Aprimon Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 55 given)
6. Various HA Aprimon giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 41 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (6)

1. Slurpuff and Aromatisse Tradeback /u/lunerd1427
2. 17 various pokemon for dex completion /u/abeefyduck67
3. Zamazenta, Aromatisse, Appletun Tradeback /u/vinceriffic
4. Transferring items between accounts /u/Eloc06
5. Shiny Electivire Evolution /u/VillainousCJ
6. various tradeback evolutions /u/justsaytalk

Misc (0)


lampyridae's Information


Friend codes:
