
2277-6687-2973 || Victoria (ΩR), Viridi (X)
2277-6687-2973 || Victoria (ΩR), Viridi (X) || 3089

Trades (7)

[+] Events (4)
1. Dragonite Code for Luxury Ball Chikorita, HA Dream Ball Eevee, HA Heal Ball Chinchou, and Safari Ball Electrike. /u/lavaburst14
2. Zoroark Language set for 2 XYZ Yveltals and a XYZ Xerneas /u/KoRayven
3. HA Regi Trio for Dahara Wi-Fi Giratina /u/Fitsodark
4. NA Mew code for NA Darkrai code /u/Wizli
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (3)
1. HA Dive ball Minun spitback for HA Tepig spitback /u/LadyLucario
2. 5IV -Atk Luxury Ball Scatterbug for Male Corsola spitback /u/Akrisn
3. HP Ice Abra for Friend Ball Skarmory /u/lavaburst14
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (20)

1. Hatched a Luxury Ball Charmander for user andrewlay. /u/andrewlay
2. Hatched a Charmander Egg, was shiny. /u/eraco
3. Hatched a shiny Growlithe. /u/Whatzittooya__
4. Hatched a shiny Froakie for a user. /u/Exodamon
5. Hatched a shiny Misdreavus /u/willster191
6. Hatched a shiny Mantine. /u/hjan3312
7. Hatched a shiny Heracross. /u/chang0471
8. Hatched (and nicknamed) a shiny Piplup. /u/Amitotic
9. Hatched a Mudkip egg for a user. /u/TexHameIs35
10. Hatched a Houndour egg for a user. /u/Fighui
11. Hatched a shiny Zubat. /u/Mushy_64
12. Hatched a shiny Durant. /u/MercurialSquirrel
13. Hatched a Karp egg /u/The_Givurr
14. Hatched a Lapras egg. /u/MRBlobbable
15. Hatched a Shroomish egg. /u/GeumJi
16. Hatched a shiny Golett. /u/VoteYesForMetagross
17. Hatched a shiny Phantump /u/Jamie-McL
18. Hatched a Bagon egg /u/strikingdiamonds
19. Hatched a Noibat egg. /u/Mushy_64
20. Hatched a Kangaskhan egg. /u/leaf_05

Giveaways/Contests (9 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away Dream Ball Togepis, mostly HA. (Sub: pokemontrades, 8 given)
2. Gave a dragonite code away. (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


LolwutPie's Information


Friend codes:
