
2681-3886-8659 || kiari (X)
2681-3886-8659 || kiari (X) || XXXX

Trades (12)

[+] Events (12)
1. vocianion event code for Darkrai /u/random_anonymity
2. volcanion code for arceus code /u/MaverickHunter11
3. volcanion code for shiney dratini semi comp /u/jesb130
4. volcanion code for comp scyther /u/rawrzorzz
5. volcanion for shiny carmander /u/kerstrom
6. volcanion code for nidoran male comp /u/zericerry
7. volcanion code for dbha eevee /u/xiibo
8. 2 volcanion codes for 1 ditto /u/yella-jacket
9. 4 na volcanion codes for mewtwo and jirachi /u/rush042
10. volcnion code for lapras and scyther /u/Groenendael
11. 4 na vloc codes for jap celebi /u/Suicune9
12. volc code for victini /u/Neyonachi
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


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Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


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LordSphinxy's Information


Friend codes:

  • 2681-3886-8659


  • IGN: kairi