
1220-8933-0379 || Lundrity (αS)
1220-8933-0379 || Lundrity (αS) || 2815

Trades (100)

[+] Events (41)
1. 3 HK Ray Codes for 1 HK Redemption /u/KHP747
2. NA Gamestop Anniversary Mew Code for 5 IV Male Pidgey in Nest ball with the EMs Defog, Airslash and Pursuit/Steel Wing /u/Upper90175
3. 2 NA Mew Codes for 2 PAL Bird Codes /u/sabercallisto
4. PAL Aldora Aritcuno Code, PAL Aldora Zapdos Code, NA Newsletter Mew Code for Perfect 5 IV Timid Smeargle w/ EMs Dark Void, Fake Out, Spiky Shield, and Follow Me /u/Erie123
5. 31/31/31/x/31/31 Impish 20th Jirachi for 4 Gardevoir Codes, 3 NA Darkrai Codes /u/GodzillaInAPokeball
6. NA 20th Darkrai Code for Pefect IV Hippopotas and Venonat /u/Fad1990
7. Shiny Comp Squirtle for NA Darkrai Code /u/norman250
8. 1 Comp Shiny, Jolly Meditite for Pal Arceus Code /u/notorious_smite
9. 2 Comp Shinies, Brave Ferroseed, and Modest Horsea for 2 NA Arceus Codes /u/norman250
10. Galileo Rayquaza JPN NATURE for NA Arceus Code /u/mcbrybry
11. 2 Cymia JPN Gardevoir Codes for Heavy Ball Pineco Heavy Shellder Dream Ball Swinub Dream Ball Vulpix Dream Ball Solosis /u/sagejonathan
12. Shiny Galileo Rayquaza for NA Arceus Code /u/Shalla_back
13. NA Arceus Code for Staraptor with 163 HP and 122 Speed and the move final gambit /u/darkzhul
14. SR'd 20th Celebi, 20th Manaphy, Manesh Hoopa for HP ICE RNG Thundurus GEN 5 /u/DLBork
15. 2 NA Arceus Codes for Bagon, Clamperl, Farfetch'd, and Pidgey.(ALL DBHA) /u/shady6121
16. Level 40 Tornadus from ORAS for NA Arceus Code /u/shaanth21
17. Comp Shiny Abra, Comp Shiny Poliwag for 2 NA Arceus Codes /u/dmasterfunk
18. Battle Ready - Charizard, Clefable, Tyranitar, Salamence, and Garchomp for 6 NA Arceus Codes /u/jackterracc
19. 3 NA GF Arceus Codes for Dream Ball Koffing DBHA Magikarp Heavy Ball Lickitung Lure Ball Shellder Lure Ball Mantine Friend Ball Aipom Friend Ball Hopip Love Ball Horsea /u/SonicsShadowIsSilver
20. Battle Ready Gallade for NA Arceus Code /u/Frolic_Tv
21. PGL Garchomp Code for RNG'd HP Ice Bold Zapdos 31/E/30/31/31/31 from HeartGold (taught Defog) RNG'd Adamant Ho-Oh 31/31/31/x/31/31 from HeartGold /u/hurricane_matt
22. 5 NA Arceus Codes for Sports Ball Venonat Sports Ball Wurmple DBHA Elekid, DBHA Pineco Heavy Ball Milktank Heavy Ball Cleffa Friend Ball Delibird Friend Ball Cubone Friend Ball Exeggutor Moon Ball Yanma Moon Ball Misdreavous Lure Ball Smoochum /u/xellly
23. 1 Pal Darkrai Code for Female Lure Ball Machop /u/lauishcmc1808
24. Choice Band, Life Orb for 1 NA Arceus Code /u/DeluxeBubbles
25. PGL Amaura for Spreadsheet Editor /u/Emm1096
26. 5 IV Sheer force cranidos, 5 iv swift swim poliwag, and 5 iv natural cure roselia for NA Darkrai Code /u/DTranscendent
27. 6 iv male adamant technician scyther, 5 perfect iv adamant marvel scale dratini for 1 na arceus code /u/jblac02
28. Galileo German Rayquaza + Comp 6 IV Sve hatched shiny scyther for Happy Hour Meowth PAL /u/Smepfelchen
29. 1 NA ARCEUS CODE for PERFECT IV JOLLY TYRUNT 31.31.31.X.31.31 /u/Emm1096
30. SR'd NA Aldora Zapdos for RNG Black Gen 5 Shiny Kyurem /u/Porta_14
31. NA Mew Redemption for Heavy Ball Female Rhyhorn /u/notorious_smite
32. perfect iv adamant growlithe, jolly ha ralts, calm eevee, timid ha abra for English nature Happy Hour event august 2016 meowth /u/kingdave111
35. PGL Darmanitan code for Event wifi Korean german language giratina /u/endy1102
36. Victini Language Set for 11 Bank Ball females /u/Emm1096
37. pgl darmanitan code for 16 female bank ball pokes /u/sagejonathan
38. perfect iv timid togepi and male nidoran w/ 4 em for Trophy Shiny Axew /u/DefiantRanger
39. 5 Custom Shinies, info in public notes. Ralts, Oshawott, Eevee, Dratini, Cranidos for 5 NA Arceus Codes /u/DTranscendent
40. 1 NA Arceus Code for DBHA Bronzor, DBHA Spiritomb /u/blackaurora
41. NA Wifi Keldeo, 1 SPA Language and 1 JPN Language for DBHA elgyem, chinchou, and stunky, luxury ball squirtle /u/sagejonathan
[+] Shinies (5)
1. Comp Shiny Abra for Sports Ball Kricketot, Sports Ball Nincada, and Fast Ball Mareep /u/flaw1ess1994
2. Comp Shiny Horsea Modest for level ball Mankey, and friend ball Teddiursa. /u/savannah_allie
3. 6 IV Female HA Shiny Eevee for Team built(the guy built an OU team for me) /u/Funkmaster_Lincoln
4. Comp Shiny Buneary for Love Ball Lapras, Level Ball Phanphy, Level Ball Vulpix(In Egg) /u/MysticUmbreonB
5. Comp Shiny Carnidos for Jolly Dry Skin Croagunk and Timid Nest Ball Magic Guard Sigilyph,, both female /u/qweligator
[+] Competitive / Casual (54)
1. Moon Ball Houndoor, Moon Ball Munchlax, Level Ball Elekid for Dream Ball-(Tangela, Seel, Gligar, Driffloon) /u/3Anton3
2. Luxury Ball Charmander for Moonball Chinchou /u/TrainerWren
3. Friend Ball Bidoff(female) for Dream Ball Skorupi(female) /u/Cute1234562002
4. Perfect IV Carbink for Metal Coat /u/OriginalBeefman
5. HA 6IV Mudkip for 4IV Snorunt /u/Nelxor
6. Shiny Unaware Whooper for 5IV HA Swinub /u/ghastlydrex
7. 6IV Male Magikarp for Substitute taught on Haunter /u/Bobius
8. Perfect 5 IV TImid Poliwag for Imperfect 4IV Jolly HA Gible /u/sirweiss
9. 5 IV Snorlax for 5 IV Jolly Kangaskhan /u/powerkat13
10. 5 IV Ralts for Quiet Nature Aegislash /u/sirweiss
11. Perfect 5IV Shuppet and Mawile for 6IV Quiet Aegislash /u/tlongthelamer
12. Proten 6IV Froakie, Natural Cure Chansey and Timid Magic Guard Abra for Kangaskhan was taught Power Up Punch, Timburr was taught Ice Punch and Knock Off /u/sirweiss
13. Dream Ball Female Perfect IV Adamant Grimer for Jolly Perfect IV Riolu /u/CyanideShotgun
14. Perfect IV Jolly Magikarp in Lure Ball for Timid Perfect IV Gastly with Perish Song and Disable as EMs /u/LuckPusher
15. Shed Skin Perfect IV Female Premier Ball Dratini for Taught my Abomasnow Energy Ball(TM) /u/FenrirBlade0
16. Perfect IV Aipom for Taught my Garchomp Stealth Rocks /u/notorious_smite
17. 5IV Imperfect Shroomish w/ HA for Farfetche'd /u/Lucas_CFC_35
18. Perfect IV Sheer Force Crandidos for Perfect 5IV Calm Eevee /u/Vanity333
19. DBHA Rattata for Perfect iV Rhyhorn /u/erwincole
20. Moon Ball Female Growlithe, Premier Ball Female Absol, Female Luxury Ball Darmuka for Heavy Geodude Heavy Phanpy Moon Shellder Moon Ekans | ALL FEMALE /u/jkengstrom7
21. Lure Krabby, Lure Magikarp, and Friend Ralt for DBHA Diglett, DBHA Cottonee, and DBHA Roggenrola /u/Mintcinno
23. perfect iv premier ball cubchoo for DBHA imperfect iV Poliwag /u/Yoris123
24. NA Arceus Redemption for DBHA Murkrow /u/lokomo22
25. DBHA Female Ralts 5IV Moon ball female Gastly 5IV DBHA Female Smoochum 5IV Heavy ball female Ralts 5IV for DBHA Shellos with 4 egg moves DBHA Slowpoke Moon ball Murkrow Moon ball Teddiursa /u/zephdt
26. 6 IV zorua for heavy ball lapras and fast ball growlithe /u/rafflesz
27. Perfect IV Luxury Ball Kangaskhan and Perfect IV Heavy Ball Diglet for Heracross 4EM and Safari Ball Lickitung 3EMs /u/dthrow
28. 6 IV Male Torrent Mudkip with 4 EM for DBHA Hoothoto and DBHA Meowth /u/Adso25
29. 6 IV Froakie and a custom Honedge breed for Friend Skarmory, Fast Ledyba, Friend Larvitar, Love Meditite, Level mareep /u/PikaCuber
30. Dawn Stone for Level Ball Smeargle /u/Steav005
31. Perfect IV Female, Luxury Ball, Gooey Goomy for 4EM Adamant perfect iv Love Ball Mawile /u/AAParker94
32. HP ICE breedject(not perfect IV) Volt tackle luxury ball female Pichu for HA Turtwig with 4 em /u/Yeezus-Hov
33. DBHA Imperfect IV pidgey Swablu w/ 4 em for Level Ball imperfect IV Female Pidgey w/ 4 em /u/sharmaopankaj
34. DBHA Solosis, DBHA Smoochum for DBHA Weedle, 4 em charmander /u/KLKPKS
35. DBHA Solosis and DBHA Abra for fast ball pidgey, friend ball vulpix, and heavy ball pineco /u/V1C1OU5LY
36. both perfect ivs - serence grace togepi, anticipation eevee for transfer 5 items from my alpha saphire to my omega ruby /u/Boob_Ninja
37. NA Darkrai Timid Nature for DBHA Absol DBHA Kecleon DBHA Larvitar DBHA Ledyba DBHA Mareep DBHA Miltank DBHA Mr. Mime Moon Ball Mawile DBHA Vanillite DBHA Psyduck /u/dshmss
38. 2 Ability capsules, 2 heart scales for DBHA Corsola, Natu, Aron, Trapinch, Drowzee, Audino, and Sneasel /u/sirweiss
39. friend ball teddiursa with 4 em for fast ball seel with 4 em /u/1234jkvi
40. 4em friend ball teddiursa female for friend ball psyduck 1 em /u/CuteCharm
41. Perfect IV Tyrunt for Perfect IV Timburr /u/34loppyXsoko
42. 6 IV Male Shed Skin 4 EM Dream Ball Dratini for Level Ball Female Diglet w/ 3 EM /u/Aaron8828
43. Brave Repeat Ball Ferrothorn and Adamant Friend Ball Teddiursa for DBHA 4 EM Nidoran Female /u/sagejonathan
44. Female 6 IV Lure Ball Magikarp, Female 5 IV Heavy Ball Geodude for Female HA Purloin in a premier ball /u/Coastey
45. 6V HA female Poliwag, 5v DB moody Snorunt and DBHA Smoochum for Female HA Dive Ball Nidoran /u/alan1589
46. 31.x. Modest 4 EM Amaura for Female Lure Ball Chatot with 3 EM /u/sharmaopankaj
47. Misdeavus 1 Male Timid Levitate 31 31 31 31 31 31 Nasty Plot Dream Ball Yes 1 Hippopotas 1 Male Impish Sand Stream 31 31 31 x 31 31 Slack Off Safari Ball Yes 1 for Electrike Male Timid 31 xx 30 31 31 31 Luxury Ball /u/Harshul1
48. Female Dream Ball Dratini - Marvel Scale - Adamant - 31.31.31.x.31.31 - Aqua Jet, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Extreeme Speed for Female Luxury Ball Phanphy - Pickup - Adamant - 31.31.31.x.31.31. - Ice Shard, Play Rough, Head Smash, Body Slam /u/Anderswelten
49. Male Marill - Adamant - Huge Power - With Body Slam, Superpower, Belly Drum, Aqua Jet for Female Luxury Ball Litwik /u/Yosoparletheshishi
50. 5 Comp Shinies, info in public notes for Japanese PAL Event Meowth with Proof Korean PAL Event Meowth with Proof Italian PAL Event Meowth with Proof Spanish PAL Event Meowth with Proof French PAL Event Meowth with Proof /u/Opelucid
52. Charmander Male ENG1/61185 Modest Solar Power 31 0 31 31 31 31 Dragon Pulse, Air Cutter, Dragon Dance, Ancient Power Luxury Ball for 20th TImid Shaymin /u/RavingRabbi
53. Ability Capsule for Lucarionite - Item /u/oneforhall
54. Poliwag 1 Female Timid Water Absorb 31 XX 31 31 31 31 Haze, Encore, Refresh, Ice Ball Dream Ball for Female Careful Prankster Klefki IVs /u/sagejonathan
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (1 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away one NA Arceus code. (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Did a NA Arceus and NA Darkrai redeem for /u/clarkw96 /u/clarkw95

Misc (0)


kalle2934 Oct 28, 2016 6:38:24 PM

Really nice person who redeemed a Volcanion code for me! Proof looked great as well. A great part of the community! :3

MysticHomer Oct 27, 2016 10:45:59 PM

Nice guy! He redeemed a NA Volcanion code for me for free. He does solid photo proof and communicates his trade availability very clearly. A+

Lundrity's Information


Friend codes:
