
4742-6182-6757 || Jubei (X, αS, S)
4742-6182-6757 || Jubei (X, αS, S) || 2978, 3130, 3058

Trades (49)

[+] Events (2)
1. 20th Anniversary Celebi for NA Second Chance Hoopa /u/Eevee_QT
2. Happy Hour Meowth for Lunar New Year Magikarp /u/amogha100
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (47)
1. Lotad for Froakie /u/WillZg
2. 5IV Lotad for 5IV Koffing /u/qweligator
3. Moon Teddiursa for DBHA Teddiursa /u/TriplesWithDip
4. DBHA Lickitung for Safari Seviper /u/RUMandCOCK
5. Friend Spinarak for DBHA Shellder /u/meizinsane
6. Moon Shinx for DBHA Shinx /u/CukiieMonstaa
7. DBHA Magby and Love Mawile for DBHA Elekid and Heavy Mawile /u/seivu
8. Friend Oddish for Friend Heracross /u/GrafKarpador
9. DBHA Clamperl for DBHA Mantine /u/creoix
10. Lure Mantine, Friend Spinarak, Friend Tangela, Safari Bagon, Safari Larvitar and Friend Oddish for Heavy Lickitung, Friend Aipom, Friend Pineco, Fast Cubone, Fast Mareep and Friend Hoppip /u/SonicsShadowIsSilver
11. Love Mawil and Friend Spinarak for Level seedot and Friend Machop /u/Jorellana2334
12. Friend Oddish and Spinarak for Friend Weedle and Love Oddish /u/cloudypeak
13. 29 Pokemon for 29 Pokemon /u/KingAllant
14. 4 Pokemon for 4 Pokemon /u/RUMandCOCK
15. Moon Weedle for Cyndaquil /u/SnakesNSerpents
16. DBHA Lickitung, Gastly, Duskull, Shelmet and Karrablast for DBHA Shellos East (blue), Buizel, Vanillite, Maractus, Druddigon /u/RemiRei
17. Moon Weedle, Friend Spinarak, DBHA Lickitung, Gastly and Duskull for Moon Caterpie, Fast Growlithe, Moon Gligar and Moon Meditite /u/Scraletfire56
18. DB Gastly for Dive Froakie /u/HollowScarlet
19. Moon Vulpix for Lure Larvitar /u/Gazier
20. DBHA Magby and DB Gastly for DBHA Weedle, Joltik and Roggenrola /u/kimchiboy85
21. Safari Barboach and Lure Mantine for Level Elekid /u/quinell25
22. Leftovers for Premier HA Fletchling /u/__--_---_-
23. DBHA Pokemon for DBHA Pokemon /u/Foxlery
24. Leftovers for Level Tentacool /u/__--_---_-
25. DBHA Pokemon for DBHA Pokemon /u/rouge-lilith
26. DBHA Shelmet, DBHA Mantine and Love Caterpie for Nest Turtwig, Level Eevee and Safari Doduo /u/Fluff_Machine
27. DBHA Makuhita for Fast HA Salandit /u/Knightinkodes
28. BB Pokémon for BB Pokémon /u/namida7
29. BB Pokémon for BB Pokemon /u/Grazier
30. DBHA Pokémon for Starly and Venipede /u/wyau90
31. DBHA Pokémon for BB Pokémon /u/catsandfrogs3000
32. DBHA Pokémon for BB Pokémon /u/WooperIsGod
33. DBHA Pokémon for BB Pokémon /u/Fluff_Machine
34. DBHA Pokemon for BB Pokemon /u/troysmitt
35. DBHA Lileep for Friend Girafarig /u/legolastheking7
36. DBHA Pokemon for BB Pokemon /u/lost0200
37. Bank Ball Pokémon for Bank Ball Pokémon /u/Vocitare
38. DBHA Pokémon for Bank Ball Pokémon /u/DragonFeatherz
39. DBHA Pokemon for Bank Ball Pokemon /u/Nightcore12
40. DBHA Riolu for Love HA Magnemite /u/PurpleTriangles
41. DBHA Pokemon for BB Pokemon /u/Johnnyohall
42. DBHA Pokemon for BB Pokemon /u/pokemon871
43. DBHA Chinchou for Heavy Pidgey /u/shugo405
44. DBHA Pokémon for BB Pokémon /u/shamaela
45. Love Stufful for Love Rockruff /u/BurntIceCube
46. DBHA Pokémon for BB Pokémon /u/Animekitty421
47. DBHA Geodude and DB Slakoth for Heavy Vullaby and Poké Amaura /u/catsandfrogs3000
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (24)

1. Hatched Larvesta /u/ayuru0705
2. Hatched Cleffa /u/RIMAN2209
3. Hatched Flabébé /u/v3220
4. Hatched Dratini /u/patchespatch04
5. Hatched Weedle /u/derpingtoaster
6. Hatched Froakie /u/Strafingfire
7. Hatched Sudowoodo /u/willster191
8. Hatched Ralts /u/Bakoth
9. Hatched Snorunt /u/SnekazZ
10. Hatched Torchic /u/patchespatch04
11. Hatched Sableye /u/SoggyBreakfastCereal
12. Hatched Vulpix /u/Stray_Spectre
13. Hatched Poliwag /u/sharmaopankaj
14. Hatched Cottonee /u/U_Need_A_Brojob
15. Hatched Charmander /u/projectROXO
16. Hatched Mudbray /u/Mint-Milkshake
17. Hatched Venonat /u/Mint-Milkshake
18. Hatched Pawniard /u/Aznip
19. Hatched Litwick /u/NutellaRaichu
20. Hatched Honedge /u/Aznip
21. Hatched Noibat /u/Jehan5000
22. Hatched Togedemaru /u/ShadowSkeet
23. Hatched Bounsweet /u/jhey-zone-bee
24. Hatched Salandit /u/Milady_Snowdrop

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (4)

1. Evolve Karrablast and Shelmet /u/Taz989
2. Evolve Karrablast and Shelmet /u/pepe1214
3. Evolve Kadabra /u/MacieMaxim
4. Evolve Haunter /u/awwjia

Misc (0)


M23Pokemon's Information


Friend codes:
