
SW-2794-4639-4294 || 桃酱/Maggie (SW)
SW-2794-4639-4294 || 桃酱/Maggie (SW) || XXXX

Trades (110)

[+] Events (25)
1. 2 lang sets of Hoopa and 2 lang sets of Darkrai for 6 Wishmaker Jirachi /u/TailsMegamanX
2. 3x Darkrai for Fancy Vivillon /u/TheDecimated
3. 1 Shiny Female Vulpix for 1 Shiny Silvally Code /u/Slenderloli
4. 1 Shiny HA Snivy in Friend Ball for 1 NA Shiny Silvally Code /u/bvick88
5. 1 Shiny Bagon for 1 NA Shiny Silvally Code /u/TehOdyssey
6. 1 NA Celebi Code for 1 Pokeball Vivillon /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
7. 4 BR pokemon: Venusaur, Salamence, Toxapex, Shiny Sylveon for 1 JPN Kyodon code and 1 NA Marshadow code /u/v3ntak
8. 1 NA Marshadow code for 1 Rotom code /u/Super_Fua
9. 1 PAL D/P Code for 1 NA E/R Code /u/parsath1
10. 1 Shiny Shellder, 1 Shiny Dratini, 1 Shiny Eevee, 1 Shiny A-Vulpix for 4 NA E/R Codes /u/BHole_69
11. 1 Shiny A-Vpulix for 1 NA E/R Code /u/thecuteoneishere
12. 1 Shiny Squirtle for 1 NA E/R Code /u/georgec34
13. Heavy Squirtle, Lure Wimpod, Moon Minior, Level Tepig for 1 NA D/P Code /u/cjameson83
14. 1 NA E/R Code for 1 JPN Shiny Poipole Code /u/XecoX
15. 1 NA E/R Code for 1 NA D/P Code /u/Haruto000
16. 1 20 Anniv Keldeo (Timid) for 3 NA X/Y Codes /u/Snorkus85
17. 2 NA E/R codes for 1 NA Shiny Zygarde code /u/fevernovo
18. 5 breedables: Bulbasaur, dratini, marill, mareanie, and alolan vulpix for 1 NA Z code /u/ixxscottxxi
19. shiny Mimikyu for NA Zygarde Code /u/sonerec725
20. Shiny Alolan Vulpix and Shiny Dratini for 2 Poipole codes /u/cademon10
21. Shiny Psyduck for NA H/L Code /u/ryanj1109
22. 6 Alexander Hoopas for 2 Tapu Lele codes /u/Pjay12
23. 1 Tapu Fini Code for Adamant Shing Tapu Bulu /u/alienowitch
24. JPN Secret Club Necrozma Code for Fancy & Pokeball Vivillon /u/valere1213
25. Shiny Galarian Moltres for Dada Zarude /u/QuasarHyper
[+] Shinies (19)
1. Shiny Caterpie for Shiny Seadra /u/canvasrosier
2. Shiny pikachu for Shiny Pupitar /u/pokeloid
3. Shiny Skiddo for HA Sneasel /u/mr-canna
4. Shiny Fletchling for NA Volcanion Code /u/surgex10
5. Shiny Lunatone, Shiny Pyroar for XYZ Xerneas /u/Dragweird
6. Shiny Bagon for Tapu Koko /u/SteamPunkPascal
7. 1 Shiny HA Dratini in Friend Ball for 1 Fast Ball Code /u/Mr_Navillus
8. Shiny Vulpix for 1 NA Marshadow code /u/yodudeyodude
9. 1 Shiny Vulpix for 1 NA Marshadow Code /u/Besalapunta
10. 1 Shiny Alolan Grimer for 1 NA Marshadow Code /u/definitely_seriouss
11. 1 Shiny Dratini for Poipole, Weavile, and Blacephalon tradeback /u/Dcarozza6
12. 1 shiny Vulpix for Bastiodon tradeback /u/LtPeanuts
13. 1 shiny Snivy for Skatakata tradeback /u/Quidam21
14. 1 Shiny A-Grimer and 1 Shiny Shellder for 1 Lure Ball and 1 Level Ball /u/Kami-K
15. 1 Shiny Phantump for 1 Fast Ball and 1 Moon Ball /u/cooee64
16. 1 shiny Charmander, 1 shiny Marill, 1 shiny Venipede, 1 shiny Snivy, 1 shiny Vulpix, 1 shiny Dratini for 1 set of Apricorn balls /u/King-Eaglez
17. 1 Shiny Mareanie for 1 PAL D/P Code /u/GoldnGayTime
18. shiny Venipede and shiny Fomantis for 1 set of Apriballs + 1 Love Ball /u/KirbyTheDestroyer
19. Aprimons - Safari HA Krabby, Lure HA Staryu Love HA Hoppip, Level HA Litwick; Shinies - Sandslash, Azumarill, Charmander, Squirtle, Kanto Vulpix. Snivy for Fast and Level Oddish, Moon Slowpoke, Level Aipom, Fast, Level, Heavy and Moon Qwillfish, Level and Love Slugma, Heavy Poochyena, Love Seedot, Fast Slakoth, Fast Minun, Safari Illumise, Lure and Dream Trapinch, Safari, Fast and Lure Corphish, Friend and Moon Baltoy, Level Feebas, Friend Shuppet, Moon Spheal, Moon Kricketot, Lure Buizel, Lure Hippopotas, Lure Rotom, Lure and Love Lillipup /u/schnipcake
[+] Competitive / Casual (65)
1. Base Tier Pokemons for Medichamite and Latiosite /u/Roland7
2. Move Tutor for Aggronite /u/bearerofdojutsu
3. 2 Sun Stones for 2 Moon Stones /u/Superkowz
4. Move Teaching for Jolly Growlithe /u/Rhetorical_Fish
5. Up-Grade, Dubious Disc, Razor Claw for Female Sport Ball Sycther /u/__--_---_-
6. Move Tutor for 5V Sableye /u/bswalsh123
7. Up-Grade for DBHA Dratini /u/silly_world
8. 2x Moon Stones for Reaper Cloths and Protector /u/euphwes
9. HA Fletchling for Honedge and Feebas /u/KYuuma12
10. Jolly HA Fletchling for Gastly /u/The_Initiated
11. Liechi Berry for Cubone /u/baneposting_for_you
12. 6x Pearl Strings, 3x Sweet Hearts, Prism Scale for DBHA F Sneasel, Bagon, Swablu, Audino /u/pft7
13. HA F Fletchling for HA M Froakie /u/thegoodcat1
14. Dawn Stone for Everstone /u/denis_M
15. 4x Master Balls for Aggronite, Heractonite, Charizardite Y and Mewtwonite Y /u/DaGanzi
16. Moon Ball Minior (Violet) for Friend Ball Bounsweet w/ EMs /u/juicewahh
17. 6V Moon Ball Minior (Violet) for HA Lure Ball Gible /u/mwilhelm0727
18. Friend Ball Bagon for Beast Ball Dewpider /u/HandsmeBWnderful
19. HP Fire Vulpix for Moon Ball Grimer /u/Slaying_Dragons
20. HA Love Ball A-Vulpix for HA Friend Ball A-Grimer /u/pastamancer8081
21. Lure HA Gible for Heavy Ball Grimer /u/otakustratosx
22. 1 Level Ball Honedge for 1 Lure Ball Taillow /u/brutal018
23. 1 Friend Ball Bagon for 1 DB Miltank /u/theflamesof
24. 1 Love Ball HA Phantump for 1 Lure Ball HA Venipede /u/Aaaight
25. 1 HA Lure Ball Venipede for 1 Fomantis with Defog /u/goyange
26. 1 6V HA Fletchling, 1 HA 5V Fomantis, 1 5V Minior for 1 Level Ball /u/pnkocn
27. 2 Lucky Eggs for Heavy Ball Female HA Squirtle /u/MixQQ
28. Love Ball Marill w/ Belly Drum for Love Ball Ekans /u/shii093
29. Love Ball Mareanie for Moon Ball Spinarak /u/rufusdrumknott
30. Lure Ball Venipede for Friend Ball Weedle /u/Gaiden325
31. 1 Lure Ball Wimpod for 1 Safari Ball Spearow /u/Puibmka23
32. Moon Ball HA K-Vulpix for Safari Ball HA Oddish /u/Tacobell24
33. 1 Roto Hatch for 1 Heavy Ball Snover /u/YukinoHaruhi
34. 1 Heavy Ball Snover for 1 Lure Ball Skrelp /u/Fockereller
35. 27 Rare Candies for 27 Breedables /u/trainertrent123
36. Level Ball Mudbray, Lure Ball Poliwag, Shellder for Moon Ball Piplup, Oshawatt, Clamperl /u/CanOfFish78
37. Friend Ball Oddish, Mankey, Level Ball Mudbray, Morelull for Lure Torkoal, Heavy Binacle, Dream Seviper and Level Mienfoo /u/Hawksmack
38. Starf, Colbur, Liechi, Kebia, and Haban Berries for Level Exeggcute, Dream Phanpy, Stantler, Duduo, Fast Slugma /u/KRLW890
39. Level Mudbray, Morelull, Friend Oddish, Mankey for Fast Phanpy, Level Diglett, Magby, Love Bruxish /u/jldixon1
40. Move Tutor for Safari Phanpy /u/bammboi
41. 5 eggs in Gen 6 for Moon Golett, Love Smeargle, Surskit, Exeggcute, Elekid, Torchic, Sewaddle, Inkay, Spoink, and Heavy Piplup in Gen 7 /u/CanOfFish78
42. HP fire Friend HA Oddish, Lure HA Poliwag, Level Morelull, Level Mudbray, Friend HA Mankey for Moon Corphish, Shuppet, Kangaskhan and Lure Beldum, Klefki /u/GoodReplays
43. Move Tutor for Moon Clauncher /u/bammboi
44. Lure Psyduck and Friend Petilil for Lure Druddigon and Fast Houndour /u/kuaian
45. Lure Poliwag & Friend Petilil for Fast and Heavy Treecko /u/danoobna
46. 10 bottle caps for Fast Lickitung, Sport Pinsir, Safari Cleffa, Heavy Sneasel, Safari Miltank, Level Minun, Safari Chimecho, Friend Cherubi, Love Oshawatt, Heavy Turtonator /u/doloresphase
47. Lure Psyduck for Lure Electrike /u/Oikaze
48. Lure HA Psyduck for Heavy Kricketot /u/vamwerefairy
49. Lure Psyduck, Friend Petilil for Fast Pikipek, Level Numel, Moon Larvesta, Level Baltoy /u/Natswold
50. 4 Masterballs for 2 sets of Apriballs /u/frankhow
51. Lure Psyduck, Friend Petili, Level Farfetch'd, Love Stufful for Fast Gastly, Moon Exeggcute, Level Lickitung, Love Tailow /u/Canarefr
52. 3 bottlecaps for Moon Stantler, Moon Vanillite, Level Fennekin /u/Criomede
53. Level Litwick, Lure Psyduck for Lure Tepig, Lure Treeko /u/Kresslia
54. Fast Goldeen and Friend Petilil for Friend Sableye and Love Shuppet /u/Hiddeslow
55. Fast Goldeen for Lure Valluby /u/KristianRiisgaardJ
56. Friend HA Tangela, Friend Petilil, Level HA Litwick, Love Stufful, Lure HA Psyduck, Lure Comfey for Fast Ledyba, Fast Lotad, Fast Shuppet, Fast Yungoos, Friend Surskit, Friend Minun /u/Th3M4rti4n
57. 5 Life Orbs for Friend Deino, Level Aron, Dream Alomomola, Level Barboach, Friend Doduo, Level Dwebble, Level Drampa, Friend Hawlucha, Love Meditite, Heavy Miltank, Heavy Oshawott, Love Qwilfish, Heavy Relicanth, Fast Remoraid, Friend Tauros, Level Minior /u/Criomede
58. Fast HA Goldeen (M), Love HA Hoppip (F), Friend Lotad, Friend Petilil, Level HA Litwick (F,) Lure Comfey for Love Lickitung, Fast Natu, Level Tailow, Love Carnivine, Lure Chansey, Level Staryu, Friend and Fast Magnemite /u/smadler92
59. Lure HA Psyduck, Safari HA Krabby, Friend Lotad, Friend Aron, Level HA Litwick, Lure Comfey, Lure Togepi; BR Alakazam, BR Politoed, BR Golduck, BR Toucannon, BR Lilligant, BR Blaziken for Moon Helioptile, Safari Roselia, Fast Cherubi, Fast Girafarig, Fast Ralts, Fast Gothita, and Fast Electrike, Heavy Chikorita, Safari and Dream Electrike, Fast, Lure and Moon Numel, Moon Turtwig, Fast Piplup, Heavy, Love and Lure Bidoof, Friend Buizel, Level Drifloon, Moon Carnivine, Level, Fast and Heavy Basculin, Level Sigilyph, Lure Gothita, Moon Elgyem, Level Stunfisk, Lure and Level Rufflet, Friend Binacle /u/shinybidoof11
60. Love Smoochum, Lure Togepi for Heavy Numel, Heavy Rotom /u/Klemvor
61. Bewear and Hakamo-o for Friend Barboach and Fast Yanma /u/tbiztec
62. Level Torkoal for Friend Frillish /u/righteoussness
63. Fast Eevee for Fast Aipom /u/Guppin
64. Moon HA Pinsir for Moon HA Stunfisk /u/TacoSlayer13
65. 12 Roto Catches for 1 Set of Apriballs /u/poparrot
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. 3 NA Volcanion Codes for Shiny Beast Trio /u/Setzer_Gabbiani

Egg Hatches (5)

1. Hatched one Bagon egg /u/ThinkingofPi
2. Hatched a Dewpider egg /u/V-Cliff
3. Hatched a Carbink egg /u/Stiff_Churros
4. Hatched an Espurr egg /u/ionte11
5. Hatched one Koffing egg /u/chuyalove

Giveaways/Contests (378 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. HA Female Fletchling w/EMs (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. Destiny Knot (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. HA Female Fletchling (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
4. Master Ball (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
5. HA Fletchling GA - 5V, Jolly, in Repeat Ball (Sub: pokemontrades, 14 given)
6. Violet Core Minior in Moon Ball Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 75 given)
7. HP Fire HA Vulpix 5V (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
8. HA A-Vulpix Love Ball, HP Fire (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
9. HA A-Vulpix (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
10. Love Ball HA Vulpix (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
11. HA Alolan Vulpix in Love Ball (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
12. HA Alolan Vulpix (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
13. HA A-Vulpix (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
14. HA ES Dratini (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
15. Female HA Alolan Vulpix (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
16. Give 1 HA Mareanie (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
17. HA Snivy (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
18. Give away 1 HA Phantump (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
19. Love Ball Female Mimikyu (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
20. Bagon, Eevee, Grubbin Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 17 given)
21. giveaway of 6V Mimikyu, 6V HP Ice Vulpix, 6V HP Ice Charmander (mega Y set) and some 6V HP Fire Bulbasuar (Sub: pokemontrades, 37 given)
22. Giveaway of HA 6V Level Ball Female Lillipups (Sub: pokemontrades, 11 given)
23. Oddish, and some K-Vulpix, Charmander, Zubat GA (Sub: pokemontrades, 39 given)
24. Gen 6 Rattata and Ekans giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
25. Giveaway of Petilil and Stufful (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)
26. Box-Clearing Giveaway of Stufful, Togepi, Mudkip, and Electrike (Sub: pokemontrades, 38 given)
27. Gen 6 GA of Rattata, Ekans, Igglybuff, Paras (Sub: pokemontrades, 20 given)
28. Aprinmons Giveaway (Stufful, Eevee, Electrike, Passimian, Shuckle, Smoochum, Magby, Zorua, Cyndaquil, Skorupi) (Sub: pokemontrades, 82 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. Gave a Up-Grade/Helped with a Porygon2 tradeback /u/911child
2. Shiny Kadabra Tradeback /u/MrAchilles
3. Tradeback Swirlix Evolution /u/mygutsaysyes
4. Trade evolving Phantump /u/JDknight482
5. Scyther and Slowpoke Trade evolution in OR /u/Lettuceeeee
6. Trade evolution of Machoke, Scyther, Onix, Kadabra /u/advant525
7. Porygon trade evolution /u/ScumbagEcnav
8. Kadabra trade evolution /u/swarlsberg
9. Trade Evolution of Dusclops and Porygon /u/vnaga101
10. Trade evolution of Scyther, Feebas, Magmar, Electabuzz /u/ChromanRoman

Misc (1)

1. Move Tutor Help


Maggie0830's Information


Friend codes:
