
4656-6757-3311 || ジュリー (αS)
4656-6757-3311 || ジュリー (αS) || 3139

Trades (86)

[+] Events (1)
1. Snorlax, Kangaskhan for Diancie /u/xSince86x
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (83)
1. Gastly, Marril, Sneasel, Mareep, Chatot for Lapras, Onix, Poliwag, Absol, Scyther /u/Lastunamed
2. Marill for Larvitar /u/Lukari13
3. Eevee for Mawile /u/ThePetermanaccount
4. Shinx for Teddiursa /u/Dont_You_Dare_PM_Me
5. Sneasel and Mareep for Cleffa and Swinub /u/Adeln
6. Larvitar for Ponyta /u/maybenotserious
7. Mawile and Larvitar for Pineco and Cottonee /u/mizzyshazam
8. Gastly for Corphish /u/rickelparrit
9. Bagon for Swablu /u/Nivhawk
10. Gastly, Shinx, Absol, and Ponyta for Nidoran, Igglybuff, Dratini, Lickitung /u/EggsAway
11. Chatot and Growlithe for Eevee and Slakkoth /u/Dont_You_Dare_PM_Me
12. Marill and Growlithe for Larvitar and Skarmory /u/LadyLucario
13. Ponyta, Houndour, Sneasel, Swinub, Growlithe, Chatot, Teddiursa, Bagon, Croagunk, Nidoran, Absol, Ralts, Marill for Elekid, Marill, Delibird, Buneary, Lapras, Misdreavus, Riolu, Magikarp, Pichu, Exeggcute, Shroomish, Pidgey, Ralts /u/gmpsmendes
14. Pikachu, Chatot, Mareep, Teddiursa, Houndour, Growlithe for Vulpix, Shuckle, Sudowoodo, Carnivine, Marill, Hippopotas /u/bronk4
15. Bagon, Cottonee, Larvitar, Ponyta for Buneary, Carvanha, Tentacool, Koffing /u/xtakeru
16. Pichu, Swinub, Cottonee, Corphish, Chatot, Lapras for Pinser, Stantler, Drowzee, Bellsprout, Ekans, Combee /u/Arkelsa
17. Shinx for Numel /u/LuxrayShiny
18. Pinsir, Cottonee, Pichu, Machop for Torkoal, Snubble, male and female Sheals /u/EggsAway
19. Teddiursa for Oddish /u/Shizoko
20. Mareep, Lickitung, Swinub for Pinsir, Numel, Gligar /u/robertVIII
21. Pinsir, Pineco, Lapras, Larvitar, Chatot for Shellder, Feebas, Cyndaquil (Corphish, Pikachu) /u/ShinyoYushiro
22. Cottonee for Cacnea /u/derickyoung
23. Larvitar, Lapras, Numel, Carnivine, Bellsprout, Ekans, Natu, Drowzee, Stantler, Slakoth, Combee, Dratini, Pinsir, Pineco for Snorlax, Buizel, Slowpoke, Roselia, Cranidos, Drifloon, Dratini, Poocheyna, Luvdisc, Sentret, Zigzagoon, Kanghaskan, Caterpie, Horsea /u/gmpsmendes
24. Bagon for Meowth /u/The_Joker_au
25. Dratini for Vulpix /u/radiowarrrr
26. Bagon for Sigilyph /u/Acrylami
27. Lapras, Absol, Natu, Squirtle for Moltres (+Gothorita, Swirlix, Numel) /u/gman998
28. Pinsir for Elgyem /u/steelfather
29. Combee (+Squirtle, Larvitar) for Chansey, Goldeen, Seel /u/Cu4utl3
30. Larvitar for Pidgey /u/DarkTenshiDT
31. Cottonee, Lapras for Chansey, Aipom /u/Propallor
32. Sneasel for Miltank /u/LadyLucario
33. Bagon for Horsea /u/sylgrace
34. Croagunk, Mareep Hippopotas for Abra, Karrablast, (Kabuto) /u/Mistake4Oh4
35. Bagon and Cottonee for Diglett and Heatmor /u/maquinaazul
36. Swinub, Chatot, Dratini, Pineco, Sneasel for Slowpoke, Venipede, Misdreavus, Sneasel, Grimer /u/EggsAway
37. Chatot, Croagunk, Stantler for Wooper, Scyther, Hoppip /u/cinnamonice
38. Mawile, Pineco for HA Kabuto /u/dosquared
39. Pikachu, Larvitar, Natu, Squirtle for Lileep, Shellos, Glameow, Mareep /u/annie3d
40. Chatot, Squirtle for Koffing, Aron, Snorunt /u/robertVIII
41. Murkrow for Maractus /u/plasmagica
42. Pidgey and Caterpie for Cleffa and Absol /u/LuxrayShiny
43. Cyndaquil and Omanyte for Weedle, Aipom, Murkrow, Kangaskhan, Sentret, Mr. Mime /u/3Anton3
44. Luvdisc, Snubbull, Chansey, Marill, Houndour, Buneary for Delibird, Ducklett, Emolga, Girafarig, Shelmet, Horsea /u/Parkimus
45. Shinx, Nidoran, Dratini, Lapras, Drifloon, Feebas, Omanyte, Chikorita for Growlithe, Pidgey, Weedle, Cubone, Trapinch, Zubat, Sableye, Petilil, Ralts, Miltank, Growlithe, Alomomola, Chimchar /u/KiroTelexia
46. Squirtle for Bulbasaur /u/LuxrayShiny
47. Sudowoodo for Shinx /u/ShadowSkeet
48. Chansey and Roselia for Wurmple and Goldeen /u/urbancats
49. Ekans, Roselia, Mareep, Tentacool, Ekans, Natu, Oddish, Lapras, Slowpoke for Ponyta, Combee, Slakoth, Krabby, Bagon, Illumise, Tympole, Venipede /u/Parkimus
50. Bidoof, Dratini, Rattata, Spheal, Licktung, Goldeen, Cleffa, Vulpix, Corsola, Diglett, Igglybuff, Milktank, Tentacool, Corsola, Absol, Cacnea, Snorunt for Burmy, Axew, Luvdisc, Omanyte, Yanma, Meowth, Makuhita, Mawile, Charmander, Squirtle, Fennekin, Froakie /u/gmpsmendes
51. Larvitar and Pichu for Shuppet and Aipom /u/DiamondFarm
52. Snorlax, Combee, Dratini, Venonat, Pinsir for Weedle, Paras, Kricketot, Illumise, Misdreavus, Cleffa, Marill, Roselia, Smeargle /u/Righteous_Bread
53. Aipom, Aipom, Natu for Pichu, Barboach, Mantine /u/EQWashu
54. Lickitung and Chatot for Starly and Cubone /u/ranmarox
55. Natu, Ponyta, Slakoth for Spearow, Meditite, Pidgey /u/mist0624
56. Weedle, Elekid, Chatot, Oddish, Cubone, Mantine, Drowzee, Roselia, Poocheyna, Venonat, Trapinch for Absol, Zubat, Ekans, Seedot, Yanma, Larvitar, Miltank, Skorupi, Aron, Geodude, Spinarak, Numel /u/Akrisn
57. Krabby, Mawile, Ducklett, Durant, Spinarak for Elekid, Meditite, Pachirisu, Shinx /u/gmpsmendes
58. Maractus, Petilil, Lickitung, Igglybuff, Luvdisc, Vulpix, Ponyta, Roselia, Poocheyna for Pidgey, Pidgey, Pidgey, Sudowoodo, Pineco, Zubat, Ledyba, Hoppip, Sudowoodo /u/ShinyShonnie
59. Mr. Mime, Elgyem, Spheal, Maractus, Durant for Bidoof, Croagunk, Dunsparce, Qwilfish, Venonat /u/imasheu
60. Omanyte, Slowpoke, Krabby, Oddish, Bellsprout, Sudowoodo, Tentacool for Shuppet, Gulpin, Barboach, Gligar, Basculin, Shellos, Plusle, Minun, Remoraid /u/seiryuux
61. Combee and Snorunt for Riolu and Krabby /u/LuxrayShiny
62. Lileep and Cottonee for Aipom and Wurmple /u/Capi93
63. Koffing, Nincada, Snorunt, Swablu for Ekans, Larvitar, Onix, Shellder /u/SlowQueen
64. Illumise, Paras, Wurmple, Combee for Exeggcute, Rhyhorn, Mr. Mime, Yanma, Lotad, Sentret /u/redsludge
65. Combee, Elekid, Minun, Snorlax for Aerodactyl, Tirtouga, Timburr, Pidgey /u/PlaygroundofPandas
66. Aipom, Weedle, Lapras, Marill for Chimecho, Barboach, Teddiursa, Duskull /u/mist0624
67. Omanyte for Kabuto /u/seiryuux
68. Snubbull, Shuppet, Pawniard, Meowth, Mawile, Heatmor, Magby, Mankey, Maractus, Dunsparce, Swinub, Venonat for Cacnea, Carvanha, Corphish, Illumise, Phanpy, Spheal, Torkoal, Pineco, Kecleon, Elekid, Aipom, Ledyba /u/xSince86x
69. Aron, Tentacool, Corsola, Lickitung, Snubbull for Growlithe, Oddish, Poliwag, Rattata /u/DuskLordX
70. Swinub for Gible /u/Alan199
71. Goldeen and Lickitung for Mankey and Sudowoodo /u/mist0624
72. Swablu, Snorunt, Aron, and Horsea for Drowzee, Ponyta, Heracross, and Dratini /u/Hoodenize
73. Glameow and Bidoof for Caterpie and Tangela /u/LuxrayShiny
74. Safari, Marill, and Pinsir for Weedle, Koffing, Spoink /u/valeskyia
75. Goldeen and Wooper for Mankey and Mantine /u/LuxrayShiny
76. Koffing and Gastly for Audino and Pidove /u/PlaygroundofPandas
77. Ralts for Weedle /u/PokemonTrainerMatt
78. Illumise and Paras for Spinarak and Spinarak /u/mist0624
79. Houndour, Snorunt, Elekid, Swablu for Basculin, Spearow, Cubone, Trapinch, Shellder /u/Crimsonskydeath
80. Houndour, Snorunt, Dratini for Kangaskhan, Pineco, Hoothoot /u/Lobke
81. Snorunt for Teddiursa /u/2Fat-free
82. Aerodactyl and Zubat for Piplup and Chatot /u/captain_lulz
83. Sudowoodo for Meowth /u/captain_lulz
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. 4 Pokemon scraps for Diancie code, Mewtwo, Celebi, Jirachi, Groudon, Palkia, Ho-Oh, Reshiram, Genesect /u/KoRayven
2. 2 scrap codes for Thornadus, Thundrus, Landorus, Giratina, Palkia, Lugia /u/steelfather

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Taught Scizor Knock Off and Superpower /u/Crimsonskydeath

Misc (0)


MayoBeam's Information


Living in Japan and playing the Japanese version of Alpha Sapphire~ Apparently FlairHQ hates my IGN since it's written in Japanese though =/ So wrote it in English here, but note it appears in Japanese in-game!

Friend codes:

  • 4656-6757-3311


  • IGN: Julie TSV: 3139