
SW-6483-9832-7307 || Brian (BD, SH, LGP)
SW-6483-9832-7307 || Brian (BD, SH, LGP) || XXXX

Trades (124)

[+] Events (27)
1. 2015 NA gen6 event diancie (hasty/clear body) OT: Hope ID: 07245 [received via MG] for Hoopa OT: Harry ID: 10235 /u/pauljennispoke
2. chikorita (lvl 1, male) cyndaquil (lvl1, male) totodile (lvl1, female) turtwig (lvl1, male) piplup (lvl1, male) chimchar (lvl1, female) snivy (lvl1, male) tepig (lvl1, male) oshawott (lvl1, male) froakie (lvl1, female) OT: Brian 14283 for Gen VI Event jirachi OT: GF 04016 [held item: Salac Berry] /u/ajamesc97
3. Event 6 20th Anniversary Celebi OT: GF 03016 (Self redeemed) for Event 6 Hoopa OT: Harry 10235 (Self redeemed) /u/theesado
4. Nebel Volcanion Code for Nebel Volcanion Code Redemption /u/ajkyle56
5. 2 shiny Chymia Gardevoir Codes for SG Pika & shiny Gardevoir Code Redeems /u/Great_Plattsby
6. Helen Volcanion Code for DBHA Female Combee (OT: Cos, ID: 62354) /u/Strafingfire
7. 2 Helen Volcanion Codes for DBHA Females: Sandile, Stunky, Electrike, Rattata, Spearow, and Slakoth /u/Whimms
8. 20th Jolly Mew and 20th Jolly Jirachi, apology NA Volcanion Code for Shiny Caterpie Timid Shield Dust (31/x/31/31/31/31) ♀ OT Sorale - TID 14346 & Shiny Spinarak Jolly Insomnia (31/31/31/x/31/31) ♀ OT Ryan - TID 61819 /u/willster191
9. 3 NA Helen Volcanion Codes for DBHA Zigzagoon, Zangoose, Yanma, Wurmple, Wingull, Whismur, Wailmer, Sunkurn, Surskit /u/Strafingfire
10. Two XY&Z Gardevoirs (not shiny) with English tag for HP ground shiny Yanma, 5iv shiny Pinsir, 5iv shiny dwebble /u/Mushy_64
11. 4 NA 20th Genesect Codes for Alex Hoopa & 20th Keldeo /u/kalle2934
12. 1 NA 20th Genesect Code for DBHA Tirtouga /u/Serotine
13. 20th anniv jirachi (originally obtained from /u/ajamesc97) for 5IV shiny Trapinch /u/Dragynfyre
14. XY&Z Gardevoir (not shiny) for 5IV Shiny Scyther /u/gatorz77
15. Harry Hoopa (originally obtained from pauljennispoke) for 5IV shiny Larvesta /u/binnev
16. 4 NA Genesect Codes for Custom 5IV shiny Bugs Nincada & Joltik /u/Wizli
17. NA Zygarde 31/23/31/5/16/31 Lax - Aura Break - XYZ - 05026 for Moon - Larvitar - Guts, Moon - Ponyta - Flashfire, Moon - Misdreavus - Levitate, Love - Chansey -Natural Cure /u/Aeryllis
18. Hayley's mew & phione for Shiny venonat, shiny karrablast, shiny shelmet /u/random_anonymity
19. Ash hat pikachu code for Feb 2012 mewtwo /u/wuyi317605
20. RNG Feb2012 Mewtwo for Almia Darkrai /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
21. 1 Ash Hat Pika Code for 3 RNG Trophy Shinies with custom balls (White Version) /u/blackaurora
22. four 2018 zygarde codes for 2018 Legends Entei & Raikou + redeems /u/Krauser_X
23. Two 2018 Legends Zygarde codes for shiny scatterbug & shiny heracross /u/lonachu
24. Four 2018 Legends Zygarde Codes for ENG tag Hajime Syacho's Corsola /u/Super_Fua
25. Ten 2018 Zygarde and Five 2018 X/Y for 15 trophy shinies /u/shinybidoof11
26. Twelve 2018 Zygarde Codes for Fuura City Lugia Code /u/XecoX
27. 4 shiny Zygarde codes for Shiny Heracross | Jolly | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | EMs & Shiny Paras | Impish | 31.31.31.x.31.31 | EMs /u/Twodio
[+] Shinies (4)
1. 4 EM DBHA females: omanyte, shellos (east), shellos (west) OT Brian, ID: 14283 for Shiny Arbok (OT: Ash, ID: 51609) +2 random mons /u/SnakesNSerpents
2. Porygon (-) (ENG) Modest Download Dragon for Dewpider (M) (CHT) Water Bubble Careful 31/31/31/25/31/31 Dark /u/YuseiFudoOfficial
3. HA - Love Sentret, HA - Safari Sentret, HA - Lure Girafarig, DBHA Finneon for Shiny Cutiefly | LvL 9 | Male | Calm | Sweet Veil (HA) | 31/31/x/x/31/31 | OT: Maddie | ID: 148376 | Premier Ball /u/MaddieeeK
4. Lure and Friend (non HA) Yanma, Love HA Heracross, Sport and Luxury HA Weedle, Sport Technician Scyther, Sport HA Pinsir for Zubat - Mild - OT Jonathan ID 831029 - Inner Focus - xx/xx/30/xx/xx/31 & Lillipup - Naive - OT Jonathan ID 831029 - Vital Spirit - xx/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx /u/Jonathan_1997
[+] Competitive / Casual (93)
1. Koffing (lvl1 female) OT: Brian 14283 for Chespin (level 1, male) OT: Harry 14640 /u/Boddle
2. Tornadus (lvl 50, male) OT: Brian 23915 [Hoenn] for Thundurus (Lvl 40, male) OT: Blair 26057 [Unova] /u/mologuy
3. Shiny Stone for Chimchar (level 1, male) OT: Go1 03410 /u/Jjgierh
4. Thundurus (Lvl 40, male) OT: Blair 26057 [Unova] for Swirlix (Lvl 14, male) OT: A 08943 [Kalos] /u/Xllnx
5. Sentret (lvl 5, male) OT: Brian 12911 [Johto] for HA Noibat (lvl 8, famale) OT: Vedelslund 03187 [Kalos] /u/GrantVsZombies
6. safari bankball ekans (lvl1, female) OT: Brian 14283 for dreamball HA slowpoke (lvl1, female) OT: Vince 53187 /u/ThisisVinnyC
7. modern pattern vavillion egg for marine pattern vavillion egg /u/SpikeBolt
8. modern pattern vavillion egg for garden pattern vavillion egg /u/Pokefan75674
9. Krabby (lvl 1, female) OT: Brian 14283 for Scatterbug Egg (random) /u/Grubsniff
10. Porygon (Lvl 1, genderless) meowth (Lvl1, male) shellder (Lvl 1, female) spritzee (Lvl 1, male) shuckle (Lvl 1, female) togepi (Lvl 1, male) bonsly (Lvl 1, female) OT: Brian 14283 [All bred by me] for Random Egg Breedject x 5 [5IV Weedle, Scatterbug, Kricketot, Deino, Deino, + Deino] Shiny (Lvl23, female) Ariados "Spice" OT: Kai 24722 /u/Manakete
11. HA Supersize Pumpkaboo (Lvl 1, male) for HA Eevee (Lvl 1, Male) /u/evilfiggy
12. DB HA Rhyhorn (Lvl 1, female) for DB HA Vulpix (Lvl 1, female) /u/Kerwinius
13. DB HA mawile (Lvl 1 female) for DB HA Bagon "Draby" (Lvl 1, female) /u/uranimumru
14. anorith (lvl 1, female), seedot (lvl 1, male) for 2 polar vivillon eggs (checked) /u/sonofdex
15. Dreamball HA Seviper (Lvl 1, female) for Dreamball Gastly (Lvl 1, female) /u/Kerwinius
16. DBHA Rhyhorn (Lvl 1, female) and HA Noibat (Lvl 1, female) OT: Brian 14283 for HA Riolu and HA repeatball Happiny OT: Adso 38203 [SPA] /u/Adso25
17. Dreamball HA rhyhorn (Lvl 1, ♀) OT: Brian 14283 for Dreamball HA Zubat (Lvl 1, ♀) OT: Rmeinerz 35506 /u/rmeinerz
18. DB HA Bagon, Seviper, and Mawile (Lvl 1, Female) OT: Brian 14283 for DB HA Sandshrew, Sableye, Axew (Lvl 1, Female) OT: Angel 26432 /u/AngelRose_xO
19. Oddish, Lapras, Caterpie, Horsea, Rhyhorn, Roselia, Bagon, Mawile, Gastly, Doduo (Dreamball HA Females, Level 1, OT: Brian 14283), for Togepi, Venonat, Pidgey, Eevee, Petilil, Growlithe, Cubone (Dreamball HA females, Level 1, OT: Bel 01503) + 3 filler pokemon /u/TeaRadio
20. HA Noibat (Lvl 1, Female) with 3 egg moves OT: Brian 14283 for Clauncher (Lvl 25, Female) OT: Fox 27433 /u/vFoxT
21. DB HA Horsea, DB HA Mawile, DB HA Axew OT: Brian 14283 for DB HA Nidoran♀, DB HA Farfetch'd, DB HA Buneary OT: Gina 49602 /u/ryujelly
22. Tradeback of Shiny Squirtle from X to AS for Enigma Berry /u/andyjim
23. DB HA Farfetch'd, DB HA Cubone (Lvl 1, Female) OT: Brian 14283 for DB HA Tropius, DB HA Ledyba (Lvl 1, Female) OT: Kerwinius 23620 /u/Kerwinius
24. DB HA Bronzor, Rotom, Porygon (Lvl 30, Genderless) OT Brian: 40651 for DB HA Feebas, Misdreavus, Skarmory (Lvl 1, Female) OT Kayla: 24567 /u/PKMNTrainerKayla
25. DBHA Eevee, Bonzor, Doduo, Gastly, Spirtomb (Lvl 1, Females OT: Brian 14283 & Lvl 30, Females/Genderless OT: Brian 40651) for DB HA Shinx, Kangaskhan, Ducklett & DB Glameow, Miltank (Lvl 1, Females OT: Prady 65481) /u/TriplesWithDip
26. DB HA Porygon, Beldum, and Bronzor (Lvl 30, Genderless) and DB HA Hoothoot (Lvl 30, female) OT: Brian 40651 for DB HA Solosis, Tangela, Relicanth, and Mr. Mime (Lvl 1, Females) OT: Pedro 07013 /u/trollin4ever
27. DB HA gastly, horsea, smoochum (Lvl 1, Females OT: Brian 14283) And Spiritomb (Lvl 30, Female OT: Brian 40651) for DB HA Natu, Snubbull, Spinarak, Chinchou (Lvl 1, Females) OT: Kayleigh 15918 /u/CuteCharm
28. DB HA Sigilyph (Lvl 30 female) OT: Brian 40651 & DB Duskull (Lvl 1, Female) OT: Brian 14283 for DB HA Scyther, DB HA Shroomish (Lvl 1, Females) OT: Kerwinius 23620 /u/Kerwinius
29. DB HA Shuckle (Lvl 30, Mild, Female) OT: Brian 40651 for DB HA Meowth (Lvl 1, Female) OT: Joshua 65500 /u/Heliank
30. DB HA: Porygon, Beldum and Rotom (OT: Brian 40651), Starly, Vanillite, Misdreavous, Skarmory, Drowzee, Spinarak (OT: Brian 14283) for DB HA: Miltank, Shieldon, Anorith, Goldeen, Mareep OT: Prady 65481 /u/TriplesWithDip
31. DB HA Vanillite (OT: Brian 14283) for DB HA Torkoal (OT: Dhruvesh 40713) /u/Vengeance_seeker
32. unowns ? and O (OT: Brian ID 12911) for zigzagoon carrying item: upgrade /u/nightelfdance
33. DB Gastly and DBHA Rhyhorn (OT: Brian ID 14283) for DB HA Sentret and DB HA Dratini OT: Angel 26432 /u/AngelRose_xO
34. DBHA Zubat, Slowpoke, Gastly, Rhyhorn and Seviper (OT: Brian ID 14283) for DB HA Horsea, Lapras, Oddish, Doduo, and Caterpie (OT: Melissa) /u/jarffe
35. DB HA ♀ rhyhorn and DB HA ♀ lapras (OT Brian 14283) for DB HA ♀ geodude and DB HA ♀ shelmet (OT elizabeth) /u/sunlightblossom
36. DBHA Caterpie & DBHA Axew (OT Brian 14283) for DBHA Snorunt & Moon Ralts (OT Konstantin) /u/Kendrickson21
37. DBHA Seviper, Skarmory, Sableye, Drifloon, Porygon, & DB Duskull for DB HA: Barboach, Bellsprout, Cherubi, Cottonee, Trapinch, Illumise OT: Sofia ID 54881 /u/Moonlightcat18
38. DB HA Sandshrew, DB Duskull, DB HA Drowzee, and DB Gastly for DB HA snorlax, DB HA Smeargle, and DB HA Carvanha /u/creoix
39. Female DBHA Illumise with 4 egg moves (OT Brian ID: 14283) for Female DBHA Tangela with 2 egg moves (OT: Elizabeth ID: 64239) /u/endemicpandemic
40. DBHA Females: Houndour, Cubone, Mawile, Pachirisu, Swablu, Pidgey (OT: Brian, ID:14283) for DBHA Females: Aron, Poochyena, Skitty, Pawniard, Burmy (OT: Jake, ID: 43123) and DBHA Female Diglett (OT: ま-こ, ID: 15587) /u/FailingBrain
41. DBHA Genderless Beldum (OT: Brian, ID: 40651) for DBHA Female Larvitar (OT: Aaron, ID: 06225) /u/Aaron91532
42. DBHA Machop, growlithe, Timburr, Castform (OT: Brian, ID: 14283) for DBHA Aerodactyl, Exeggcute, Diglett, Druddigon, Burmy (OT: Tom, ID: 47828) /u/cy78shum
43. DBHA Females Houndour, Horsea, Swablu, Misdreavus, Doduo (OT: Brian, ID: 14283) for DBHA Females Cranidos, Heracross and Skorupi (OT: Ivette, ID: 14986) and two 5IV pokeball Rotoms /u/RaydenSmash
44. DBHA Female Snorlax (OT: Brian, ID: 14283) for DBHA Omanyte (OT: Antonella, ID: 37152) /u/Iviviana
45. DBHA Females Snorlax & DBHA Sentret (OT: Brian, ID 14283), plus DBHA Burmy (OT: Jake, ID: 43123) for DBHA Females Blue-Basculin & Qwilfish, Plus Shiny Female Vulpix (OT: Alejo, ID: 29436) /u/Alejo0304
46. DBHA MAle Snorlax (OT: Brian, ID: 14283) for Lileep Egg /u/MixQQ
47. DBHA Feebas (OT: Brian, ID: 14283) for DBHA Ekans (OT: Zablek, ID: 49210) /u/zablek
48. DBHA Porygon x2, Beldum x3, Bronzor x2, & Rotom (Dream Radar, Genderless, Lvl 30, OT: Brian, ID: 40651)) for DBHA Females Abra, Heatmor, Weedle, Minun, Nincada, Kecleon, & Luvdisc (OT: Elizabeth, ID: 64239) /u/endemicpandemic
49. DBHA Relicanth, Glameow, Illumise, Miltank, Taillow, Scraggy, Tropius for DBHA Abra, Absol, Alomomola, Audino, Basculin(Red), Bidoof, Plusle, Weedle (OT: Tom, ID: 47828) /u/cy78shum
50. DBHA Females: Munna, Horsea for DBHA Grimer, Hippopotas (OT: James, ID: 23593) /u/GingaSmash2096
51. DBHA Relicanth & Illumise for DBHA Carnivine, Chatot, Chimecho, & Cacnea /u/xdfubar
52. DB HA Diglett (OT: ま-こ, ID: 15587) for Female Moon Ball Meowth + amulet coin /u/linkyleblinky
53. Unown A&F for Ekans and Grimer (pokeball) /u/Reyxco
54. DBHA Lapras, Vulpix, Togepi for DBHA Poliwag, Tentacool, Kabuto /u/redditbnb123
55. DBHA Taillow for DBHA Drilbur /u/Gazier
56. DBHA Glameow, Porygon, Bronzor. Moonball Drowzee & Heavy Nidoran F for DBHA Magby, Hoppip & Moonball Marill, Cleffa, Ralts /u/xellly
57. DBHA Relicanth, Psyduck, & Growlithe for DBHA Delibird, Mantine, Paras, Swinub, & Tympole /u/JiaJ7N
58. DBHA Castform, Paras, Pidgy and Ekans for DBHA Onix, Seel, Spheal, and Sudowoodo /u/TurtlesAllTheW4yDown
59. DBHA Seviper, Kecleon, Chatot and Heatmor for DBHA buizel, clampearl, cleffa, and dunsparce /u/xulet
60. DBHA Heatmor & Druddrigon for DBHA Grimer & Gligar /u/reloadv
61. Safari Psyduck, Safari Igglybuff, & Safari Poliwag for DBHA Slugma, DBHA, Remoraid, & DBHA Spinda /u/endemicpandemic
62. DBHA emolga for DBHA staryu /u/Centario_is_BEAST
63. Loveball Sandshrew for Safariball Spheal /u/Califer
64. Loveball Buizel & Sandshrew for DBHA Lotad & Pidove /u/buckembarnes
65. DBHA dream radar Beldum & Porygon for DBHA Maractus & Finneon /u/reloadv
66. Dreamball females: Slugma, Delibird, Wingull, Zangoose and Carnivine for Dreamball females: Krabby, Lickitung, Magikarp, Mankey, & Hoothoot /u/TurtlesAllTheW4yDown
67. HA Dreamball Bronzor, Sportball Venonat Female, HA Dreamball Swinub Female with 4 egg moves, Swinub Male with Ancient Power for Shauna's Froakie "Froabble", Misdreavus (lvl 1, female), Larvitar (lvl 1, female), Shiny Premierball Female Stunky /u/QuailQuasar
68. DBHA female 4IV Kabuto for Lureball Relicanth /u/ariqs
69. DBHA Chansey for 5IV Luxury Honedge /u/Dyllyn
70. DBHA Buneary, Shelmet, Karrablast for Manesh Arceus Event, nincada x2 /u/PedoLemon
71. Female DBHA Omanyte (needs to relearn 4 egg moves) for Female DBHA Durant (with 4 EM) /u/cyandigo
72. love sandshrew, love buizel, love geodude and moon marill for dbha girafarig, snover, seedot and pineco /u/anciem
73. DBHA igglybuff for DBHA marill /u/burntkfc
74. DBHA female togepi for Moonball female Alakazam /u/MukYoCouch
75. dbha female seviper, zangoose, and dbha male shieldon for dbha females spoink, numel, and kricketot /u/kailahx
76. safari doduo, hoppip, mareep for DBHA stantler, nosepass, gulpin /u/Hare_vs_Tortoise
77. DBHA Aipom & Corphish for loveball snorunt, moon phantump /u/BBallHunter
78. DBHA Eevee & Cleffa for DBHA Charmander and Squirtle /u/ddahron
79. DBHA Eeevee, Mareep, Chimecho, and Dratini for Moonball carvanha, gible, drifloon, and goomy /u/ohmygodagiantrock
80. DBHA Kabuto, Omanyte, Drowzee, Ponyta, Onix for DB bulba, Moon: ledyba, diglett, trapinch, rattata /u/MixQQ
81. Dream HA Staryu, Ralts, Porygon and Abra for Moon vulpix, grimer, meowth, cubone /u/Pandagami
82. Moon Ball Larvitar, DBHA Eevee, DBHA Mawile, DBHA Porygon for Moonball Sandshrew, honedge, dratini, and minor /u/BladeEntity
83. DBHA Aron, Gligar, Larvitar, Mareep, Porygon, Rotom, Shuckle, Non-alolan vulpix for Moonball Wimpod, venipede, fomantis, bounsweet, cutiefly, chikorita, cyndaquil, and dewpider /u/Voidwing
84. DBHA Illuminise, Gligar, Pawniard, Ralts, Heracross, Audino, Volbeat for DBHA Hoenn + Sinnoh Starters + Pokeball HA Tepig /u/player_0101
85. DBHA riolu, elekid, staryu for DBHA klink, throh, dwebble /u/HansSoloed
86. DBHA girafarig & drifloon for safari pachirisu and tropius /u/satirexiphos
87. DBHA Clampearl & Absol for Safari Gligar and Heracross /u/Mannicroft
88. DBHA charmander for Moonball Goomy /u/jhoncorro
89. DBHA Spinda & Timburr for Moon petilil, love bounsweet /u/LucasFromStateFarm
90. DBHA Golett & Baltoy for Safari Zubat & Oddish /u/ViridianVertigo
91. friend ball kanto-rattata for Level Clampearl /u/shamaela
92. Friend ? unown, Level HA bellsprout, Level HA Absol, Friend HA Kanto-sandshrew, friend HA Alolan-sandshrew for Safariball Koffing, Goldeen, Mr. Mime, Lapras, Dratini /u/shamaela
93. DBHA audino, sandile, delibird for safariball aron, kecleon, larvitar /u/otakustratosx
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (26)

1. Piplup (♀) | Modest | Torrent | | Dark | 0965 /u/SnekazZ
2. Mawile (♀) | Adamant | Sheer Force | | Electric | 2804 + nickname /u/CapsFan1989
3. Froakie (♂) - Timid - Protean - - Dark - [0965] /u/Wizli
4. Deino (♀) Mild Hustle Dark 2804 /u/3Anton3
5. Magnemite(-)| timid| magnet pull|| dark| 0965 /u/hectorv1369
6. Pidgey (♀) Timid Keen Eye Ground 0965 /u/jen_pai
7. Feebas (F) - Modest - Oblivious - [0965] /u/dltnnm123
8. Ralts (F) - Modest - Telepathy - - Dragon - [2804] /u/GottaCatchEmAll04
9. Mawile (♂) - Decisa - Prepotenza - - Elettro - [0965] /u/Silicondario
10. Eevee (♂) - Timida - Presagio - - Drago - [0965] /u/Silicondario
11. Pawniard (♀) - Adamant - Pressure - - Dragon - [2804] /u/Wizli
12. Noibat (F) - Timid - Telepathy - [2804] & Venipede (F) - Jolly - Poison Point - [2804] /u/unanify
13. Zangoose /u/Tacanacy
14. Gen 7: Wimpod (♀) - Adamant - Wimp Out - - Dark /u/kakesu
15. Gen 7: Cutiefly (♀) Timid Shield Dust Electric 0554 /u/pcdateixeira
16. Gen 7: Phantump (♀) 31/31/31/31/31/31 /u/U_Need_A_Brojob
17. Cranidos (M) - Sheer Force - Adamant - 31/31/31/1/31/31 /u/amoran5156
18. Ralts (♂) - Adamant - Synchronize - - Electric /u/HashG8
19. Trapinch (♂) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - - Electric /u/DracoRiff
20. Geodude (♂) Impish Sturdy Steel /u/vee4Phoenix
21. Exeggcute (♂) - Brave - Chlorophyll - - Dark /u/Joeldstar
22. Beldum (-) - Jolly - Clear Body - - Electric /u/Q10609
23. Deino (♂) - Hasty - Hustle - - Dark /u/seralite
24. Love ball Oranguru /u/Kasumi_kimura
25. Fomantis (♀) - Adamant - Leaf Guard - - Bug /u/wuyi317605
26. Meowth (♀) - Timid - Technician - - Dragon /u/zetraex

Giveaways/Contests (81 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Held a contest on Monty Pythons Holy Grail Knowledge (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
2. gave away 1 NA Volcanion Code (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. Gave away DBHA Porygon to spread the message of Poryology (Sub: pokemontrades, 25 given)
4. Held Contest on "Memories involving pokemon" (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)
5. Gavaway DBHA mons or DB Rotom as a cake day giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 20 given)
6. Kanto vs Alola mini starter giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (15)

1. TemplarTate wanted help evolving slowpoke into Slowking /u/TemplarTate
2. Wanted help evolving Phantump into Trevenant /u/Seranix
3. wanted help evolving his Gurdurr into Conkeldurr /u/Yeahman12
4. ClunkyCandy wanted help evolving machoke to machamp /u/ClunkyCandy
5. Needed to Borrow Tornadus to catch Landorus /u/KSchinck
6. Wanted help evolving Dusclops into Dusknoir /u/ProfessorShroom
7. Tradeback of 20 pokemon ditto (shiny), bagon, turtwig, magby, sneasel, skarmory (shiny), larvitar, totodile, beldum, deino, bagon, gible, milotic, dratini, scyther, kangaskhan, charmander, rotom, shuckle, kabuto AND then received a shiny Feraligatr "Riptide" (Lvl 55, male), JPN Larvesta (Lvl 1, male) for helping /u/WhiteContacts
8. Wanted help evolving Haunter to Gengar /u/apercots
9. Wanted his graveler and haunter evolved /u/DarkWarriorTM
10. needed help evolving slowpoke, elektabuzz and magmar /u/yohhima
11. LF: Sun player to help me evolve a Cosmoem /u/SafeCapsule
12. tradeback shiny scyther evolution /u/sildet
13. Help evolving Haunter (Gaspar) /u/BusinessPug
14. Tradeback Evolve Porygon to Porygon2 /u/AmbientDinosaur
15. Tradeback magmar /u/Ram_Bees

Misc (11)

1. Gave away a Seedot (lvl 2, male) OT: Brian 23915 for dex completion
2. Gave away Kabuto (male) OT: Teddy ID 40970 to help a new player starting out
3. Endy gave me some free KOR gardevoirs (2 male, 1 female)
4. I won a contest and got a KOR XY&Z Xerneas
5. Received Shauna's Chespin "Chester" for Tundra Vivillion Egg
6. Gave away k and ! unown
7. I won a fashion contest on the sub and got a NA Helen Volcanion Code
8. gave away 12 DBHA pokemon
9. Gave away 8 DBHA pokemon
10. Got 1 Fuura City Lugia Redeem, tipped a shiny bulbasaur as thanks
11. AJK56 redeemed a Hyadain's Landorus for me


Q10609 Feb 27, 2017 12:45:19 PM

Hatched a shiny Beldum and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and reliable. Thanks again!

jen_pai Jun 17, 2016 2:24:13 PM

Hatched my Pidgey within about 30 minutes of me first commenting (fast!). Had no issues at all, thanks a bunch!

Menarin's Information


Game OT: ID:
S Brian 041945
OR Brian 23915
Y Brian 14283
B2 Brian 40651
B1 Brian 16388
HG Brian 12911

I trade DB HA females, Bankballs, Buy events and hatch eggs for free (with TSV match)!


Friend codes:

  • 1762-4054-7185


  • IGN: Brian TSV: 2804
  • IGN: Brian TSV: 0965