
3411-2190-4739 || Goose (M), Leo (αS)
3411-2190-4739 || Goose (M), Leo (αS) || 3334

Trades (52)

[+] Events (12)
1. Shiny Archen for 2 NA GameStop Dragonite codes /u/ary1l
2. 6 IV solosis for 1 NA GameStop Dragonite Code /u/YumeMew
3. Shiny Cottonee for 1 NA GameStop Dragonite Code /u/March1392
4. shiny: 5 IV snivy & 6 IV magikarp for 3 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/cjsumner
5. Shiny Nidoran(M) for 1 Gamestop Dragonite Code /u/sir_broseidon
6. Shiny: Chespin, Aron, Happiny, Sandile for 2 Gamestop Drragonite Codes /u/xchicowx
7. Gamestop Dragonite Code for Love ball Mawile & Fast ball Aipom /u/mexican_honey_badger
8. PC Hiroshima Magikarp for Maxsoft Rayquaza Code /u/ArchangelPT
9. Shiny Tepig for Wifi Hope Diancie /u/xchicowx
10. Gamestop Dragonite code for Semi-comp shiny Pancham & Staryu /u/xchicowx
11. 2 Gamestop Dragonite codes for Comp Shiny mudkip /u/robertoxmed
12. Comp Shiny solosis for Wi-Fi Hope Diancie /u/xchicowx
[+] Shinies (2)
1. Comp Scatterbug for Semicomp Eevee /u/Fluicor
2. DBHA karrablast for Trophy shiny trapinch /u/reuniclus
[+] Competitive / Casual (37)
1. Chespin for Chimchar /u/Section_80
2. Fletchinder for Totodile /u/Artollas
3. Liepard for Gible /u/QueenieDeenie
4. Petaya berry for Power Bracer /u/Alpheu5
5. Help evolving poliwhirl for Poliwag /u/lowtisblade
6. ditto for chespin /u/FoxOfTwilight
7. Trade evolution assistance for Timburr /u/SlashAgris
8. Growlithe for Mawile /u/snackyonassis
9. Ferroseed for mudkip /u/DiyGuy93
10. Destiny knot for charmander /u/Erkelbyte
11. Hoppip for Totodile /u/stevetogekiss
12. Drifloon for Muk /u/Lifgeist
13. Grimer and Rattata for Noibat, Helioptile, Lotad, and Purrloin /u/ProjectROXO
14. Solosis for Slowpoke /u/makesomenoize
15. Cubone for Sentret /u/seekingtree
16. Mareep for Abra /u/makesumnoize
17. rattata for vulpix /u/jape80
18. fast ball Houndour for HP fire magnemite /u/swags789
19. Fast ball houndour for Spiritomb /u/TriforceOfBacon
20. Pawniard for Kangaskhan /u/turnip8961
21. DBHA lotad for DBHA swinub /u/FraudulentDimetrodon
22. Rocky Helmet for HA Larvitar /u/Qognog
23. Master ball and Venasaurite for Heal ball Feebas, Heavy ball Mawile, repeat ball fletchling /u/csmith179
24. Deep Sea Tooth and King's Rock for DBHA chinchou and DBHA Hippopotas /u/Mikelpmr
25. Mental herb, white herb, safety goggles, and light ball for Zubat, foongus, rotom, honedge, meditite, and bulbasaur /u/MuliZiko
26. Sablenite for Sableye /u/Geo_Geo
27. Houndoomite for HA abra /u/ProjectROXO
28. Black sludge for Trophy shiny Growlithe /u/Cometbringer
29. Blazikenite for 6 IV mawile /u/VorpalTwist
30. Scizorite and Sceptilite for Heal BallGoomy and Heavy ball Onix /u/Garguns
31. Dawn stone, Dusk stone, Shiny stone, Lucky egg for 4 eggs /u/TacoMan901
32. PP max (3) and Lucky egg for HA: Riolu, Nirdoran (F), Scyther, espurr /u/Tobias1987
33. DBHA drillbur for Emboar /u/frcmks
34. Diveball gligar & evolution assistance for HA tepig /u/n8_mop
35. Love ball mareep for Level ball mawile /u/Alan199
36. DBHA pachirisu for DB feebas /u/Zukululushikufu
37. HA Gothorita for DBHA Karrablast /u/Kangsar
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. 2 Masterballs + Shiny comp scatterbug for 2 Wishmkr Jirachi /u/lavaburst14

Egg Hatches (41)

1. Chansey 0659 /u/junior8686
2. Torchic 3103 /u/ahnjy127
3. Lotad 3103 /u/frostpudding
4. Beldum 3103 /u/matthewtunc
5. Magikarp 3103 /u/Humminglady
6. Diglett 2882 /u/DirtyDan257
7. Bulbasaur 2882 /u/zeroslots
8. Eevee 3103 /u/blank912
9. Seedot 2882 /u/eraco
10. Ghastly 3103 /u/Krakatua
11. Torchic 3103 /u/Q1069
12. corphish 0294 /u/MiguelYx
13. Ferroseed 0294 /u/ssapo
14. Scatterbug-ocean 0659 /u/Wensnake
15. Honedge 0294 /u/wuyi317605
16. Eevee 0136 /u/Dark_Lucario
17. Snivy 0659 /u/ajkyle56
18. Ralts 0294 /u/patchespatch04
19. Charmander 0659 /u/ffvn9
20. Noibat 0659 /u/seadrop
21. Shroomish 0659 /u/gmk529
22. Stantler 0136 /u/vamwerefairy
23. Bagon 0659 /u/jem529
24. Charmander 0294 /u/ShaqDukey123
25. Beldum 0659 /u/Admiral_Fish
26. Ghastly 0659 /u/Razur
27. Eevee 0294 /u/sfris1992
28. Stunky 0659 /u/sonofstannis
29. Mawile 0136 /u/luria
30. Scraggy 0659 /u/Neckes
31. Phanphy 0294 /u/KoRayven
32. Igglybuff 0659 /u/squarekantobadge
33. Mareep 0136 /u/squarekantobadge
34. Smeargle 0294 /u/Mushy_64
35. Sableye 0294 /u/MerryFellows
36. Bouffalant 0294 /u/Mystrel_chan
37. Eevee 0294 /u/granite_grizz
38. Scyther 0294 /u/Ashleythetiger
39. Mareep 0294 /u/BreedAllTheIVs
40. Cubone 0136 /u/lucariomaster2
41. Tynamo 0294 /u/AlfonsoDragonlord

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Distributed 24 sandiles and 1 shiny sandile (Sub: pokemontrades)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (11)

1. Exchanged Groudon for Kyogre & then returned Kyogre. /u/BrastaSauce
2. Item Transfer tradeback /u/dieyou44
3. help evolving poliwhirl /u/Nekon281
4. Dex help Groudon /u/CanelasReddit
5. Help evolving Shelmet /u/phoenix0wright
6. Helped evolve Scyther /u/ReGo1
7. Traded Egg from Y to ORAS /u/kumikki
8. Trade evolution /u/Dusty_Double
9. Kadabra tradeback /u/Carlos-X
10. Yvetal for Zygarde tradeback /u/RogalianRadiance
11. Kyogre and Latias for dex completion /u/rockyrocketlauncha

Misc (0)


wingzerocats Dec 20, 2015 2:26:12 AM

Hatched my Shiny Buneeary for me. Thanks again for taking the time to hatch

jem529 Aug 5, 2015 1:52:33 AM

Hatch a Shiny Safari Ball Bagon for me and was nice enough to hatch it in the Friend Safari to match the ball 10/10

Ty again

Dark_Lucario Jul 4, 2015 4:02:49 AM

Hatched a shiny eevee for me, Thanks again!

WenSnake Jul 2, 2015 7:59:33 PM

Fast response to my hatch request and hatched my Scatterbug shiny for me!

Q10609 Jun 28, 2015 1:48:21 PM

Hatched a shiny Torchic and nicknamed it for me. Quick response and reliable. Thanks again!

Krakatua Jun 24, 2015 8:06:10 PM

Just hatched a shiny Gastly for me, answered very fast and was very kind :)

zeroslots Jun 19, 2015 7:09:59 PM

Super quick and responsive. Was super cool doing what I asked. Def. One to trust. <3 Would trade with again! Thanks brother!

frostpudding May 24, 2015 10:26:09 PM

Awesome and quick trader. A+ :D

MontyCK's Information


Friend codes:

  • 3411-2190-4739


  • IGN: MontyCK TSV: 0659
  • IGN: Monty TSV: 3103
  • IGN: Leo TSV: 2882