
3668-8355-2487 || Benjamin
3668-8355-2487 || Benjamin || 2448

Trades (345)

[+] Events (200)
1. Shiny 4IV Gastly for 2 XY Torchics /u/Stay_Alright
2. 5IV Vulpix for XY Torchic /u/DJ_Explosive
3. XY Torchic for 5IV Smeargle+Scraggy /u/chckxy
4. XY Torchic for 5IV Breloom /u/Thoraine
5. 5IV Gible+Abra for XY Torchic /u/i8m
6. Pokebox Swablu+Skitty+2 Zigzagoons, and XD:GoD Chikorita+Cyndaquil+Totodile for RNG ETE2013 Dialga+Palkia+Giratina /u/TheSonAlsoRises
7. TRU Arceus+Pokebox Zigzagoon for TRU Shaymin+Ranger Manaphy+Hayley Mew /u/Sr_deez
8. Shiny 4IV Gastly+5 Breedables for WISHMKR Jirachi+Ageto Celebi /u/famicomical
9. Shiny 5IV Chespin+Froakie and Trophy Clawitzer for 2012MAY Darkrai+SPR2012 Reshiram /u/chrisk867
10. XD:GoD Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Dragonite, Togepi, Solrock, Lunatone for RNG Decolora Jirachi /u/TheSonAlsoRises
11. Pokebox Swablu+Zigzagoon and XD:GoD Lugia, Rapidash, Dodrio for TRU Regigigas + Hayley Mew /u/XiaoXiaoo
12. Gamestop Celebi for Dreamworld Arceus /u/MaceWinnoob
13. Wishmaker Jirachi for Shiny RNG Ponyta /u/XiaoXiaoo
14. Gamestop Jirachi for SPR2012 Zekrom /u/XiaoXiaoo
15. 2012MAY Darkrai for 4 RNG Shinies /u/Sr_deez
16. Hayley Mew for Plasma Deoxys /u/DoubleFried
17. Hayley Mew for SUM2013 Dialga /u/KodyRite
18. Hayley Mew for SUM2013 Palkia /u/XiaoXiaoo
19. Gamestop Celebi for Unique Gamestop Suicune /u/zeropat0000
20. Hayley Mew for SUM2013 Palkia /u/pyrosoad
21. Hayley Mew for SUM2013 Giratina /u/D_Stash
22. XY Torchic, Shiny 5IV Houndour, 3 Breedables for Ageto Celebi /u/famicomical
23. 6IV Scyther for 4 XY Torchics /u/justTDUBBit
24. 3 Hayley Mew for 9 XY Torchics /u/Defy_Juice
25. Wishmaker Jirachi for 3 XY Torchics /u/90ne1
26. Hayley Mew for Plasma Deoxys /u/arc4angel100
27. 2 Wishmaker Jirachi for 4 XY Torchics /u/Mooshkau
28. Wishmaker Jirachi for Shiny 5IV Growlithe /u/totodile12
29. Wishmaker Jirachi+2 Hayley Mew for SUM2013 Dialga+Giratina /u/redenginego
30. Wishmaker Jirachi for 2 XY Torchic /u/Surviver66
31. Wishmaker Jirachi for 2 XY Torchic /u/atsidodu_nedraugaves
32. Hayley Mew for SUM2013 Dialga /u/gooserooster88
33. Hayley Mew for SUM2013 Dialga /u/XxderpdaherpxX
34. Wishmaker Jirachi for RNG Ditto /u/TobiObito
35. Hayley Mew, 2 Wishmaker Jirachi, 2 XY Torchic for Plasma Deoxys and SUM2013 Palkia /u/ZeroTheFlygon
36. 5 comp shinies for Plasma Genesect /u/Kendonparker
37. Hayley Mew+Wishmaker Jirachi for SUM2013 Giratina /u/thekingofnarwhals
38. Hayley Mew+Wishmaker Jirachi for SUM2013 Giratina /u/pyrosoad
39. 19 XD:GoD Pokes for RNG 6IV Ditto and Plasma Deoxys /u/TheSonAlsoRises
40. 2 Hayley Mew for Decolora Jirachi /u/suremen
41. Plasma Deoxys and Wishmaker Jirachi for SMR2012 Keldeo /u/Litterboks
42. Hayley Mew for Ranger Manaphy /u/suremen
43. Wishmaker Jirachi for SUM2013 Dialga /u/NotGarrett
44. Wishmaker Jirachi + SUM2013 Dialga for Plasma Deoxys /u/TobiObito
45. 3 Hayley Mew for RNG Shiny Mewtwo /u/suremen
46. Wishmaker Jirachi for RNG 6IV DItto /u/Litterboks
47. XY Torchic for JPN Pokebank Celebi /u/Nickyzard
48. Wishmaker Jirachi for RNG 6IV Ditto /u/Litterboks
49. Wishmaker Jirachi for RNG Shiny Feebas /u/xbrad831x
50. Wishmaker Jirachi for FRE XY Torchic /u/JacobMayfield
51. 2 Wishmaker Jirachi for 5 Pokebank Celebi /u/Naive_Riolu
52. Wishmaker Jirachi for 3 Pokebank Celebi /u/CazadorV
53. 2 Wishmaker Jirachi for 4 Trophy Shinies /u/dahlialia
54. Hayley Mew for SUM2013 Palkia /u/cthall05
55. Wishmaker Jirachi for 2 Pokebank Celebi /u/SpaceV
56. Wishmaker Jirachi for 2 Pokebank Celebi /u/miken0222
57. 18 Pokebank Celebi for SUM2013 Dialga+Palkia+Giratina /u/TobiObito
58. Shiny Marill, Hawlucha, Manectric for GAMESTP Entei /u/jgkling
59. Shiny 5IV Gastly, Inkay, Ralts for M14 Victini /u/Darkcollecter
60. XY Torchic for 2 Pokebank Celebi /u/iTzMoys
61. Shiny 5IV Hawlucha and Amaura for Plasma Deoxys /u/Ask_me_about_birds
62. 2 RNG Ditto and RNG Shiny Togepi for Plasma Deoxys /u/flareblitz007
63. Hayley Mew+Wishmaker Jirachi for RNG Shiny Terrakion /u/ek93922
64. Wishmaker Jirachi for XY Torchic /u/cubanpete26
65. RNGd Shiny Mewtwo + Wishmaker Jirachi for Dreamworld Arceus /u/giffjo1
66. Shiny 5IV Espurr + Larvitar for 13 Pokebank Celebi /u/flareblitz007
67. Shiny 4IV Froakie for 3 Pokebank Celebi /u/huehuehuehuehuehu
68. Shiny 5IV Fletchling for 7 Pokebank Celebi /u/ek93922
69. Shiny 5IV Ferroseed+Eevee+Noibat+Absol+Vulpix for 30 Pokebank Celebi /u/mizzymizu
70. Shiny 5IV Scyther+Squirtle+Cloyster+Aron for 29 Pokebank Celebi /u/Sebastian_Bach
71. GAMESTP Pichu, Ash's Pikachu, Wishmaker Jirachi for PC Gengar /u/NyanInSpace
72. Shiny 5IV Growlithe+Poliwag+Zorua+Horsea for 18 Pokebank Celebi /u/kurttr
73. Shiny 5IV Eevee for 5 Pokebank Celebi /u/ek93922
74. Shiny 5IV Rhyhorn for 6 Pokebank Celebi /u/shinylarvitar
75. Shiny 4IV Mareep for 4 Pokebank Celebi /u/loveicetea
76. Shiny 4IV Nidoking for 4 Pokebank Celebi /u/Foxypuff
77. Shiny 4IV Kabuto for 4 Pokebank Celebi /u/maplewars
78. Shiny 6IV Bulbasaur for 20 Pokebank Celebi /u/diviil
79. Plasma Deoxys, SUM2013 Dialga, Shiny RNG'd Cresselia for FAL2010 Mew /u/Daruuki
80. Shiny 5IV Riolu for 7 Pokebank Celebi /u/weaponess
81. 6IV RNG Ditto for Channel Jirachi /u/Tej619
82. Shiny 5IV Beldum for 6 Pokebank Celebi /u/mtdang315
83. Shiny 5IV Tyrunt, Wishmaker Jirachi, 30 Pokebank Celebi for SPR2013 Meloetta /u/WantsToKnowStuff
84. Shiny 5IV Abra for 8 Pokebank Celebi /u/Roguedaddy
85. Shiny 5IV Eevee for 8 Pokebank Celebi /u/Midnightllama29
86. Shiny 4IV Beldum+Fennekin for 2 XY Torchics+1 Pokebank Celebi /u/huehuehuehuehuehu
87. Shiny 5IV Klefki+Garchomp for Plasma Deoxys /u/xbrad831x
88. Shiny 5IV Staryu for 5 Pokebank Celebi /u/jennah101
89. Comp Shiny Blaziken+Garchomp+Bagon+Durant+Zangoose for 30 Pokebank Celebi /u/mizzymizu
90. 4 Pokebank Celebi for Jolly Wishmaker Jirachi /u/joelrjohnson
91. M14 Victini, SPR2013 Meloetta, Hayley Mew for Walmart Scizor /u/flareblitz007
92. Shiny 5IV Bulbasaur and Wishmaker Jirachi for SUM2013 Dialga /u/xbrad831x
93. Hayley Mew for XY Torchic + 6 Pokebank Celebi /u/IKill4Cash
94. Wishmaker Jirachi for 2 Pokebank Celebi and a 5IV Goomy /u/huehuehuehuehuehu
95. 2 Wishmaker Jirachi for 5IV Charmander, Espurr, Honedge, Scatterbug, Zubat /u/djinninawell
96. Wishmaker Jirachi for 5IV Inkay, Klefki, Hawlucha /u/TwixClub
97. Hayley Mew for GAME Magmar /u/umbreho
98. Hayley Phione and Wishmaker Jirachi for GAME Code /u/umbreho
99. Shiny 5IV Gastly and 5IV Fennekin for GAME Code /u/MyNansAppleCrumble
100. GAME Magmar+GAME Code for Gamestop Raikou /u/XiaoXiaoo
101. GAME Magmar, Wishmaker Jirachi, Hayley Phione for SPR2013 Meloetta and WIN2013 Keldeo /u/goldsushi44
102. Shiny 5IV Shroomish + 4 Pokebank Celebi for GAME Magmar /u/umbreho
103. Wishmaker Jirachi for Shiny 5IV Poliwag /u/weaponess
104. GAME Magmar for Plasma Deoxys /u/Mashugana
105. Hayley Mew, Hayley Phione, Wishmaker Jirachi for GAME Electabuzz+GAME Code /u/Rheostatician
106. Hayley Phione + 2 Wishmaker Jirachi for GAME Code /u/umbreho
107. Hayley Phione + Wishmaker Jirachi for GAME Code /u/YaManicKill
108. Hayley Phione for RNG Shiny Eevee /u/xbrad831x
109. Hayley Mew for GAME Electabuzz /u/Demosthenes13
110. Hayley Mew for GAME Code /u/tinylittleninja
111. Shiny 5IV Gastly + Shiny 4IV Murkrow for GAME Code /u/crawver
112. SPR2013 Meloetta, WIN2013 Keldeo, Plasma Deoxys for CoroCoro Charizard X /u/Centaurion
113. Hayley Mew and Phione for SUM2013 Dialga /u/planetarial
114. SUM2013 Dialga + 2 Wishmaker Jirachi for RNG Shiny Zapdos /u/TJPoobah
115. Pokebox Swablu+Zigzagoon for RNG Decolora Jirachi /u/TheSonAlsoRises
116. Shiny 5IV Ralts for M17 Darkrai Redemption /u/Geistowl
117. Hayley Phione for Game Code /u/villa4876
118. Hayley Mew+Phione for RNG Shiny Cresselia+Rayquaza /u/Gjones18
119. 4 Fancy Vivillon for Shiny 5IV Scatterbug /u/joelrjohnson
120. 4 Fancy Vivillon for Shiny 5IV Scatterbug /u/umbreho
121. 5 Fancy Vivillon for Shiny 5IV Vivillon /u/xxmickmasterxx
122. 9 Fancy Vivillon for 2 Shiny 5IV Vivillon /u/eraco
123. 5 Fancy Vivillon for Shiny 5IV Vivillon /u/Nickyzard
124. Fancy Vivillon + Shiny 5IV Riolu for 8 Breedables /u/cannibaleyes
125. 4 Fancy Vivillon for Shiny 5IV Vivillon /u/SaberMarie
126. FRE XY Torchic for JPN XY Torchic + 2 Shiny 5IV Scatterbug /u/Voltagic
127. SUM2014 Heracross for SUM2014 Pinsir /u/Centaurion
128. 5 SUM2014 Heracross for 5 SUM2014 Pinsir /u/rpdmatt
129. 5 SUM2014 Heracross for 5 SUM2014 Pinsir /u/XiaoXiaoo
130. 4 NA Pokeball Vivillon for GAME Charizard Y /u/YaManicKill
131. 4 SUM2014 Heracross for 4 SUM2014 Pinsir /u/Lenian
132. 2 SUM2014 Heracross for Shiny 5IV Vivillon /u/SaberMarie
133. NA Heracross language set for NA Pinsir language set /u/tsea23
134. FBzard Code + 24 Shinies for WCS Aegislash /u/XiaoXiaoo
135. PCBC Mawile+Kangaskhan for Captain Outbreakchu + Corocoro Charizard Y /u/Centaurion
136. 40 NA Pokeball Vivillon for Shiny Tanabata Jirachi /u/Geistowl
137. 5 Fancy Vivillon for XY Torchic + Pokebank Celebi /u/adamlutz
138. Shiny 5IV Amaura+Scyther+Ponyta for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/heeromasaki
139. XY Torchic+2 NA Heracross+2 Fancy Vivillon for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/JDynasty
140. Shiny 5IV Litwick+Charmander+Gastly for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/ObtainedGold32
141. Shiny 5IV Aron+Togepi+Poliwag for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/AtomicArtichoke
142. 3 Event Pumpkaboo for Shiny 5IV Swirlix /u/SaberMarie
143. Shiny 5IV Feebas+Zubat+Porygon+Riolu+Gible for 2 Gamestop Gengar Codes /u/heeromasaki
144. Shiny 5IV Eevee+Aron for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/Falabalabatastic
145. Shiny 5IV Fennekin+Pinsir+Eevee for 2 Gamestop Gengar Codes /u/salem313
146. Shiny 5IV Scyther+Pinsir+Growlithe+Torchic for 2 Gamestop Gengar Codes /u/sasuke5a31at
147. Shiny 5IV NidoranF for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/PrinceBeartime
148. NA Heracross for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/JackJackg
149. Shiny 5IV Beldum+Staryu+NidoranM+Kangaskhan and 4 NA Heracross for Gamestop Gengar Codes /u/asspanda24
150. 2 NA Heracross for 8 5IV Breedables /u/blackaurora
151. 3 Competitive Pokebank Celebi for Shiny Tanabata Jirachi + Japanese Movie Diancie /u/shivermenipple
152. Shiny 5IV Growlithe+Ralts for Gamestop Diancie Code /u/AtomicArtichoke
153. Shiny 6IV Klefki for Gamestop Diancie Code /u/TehHonkyTonkMan
154. RNG Dream Radar Lugia for 4 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/Fad1990
155. Gamestop Diancie Code for XY Torchic /u/elfam
156. Walmart WINTER2013 Scizor for Sejun's Pachirisu /u/bbin88k
157. Shiny 5IV Gible for XY Torchic /u/cubanpete26
158. Shiny 5IV Eevee+Growlithe+Chimchar+Machop for 3 XY Charizard Redemptions /u/Rodnazics
159. 1 XY Charizard Code for 4 XY Charizard Redemptions /u/Voltagic
160. VGC Mamoswine for PC Shiny Pikachu+Charizard /u/Awful_Person
161. Heart Stamp Pikachu + M17 Darkrai for PC Piplup + Walmart Garchomp /u/ajkyle56
162. 30 Pokebank Celebi and 3 Scrap Codes for PGL Tyrunt Code /u/underpantscannon
163. 1 Fancy Vivillon for 1 Gamestop Dragonite Code /u/ShaunMHolder
164. 2 Gamestop Dragonite Codes for GAME Shiny Charizard Code /u/galironxero
165. 4 Gamestop Dragonite Codes for 2 WCSK Linoone /u/puh7777
166. 5 Gamestop Dragonite Codes and 4 Fancy Vivillon for Desert City Arceus /u/jaimeg7
167. 10 Fancy Vivillon and 2 Pokebank Celebi for Desert City Arceus /u/ajkyle56
168. World 14 Aegislash for World 15 Sharpedo /u/go4ino
169. Corocoro Charizard X for 4 Gamescon Codes /u/TheDecimated
170. WHF Rayquaza for Korean Guidebook Mareep and 2 Gamescon Codes /u/endy1102
171. 2 Gamescon Codes for Korean Water Tribe Manaphy /u/euramexerican
172. 2 Pokebank Celebi for 4 Gamescon Redemptions /u/erublack
173. 5 Spooky Pumpkaboo for 7 HK Rayquaza /u/squarekantobadge
174. 3 Spooky Pumpkaboo for 6 HK Rayquaza /u/Potato5lyfe
175. Spooky Pumpkaboo for 2 HK Rayquaza /u/IntentionOfAbyss
176. 5 Spooky Pumpkaboo for 5 Custom Shinies /u/infiniteshadow
177. 7 Sly Zoroark for Japan XYZ Set /u/endy1102
178. PCMT Pikachu+Charizard, PC Hiroshima Gyarados for PC Mega Battle Audino+Slowbro+Altaria /u/xBsh3rx
179. GAME Magmar+Electabuzz for PGL Delibird /u/blackaurora
180. 2 Gamestop Dragonite + 2 Sly Zoroark for 1 PAL Hoopa + 1 Scrap Code /u/CaelumKrieger
181. Gamestop Diancie + Gamestop Gengar for Jade Infernape + NA Mew Code /u/effieSC
182. 2 Pokebank Celebi + 2 Gamestop Diancie for 4 NA Mew Codes /u/antoniocesarm
183. Gamestop Dragonite, Sly Zoroark, Stevens Beldum, HK Rayquaza for GF Celebi, 3 NA Mew Codes /u/jrothwell13
184. Sly Zoroark + HK Rayquaza for 2 NA Mew Codes + 1 GF Celebi /u/Charash99
185. Tough Heracross+Pinsir for 2 Harry Hoopa /u/Swarless
186. Gamestop Gengar+Diancie for 3 NA Mew Codes /u/m_lavande9
187. Gamestop Dragonite+Diancie+Gengar for 1 NA Mew Code + 3 GF Celebi /u/soulwyvern
188. Gamestop Diancie + GF Jirachi for NA Mew Code + GF Celebi /u/Waffleiron7
189. Tough Pinsir/Heracross + Sly Zoroark + Gamestop Dragonite + Pokebank Celebi for Harry Hoopa Lang Set /u/GrimClawTigrex
190. 2 Gamestop Diancie for 2 Harry Hoopa /u/Akhione
191. 2 Custom Shinies for Harry Hoopa /u/robertoxmed
192. Steven's Beldum for NA Darkrai Code /u/Vetches1
193. Gamestop Diancie for NA Mew Code /u/SinnerJP
194. Tretta Rotom + WCSK Linoone for Expo Machamp+Smeargle /u/Feder96
195. Shiny Charmander for NA Darkrai Code /u/S4U1
196. Shiny Amaura for NA Darkrai Code /u/thewitchofgeek
197. Shiny Klefki for NA Darkrai Code /u/JessiahtheGod
198. Shiny Staryu+Hawlucha for 2 NA Darkrai Codes /u/frostedstrawberry
199. Shiny Porygon+Larvitar+Machop+Zubat for 4 NA Darkrai Codes /u/BigMike510
200. PGL Pikachu for 2 VGC Machamp /u/toughlilpony
[+] Shinies (54)
1. Shiny Clawitzer for Shiny Lampent /u/FramesTowers
2. Shiny 5IV Abra for Shiny 5IV Honedge /u/Yin4TheWin
3. Shiny 5IV Ralts for Shiny 3IV Charmander /u/ThurnisHaley13
4. Shiny 5IV Honedge for Shiny 5IV Staryu /u/liesauce
5. Shiny 5IV Ralts for Shiny 5IV Tyrunt /u/timasahh
6. Shiny 5IV Ralts for Shiny 5IV Riolu /u/ofretaliation
7. Shiny 5IV Ralts for Shiny 5IV Honedge /u/ReviaTheStarf
8. Shiny 5IV Gastly + Shiny 4IV Ralts for Shiny 5IV Absol /u/tenjak2
9. Shiny 5IV Ralts for Shiny 5IV Tyrunt /u/rockpm
10. Shiny 5IV Ralts for Shiny 5IV Squirtle /u/heartlessdragon
11. Shiny 5IV Beldum for Shiny 5IV Amaura /u/XiaoXiaoo
12. Shiny 5IV Tyrunt for Shiny 5IV Togepi /u/trexous
13. Shiny 5IV Vulpix for Shiny 5IV Zorua /u/silversgleaming
14. Shiny 5IV Vulpix for Shiny 5IV Shellder /u/jayyem808
15. Shiny 5IV Growlithe for Shiny 5IV Larvesta /u/joyfulpains
16. Shiny 5IV Shellder for Shiny 5IV Larvitar /u/dredreshimo
17. Shiny 5IV Larvesta for Shiny 5IV Charmander /u/Dyoxer
18. Shiny 5IV Beldum for Shiny 5IV Aron /u/alwaysinebriated
19. Shiny 5IV Shellder for Shiny 5IV Marill /u/Plawxy
20. Shiny 5IV Bulbasaur for Shiny 5IV Espurr /u/Icy_Jake
21. Shiny 5IV Abra for Shiny 5IV Rhyhorn /u/chckxy
22. Shiny 5IV Torchic for Shiny 5IV Chespin /u/Sy-r-b
23. Shiny 5IV Ralts for Shiny 5IV Ralts /u/felipeshaman
24. Shiny 5IV Growlithe for Shiny 5IV Ferroseed /u/gdk130
25. Shiny 5IV Torchic for Shiny 5IV Hawlucha /u/stryken
26. Shiny 5IV Ralts for Shiny 5IV Magnemite /u/Cyriano
27. Shiny 4IV Shellder+Kangaskhan for Shiny 5IV Heracross /u/flameztrio456
28. Shiny 5IV Torchic + Shiny 4IV Eevee for Shiny 5IV Meditite /u/nAruToXSASukexSAkURa
29. Shiny 5IV Growlithe for Shiny 5IV Elekid /u/photoh
30. Shiny 5IV Fletchling for Shiny 5IV Poliwag /u/Pantherine
31. Shiny 5IV Fletchling+Gastly+Togepi for Shiny 6IV Bagon /u/davidjo459
32. Shiny 4IV Fletchling for Shiny 4IV Mareep /u/blazingsun21
33. Shiny 5IV Growlithe for Shiny 5IV Shuppet /u/vanyataro
34. Shiny 5IV Gible for Shiny 5IV Noibat /u/shuben
35. Shiny 4IV Bulbasaur for Shiny 4IV Kabuto /u/Icybetrayal
36. Shiny 5IV Growlithe for Shiny 5IV Shroomish /u/SoapyMeatloaf
37. Shiny 4IV Fletchling for Shiny 4IV Zubat /u/trickbell
38. Shiny 5IV Gastly for Shiny 5IV Drillbur /u/Naieer
39. Shiny 4IV Gible for Shiny 4IV Zangoose /u/Icybetrayal
40. Shiny 5IV Bulbasaur for Shiny 5IV Inkay /u/FortifySneak
41. Shiny 4IV Lampent for Shiny 4IV Houndour /u/shit-bird
42. Shiny 5IV Gible for Shiny 4IV Klefki /u/Henry_27
43. Shiny 4IV Vulpix for Shiny 4IV Murkrow /u/hthin1992
44. Shiny 5IV Fletchling for Shiny 4IV Nidoking /u/Blazingtouch
45. Shiny 5IV Ralts for Shiny 4IV Durant /u/Demoyon
46. Shiny 4IV Growlithe for Shiny 4IV Swinub /u/azntidez16
47. Shiny 4IV Growlithe for Shiny 4IV Horsea /u/tomahakim
48. Shiny 5IV Growlithe for Shiny 4IV Pinsir /u/Lenian
49. Shiny 5IV Charmander+Honedge+Meditite for RNG Shiny Cresselia /u/ek93922
50. Shiny 5IV Eevee for 5IV Female/HA Fennekin /u/KabuAtama
51. Shiny 5IV NidoranM+Fennekin+Ponyta for RNG Dream Radar Lugia /u/xbrad831x
52. Shiny 5IV Porygon for Shiny 5IV Sigilyph /u/huehuehuehuehuehu
53. Shiny Magnemite+Tangela+Meowth+Fletchling+Zubat for Shiny 5IV Carbink /u/villa4876
54. Shiny 5IV Sigilyph for RNG Eevee /u/Ask_me_about_birds
[+] Competitive / Casual (10)
1. Fennekin for Skrelp /u/fior
2. Dratini for Eevee /u/CurCur07
3. Dratini for Chespin /u/driftmonkey117
4. HA Abra for HA Froakie /u/Karrde12345
5. HA Abra for HA Dratini /u/whysosmug
6. HA Abra for Pupitar /u/gunblade711
7. HA Abra+Dratini+Goomy for HA Growlithe+Ralts+Breloom /u/sheldonb666
8. HA Pinsir for HA Bagon /u/op_arcanine
9. HA Vulpix for HA Ditto /u/Lonepanda3232
10. HA Eevee+Vulpix+Dratini for Chespin+Zorua+Ditto /u/Hotsushi
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (81)
1. Wishmaker Jirachi for GAME Electabuzz /u/doritoburrrito
2. Hayley Mew+Phione for GAME Magmar + 2 GAME Charizard Codes /u/weaponess
3. Decolora Jirachi, 2 Plasma Deoxys, Hayley Mew, 2 Wishmaker Jirachi for VGC Mamoswine /u/Epoke28
4. Pokebox Swablu+Zigzagoon+Skitty for PCBC Tyranitar+Mawile+Kangaskhan /u/NyanInSpace
5. Hayley Mew + Wishmaker Jirachi for RNG Reshiram /u/Reithar
6. Pokebox Swablu+Zigzagoon for WCS Aegislash /u/Marinski
7. Hayley Mew and Wishmaker Jirachi for GAME Magmar and Electabuzz /u/EpsilonTheGreat
8. Hayley Mew and Phione for PAL Pokeball Vivillon language set /u/Crasac
9. Hayley Mew for Plasma Deoxys /u/sticke69
10. Pokemon Box Swablu, Zigzagoon and Skitt for Heart Stamp Pikachu and a GAMEzard X and Y set /u/Geistowl
11. Ranger Manaphy for SMR2012 Keldeo /u/RickManpants
12. 3 Hayley Mew, 2 Hayley Phione and 6 Wishmaker Jirachi for SPR2013 Meloetta /u/blackaurora
13. Pokemon Box Swablu and Zigzagoon for VGC Mamoswine /u/ajkyle56
14. SMR2012 Keldeo, Plasma Deoxys, Hayley Mew, 2 Wishmaker Jirachi and 2 Pokebank Celebi for 4IV M17 Darkrai /u/Rimon-Hanit
15. 10 Trophy-ish Shinies for Touched Plasma Genesect /u/The_Karwin
16. Hayley Mew for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/FoxtrotOscarX_ray
17. Hayley Phione and Wishmaker Jirachi for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/Rimon-Hanit
18. Hayley Mew for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/TheDudeZach
19. Hayley Mew for 4 Gamestop Gengar Codes /u/seelenamt
20. 2 Wishmaker Jirachi for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/comandanteraven
21. RNG Decolora Jirachi for RNG Shiny Ranger Manaphy /u/ek93922
22. Wishmaker Jirachi for Gamestop Gengar Code /u/ObtainedGold32
23. 7 Gamestop Gengar Codes for Decolora Jirachi and Plasma Deoxys /u/MutantEnemy
24. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Gengar Codes /u/Rimon-Hanit
25. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/NoctRly
26. Wishmaker Jirachi for Gamestop Diancie Code /u/kj702
27. 2 Wishmaker Jirachi and Shiny 5IV Carbink and Shellder for 3 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/NoctRly
28. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/RLB1293
29. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/ferty34
30. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/BuraddoRun
31. Plasma Deoxys for 5 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/Dan202903
32. Plasma Deoxys and Shiny 5IV Swirlix for 5 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/TehHonkyTonkMan
33. SUM2013 Giratina for 2 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/huehuehuehuehuehu
34. SPR2013 Meloetta for 6 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/TehHonkyTonkMan
35. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/asmodai33
36. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/comandanteraven
37. Plasma Deoxys and Ranger Manaphy for 10 Gamestop Diancie Codes /u/comandanteraven
38. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Diancie Codes and 2 Pokebank Celebi /u/Rimon-Hanit
39. Pokemon Box Skitty and Decolora Jirachi for Mystery Egg Event Axew /u/ajkyle56
40. Hayley Mew for WIN2013 Keldeo /u/lendaclue
41. Pokebank Celebi, Hayley Mew and Wishmaker Jirachi for FEB2012 Mewtwo /u/ceruleankangaroo
42. Wishmaker Jirachi for Pokebank Celebi /u/Pixelwarlord
43. Hayley Mew for 2 XY Torchics /u/Rimon-Hanit
44. Hayley Mew for 2 XY Torchics /u/KaitoGL
45. 8 Wishmaker Jirachi and 4 NA Diancie Codes for PC Pokeball Vivillon /u/capnknuckles1
46. Tanabata Jirachi, PCBC Tyranitar, Japan PC Pokeviv, and Hayley Mew+Phione for SSB Greninja Code /u/ajkyle56
47. SUM2013 Dialga and Wishmaker Jirachi for 5 Custom Shinies /u/eddiy
48. Plasma Genesect for 6 Custom Shinies /u/Pixelwarlord
49. SUM2013 Dialga for 4 Custom Shinies /u/MiguelYx
50. Hayley Mew and Wishmaker Jirachi for 4 Custom Shinies /u/smsevigny
51. 3 Hayley Mews for Tretta Rotom /u/froakiedokie
52. Pokebox Swablu+Zigzagoon, Hayley Mew, Ageto Celebi, and FBzard X+Y for 17 Scrap Codes /u/blackaurora
53. Hayley Mew for 1 Scrap Code /u/jaimeg7
54. Hayley Mew and JPN Movie Diancie for Walmart Scizor, Beldum Language Set and 1 Scrap Code /u/ajkyle56
55. Hayley Mew for 1 Scrap Code /u/underpantscannon
56. 2 Hayley Mew and 2 Wishmaker Jirachi for SPR2013 Meloetta /u/AerialBlast
57. SPR2013 Meloetta for 3 GAME Darkrai Codes /u/jaimeg7
58. DW Arceus for Get☆TV Emboar, Serperior and Samurott Language Sets /u/aliski007
59. Hayley Mew and Phione for GAME Darkrai Code /u/harryng2103
60. RNGd Terrakion for GAME Darkrai Code /u/xana666
61. SUM2013 Palkia for GAME Darkrai Code /u/zembem
62. Hayley Mew for GAME Darkrai Code /u/Sangafox
63. Hayley Mew for GAME Darkrai Code /u/Dan202903
64. 2 Hayley Mews and 2 Pokebank Celebi for Serena's Fennekin language set /u/aliski007
65. 2 Hayley Mews and 1 Hayley Phione for Desert City Arceus /u/Boltbeam
66. Hayley Mew for 3 Custom Shinies /u/3Anton3
67. RNG Shiny Cresselia and Zapdos for Maxsoft Rayquaza Code and 2 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/galironxero
68. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/makesumnoize
69. SUM2013 Dialga, Palkia and Giratina for 7 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/ShisenAkarui
70. Wishmaker Jirachi for Gamestop Dragonite Code /u/sabishyryu
71. SUM2013 Palkia for 2 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/iPippy
72. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/mexican_honey_badger
73. Hayley Mew and Wishmaker Jirachi for 3 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/Shockwave4
74. Hayley Mew for 2 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/staykraken
75. Hayley Mew and Wishmaker Jirachi for 3 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/Rezey
76. Hayley Mew for 4 Gamestop Dragonite Codes /u/WenSnake
77. Hayley Mew for 4 Custom Shinies /u/dragonite153
78. Hayley Mew for 4 Custom Shinies /u/Zorblack
79. Wishmaker Jirachi for 3 Custom Shinies /u/dragonite153
80. WT Manaphy + Plasma Genesect for PC Lucario /u/antoniocesarm
81. Ash's Pikachu + Gamestop Celebi for PCO Pikachu Code + PC Ho-Oh + PC Psyduck /u/infiniteshadow

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


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Zorblack Nov 6, 2015 3:12:34 AM

Great trade, thanks for the Mew.

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