
0018-1378-1337, SW-0696-3270-1329 || Nassir (X, SW)
0018-1378-1337, SW-0696-3270-1329 || Nassir (X, SW) || XXXX

Trades (20)

[+] Events (4)
1. PAL Mew Code for 5IV Diveball Picharisu & Moonball Teddirusa, Fastball Growlithe & DBHA Elgyem /u/effieSC
2. 1 PAL Set of HA Birds (Zapdos, Articuno & Moltres) for 1 NA Darkrai Code & 2 NA Mew Codes /u/charlieboi99
3. PAL Genesect Code for NA Genesect Code /u/vee4Phoenix
4. PAL Genesect code for NA Volcanion code /u/V1C1OU5LY
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (16)
1. Level Ball Sudowoodo for DBHA Miltank /u/Skywalker140
2. Heavy Ball Phanpy and Friend Ball Ralts for DBHA Gligar and DBHA Hippopotas /u/shizen11037
3. Calm Chikorita for Bold Chikorita /u/Threexbb
4. 5IV male Adamant HA Magikarp for 5IV female Adamant HA Torchic w/ 4 EMs /u/Mattfred88
5. Safari ball Kangaskahn for DBHA Swinub. /u/jef4490
6. Love Ball Zubat for DBHA Doduo /u/HKG_Teddy
7. DBHA Elekid and Magby for DBHA Eeeve and Ralts /u/FishyFried
8. Friend ball Ralts; DBHA Gligar; Heavy ball Aaron, Numel, Onix; & Level ball Rhyhorn for DBHA Burmy, Pidgey & Combee, and Fast Ball Ponyta /u/TeaRadio
9. Love ball Cherubi for Moon ball Igglypuff /u/babychan90
10. DBHA Elekid & Sport Ball Scyther for Love ball Marill and DBHA Drifloon /u/boo-meister
11. Dive Ball Totodile and Moon Ball Caterpie for Love Ball Mareep, Friend ball Sableye, & DBHA Mawile and Dratini /u/paanvaannd
12. 4IV female dive ball Totodile for 4IV female nest ball Chikorita /u/LordKaishi
13. 5IV female level ball Cubone for 5IV female love ball Swablu /u/Storvacker
14. Moon balll Teddiursa for Heavy Ball Wooper /u/Osagras94
15. 5IV DBHA 4EM Roselia & Elekid for 5IV DBHA 4EM Mr. Mime, Skitty & Spheal /u/Foxlery
16. Comp 5IV 12.5% Females with 4EM: Chikorita, Piplup, and Treecko for Comp 5IV DBHA Females with 4EM's: Chinchou, Jolly Ralts, Sandile, Drowzee, Stantler, Barboach, and Togepi /u/Foxlery
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


coolswampert Feb 19, 2016 8:48:50 PM

Gave a free competitive Pokemon to another user while asking for nothing in return. Very generous.

Nassirdada's Information


Friend codes:
