
3368-1463-4408 || Brody (ΩR), Brody (X)

Trades (12)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (12)
1. Friend Ball Stantler and Love Ball Meowth for Sports Ball Weedle and Love Ball Sudowoodo /u/valeskyia
2. Spritzee Trade Evolution for "Mystery Item"/Sun Stone /u/bensenboy24
3. Dream Ball Cubone for Dream Ball Smoochum /u/J-AnideM
4. Binacle w/ Egg Moves for Custap, Jaboca, Micle, and Rowap Berries /u/mm245
5. Tradeback Dex Entries for 5 IV HA Gible /u/Xonque
6. Choice Specs for 5 IV HA Bulbasaur /u/sturdy_shedinja
7. Heavy Ball Phanpy for Dream Ball Dwebble /u/Crimsonskydeath
8. Dream Ball HA Smoochum for Marill with Egg Moves /u/gamerking272
9. Berries for HP Ice Eevee /u/death117
10. Graveler Trade Evolution for Scyther Trade Evolution /u/Skipper1304
11. Friend Ball Stantler and Love Ball Meowth for Fast Ball Dunsparce and Heavy Ball Snorlax /u/CJPi
12. Feebas Trade Evolution for Onix Trade Evolution /u/Vyctox
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (9)

1. Tradeback Dex Entries /u/Haunani14
2. Pokedex Tradeback Entries /u/ArcticWish
3. Tradeback Pokedex Entries /u/TribalCypher
4. Tradeback Dex Entries /u/Toxichuff
5. Helped Evolve Kadabra /u/Gidonka
6. Tradeback Dex Entries /u/madfingers23
7. Tradeback Dex Entries /u/gogogo883
8. Helped Transfer Mega Stone /u/ElusiveRaccoon
9. Yveltal Dex Entry /u/MrThee

Misc (0)


Nega_Elemental's Information


Friend codes:
