
2896-0850-8905 || Haman (X, US, SW), (VIO, PLA)
2896-0850-8905 || Haman (X, US, SW), (VIO, PLA) || XXXX

Trades (51)

[+] Events (18)
1. Daraki Code for Arceus Code /u/LWish
2. Victini And Three Moonstones for Armaldo, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Emboar, and Archeops Flygon, Hippowdon, and Tyrantrum /u/Metalloprotean
3. vicinity for Volcanion /u/LordSphinxy
4. Dratini 5IV HA for Genesect NA code /u/JiangWei23
5. Dratini 5IV HA for Volcanion Code /u/Abdullah_J
6. Latias and Zekrom for NA Genesect Code /u/vee4Phoenix
7. Azelf Uxie Mesprit Regigigas Virizion for 5 Volcanion Codes /u/PommesHDGaming
8. 5IV EM HA Dratini for Lycanroc NA code /u/daxterman989
9. Volcanion for Diancie /u/BlackCoat_Axel
10. Volcanion for Zeraora / Shiny Poipole /u/Wizzkid99
11. Beast Ball Growlithe for Lugia NA Code /u/Simplerourouni
12. Alolan Vulpix in Moonball for NA Zekrom Code /u/poparrot
13. 5IV Dratini with 3 EM for Zekrom NA code /u/AwwPooh
14. Volcanion for Regidrago, Zamazenta, Shinny Fenekin , and Armarouge /u/JackM76
15. Volcanion for Dracozolt Dracovish Arctovish Koradion /u/citruslime27
16. Hoopa for Iron Leaves and Walking Wake /u/Terryus1
17. Volcanion for Raging Bolt / Gouging fire /u/ShisukoDesu
18. Celebi , Keldeo for Paul Chua's Arcanine , Ash's Lucario , Jungle Zarude /u/bwo0
[+] Shinies (3)
1. Shiny Piople NA Code for Alolan Shiny Sandshrew /u/silvercup011
2. Shiny pansage for Cosmoem /u/Teogeorgiou
3. Shiny Nihiligo / Love ball Mawile and love ball smoochum for Shiny Latias/ Shiny Slowing and Shiny Togekiss /u/teogeorgiou
[+] Competitive / Casual (30)
1. Shiny Pyroar for xerneas /u/ReclusiveEagle
2. Gengar for Dratini /u/Neravius
3. Pansage for Phione /u/_Josa_
4. Pansage With Moonstone for Mankey /u/xDawilly
5. HA EM 5IV Dratini for Love Ball Miltank /u/NameNameIsMyUsername
6. Turtwig with HA. for Growlithe Female in Friends Ball /u/FNxIceman
7. Clawitzer for Dragalge /u/GoldStriker19
8. Chikorita for Tyrunt /u/am1121
9. Kabuto and Amaura for Snorunt and Croagunk /u/Enderkiller101
10. Spearow, Snubull and Carnivin for Tepig, Buizel and Flabébé /u/Moag14
11. Xerneas for yveltal /u/stonecold2112
12. Friend Ball Growlithe for Luxury Ball Chansey /u/34loppyXsoko
13. Dratini for torterra /u/fledin
14. Kyogre, Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno for Tornados, Groudon, Latios, Ho-Oh /u/Noromac
15. Swirlix and a Clauncher for BR Metagross and a BR Salamence /u/Metalloprotean
16. Swirlx for Togetic With shiny stone /u/thelittlecart
17. 5 IV Dratini, Eevee for Love Ball Pichu, Moonball cleffa /u/ladyspitz
18. Alonlan gravler for Alolan gravler /u/dyallsho
19. Love Ball Mareep for Galarain ponyta /u/kappaccio
20. Pawniard for Galarian Corsola /u/JB
21. Tauros-Aqua-Love /Tauros-Blaze-Level / Chikorita-Safari / Smeargle-Dream /Joltik-Dream for Squrtirle: Beast Growlithe: Fast/Lure H.Growlithe: Safari Eevee: Dream /u/Tomek900
22. Dream Ball : Smerage / Dream ball: joltik for Moon Ball: Torchic / Lure Ball : Poplio /u/seulmay
23. Friend Mankey Lure Poliwag Moon Ralts Heavy Riolu for Dream Dewpider Heavy Deerling Friend Squawkabilly-White Love Blitzle /u/Valmoer
24. Lure and Dream Ball Squirtle for Friend Ball Snivy and Love Ball Finizen /u/St0rm24
25. dream HA seel and heavy HA riolu for dream HA slugma and dream HA cottonee. /u/TamamoAmy
26. 6IV lure ball popplio for Star, Ribbon, Clover, and Flower Sweet on 4 A-Meowths! /u/platokie
27. 5IV HA alolan Vulpix for Star sweet /u/J0hann1e
28. Espurr / Mudkip for Lure Ball Shellder /u/MichiGL
29. Mespirit for Spirigatito / H-Growlithe / Zororak / Inkay / Hatenna / Spiritomb ( All EV trained with Good IV) /u/laosuna
30. Lure Totidile / Heavy Riolu for Love larvitar / Beast chimera /u/monicarm
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (11 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. I gave Away 3-5IV Dratini with ExtremeSpeed / HA / Some Pokers (Sub: pokemontrades, 11 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Trade back to Evolve his Sycther /u/theswaggyp
2. Traded 5 Pokemons . Gengar , Slowking , Steelix , Scizor , Conkeldurr /u/Shinokiba-
3. I did some tradeback To evolve his Pokemons ( He had the items) Then he needed A genera so i did a traceback for mine to register in his. Then he wanted a Machamp.So i caught an evolved a Machop then did a traceback to him so he can get it. And then he asked for A Gengar for himself. So I gave him a gastly for free. As supposed he evolved to Haunter and give it back to me so it evolved to Haunter and he can keep the genera. However he took long and it was past my bedtime. So he told me he'd evolve The vastly and trade me tomorrow. Which is today but he haven't replied yet. he might have did a trading with someone else for the Haunter /u/DarkRJ8J

Misc (0)


Neyonachi's Information


Friend codes:
