
3197-0647-5803 || Laura (ΩR, S, US, BD, SCA)
3197-0647-5803 || Laura (ΩR, S, US, BD, SCA) || XXXX

Trades (103)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (103)
1. Level Ball Rockruff for Friend Ball HA Grimer /u/cirega
2. Fast Eevee, Love HA Sandile, Love Feebas for DB HA Cranidos, DB HA Shieldon, Love HA Cutiefly /u/rufusdrumknott
3. Level HA Larvesta, Love HA Cubone for Level HA Growlithe, DB Finneon /u/jacq894
4. Lure Horsea for DB HA Omanyte /u/Tomasom2000
5. Love HA Sandile for Friend HA Growlithe /u/mint-yoongi
6. Friend Scyther, Friend Venipede, Friend Cubone, Friend Feebas, Friend Ralts, Love Sandile, Fast Snubbull, Heavy Wimpod, Moon Snubbull, Dream Starly, Moon Starly, Love Cubone for Level Sandile, Moon Noibat, Safari Medittite, Friend Trecko, Friend Turtwig, Level Torchic, Lure Mudkip, Heavy Mudkip, Lure Piplup, Heavy Piplup, Safari Dratini /u/Puibmka23
7. Moon HA Dratini, Safari HA MEdittite for Fast Tangela, Level HA Tangela /u/alan1589
8. Level Noibat, Moon Dratini, Lure Dratini, Fast Dratini, Level Teddiursa, Friend Trapinch for Level Bruxish, Friend Cutiefly, Level Passimian, Moon Machop, Lure Tortunator, Fast Pichu /u/jacq894
9. Love Shroomish, Moon Dratini, Moon Seel, Friend Cubone, Friend Feebas, Fast Jangmo-o for Fast, Lure, Heavy, Level, Love, Friend Sigyliph /u/saltimmortalsea
10. Safari HA Shroomish, Safari HA Meditite for DB HA Burmy, Safari HA Ekans /u/Wowdish
11. Friend HA Cubone, Heavy Nidoran, Fast Snubull, Heavy Stantler, Lure Numel, Love Sentret for Level Rotom, Moon A-Grimer, Moon Tentacool, Moon Spearow, Lure Shellos, Moon Phantump /u/Simenon90
12. Love HA stufful, Love HA sandile, Level HA teddiursa for Moon HA Noibat, Moon HA gible, Safari HA cacnea /u/Theblueo
13. Friend A-Vulpix, Friend K-Vulpix, Friend Cubone , Friend Stufful for Safari Remoraid, Lure Skrelp, Love Clauncher, Moon White-Flabebe /u/buckembarnes
14. Moon Seel for Freind Cottoonee /u/Puibmka23
15. Friend and Love Cubone for Fast and Friend HA/4EM Elgyem /u/babychan90
16. Love Ball Snivy, Love Ball Torchic, Lure Ball Squirtle, DBHA Abra for Moon Teddiursa, Moon Seel, Moon Snubbull, Friend Trapinch /u/hikarii
17. Lure Gible, Moon Pawniard, Heavy Salandit, Moon shinx for Lure nidoran, Level paras, Fast yanma and Safari pineco /u/BenjewminUnofficial
18. Mudkip Heavy, Totodile Lure, Chikorita Friend, Chespin Friend, Tepig Heavy, Oshawott Lure for Safari Bidoof, Safari Ekans, Dream Nidoran, Dream Swinub, Dream Kecleon, Dream Tropius /u/tylaquin
19. Moon Larvesta for HA Turtiwg /u/pokkadj
20. Friend Stufful, Heavy Komala, Friend Pancham, Level Bruxish, Heavy Pawniard, Moon Pawniard, Level Pawniard, Safari Phanpy, Love Litwick, Beast Larvesta for Beast K-Meowth, Moon Buneary, Friend Solosis, Lure Timburr, Fast Marill, Moon Mudbray, Moon Passimian, Moon Oranguru, Friend Roggenrola /u/MC_CoyoteClan
21. 10 pokemons for 10 pokemons /u/NS375
22. Love a HA Piplup and HA Turtwig for HA Love ball Venipede, and HA Friend ball Snivy /u/GeraltOfRiverlandia
23. Level Pidgey, Love Hoppip, Fast Venipede, Level Dedenne, Fast Chimchar, Dream Magikarp, Friend Spinarak for Safari Phanpy, Love Sneasel, Dream Croagunk, Moon Jangmo-o, Moon Solosis, Dream Spiritomb, Dream Aerodactyl /u/tylaquin
24. Lure Timburr, Heavy (HA) Nidoran, Moon Treecko, Dream Stunky, Love Sentret for Level, Lure, Beast, Heavy Rufflet (HA), Moon Vullaby (HA) /u/PlushUltra
25. Level Torchic, Heavy Mudkip, Lure Treecko for Dream Aron, Dream Snubbull, Dream onix /u/radiowarrrr
26. Heavy HA Mudkip, Fast HA Torchic, Heavy HA Oshawott for Dream Mudkip, Friend HA Bounsweet, Love HA Bounsweet /u/8ustavo
27. Heavy Ball HA Stantler, HA Dream Ball Cranidos for Safari Shinx, Heavy Shinx /u/waldsaum
28. Moon HA Charmander for Dream HA Petilil /u/__CuriousOwl__
29. 30 pokemons for 30 DBHA pokemons /u/Phil_Gardevoir
30. Dream Ball Anorith for DBHA Stunfisk /u/Potato_Potatoe17
31. Level HA Cyndaquil, Moon Tentacool for Level HA Mienfoo, Love HA Emolga /u/tylaquin
32. A-Digglet in Friend Ball, A-Vulpix in Lure Ball, Aipom in Dream Ball, Sigilyph in Heavy Ball, Solosis in Heavy Ball, Lillipup in Friend Ball, Noibat in Level Ball, Yellow Minior in Heavy Ball, Turtonator in Heavy Ball for HA Scatterburg in Fast Ball, HA Scatterbug in Heavy Ball, HA Scatterbug in Level Ball, HA Scatterbug in Lure Ball HA Scatterbug in Love Ball, HA Snorunt in Moon Ball, Larvesta in Love Ball, HA Larvesta in Friend Ball, A- Grimer in Safari Ball /u/imapikachu1117
33. HA Friend ball Chikorita, HA espurr,HA Darumaka,HA Cacnea,HA Stunky,HA Gligar,HA Kingler for Every Apriball OT Rockruff /u/GeraltOfRiverlandia
34. DB HA Hoppip for DB HA A- Grimer /u/ROYaboo
35. Love Sandile, Love Sneasel, Love Sygiliph, Love Stunfisk, Love MEditite, Level Chimchar, Moon Chimchar for Lure Noibat, Lure Cyndaquil, Love Doduo, Love Ducklett, Love Noibat, Friend Oshawott, Dream Weedle /u/blckenedicekaj
36. 13 aprimons for 13 aprimons /u/FlareGER
37. 9 pokemons for 9 pokemons /u/tylaquin
38. 13 aprimons for 13 aprimons /u/blckenedicekaj
39. Shiny stone, Dawn stone, 2 Moon stones, 2 Sun stones, Magmarizer, Dusk Stone for Dream Ball Sonver, HA Drillbur, HA Togepi, HA Binacle, HA Hawlucha, HA Heatmor /u/branny238
40. HA Moon Ball Shinx for HA Cyndaquil in Moonball /u/bandicootbluez
41. Level and Love Oshawott for Dream Snorlax, Dream Mareep, Moon Sableye, Dream Carnivine, Moon Dedenne, Level Klefki /u/8ustavo
42. Lovel ball Eevee, Dream Ball Tympole, Friend Ball Scyther, Beast Ball Carvanha, Beast Ball Bagon, Heavy Ball Rhyhorn for Some apriballs /u/g20richasan
43. Lure HA Totodile and Friend HA Sewaddle for Heavy HA Wailmer and Lure HA Buizel /u/ClarkyMcLarky
44. Dream Aerodactyl, Lure Kanto Vulpix, Dream Anorith, Dream Crandios, Dream Shieldon, Dream/Love Shinx, Love Chikorita, Level Fennekin, Love Totodile for Lure Poliwag, Heavy Ponyta, Lure Tentacool, Friend Machop, Friend Magby, Dream/Love/Moon Pichu, Fast Mareep, Love Minccino /u/blckenedicekaj
45. Help with an egg hatch for Heavy Scyther /u/gibbspip
46. Moon Missdreavus, Moon Shinx for Moon Horsea, Love Magby /u/LimLim987
47. Moon Horsea, Moon Shinx for Love Mareep, Love Chimchar /u/Fixoww
48. Female HA Chimchar for Lure Bagon /u/OwlyVarsityJacket
49. Love HA Torchic, Friend HA Snivy for Friend Totodile and Heavy Bulbasaur /u/timacq
50. Moon HA 4EMs Shinx, Love HA 3EMs Aipom, Heavy HA 4EMs Scyther and Moon HA 4EMs Teddiursa for Moon Drifloom, Love Roselia, Heavy Swinub and Moon Poliwag /u/AdmiralFoxy
51. Manectric, Pyroar, Aurorus, Jellicent, Scrafty and Mantine for Beast Wingull and Dream Igglybuff /u/cuteball
52. HA Froaki, Friend and Level HA Inkay for Friend Deino, Moon Trevenant and Friend Cleffa /u/Plushiegamer2
53. Moon Teddiursa and Level Cyndaquil for Chimecho and Dragon Scale /u/Awkward_Web7175
54. Mothim for Lopunny /u/serdtofgallifrey
55. Vespiqueen for Crobat /u/UghNunally
56. Heavy Duskull for Snorlax /u/Hare_vs_Tortoise
57. 4 Rare Candys for Milotic /u/The_Batnan
58. HA Scyther, Heavy Duskull, Moon Ball HA Dratini for Blissey /u/Shushui
59. Moon HA Dratini for Friend HA Nidoran /u/SIippery
60. 25 aprimons for 25 aprimons /u/mrogersj5
61. Dream HA Mankey, Heavy HA Sewaddle for Safari HA Surskit and Sunkern /u/mrogersj5
62. Level Abra, Lure Seel, Lure Skrelp, Love Mareanie, Moon Pancham, Level Larvesta for Moon Pinsir, Moon Girafarig, Love Whismur, Fast Turwig, Lure Chimcar, Fast Piplup /u/hidamari-rhodonite
63. HA Level Axew, HA Friend Slowpoke, HA Moon Chatot, and HA Heavy Pinsir for HA Level Mankey, HA Heavy Beldum, HA Heavy Rhyhorn, and HA Heavy Swinub /u/AngelMnky
64. Some DBHA mons for Some BBHA mons /u/NungagenWeeruni
65. HA Aprimons for HA Aprimons /u/rufusdrumknott
66. DBHA spinarak, sentret, karrablast, shelmet and piplup for Friend HA Phantump, Beast HA Paras and Carvanha /u/Original-Brother1836
67. 2 Moon HA Snorunt for Moon Gothita /u/Xilomera
68. 56 On-Hands mons for 28 Aprimons /u/8ustavo
69. Fast Krabby, Level Krabby, Love Krabby,Friend Rufflet, Fast Rufflet, Level Togepi, Level Qwilfish for Lure Corphish, Friend Caterpie, Friend Sableye, Lure Shuckle and Lure Chatot /u/PlushUltra
70. Love HA Goldeen for Heavy HA Starly /u/Tiger-lover222
71. A lot of Aprimons for A lot of Aprimons /u/waldsaum
72. 9 Aprimons for 10 Aprimons /u/kpopfan365
73. 27 aprimons for 18 aprimons /u/ZigzagoonBros
74. 10 aprimons for 10 aprimons /u/Acetone15
75. Beast Scatterbug for Friend Scatterbug /u/Joedemigod4
76. Some On-Hand mons for Moon and Lure Scatterbug /u/aceinthetrashhole
77. On-Hand Aprimons for Touch trades for Dex Completion /u/ShadowWraithLord
78. On-Hands Aprimons for Pokemon for Dex Completion /u/CattaiI
79. Some On-Hand Aprimons for Touchtrades for Dex completion /u/PopTartManic
80. Ha Sableye and HA Heracross for Umbreon and Poliwrath /u/Bajef
81. Some On-Hands mons for Touchtrades for Dex Completion /u/justagalbeingapal
82. Some On-hands mons for Touchtrades for Dex completion /u/orange_ponta
83. 60 Aprimons for 60 Aprimons /u/Stanley232323
84. 3 Aprimons for 3 Eggs /u/LostInTheStorm88
85. Aprimons for On-hand aprimons /u/Canarefr
86. 60 aprimons for 60 aprimons /u/Stanley232323
87. 20 aprimons for 20 aprimons /u/Stanley232323
88. 10 aprimons for 16 aprimons /u/Stanley232323
89. Moon ball Indigo Minior for Fast Paras /u/Charmander_Bynes
90. 8 aprimons for 8 aprimons /u/ScarfShock
91. 8 aprimons for 16 aprimons /u/Stanley232323
92. Lure Carvanha for Love Igglybuff /u/vgking1games
93. A lot of aprimons for a lot of aprimons /u/Valmoer
94. HA Skorupi with some specific EMs for Moon, Love and Pokeball Scatterbug /u/Xilomera
95. 8 on-hands aprimons for 4 aprimons /u/Touchdown_Moses
96. Friend Turtwig, Heavy Mudkip and Dream Tirtuouga and Sneasel for Moon Electrike and Beast Elgyem /u/Sweet-tooth01
97. 26 on-hands aprimons for 8 aprimons /u/FinnTheCookie
98. Some aprimons for aprimons /u/Valmoer
99. 15 On-hands aprimons for 5 aprimons /u/FinnTheCookie
100. aprimons for aprimons /u/JellySaysHai
101. 8 aprimons for 8 aprimons /u/justagalbeingapal
102. 9 aprimons for 32 aprimons /u/CattaiI
103. 10 aprimons for 5 aprimons /u/Sweet-tooth01
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (348 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. SMUSUM Aprimons Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 143 given)
2. Love Ball HA Aipoms (Sub: pokemontrades, 26 given)
3. Love Ball HA Aipoms Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 26 given)
4. Perfect IVs Aprimons Giveaway (USUM/HOME) (Sub: pokemontrades, 28 given)
5. [USUM/HOME/BDSP] HA Aprimon Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 125 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Looking for a riolu egg /u/LarchThePkmPlayer
2. HA Helioptile /u/Galgus
3. A user was looking for a Drampa for Dex completion /u/5794215885

Misc (0)


Nicasia1's Information


Friend codes:
