
3711-9626-8395 || Bruce Lea (S), Tsubasa (UM)
3711-9626-8395 || Bruce Lea (S), Tsubasa (UM) || 3843

Trades (101)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (101)
1. Spinda for Froakie /u/Gayboys69
2. Dratini for Karrablast /u/pecon94
3. Chimchar for Gligar /u/nicholsandimes7
4. Shinx egg for Pyroar /u/AssiduousTrickster
5. Natu for Koffing /u/TooMuchTM87
6. ORAS Move Tutor Service for DBHA Nidoran /u/leisrbags
7. Phanpy for Mankey /u/Ruri-Hijiribe
8. Teddiursa and Natu for Chimchar and Klefki /u/alexrider530
9. Natu for Pawniard /u/Alan199
10. Teddiursa for Larvitar /u/Pokem00n
11. Rotom for Ferroseed /u/Kepros06
12. 3 Master Balls for Larvesta, Smeargle and Mareep /u/Belloni1990
13. Rare Berries for 5 different breedjects /u/squishthegoomy
14. Meowth for Deino /u/klydon35
15. Fletchling for Tyrogue /u/phillycheese0
16. Natu for Mantyke, Trapinch and Wurmple /u/BlueDryBones1
17. 2 PP Ups and 1 PP Max for Breedjects /u/csmith179
18. Phanpy and Teddiursa for Chinchou and Zubat /u/KosukeAoi
19. Natu and Gastly for Emolga and Snorunt /u/Shiny_Sylveon
20. Natu for Espurr /u/enderhess
21. Pinsir for Sigilyph /u/TooMuchTM87
22. Gatly for Tentacool /u/Shevans9
23. Elekid and Pichu for Murkrow and Regigigas /u/cemyildirim33
24. Electrike for Pachirisu /u/GoodMuse
25. Eevee for Cottonee /u/Lizards99
26. Voltorb and Electrike for Bronzor and Porygon /u/Frosilen
27. Custap Berry for Cubone /u/dragonite153
28. Elekid and Pinsir for Nincada and Scraggy /u/ContourReverend
29. ORAS Move Tutor Service for Grimer /u/CobaltBlueBird
30. Gastly and Pinsir for Slowpoke and Pawniard /u/pokemansplease
31. Blitzle and Electrike for Cacnea and Croagunk /u/talhatoot
32. Pichu for Roselia /u/Potato5lyfe
33. Pinsir Roselia and Houndour for Klefki, Murkrow and Honedge /u/Fireburner03
34. Meowth for Sentret /u/BenY-S
35. Pachirisu for Rayquaza /u/rogueakatsuki
36. Shinx and Lileep for Gligar /u/Trexxzz
37. Lileep and Shinx for Finneon and Abra /u/xsheimii
38. Lileep for Lapras /u/dwgatis
39. ORAS Move Tutor Service for Rare Candy /u/OddishGirl
40. Tradeback for Dex Completion for Tepig /u/currytofu
41. Help transferring Espurr from ORAS to SUMO for Shiny Stone /u/Sabrazom
42. Destiny Knot for Popplio /u/Shadow211000
43. Nidoran (M) for Shellder /u/MetalThrust
44. Eevee for Zorua /u/Trades4days
45. Destiny Knot for Larvitar /u/talonflame42
46. Lucky Egg for Kangaskhanite /u/achildofatom
47. Dusk Stone for Dawn Stone /u/Quagsiration2466
48. Lucky Egg for Honedge /u/Randyflag
49. DBHA Drifloon for Grubbin and Exeggcute /u/RoyaleBear
50. Nidoran (F) and Skitty for Pinsir /u/zyrianer
51. Thick Club for Cubone /u/ThePokeChamp2002
52. 2 Lucky Eggs for Espurr and Phantump /u/warimano
53. Weedle for Tangela and Rockruff /u/inumika
54. DBHA Ralts for DBHA Aerodactyl /u/Yggdrasil-IX
55. DBHA Aerodactyl for Sneasel /u/lKNightOwl
56. Lucky Egg for DBHA Sentret /u/samx2000000
57. Weedle for Starly /u/bswalsh123
58. 4 Phantump for Jangmo-o, Castform, Ponyta and Totodile /u/PinkOveralls
59. 2 Lucky Eggs for Growlithe and A-Geodude /u/That1Fool
60. Ability Capsule for Set of Apriballs Poochyena (7) /u/RoyaleBear
61. Set of Apriballs Phantump (7) for Goomy, Tangela, Venonat, Taillow, Teddiursa ans 2 Plusle /u/shamaela
62. Phantump for Piplup /u/zeph-exe
63. 2 Phantump for Hoothoot /u/ububyuyu
64. 4 Phantump for Gothita, Omanyte, Aron and Dodrio /u/jeuxinterdits
65. 5 Phantump for Ponyta, Drifloon, Cyndaquil and West Shellos (Pink color) /u/namida7
66. 5 Phantump for Chikorita, Seedot and Pidgey /u/WelchsBerries
67. Destiny Knot for Weedle /u/LeonardTwatsky
68. 2 Phantump for A-Vulpix /u/Pokegeek151
69. 6 Phantump for Cubone, Dratini, Audino, Taillow, Phanpy and Cleffa /u/skyerzz
70. Set of Apriballs Phantump for Shinx, Zangoose, Tepig, Cartepie, Oshawott, Chespin and Pidgey /u/DragonFeatherz
71. 6 Phantump for PP Max, DBHA Munna, Timburr, Combee /u/JasmineofWinter
72. 9 perfect breedjects from different species for 12 perfect and unperfect breedjects /u/lost0200
73. 2 Phantump for DBHA Kabuto and Vanilite /u/poobana
74. Set of Apriballs Phantump (7) for Bounsweet, Cottonee, A-Sandshew and Deino /u/otakustratosx
75. Dratini for Solosis /u/FooWizard
76. 3 Rare Candies for DBHA Lileep and Rockruff /u/The_Kindlegarden
77. 2 Phantump for Abra and Nidoran (F) /u/_Tsubodai_
78. 2 Phantump for Kricketot and Sunkern /u/system_chronos
79. 6 Phantump for Shuckle, Tropius, Pineco, Ekans /u/NicholasOsta
80. Set of Apriballs Phantump for DBHA Slugma, DBHA,Mantine, DBHA Cranidos, DBHA Abra /u/M23Pokemon
81. Set of Apriballs Phantump for Stufful, Abra, Anorith, Whismur /u/AJadePanda
82. Phantump for DBHA Treecko /u/Mycupnoodle
83. 3 Phantump for Solosis, Spheal, Axew /u/pipeboy_CP
84. Weedle for Mr. Mime /u/Monstergirlfan69
85. Illumise for Stunfisk /u/LostInTheStorm88
86. Illumise for Pinsir /u/BaconusThunderous
87. Magby for Turtwig /u/moisesg98
88. Phantump for 2 Rare Candies /u/F4sterxd
89. Sentret for Chatot /u/SpicyBreadCrumbs
90. Dratini, A-Vulpix, Weedle, Sentret and 6 Phantump for Turwig, Lapras, Stantler, Pachirisu, Bronzor, Venipede, Glameow, Lickitung, Aipom, Oddish /u/Zach919
91. Phantump and Nidoran♀ for Alomomola and Elgyem /u/KirbyTheDestroyer
92. Phantump for Pineco /u/Zeratul921
93. 4 Phantumps for Stunky, Natu, Nincada and Pineco /u/ntproto
94. Phantump for Dratini /u/khainiwest
95. Sentret for Binacle /u/Hunterj707
96. Phantump, Scatterbug and 2 Sentret for Shelmet, Zigzagoon, Cottonee and Trapinch /u/PlumDock6360
97. Phantump and Pyukumuku for Buizel and Electrike /u/sabrinaa1359
98. Phantump for Snubull and Rotom /u/ntproto
99. 3 Phantump, Sentret, Scatterbug for Krabby, Gulpin, Plusle, Girafarig, Sunkern /u/Mada1305
100. Bounsweet and Fomantis for Popplio and Rowlet /u/Adm6464
101. Phantump for Qwilfish /u/IceFangs
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (57)

1. Hatching Shiny Foogus /u/sinneraki
2. Hatching Shiny Porygon /u/Ellie_1
3. Hatching Shiny Pansear /u/sinneraki
4. Hatching Shiny Carbink /u/infiniteshadow
5. Hatching Shiny Starly /u/patchespatch04
6. Hatching Shiny Slakoth /u/13mjvr
7. Hatching Shiny Dratini /u/thenext_jordan
8. Hatching Shiny Gastly /u/Khasma
9. Hatched Shiny Axew /u/Macempty
10. Hatched Shiny Lillipup /u/Aviram6661
11. Hatched Shiny Ferossed /u/dhura_shan
12. Hatched Shiny Slakoth /u/zelstad
13. Hatched Shiny Weedle /u/wingzerocats
14. Hatched Shiny Buneary /u/wingzerocats
15. Hatched Shiny Heracross /u/AkoranBrighteye
16. Hatched Shiny Riolu /u/pologarzanavarro
17. Hatched Shiny Scyther /u/puriburY
18. Hatched Shiny Eevee /u/EmzelWolf
19. Hatched Shiny Chespin /u/RIMAN2209
20. Hatched Shiny Whismur /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
21. Hatched Shiny Ralts /u/Wizli
22. Hatched Shiny Honedge /u/toujours_poke
23. Hatched Shiny Clauncher /u/CaelumKrieger
24. Hatched Shiny Mienfoo /u/gaara090389
25. Hatched Shiny Absol /u/MiguelYx
26. Hatched Shiny Vullaby /u/cricketchick_2002
27. Hatched Shiny Charmender /u/cancercub
28. Hatched Shiny Honedge /u/RIMAN2209
29. Hatched Shiny Rhyhorn /u/Onizuak31
30. Hatched Shiny Cranidos /u/Wizli
31. Hatched Shiny Feebas /u/cathyespino
32. Hatched Shiny Squirtle /u/eggerson
33. Hatched Shiny Bagon /u/WayhoSB
34. Hatched shiny Magby /u/bolt_mainun4bot
35. Hatched shiny Zubat /u/jjaldridge2009
36. Hatched Shiny Sewaddle /u/Blackballroom
37. Hatched Shiny Chespin /u/Brtgmz01
38. Hatched Shiny Gligar /u/dverat
39. Hatched Shiny Ekans /u/colspan
40. Hatched Shiny Pidgey /u/Pichu20
41. Hatched Shiny Turtwig /u/favocr
42. Hatched Shiny Shinx /u/Emm1096
43. Hatched Shiny Shinx /u/Geoless
44. Hatched Shiny Kangaskhan /u/acuario_rr
45. Hatched Shiny Lilipup /u/Blackballroom
46. Hatched Shiny Shinx /u/Emm1096
47. Hatched Shiny Slowpoke /u/ryanthomas917
48. Hatched Shiny Charmender /u/echo854
49. Hatched Shiny Tyrogue /u/GrafKarpador
50. Hatched Shiny Sableye /u/dyerdyens
51. Hatched Shiny Larvitar /u/lazytv8
52. Hatched Shiny Squirtle /u/darealprice
53. Hatched Shiny Tyrunt /u/silener0502
54. Hatched Shiny Tedpig /u/zetraex
55. Hatched Shiny Bounsweet /u/xbrad831x
56. Hatched Shiny Dratini /u/Hades91
57. Hatched Shiny Tyrunt /u/jhey-zone-bee

Giveaways/Contests (141 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Giveaway of aprimons (Sub: pokemontrades, 141 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (12)

1. Evolving Seadra into Kingdra /u/InsanityPastry
2. Evolving Haunter into Gengar /u/TheJean
3. Evolving Dusclops into Dusknoir /u/ClockwerkSC
4. Evolving Spritzee into Aromatisse /u/Goldragon591
5. Tradeback Kyogre for the Dex /u/Duckyfucker
6. Evolving Feebas into Milotic and Scyther into Scizor /u/Whyme2239
7. Evolving Onix into Steelix /u/abed515
8. Evolving Porygon 2 into Porygon-Z, Electabuzz into Electivire, Magmar into Magmortar, Dusclops into Duscknoir and Rhyhorn into Rhyperior /u/OminousLampshade
9. Tradeback, Munchlax and other baby sinnoh pokemon for my Dex /u/JessaWott
10. Tradeback 17 Sinnoh Pokemon for my Dex /u/gmpsmendes
11. Tradeback 4 Johto Pokemon for my Dex /u/ShadowReaper1157
12. Tradeback Cleffa for my Dex /u/SwoonEXE

Misc (0)


MiguelYx Apr 1, 2016 1:56:13 AM

Hatched my shiny Absol, quick reply and very kind!

toujours_poke Mar 7, 2016 3:19:47 AM

Hatched my shiny Honedge. Patient and reliable. Thanks again!

wingzerocats Dec 30, 2015 4:16:34 PM

Hatched 2 eggs for me. Quick reply and polite. Thanks again for taking the time to hatch my Pokes!

capnsafetypants Oct 19, 2015 3:46:10 AM

awesome member of the pokemonforall society :), thanks so much for the smeargle! He even waited for me to get home and make the trade possible, 10/10!

Macempty Oct 3, 2015 9:30:06 PM

Helped me hatch my shiny Axew within minutes! Thanks so much!

Nightcore12's Information


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