
0490-7086-6559 || Isaiah (Y)
0490-7086-6559 || Isaiah (Y) || 2661

Trades (29)

[+] Events (11)
1. GameStop Gengar Code for Shiny Charmander, Gastly and Litwick /u/MrIcePick
2. PAL GameStop Gengar Code for GER GameStop Charizard Code /u/BroccoliYT
3. Shiny Charmander and Gastly for GameStop Gengar Code /u/TysonSalinas
4. Shiny HP Fighting Litwick for Two PAL Gengar Codes /u/RodrigoHMU
5. PAL Gengar Code for Custom Shiny Trevenant and Honedge /u/Wojtaso9
6. Two NA GameStop Diancie Codes and 5 GameStop Gengar Codes for M17 Darkrai /u/ajkyle56
7. GameStop Gengar Code for Slowpoke, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Mienfoo, Drilbur /u/iAznFTW
8. 5IV Cyndaquil for GameStop Gengar Code /u/PlaysSnDnaked
9. Shiny Swablu for GameStop Gengar Code /u/Whopper23
10. Shiny Pumpkaboo for GameStop Gengar Code, Shiny Trophy Shinx /u/Elmosahobo
11. UT Pokebank Celebi for Custom Shiny Numel /u/deliriumxy
[+] Shinies (2)
1. Shiny Bankball Slowpoke for HP Ground Bankball Pidgey, 5IV Bankball Pineco /u/XxStevagexX
2. Shiny Trophy Shinx for Manectite, Tyranitarite and leftovers /u/APikachuNamedSparky
[+] Competitive / Casual (2)
1. Bankball Ralts and Shuppet for 5IV Female Fennekin /u/Raevix
2. Zubat and Bankball Swablu for Charizardite X /u/Davos_OnionKnight
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (14)
1. Shiny Ferrothorn for Custom RNGed/MoveTutored Eevee /u/Cannibaleyes
2. Shiny RNGed/Move Tutored Ralts for Shiny Charmander /u/TysonSalinas
3. Two Shiny Bankball Mareep, Shiny Bankball Eevee, Bankball Spinarak and Ghastly, UT Event Pinsir and UT Event Pumpkaboo for Custom Shiny RNGed/Move Tutored Ralts, Timburr, Virizion and Two RNGed Dittos /u/Cannibaleyes
4. GameStop Gengar Code for UT Wishmaker Jirachi /u/MrIcePick
5. UT Wishmaker Jirachi for UT Plasma Genesect /u/Alamarco
6. GER GameStop Charizard Code for UT SPR2013 Meloetta /u/BlackAurora
7. UT SPR2013 Meloetta for RNGed Latis and Shiny RNGed Heatran /u/BejittoSSJ5
8. RNGed/Move Tutored Jolteon, Shiny Charmander and Shiny RNGed/Move Tutored Heatran for Two NA GameStop Diancie Codes /u/50ShadesofGreatness
9. RNGed/Move Tutored Eevee and Shiny RNGed/Move Tutored Timburr and Virizion for Three NA GameStop Gengar Codes /u/User1288
10. UT Plasma Genesect and PAL Gengar Code for Custom Shiny Charmander, Ralts, Electrike, Fennekin and Froakie /u/UmiMizuAi
11. GameStop Gengar Code for GameStop Deoxys /u/Earendil503
12. Four NA GameStop Gengar Codes for UT SPR2013 Meloetta, UT SUM2013 Creation Trio /u/Earendil503
13. RNGed Latias for Two NA Diancie Codes /u/Hyper_Beam
14. UT SPR2013 Meloetta for KB Moltres, Zubat, HP Grass Cyndaquil, Rotom, Drilbur and Deino /u/Boltbeam

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


UmiMizuAi Oct 20, 2014 1:24:48 AM

traded me a genesect and PAL gengar code for 5 custom shinies.a good trade

ObtainedGold32's Information


Friend codes:

  • 0490-7086-6559


  • IGN: Isaiah (Y) TSV: 2661