
SW-0876-8616-0200 || Dustin (SW)
SW-0876-8616-0200 || Dustin (SW) || XXXX

Trades (48)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (48)
1. Scraggy for Eevee /u/Keaver21
2. Chespin for Buneary /u/aPiplup
3. Skarmory for Charmander /u/Adamwats1
4. Roselia for Eevee /u/Magnus-Lightwood
5. Aerodactyl for Oshawott /u/geraldcwq
6. Snivy for Torchic /u/KTcat_89
7. Exeggcute for Meowth /u/racky54
8. Exeggcute for Zubat /u/markuspemberton
9. Tynamo and Exeggcute for Clamperl and Swinub /u/Sono-chan
10. Chespin for Darumaka /u/UberScrb
11. Scyther, Snivy, and Mienfoo for Gligar, Sableye, and Venonat /u/Wolfious
12. Ponyta and Chespin for Corphish and Cacnea /u/mmmjabzig
13. Snivy for Pawniard /u/BenY-S
14. Tyrunt for Cyndaquil /u/NomNomm_
15. Exeggcute for Chimchar /u/olivermpl
16. Ponyta for Elekid /u/olivermpl
17. Abra for Emolga /u/cheshire26
18. Shellder for Squirtle /u/WhereIsYourArceusNow
19. Shinx for Wooper /u/Graffitix
20. Scyther for Deino /u/Adzzl
21. Skarmory and Totodile for Staryu and Ferroseed /u/Pcthagoon
22. Abra for Fennekin /u/csmith179
23. Skarmory for Numel /u/Riah8426
24. Roselia for Charmander /u/AgentKazy
25. Feebas for Eevee /u/Star_DryBones
26. Dratini for Rotom /u/egg8
27. Tyrunt for Carvanha /u/xana666
28. Snivy for Treecko /u/chiramii
29. Skrelp for Deerling /u/YoshilsJason
30. Feebas for Anorith /u/Skipper1304
31. Tyrunt for Shinx /u/DinosaursareBack
32. Snivy for Hoppip /u/Fafafee
33. Exeggcute, Tyrunt, and Skrelp for Espurr, Aerodactyl and Sandshrew /u/funkytoucan
34. Dratini for Drillbur /u/Pcthagoon
35. Growlithe for Abra /u/terunakanishi
36. Growlithe for Larvesta /u/Kevmo2000
37. Skarmory for Dratini /u/overworld99
38. Archen for Totodile /u/Basky45
39. Tentacool for Yanma /u/NyahChaan
40. Tyrunt for Exeggcute /u/Kvothe43
41. Misdreavus for Solosis /u/MikeMoo3
42. Feebas for Eevee /u/Ombliguitoo
43. Feebas for Swablu /u/Anna_hamlin
44. Dratini for Cottonee /u/charlz2121
45. Roselia and Larvitar for Klefki and Eevee /u/CranberryPI
46. Tynamo and Feebas for Bagon and Ralts /u/Adamwats1
47. Marill for Sneasel /u/twwilde
48. Marill, Venipede, Scraggy, and Ponyta for Lapras, Bellsprout, Horsea, and Helioptile /u/asentret
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


shinichikun Apr 25, 2015 11:39:19 AM

Awesome guy! Traded me a 5IV joltik for My 5IV Mienfoo. It even came with a freebie! Thanks pal!

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