
SW-8355-7551-6900 || Iego (VIO)
SW-8355-7551-6900 || Iego (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (1)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (1)
1. Pheromosa, Celesteela for Buzzwole, Kartana /u/gussitc
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (63)

1. Hatched Shiny /u/ubernuke
2. Grubbin /u/Bouncer2085
3. Sandygast /u/Kizura94
4. Minior /u/Kizura94
5. Litten /u/junior8686
6. shiny hatch /u/DigDoug92
7. Oricorio /u/MysticHomer
8. Sandygast /u/DestinySaber
9. shiny hatch /u/Suicune9
10. shiny hatch /u/TheMegaSunkern
11. Oricorio /u/Zhakien
12. Archen /u/vee4Phoenix
13. Skarmory /u/vee4Phoenix
14. shiny hatch /u/SnarlingBeast
15. shiny hatch /u/PrinceOberyn_Martell
16. Pichu /u/Geoless
17. shiny hatch /u/MaxInve
18. shiny hatch /u/Megagross
19. shiny hatch /u/tal0805
20. Geodude /u/patchespatch04
21. shiny hatch /u/log94
22. Shiny Egg hatch /u/rapidrowlet
23. shiny hatch /u/asukawashere
24. shiny hatch /u/Vaporeonx
25. shiny hatch /u/TheBigFig
26. shiny hatch /u/Gen7TSV2073
27. shiny hatch /u/Gen7TSV2073
28. shiny hatch /u/Gen7TSV2073
29. Timburr /u/8030jun
30. shiny hatch /u/SuchABadDoctor
31. shiny hatch /u/ezzelo
32. shiny hatch /u/cherryblossom10
33. shiny hatch /u/LordCommanderBoog
34. shiny hatch /u/cherryblossom10
35. shinyhatch /u/DillaDawg
36. shiny hatch /u/brownmunchkin
37. shiny hatch /u/Jloi2001
38. shiny hatch /u/TheBoltonion
39. shiny hatch /u/deanland328
40. shiny hatch /u/Letztes
41. shiny hatch /u/DillaDawg
42. shiny hatch /u/DillaDawg
43. shiny hatch /u/Von_Condersmite
44. shiny hatch /u/snuffles24
45. shiny hatch /u/snuffles24
46. Ferroseed /u/ChaoselementX
47. Turtwig /u/ChaoselementX
48. Aerodactyl /u/londeros
49. Sandile /u/stillmermaidlol
50. Gligar /u/Kresslia
51. Gligar /u/andyjim
52. Grubbin /u/ErnestoBen
53. Durant /u/Makvi
54. Zorua /u/KokiriRose
55. Dewpider /u/V-Cliff
56. Rowlet /u/Darjian
57. Scatterbug /u/londeros
58. Oddish /u/jodoo1234
59. Eevee /u/jodoo1234
60. Minior /u/Vairozaro
61. Flabebe /u/Vairozaro
62. Minior /u/Vairozaro
63. Shellos /u/Blucario_

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 330 eggs given)

1. 5 IV Nest Ball Adamant Cubones (Sub: SVExchange, 16 given)
2. 5 IV Cubone, Aerodactyl, and Sandile giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 55 given)
3. Love Ball Chanseys and Cutieflies (Sub: SVExchange, 56 given)
4. Bowl-Cut Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 59 given)
5. The Needlessly Overcomplicated Breeding Project Giveaway - Part 1 (Sub: SVExchange, 19 given)
6. The Needlessly Overcomplicated Breeding Project - Part 2 (Sub: SVExchange, 71 given)
7. The Needlessly Over Complicated Breeding Project - Part 3 (Sub: SVExchange, 54 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (4)

1. 24 trades to complete user's Pokedex /u/AlphaaaTMK
2. Evolved their Cosmoem /u/Masnadiero
3. 12 trades to complete their Pokedex /u/blazingf12
4. 3 trades to help complete their Dex /u/B-Cinos

Misc (0)


londeros Oct 25, 2019 5:11:20 PM

Nice user that has hatched eggs for me in the past and hosts giveaways in SVExchange for the whole community. Thank you again for being so kind!

AuburnEnigma Jan 1, 2019 4:44:50 PM

Thanks for hatching my shiny Squirtle, and Happy New Year too :)

stillmermaidlol Dec 23, 2018 11:31:42 PM

Helped hatch my Shiny Sandile. Thanks so much!

Letztes Aug 24, 2018 4:49:59 PM

Thank you for hatching my shiny Bulbasaur

ezzelo Jun 12, 2018 3:35:30 PM

Thank you kindly for hatching my shiny Shinx!

Onceinabluemew's Information


Friend codes:

  • 1221-1076-1294


  • IGN: Lemonaid TSV: 0686
  • IGN: Lemonade