
2036-7023-9860 || Rose (M)
2036-7023-9860 || Rose (M) || 2891

Trades (41)

[+] Events (12)
1. Fancy Vivillon for Slowpoke Breedable /u/Dragax
2. Fancy Vivillon for Two breedables /u/PlumbumDirigible
3. Salazzle code for 5 4EM/HA mons /u/Valere1213
4. NA Salazzle code for 3 5IV breedables /u/lonachu
5. RNG Win2011 Celebi for M14 Victini, Win2013 Keldeo, Feb2015 Darkrai /u/KoRayven
6. 6 IV RNG Ditto for XYZ Yveltal /u/Graemathorn
7. 2 custom RNG Ditto for 2 Bullseye Charizard codes /u/DanielMZ
8. Bullseye Charizard code for Timid Celesteela /u/Prim3legend
9. 6 Bullseye Charizard codes for 6IV shiny Mareanie /u/Joeldstar
10. 3 Bullseye NA CHarizard codes for Shiny Semi-comp Sneasel /u/Joeldstar
11. Aldora Bird set; Pokeball Viv for Shiny 6 IV RNG Reshiram /u/valere1213
12. JPN Aether Silvally code for Shiny comp Skarmory /u/joeldstar
[+] Shinies (14)
1. RNG Thundurus for 12 shinies /u/Icarusqt
2. RNG Ditto for Shiny Mudkip and Scyther /u/ajkyle56
3. RNG Uxie for 3 comp shinies /u/valenzjo
4. RNG Eevee for Shiny Corphish and Murkrow /u/bokoy234
5. RNG Kyurem for Two shiny Charmanders and Shiny Squirtle /u/PlumbumDirigible
6. RNG Cobalion for Shiny Bulbasaur and Bagon /u/justTDUBBit
7. RNG Reshiram for Shiny Abra, Dratini, Gible /u/Icarusqt
8. RNG Zekrom for Shiny Aegislash /u/Icarusqt
9. RNG Kyurem for Shiny Smeargle /u/Icarusqt
10. RNG Trick Room Ditto for 2 comp shinies /u/Leo626
11. Shiny RNG Terrakion for 5 comp shinies /u/qweligator
12. Shiny RNG Cobalion and Virizion for 4 comp shinies /u/vee4Phoenix
13. RNG HP Fire Ditto for Shiny comp Vulpix /u/Stonewallsorgi
14. RNG 5 IV Shiny Yamask for Cosmoem /u/DrWeeGee
[+] Competitive / Casual (15)
1. Choice Band for HA Goldeen /u/lee-lee-95
2. RNG Ditto for Breedable Absol /u/fliippyy
3. Charzardite X for Breedable Ferroseed /u/gmoore016
4. Breedable Fletchling for HA Bunnelby /u/atheist_ginger
5. Ability Capsule for Breedable Togepi /u/Naive_Riolu
6. Life Orb/ Focus Sash for Breedable Eevee /u/cladeus
7. 3 RNG Dittos for Breedable Durant and items /u/ReversedenO
8. RNG Petilil for HP Ice Eevee /u/Rimatis
9. Breedable Goomy for Breedable Tyrunt /u/07jkearney
10. Florges for Shroomish /u/LeFishyDerps
11. Breedable Fletchling for Breedable Riolu /u/Gridius
12. Battle ready Salamence for Battle ready Salamence /u/Flak_The_Warrior
13. RNG Ditto for 6 5IV breedables /u/Bendiez
14. RNG Zekrom for RNG Reshiram /u/not_an_aardvark
15. 6 IV RNG Ditto for Adamant Buzzwole /u/Ubeedum
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Helped transfer 38 pokemon with items /u/Sir_Nameless

Misc (0)


Overheat's Information


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