
3926-9106-6887, SW-1324-0680-2242 || Peds (US, SW)
3926-9106-6887, SW-1324-0680-2242 || Peds (US, SW) || XXXX

Trades (51)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (51)
1. Slowpoke for Buneary /u/Foxlery
2. Kangaskhan for Squirtle /u/Yellow-13
3. Archen and Swinub for Growlithe and Chikorita /u/StardualDragon
4. Pidgey, Skarmory and Kangaskhan for Snivy, Trapinch and Litwick /u/Glaciea
5. Meditite, Tangela, Pidgey, and Sneasel for Poliwag, Drifloon, Wooper, and Dratini /u/emmessjee8
6. Wooper for Evolved Milotic /u/subzerohobo
7. Oranguru for Wingull /u/jamesbellrd
8. Gothita for Wooper and Cottonee /u/caleotte
9. Cufant for Applin /u/FancyCharmander
10. Upgraded/Competitive Gothita for Gothita /u/LanAkou
11. Upgraded/Competitive Dreepy, Hattena, Ponyta, Duraludon, Sinistea, Milcery for Dreepy, Hattena, Ponyta, Duraludon, Sinistea, Milcery /u/Kresslia
12. Ponyta | Upgraded/Competitive Applin, Rolycoly, Cufant, Blipbug, Chewtle for Snom | Applin, Rolycoly, Cufant, Blipbug, Chewtle /u/try890
13. Milcery for Rotom /u/antlerlopes
14. Ponyta for Rotom /u/poke9090
15. Dreepy for Mimikyu /u/Zero_Two__02
16. Dreepy for Growlithe /u/cmar13
17. Dreepy for Throh /u/lileddie6
18. Dreepy for Appletun /u/Taroumaru_
19. Dreepy for Deino /u/TMNTerps
20. 2 Bottle Cap for Tradeback for Spritzee and Porygon /u/markay89
21. 2 Breedjects holding 1 Gold Bottle Cap and 1 Ability Capsule for Transfer 4 Eggs to Pokemon Moon /u/oBastio
22. 1 Gold Bottle Cap for Feebas to Milotic tradeback /u/wheatr
23. 1 Gold Bottle Cap for Porygon 2 to Porygon Z tradeback /u/silvercup011
24. Litten for Porygon to Porygon 2 tradeback /u/Bigeasy2468
25. Mudbray and Oranguru for Lucky Egg /u/awesomehazelnuts
26. Psyduck and Torkoal for Lucky Egg /u/TAFly
27. Drampa, Lapras, and Mudbray for Tapu Fini, Tapu Lele, and Tapu Koko /u/Natsu3923
28. Oricorio, Komala, Jangmo-o, Fomantis, Eevee, Dewpider for 6 pcs Rare Candies /u/FluorescentPink
29. Growlithe, Rockruff, and Oranguru for Tapu Koko and Tapu Lele /u/iujin89
30. Oranguru for Tapu Bulu /u/Zottelgecko
31. Eevee for Celesteela /u/Deth2Macbeth
32. Mareanie for Tapu Bulu /u/-DongLong-
33. Oricorio for Skarmory /u/kingreca
34. Alolan Sandshrew for Oranguru /u/pterodactyl32
35. Minior for Grubbin /u/applesaucemachine
36. Alolan Sandshrew for Alolan Vulpix /u/Gummie7
37. Minior for Minior /u/ibezoops
38. Growlithe and Wishiwashi for Torkoal and Carvanha /u/Kresslia
39. Growlithe for Grimer /u/slowerthanzero
40. Rockruff for Eevee /u/Byzantine279
41. Rowlet and Growlithe for 1 Ability Capsule /u/azntidez16
42. Oranguru for Poliwag /u/justineiji
43. Wimpod for Vulpix /u/VolticWreckage
44. Fomantis for Cutiefly /u/Colorless_Ink
45. Wishiwashi for Jangmo-o /u/eggwhut
46. Corsola and Rolycoly for 1 Ability Capsule /u/bangbangbang2616
47. Indeedee for 1 Ability Capsule /u/verticalbandit
48. 2 Rotom for 1 Ability Capsule /u/happychicken123
49. Eevee and Litwick for 1 Ability Capsule /u/SirAar0n
50. Wooper for 3 Ability Capsules /u/ethacher66
51. Oranguru for 3 Ability Capsules /u/lampyridae
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (116 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Competitive (5IV/4IV-0Speed) Aprimon w/ upto 4 Egg moves giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 46 given)
2. Competitive (5IV/4IV-0Speed) Aprimon w/ upto 4 Egg moves giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 26 given)
3. Comp. breedables (mostly aprimons), breedjects, and 2 BR pokemon giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 44 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Pedsu's Information


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