
0877-2866-1440 || Tiff (Y)
0877-2866-1440 || Tiff (Y) || 1800

Trades (83)

[+] Events (14)
1. Diancie Code for Sports Ball Pinsir, Dream Ball Feebas /u/Then_Reality_Bites
2. Diancie Code for Life Orb, Iron Ball, Assault Vest /u/Killermexicat
3. Diancie Code for Shiny Gengar Code /u/Tomemote
4. 7 Diancie Codes for 2 Scrap Codes /u/jaimeg7
5. 6 Diancie Codes for 2 Scrap Codes /u/Expo911
6. Diancie Code for 5IV Pawniard and 5IV Clauncher /u/MuliZiko
7. Diancie Code for 5IV Moon ball Gastly and 5IV Noibat /u/matthewtunc
8. Diancie Code for Skrelp and Growlithe /u/radiowarrrr
9. Diancie Code for HP Fire Froakie and Chansey /u/SilverBlossom
10. 2 Diancie Codes for Stantler, Finneon, and Lileep /u/PlaygroundofPandas
11. Fancy Vivillon for Shiny Whimsicott /u/dragonite153
12. Redemption of 15 Arceus and 1 Shiny Arceus SR for 3 Maxsoft Ray codes and 1 Arceus Code /u/philvpham10
13. NA Genesect Code for EU Genesect Code /u/HippoSheep1
14. 6 NA Genesect Codes for Shiny Nidoran, Torchic, and Gible /u/DethZero
[+] Shinies (40)
1. Diancie Code for Shiny Flygon and Shiny Charizard /u/Enneikay
2. Diancie Code for Shiny 4IV Rotom /u/SinonAsada
3. Diancie Code for Shiny Aerodactyl and Shiny Axew /u/expressioned
4. Diancie Code, EM Shellos, HA DB Kabuto for Shiny Roselia HP Ice, Luxury Ball Cyndaquil /u/MegaEevee
5. Diancie Code for Shiny Whismur and Shiny Meditite /u/ImagineLeft
6. Diancie Code for Shiny 5IV Electrike /u/ZoaolTD
7. Diancie Code for Shiny Audino and Shiny Bulbasaur /u/Classic_Geoff
8. Diancie Code for Shiny 5IV EM Tyrunt /u/ChampionOfIdiots
9. Diancie Code for Shiny Roselia, Choice Specs, Choice Scarf /u/AvalancheAbaasy
10. Diancie Code for Shiny 5IV Shuckle /u/Radekore
11. Diancie Code for Shiny Semi-Comp Ponyta /u/duritoburrrito
12. Diancie Code for Shiny Milotic /u/HalaMadrid97
13. Diancie Code for Shiny Absol /u/MAgux
14. 3 Diancie Codes for Shiny HP Electrike /u/lucas1867
15. 2 Diancie Codes for Shiny Houndour /u/matthewtunc
16. 7 Diancie Codes for Shiny Aerodactyl, Shiny Larvitar /u/PlaygroundofPandas
17. 2 Diancie Codes for Shiny Kangaskhan /u/kwooster97
18. 3 Diancie Codes for Shiny Tyrantrum /u/jimimags77
19. 2 Diancie Codes for Shiny Scraggy /u/matthewtunc
20. 5 Diancie Codes for Shiny Deino and Shiny Klefki /u/KuraiValo
21. Diancie Code for Shiny Pelipper /u/Glasschild89
22. 3 Diancie Codes for Shiny Snivy /u/fire_Damage
23. 6 Diancie Codes for Shiny Treecko and Shiny Meowth /u/overworld99
24. Diancie Code for Shiny Skuntank and Miltank /u/DsrwLetters
25. Diancie Code for Shiny Victreebel and Shiny Trevenant /u/YoshilsJason
26. Diancie Code for Shiny Gyarados /u/Galamidor
27. Diancie Code for Shiny Combee /u/SmellyFartardo
28. Diancie Code for Shiny Spearow /u/crystallized
29. 4 Diancie Codes for Shiny Ditto and Shiny Sableye /u/quiksandpull
30. Diancie Code for Shiny Pichu /u/ZedicusZul
31. Shiny Sableye for Shiny Larvitar /u/Justino12
32. Shiny 6IV Treecko, (Dream Ball Slowpoke, Heavy Ball Phanpy) for Shiny 5IV Drifloon (Dream Ball Carvanha, Love Ball Mawile) /u/MrApolux
33. HA Shuckle for Shiny Charmander /u/Playtime_is_Ogre
34. 6IV Fletchling Breeding Pair for 5IV Shiny Smeargle /u/jeremyps
35. DBHA Starly for Shiny Flaafy /u/Pochamo
36. Shiny 5IV Treecko for Shiny Lickitung, Dragonair, Pansear, Gurdurr, Dwebble /u/pr0th1
37. BB Safari Snubbull, DBHA Finneon, Lure Tailow, DBHA Kabuto, Nest Chikorita, Safari Cubone for Shinies Caterpie, Sandshrew, Zubat, Goomy, Shroomish, Lileep, Totodile, Machop, Staryu, Gastly, Shellder, Pawniard, Cubone /u/ourcertifiablegenre
38. Shiny Pichu, Aerodactyl, and Meowth for Shiny Semi-Comp Togepi and Dugtrio /u/HalaMadrid97
39. Shiny Zangoose and Audino for Shiny Omanyte and Kabuto /u/tinymacaroni
40. Shiny Competitive Hydreigon for 20th Anniversary Meloetta /u/Weeklywaffle1
[+] Competitive / Casual (29)
1. HA Crawdaunt for 6IV HA Zubat, 5IV HA Nidoran /u/MintyFreshNipples
2. 5IV Snubbull for 5IV Bagon /u/ragnaroq
3. 4IV (5IV Imperfect) Gastly for 5IV Shroomish /u/Vinality
4. 4EM Level Ball Pidgey for 4EM Moon Ball Sneasel /u/ZeLeedleLee
5. HA Foongus for HA Gligar /u/GuitarApple
6. HA Durant for 5IV Inkay /u/bast963
7. 5IV Safari Ball Snubbull for 5IV Safari Ball Cubone /u/mexican_honey_badger
8. HA Durant for HA Ralts /u/KaitouYahiko
9. Togepi for 5IV Tangela /u/warrior_vet
10. HA Dream Ball Eevee and Bank Ball Growlithe for BR Scizor and BR HP Ice Manectric /u/MrApolux
11. 5IV HA Starly for 5IV Pinsir /u/TacoMan901
12. Heavy Ball Miltank for Heal Ball HA Swirlix /u/ZeLeedleLee
13. 5IV EM Eevee Egg for 6IV Skiddo Egg /u/skidooelan
14. 5IV Beldum for 5IV Ralts and Gible /u/Qognog
15. Breedject Finneon, Buneary, and Goomy for Level 50 Serperior /u/YoshiIsJason
16. HA Female Charmeleon for 5IV Gible /u/ErkelByte
17. 5IV HA Fletchling for 6IV Flabebe /u/Marshy9
18. 5IV Pinsir for 5IV Tyrunt /u/Garguns
19. 5IV Pinsir for 5IV Natu /u/radiowarrrr
20. 5IV Pinsir for 5IV Shellder /u/jancmen
21. 5IV BB Snubbull for 5IV BB Nidoran /u/Syberous
22. BB Pinsir for BB Ralts /u/Qognog
23. BB Pinsir for BB HP Ice Electrike /u/KiroTelexia
24. 5IV Magic Guard Female Abra for 5IV Female Tyrunt /u/Falco_Lau
25. Calm EM Cleffa for Timid EM Venonat /u/kumail786
26. 5IV Female Luxury Cyndaquil for 5IV Female Luxury Froakie /u/underpantscannon
27. DBHA Sigilyph, Aerodactyl, Ralts, Eevee, and Croagunk for BB Mimikyu, Maraenie, Totodile, Gible, and Murkrow /u/Skreya
28. DBHA Slowpoke, DBHA Croagunk, Lux Swirlix for DBHA Axew, DBHA Tropius, and Safari Stantler /u/Marshallmallowlol
29. Lux HA Swirlix for DBHA Smeargle, Houndour, Sentret, Meowth, and Seel /u/Rosedrops
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (4)

1. SV Hatched Gastly /u/pandaglassjaw
2. SV Hatched Goomy /u/ryanthomas917
3. SV Hatched Meowth /u/ryanthomas917
4. SV Hatched Dewpider /u/MysticHomer

Giveaways/Contests (45 Pokémon given, 3 eggs given)

1. Had 8 5IV (Imperfect) 3EM Vulpix on hand to give to interested traders (Sub: pokemontrades, 8 given)
2. Traded 5IV Imperfect HA Beldum away to help with breeding (Sub: pokemontrades, 7 given)
3. Gave away spare Female Luxury Ball Cyndaquil (Sub: pokemontrades, 12 given)
4. Part 2 for newly bred Cyndaquil on hand (Sub: pokemontrades, 14 given)
5. Offering 12 Love Dratini, 6 Yamask, 6 Cleffa, and 6 Cyndaquil (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)
6. Giving Away 30 Miltank and 30 W Flabebe (Sub: SVExchange, 3 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (1 threads, 1 given)

1. Gen 7 TSV Check (1 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (12)

1. Trade evolved Slowking /u/gwampa
2. Trade Evolved Feebas /u/Omkinjubh111
3. Trade evolved Scizor /u/deffbee
4. Tradeback of my Xerneas for Dex completion /u/pc18
5. Tradeback of my Xerneas for Dex competion /u/TacoMan901
6. Tradeback of my Groudon for Dex completion /u/JaimePata
7. Trade evolved Clampearl /u/VictoryisMudkipz
8. Tradeback to evolve Scizor /u/VisForVoltz2
9. Tradeback of my Huntail for Dex Completion /u/TacoMan901
10. Trade evolved Haunter /u/bebua651
11. Trade Evolved Kadabra /u/M1stercloud
12. Tradeback of my Groudon /u/Aeryllis

Misc (2)

1. Tradeback to evolve Scizor with Shiny Kakuna Reward
2. Moved Ralts and Electrike to AS for a Shiny Wingull


ryanthomas917 Dec 19, 2016 4:03:10 AM

Thank you for the shiny hatch!

takeonzach Feb 24, 2016 11:33:41 PM

PerkeleCrow rocks my socks.

Garguns Jun 14, 2015 4:26:54 PM

Super nice and awesome :)

andrewlay Nov 22, 2014 5:00:14 AM

Very fast and negotiable trader!

PerkeleCrow's Information


Current Event Cap totals:

Gamestop Diancie Codes: 10

Gamestop Gengar Codes: 1

Pokeball Vivillon: 1

Arceus Codes: 1

20 Anniversary Genesect Codes: 2

Friend codes:

  • 4571-1196-2538


  • IGN: Tiff TSV: 1800
  • IGN: Tiff TSV: 1078