
2595-5603-8372 || Alex (X), Anthony (M), Blue (SW)
2595-5603-8372 || Alex (X), Anthony (M), Blue (SW) || 0582, 1696

Trades (33)

[+] Events (20)
1. 1 Japanese Corocoro Shiny Rayquaza Code for 3 UK Darkrai code and 1 PAL Charizard Code /u/Cobolt
2. 1 Japanese Corocoro Shiny Rayquaza Code for 3 Scrap Codes /u/Upper90175
3. Exeggcute with EM for SUM Heracross /u/ajkyle56
4. 3 PAL Shiny Charizard Codes for 2 Maxsoft Rayquaza Codes /u/overworld99
5. 1 PAL Shiny Charizard Code for 1 Custom Redeemed US Dragonite /u/smmac135
6. A competitive DBHA Exeggcute for 1 US Dragonite Code /u/xg-armagged0n
7. A competitive Torchic for 1 US Dragonite Code /u/ary1l
8. A competitive Torchic for 1 US Dragonite Code /u/YumeMew
9. 3 Maxsoft Rayquaza Codes for 1 7-11 Pikachu Code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
10. 5 PAL Aldora codes : 2 Zapdos, 2 Articuno and 1 Moltres for 4 Male HK Infernape, 1 Female HK Infernape, a Custom KOR Timid shiny Xerneas /u/ghlyt
11. 2 sets of PAL Aldora codes for 1 PGL Dragonite code /u/Yu-GoBB
12. 2 shiny Turtwig and 2 shiny Croagunk for 8 Gardevoir codes /u/mikakana
13. 5 shiny custom Pidgey for Korea wifi XYZ + Xerneas with JAP tag /u/endy1102
14. 2 custom Meowths for Scrap B set redeem and 8 Gardevoir redeems /u/patchespatch04
15. 1 HKTW Tapu Koko redeem for 1 HKTW Tapu Koko code /u/Lord_Van-Cren
16. 2 PAL Lycanroc redeem for 1 Lure Ball code and 1 Lycanroc code /u/GryffindorAle
17. Master Rank ribbon service on Mew and Keldeo for Shiny event Celebi and shiny POGO Melmetal /u/ads999
18. 1 PAL GVM code set for 2 Clefairy code sets and 2 Movie Pikachu codes /u/Poketamachan
19. 1 JAP Movie Ash Cap Pikachu for 1 shiny Eternatus code /u/minutial
20. 1 JAP Movie Ash Cap Pikachu for 1 Shiny Eternatus /u/commodore_kierkepwn
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (8)
1. A Love Ball Meditite for A HP Fire Magnemite /u/swags789
2. Love Ball, Heavy Ball, Lure Ball and Friend Ball Machop for DB HA Munna, Riolu, Shuckle, Togepi, Swablu and Zangoose /u/dragonite153
3. Competitive Torchic for DBHA Burmy, Doduo and Farfetch'd /u/gmpsmendes
4. Moon Ball Pichu and Fast Ball Chinchou for Dream Ball Durant, Scraggy, Croagunk and Cubone /u/gmpsmendes
5. Love Ball Meditite for Dream Ball Gastly /u/savannah_allie
6. Dream Ball Slowpoke for Phanpy with 4 EMs /u/MissSnob
7. Adamant Tyrogue with 4 EMs for DBHA Cottonee /u/MegaEevee
8. 2 XL Candies for Beast Ball Cottonee and Safari Ball Litten /u/wanderingscribe
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (5)
1. 1 Charizard Code for A RNG Shiny 5 IV's Timid Mewtwo /u/Admiral_Fish
2. 1 Charizard Code for A RNG Shiny Timid Raikou /u/JudeFaceKilla
3. 1 PAL Shiny Charizard Code for 7 Wishmaker Jirachis /u/vibrantrobot
4. 6 EV Trainings and level up for A RNG Shiny Calm Piplup and a RNG shiny HP Fire Timid Latios /u/Admiral_Fish
5. EV trained and levelled up Scyther, Togetic and Slowpoke for A Gen. 3 RNG Shiny Careful Pinsir /u/Admiral_Fish

Egg Hatches (41)

1. 0582, Hatched shiny Tynamo /u/emeril322
2. 0582, Hatched shiny Scraggy /u/emeril322
3. 0582, Hatched shiny Solosis /u/Beleniel
4. 0582, Hatched shiny Aipom /u/infiniteshadow
5. 0582, Hatched shiny Magikarp /u/Awful_Person
6. 0555, Hatched shiny Hoppip /u/Heavyminded
7. 0582, Hatched shiny Rhyhorn /u/chance206
8. 0582, Hatched shiny Yamask /u/infiniteshadow
9. 0582, Hatched shiny Snorunt /u/steelfather
10. 0582, Hatched shiny Gastly /u/katoken0106
11. 0555, Hatched shiny Wingull /u/DrakeroSmogon
12. 0582, Hatched shiny Timburr /u/Mushy_64
13. 0555, Hatched shiny Rufflet /u/MrApolux
14. 0555, Hatched shiny Shroomish /u/Ellie_1
15. 0555, Hatched shiny Snover /u/LeoTalon
16. 0555, Hatched shiny Charmander /u/tt445566
17. 0582, Hatched shiny Yamask /u/infiniteshadow
18. 0582, Hatched shiny Shellder /u/lavaburst14
19. 0582, Hatched shiny Meditite /u/abk1997
20. 0555, Hatched shiny Growlithe /u/emchun
21. 0555, Hatched shiny Sudowoodo /u/gmpsmendes
22. 0582, Hatched shiny Horsea /u/TG_Cid
23. 0582, Hatched shiny Swablu /u/sb6047
24. 0555, Hatched shiny Sandshrew /u/giraffe196
25. 0582, Hatched shiny Scyther /u/Adso25
26. 0582, Hatched shiny Smeargle /u/Fiorella2
27. 0582, Hatched shiny Pawniard /u/3Anton3
28. 0582, Hatched shiny Swinub /u/Tacanacy
29. 0555, Hatched shiny Trapinch /u/Tacanacy
30. 0555, Hatched shiny Munna /u/Tacanacy
31. 0582, Hatched shiny Pichu /u/chuni_pok
32. 0582, Hatched shiny Dedenne /u/chang0471
33. 1696, Hatched shiny Scatterbug /u/chang0471
34. 1696, Hatched shiny Minor /u/pidjiken
35. 1696, Hatched shiny Magnemite /u/NPBrot
36. 0955, Hatched shiny Popplio /u/HandsmeBWnderful
37. 0955, Hatched shiny Deino /u/Super_Fua
38. 0955, Hatched shiny Deino /u/SpecialSpores
39. 0955, Hatched shiny Treecko /u/imapikachu1117
40. 0955, Hatched shiny Mr. Mime /u/DillaDawg
41. 0955, Hatched shiny Dhelmise /u/SomeoneNamedHotdog

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (1 threads, 1 given)

1. /u/fanAdict TSV value for Sun (1 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (1)

1. Traded 7 Heart Scales for a DBHA Drillbur


Tacanacy Aug 6, 2016 1:37:11 PM

Has hatched three Shiny Pokémon for me. Many thanks!

infiniteshadow Jun 9, 2015 10:31:39 PM

Hatched a yamask for me. Quick response and hatch thanks.

Pichu20's Information


Friend codes:

  • 2895-8752-2612
