
3669-1632-9344, SW-1225-1637-7414 || Peyton (SW)
3669-1632-9344, SW-1225-1637-7414 || Peyton (SW) || XXXX

Trades (26)

[+] Events (7)
1. 5IV HA 4EM Shiny Litten and 5IV HA 4EM Shiny Rowlet for Two Japanese Shiny Poipole events /u/Animekitty421
2. 3 Shiny Zygarde codes and 8 Xerneas and Yveltal codes for Shiny Japanese Suicune /u/XOKLEYX
3. 5 Palkia and Dialga codes for Japanese Shiny event Groudon and Japanese Shiny event Kyogre /u/UmiMizuAi
4. Palkia and Dialga codes for Japanese Shiny event Groudon code and Japanese Shiny event Kyogre code /u/seikenike
5. 1 Shiny Zygarde code for 1 Raikou and Entei code /u/Krauser_X
6. 1 Shiny Zygarde code, 2 Xerneas and Yveltal codes, an Everstone, and a Destiny Knot for 4EM HA Heavy Ball Timburr, 4EM Moon Ball Marill, 4EM HA Friend Ball Chespin, 4EM Heavy Ball Froakie, 4EM DBHA Stunky, 4EM Lure Ball Oshawott, 4EM HA Moon Ball Sandile, 4EM Dream Ball Anorith, and a 4EM HA Nest Ball Deerling /u/HikkiLover
7. Jolly Event Marshadow for Jolly Event Zeraora /u/Zutone88
[+] Shinies (3)
1. 5IV 4EM Fast Ball Shiny Scyther for 4EM HA Moon Ball Buizel, 4EM HA Heavy Ball Salandit, 4EM HA Love Ball Goomy, 4EM HA Dream Ball Shellos, and 4EM HA Moon Ball Ekans /u/valere1213
2. 5IV HA 4EM Heavy Ball Phanpy, 5IV 4EM Dream Ball Spheal, 5IV 2EM Friend Ball Passimian, 5IV Fast Ball Minior, 5IV HA 4EM Heavy Ball Onix, 5IV HA 4EM Love Ball Lapras, 5IV 4EM Love Ball HP Fire Petilil, 5IV HA 4EM Love Ball Igglybuff, 5IV HA 4EM Love Ball Goomy, 5IV 4EM Tailwind Dusk Ball Drifloon, 5IV 4EM Moon Ball Oranguru, 5IV HA 4EM Fast Ball Seel, 5IV 4EM Lure Ball Wimpod, 5IV Love Ball Minior, and 5IV HA Dream Ball Porygon for 5IV HA 4EM Heavy Ball Shiny Phanpy, 5IV 4EM Dream Ball Shiny Spheal, and an RNG'd Japanese 6IV Modest Ditto /u/buckembarnes
3. 4IV 4EM DBHA Exeggcute and a Silver Bottle Cap for 5IV 4EM Safari Ball Shiny Kangaskhan /u/Igglybuff6
[+] Competitive / Casual (16)
1. 5IV 2EM Timer Ball Duskull holding a Destiny Knot for Male 5IV Italian Spiritomb /u/Lynzkar
2. 5IV HA 4EM Friend Ball male and female Poliwag for 5IV 2EM Safari Ball male and female Hippopotas /u/DreadEden256
3. 5IV 4EM DBHA Exeggcute and a 5IV 4EM Love Ball Seismic Toss Chansey for DBHA Aipom, DBHA Buneary, DBHA Wooper, DBHA Hoppip, and Love Ball Hoppip /u/Carmenlove82
4. Beast Ball Lillipup and Beast Ball Drifloon for 5IV 4EM HA Beast Ball Shellos and 5IV 4EM HA Beast Ball Poliwag /u/fanAdict
5. Two Rare Candies for HA 4EM Safari Ball Croagunk and HA 4EM Beast Ball Riolu /u/jayk1406
6. 4IV Beast Ball Yellow Core Minior for 5IV HA 4EM Beast Ball Totodile /u/BlackBlade15
7. Beast Ball Trubbish, Beast Ball Klefki, and Beast Ball Emolga for 5IV 4EM HA Beast Ball Phantump, 5IV 4EM HA Beast Ball Miltank, and 5IV 4EM HA Beast Ball Nosepass /u/fanAdict
8. Japanese 4IV 4EM Dive Ball Wingull for 4IV HA 4EM Lure Ball Poliwag /u/HRyujii
9. 5 Silver Bottle Caps for 4IV 4EM DBHA Audino, 4IV 4EM Heavy Ball HA Onix, 4IV 4EM DBHA Chimchar, 5IV 4EM Safari Ball HA Pineco and 4IV 4EM Fast Ball HA Plusle /u/henryedo97
10. King's Rock for an Eviolite /u/RowliverQueen
11. 4IV DBHA 4EM Exeggcute and a Silver Bottle Cap for 5IV DBHA 4EM Cranidos /u/superavo4
12. Deep Sea Scale and a Flame Orb for Eviolite, 4IV 4EM Dream Ball Omanyte and 4IV 2EM Moon Ball HA Mareanie /u/Pyrus11
13. 4IV 2EM DBHA Munna and 2 Silver Bottle Caps for 6IV 4EM DBHA Munna /u/Heliank
14. Lucarionite for a Liechi Berry and a Petaya Berry /u/UltraTrainerAi
15. Blazikenite for a Lansat Berry and a Maranga Berry /u/UltraTrainerAi
16. Master Ball for Berry transfer /u/Axem380
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (24)

1. TSV Hatched a shiny Timburr /u/seralite
2. TSV Hatched a shiny Treecko /u/Zaskarel
3. TSV Hatched a shiny Alolan Vulpix /u/Haunani14
4. TSV Hatched a shiny Oranguru /u/meltedmochi
5. TSV Hatched a shiny Corphish /u/pkh5255
6. TSV Hatched a shiny Rockruff /u/RubyFan727
7. TSV Hatched a shiny Gible /u/Admiral_Fish
8. TSV Hatched a shiny Tentacool /u/zetraex
9. TSV Hatched a shiny Dratini /u/imthorrbo2
10. TSV Hatched two shiny Honedge /u/DillaDawg
11. TSV Hatched a shiny Sableye /u/Grin4U
12. TSV Hatched a shiny Nincada /u/Bugpaper
13. TSV Hatched a shiny Poochyena /u/log94
14. TSV Hatched a shiny Chimchar /u/Beleniel
15. TSV Hatched a shiny Noibat /u/ariel7275
16. TSV Hatched a shiny Dhelmise /u/SomeoneNamedHotdog
17. TSV Hatched a shiny Patrat /u/Om4rA
18. TSV Hatched a shiny Alolan Geodude /u/Animekitty421
19. TSV Hatched a shiny Charmander /u/ProjectROXO
20. TSV Hatched a shiny Abra /u/Blucario_
21. TSV Hatched a shiny Horsea /u/MissSnob
22. TSV Hatched a shiny Charmander /u/JerkyJohnny
23. TSV Hatched a shiny Scyther /u/Caedei
24. TSV Hatched a shiny Mudkip /u/jodoo1234

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Pooleroops1's Information


Friend codes:

  • 3669-1632-9344


  • IGN: Peyton TSV: 3837