
1478-6787-4806 || Kamina (αS), Mercy (M) || 3635, 2123

Trades (69)

[+] Events (28)
1. 2 JPN Chymia Gardevoir Codes for 2 redeemed Chymia Gardevoirs with proof /u/ajkyle56
2. Redeemed Chymia Gardevoir event for 2 custom shinies /u/kojicarlos
3. 2 custom RNG abused Pokemon (Swablu & Snorunt) for Scrap Eevee Event /u/mizudomi
4. 4 custom RNG abused Groudon, Kyogre, Ho-oh and Rayquaza for KOR Spa Pikachu code /u/d-OM-NOM-NOM-inator
5. Custom RNG abused Shiny Wishmaker for PGL Landorus /u/CukiieMonstaa
6. RNG abused Channel Jirachi for World´s 15 Sharpedo /u/GrimClawTigrex
7. 2 RNG abused Wishmaker Jirachis (1 Shiny & 1 semi-competitive) for 2 PGL Darmanitan codes, 1 PGL Garchomp custom redeemed & 1 Tanabata 2016 Jirachi /u/amoran5156
8. 3 custom RNG abused Legends and RNG abused Shiny Wishmaker for A set of Osaka Lab codes (Cyndaquil, Totodile and Chikorita) /u/d-OM-NOM-NOM-inator
9. Set of Osaka Lab codes for World´s Aegislash 2014 /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
10. Win 2011 Suicune & PGL Garchomp for XY Torchic & Summer 2014 Heracross /u/OberonCelebi
11. 20th Anniversary Manaphy & Shaymin for HK Infernape /u/willster191
12. 14 NA Volcanion codes for One custom Korean Wifi Mawile, Gengar, Gardevoir and Tyranitar set /u/U_Need_A_Brojob
13. RNG abused Colosseum Shiny Raikou (Ribbon Mastered) for LeafGreen save file for RNG abusable Shiny Deoxys /u/serenechaos1
14. Custom RNG abused Shiny Manaphy for PCI Sharpedo + XYZ Zygarde /u/Lightning00
15. RNG abused Kanto trio for SUM2014 Pinsir /u/GundamKyriosX
16. RNG abused Phione for Tapu Koko code /u/serenechaos1
17. 2 JSKM NA Championship Arcanine unredeemed in save files for Unhatches PC Easter Egg & PGL Amaura /u/amoran5156
18. RNG abused custom Shiny Wishmaker for VGC Mamoswine /u/ChiefNeckbeard43
19. RNG'd Shiny Wishmaker Jirachi for Spring 2014 Korean Magmar /u/TheRiyria
20. 8 custom RNG abused shinies (custom TSV) for 7-11 set of codes (Lucario, Piplup & Charizard) /u/lycilla
21. RNG abused Ageto Celebi & 2 RNG abused FRLG Eggs for 3 PC Korean Jolteon, Umbreon & Leafeon /u/valere1213
22. Custom RNG abused Ageto Celebi, Shiny E-reader Scizor and KOR All Stars Diancie for RNG'd Tanabata 2015 Jirachi and Coro Coro Ho-oh code /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
23. PC Bewear for PC Invasion Hydreigon /u/Milady_Snowdrop
24. 10 NA Moon save files with redeemed Salazzles & Original Cap Pikachu for PCI Weavile & KOR Steenee & Vulpix Wifi set /u/xtakeru
25. 2 save files with NA World's 16 Exeggutors for WCSK Mewtwo & Movie Greninja /u/Flareblitz12
26. PGL Amaura, PGL Delibird & WCSK Mewtwo for Pikachu Carnival Parade Ditto, Mimikyu & PC Hiroshima Gyarados /u/ExiaWind
27. RNG abused ID on a Pokemon Colosseum save file for Scrap Eevee /u/expiredjellybean
28. RNG abused Gales Togepi for Korean Mimikyu save file /u/froakiedokie
[+] Shinies (10)
1. 4 RNG abused Legends for 2 completed playthroughs /u/Xamarqand
2. Horde of RNG abused Shiny Eevees (Gen 3) for Two completed save files /u/expiredjellybean
3. RNG abused Shiny Cobalion for RNG abused touched Solgaleo /u/flaw1ess1994
4. RNG abused Shiny Wishmaker with Gen 3 contest ribbons for Donation Pikachu code + PC Simisear /u/mizudomi
5. RNG abused ShinyTornadus for 3 Tapu Koko codes /u/mizudomi
6. 3 Emerald Egg RNGs for Completed Emerald save file /u/expiredjellybean
7. Custom RNG abused Mukseteer trio for Sapporo Vulpix save file /u/Droidem
8. 3 RNG abused custom Shiny Genies for PC Shiny Ho-oh & Fancy Vivillon /u/giraffe196
9. RNG abused Shiny Landorus & Kyurem for 10 NA Genesect Codes /u/MysticHomer
10. 12 NA Genesect Codes for PCI Pyroar /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
[+] Competitive / Casual (12)
1. 1 Shiny Stone and 1 Shiny Dusk Stone for 1 Life Orb and a Leftovers /u/savannah_allie
2. Egg Move HA Totodile for Lucky Egg & Heart Scales /u/UnsightedThree3
3. 5 IV Lure Ball Shellder for 5 IV HA Nidoran F /u/neykho
4. 5 IV HA Chimchar for Choice Specs /u/theforbidden_one
5. 5 IV Female Vullaby for Choice Specs /u/Harshul1
6. 5 IV Female Vullaby for Life Orb /u/jkengstrom7
7. 5 IV Female HA Heracross for Choice Scarf /u/Dhoulmaggus
8. 5 IV Rotom for Life Orb /u/warehouse41
9. HA Foonguss with 4 EM for NA Arceus code /u/Carmania666
10. Blazikenite for Altarianite /u/savannah_allie
11. Lure Ball Female Horsea with 4 Egg Moves for Timer Ball Female HA Starly with 4 Egg Moves /u/PikaCuber
12. Pinsirite for 5 IV HA Moon Ball Murkrow and 6 IV Love Ball Vanillite /u/Hibicakes
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (19)
1. Pokemon Ranger completed .sav file w/ Manaphy Mission finished for Pokemon XD RNG abused Pidgeotto in .pkmn format /u/Admiral_Fish
2. Custom Gen 3 RNG´d abused Snorlax for SV hatched Shiny Quiet Snover /u/savannah_allie
3. Custom RNG abused: Shiny Groudon, Shiny Latios and Shiny Cleffa for Dream Radar RNG abused HA: Lugia, Ho-oh and Thundurus /u/DLBork
4. RNG abused Adamant Zangoose with move tutors for PAL Happy Hour Meowth Event /u/mizudomi
5. RNG abused Timid Shiny Kyurem for NA Aldora SR´d Calm Zapdos /u/lundrity
6. Custom RNG abused Shiny Groudon, Shiny Kyogre & Shiny Latios for KOR Event Shiny Diancie (with ENG tag) /u/norman250
7. 4 Custom RNG abused Gen V Legends for 3 PGL Darmanitan codes /u/norman250
8. RNG´d Shiny Wishmaker Jirachi + 2 PGL Darmanitan codes for Masuda´s Psyduck Event /u/kalle2934
9. Custom RNG abused Shiny Wishmaker Jirachi for Coro Coro Shiny Rayquaza Event /u/cubanpete26
10. 2 custom RNG abused Togetics with exclusive Move Tutors for Semi-Competitive Gamestop Gengar event /u/AVeryNicePizza
11. 2 Custom Shiny Wishmaker Jirachis RNG abused for Win2011 Suicune /u/serenechaos1
12. Custom RNG abused Shiny Latios and Latias for KOR redeemed Hong Kong Facebook Kangaskhan /u/WreckItMike
13. Custom Shiny RNG abused Wishmaker Jirachi for Spring 2014 Electabuzz Event /u/Salicifolia
14. 6 Egg custom RNGs for 2 completed BW save files until the 8th badge /u/BenedictRulerOfEggs
15. RNG abused Shiny 5IV Jolly Mewtwo for PC Invasion Nidoqueen Event custom-redeemed /u/mizudomi
16. RNG abused Shiny Articuno (No IVs) for 4 NA Volcanion codes /u/ThatDarnSJDoubleW
17. Custom RNG abused Shiny Shedinja for Steven´s Beldum /u/PikaCuber
18. RNG abused Shiny Zapdos for 8 NA Volcanion codes /u/Er212393
19. Custom RNG abused Gen V Legendaries (5 in total) for Smash Cubchoo Event /u/OliasB

Egg Hatches (7)

1. SV hatched a Swinub on my OR game /u/Ellie_1
2. SV hatched a Scatterbug on my old OR game /u/Delphi_
3. SV hatched a Shiny Diglett on my old OR game /u/Great_Plattsby
4. SV hatched a Shiny Shroomish on my old OR game /u/Patoan91
5. SV hatched a Shiny Dunsparce on my current AS game /u/Jamie-McL
6. SV hatched a Shiny Togepi on my current AS game /u/henrxv
7. SV hatched a Shiny Torchic on my AS game /u/willster191

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Retail redeem for a Shiny Wishmaker in exchange for a Shiny Wishmaker save file /u/expiredjellybean

Misc (0)


IAMADeinonychusAMA Sep 19, 2017 2:58:03 AM

Excellent communications and frequent status updates. A pleasure to trade with.

valere1213 Aug 29, 2017 5:45:40 AM

A real pleasure to trade with! Smooth negotiations, frequent updates on the progress of the RNGs, impeccable attention to detail, and thoughtful touches like adding extra move tutors + an ability capsule in case I didn't have one ... all in all, one of the best RNG trade experiences I've had here. Thanks so much, and I'm looking forward to trading with you again!

IAMADeinonychusAMA Oct 7, 2016 6:25:37 AM

Reserved me a set of lab codes that they were getting for some RNGs, for my Aegislash. Updated me amazingly consistently on the progress of the RNGs, so I had an idea of how soon to expect the codes and how close the trade was to happening. Very positive trading experience.

norman250 Sep 1, 2016 7:57:29 AM

Porta's exchange with me was very smooth. They explained the RNG process whenever I had questions, and kept me thoroughly updated on the process.

All in all, a positive experience.

Porta_14's Information


Hello everyone! I am 23 years old, from Honduras and work as a graphic designer. I´m also a huge videogame fan (specially Pokemon). Feel free to drop any comments! :)

Friend codes:

  • 1478-6787-4806
