
1435-9555-3103 || 라비온 (UM)
1435-9555-3103 || 라비온 (UM) || 2286

Trades (20)

[+] Events (20)
1. KOR Shiny Necrozma code for GF Darkrai,Keldeo,Areceus,Meloetta,Genesect,Mew /u/Nluck7
2. KOR Shiny Necrozma code for Shiny ranger Manaphy /u/ilovedynamicqueue
3. 3 KOR S/L codes for P scrap charizard, blastoise, venasaur /u/tacocat777
4. 1 KOR S/L code for 7 PGL Munna codes /u/Nluck7
5. 1 KOR Necrozma code for 2 Shiny Gengars /u/Chrisdoukas
6. KOR Shiny diancie(All star) for PC Gyrados and PC Rayquaza /u/AceRene
7. 2 PGL Koko codes for PC Victini /u/valere1213
8. WCSK 16 Mewtwo for PC Audino and the Spring 2015 Charizard /u/korayven
9. 1 koko code for 1 PAL Mewtwo code /u/Ichigo2011
10. Saroi's Machamp for 1 JPN Shiny Necrozma code /u/blizard1896
11. Suwoong Cheong's Metagross for PJCS Golduck /u/tacocat777
12. PGL Shiny Tapu Lele for kymia's Gardevoir /u/valare1213
13. PCI Giovanni's Nidoking for WCS2019 Aerodactyls /u/blizard1896
14. KOR Movie Zeraora for PCI Weavile /u/Axew2230
15. KOR Movie Zeraora for WCS Meloetta /u/fernnifer
16. KOR Movie Zeraora for Happy Meowth XY&Z Gardevoir /u/kalle2934
17. Suwoong Cheong's Metagross 2 KOR Zeraora codes for KOR GF Darkrai + Keldeo + NA Tapu Koko + NA Lycanroc + NA Salazzle /u/henrxv
18. Korean League Tornadus for Jun 2015 Dragonite,2018 Legends Groudon /u/raystt
19. 1 KOR S/L code for P scrap Eevee,dynamax code /u/Nluck7
20. 2 PGL Fini codes for PJCS Nidoqueen /u/PkmnRim
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Qpplea's Information


Friend codes:

  • 1435-9555-3103
  • 2037-3486-5067
