
SW-5619-0541-0027 || Nobunaga (SW)
SW-5619-0541-0027 || Nobunaga (SW) || XXXX

Trades (105)

[+] Events (1)
1. G-Mr. Mime for Dream Ball and Love Applin /u/shinybidoof11
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (104)
1. Level Ball HA Duskull, Dream Ball HA Wooper for Love Ball Woobat, Level Ball Riolu /u/junglesux
2. Heavy Ball Skorupi, Friend Ball Frillish, Beast Ball Wishiwashi and Moon Ball Pumpkaboo for Moon Ball Axew, Level Ball Passimian, Beast Ball Bronzor, and Love Ball Purrloin /u/bymortar
3. 0 Speed Corphish for Galarian Slowpoke /u/R2aktionp
4. Premier Ball Unova Darumaka for Love Ball HA Gothita /u/grimjow7
5. Friend Ball Frillish for Safari Ball Larvitar /u/CrypticShadows
6. Dream Ball HA Timburr and Love Ball Ferroseed for Friend Ball Deino and Moon Ball Cottonee /u/hp_zephyr
7. Dive Ball Squirtle, Level Ball Hippopotas, and pokeball Farfetch'd for Love Ball Spritzee, Level Ball Alolan Diglett, and Moon ball Zigzagoon /u/jpribmatos
8. HA Espurr for Bottle Cap /u/69ing_midgetsinAspen
9. Leek for HA Cleffa /u/Topheralan1
10. Friend Ball Applin and Level Ball Falinks for Heavy Ball Pawniard and Level Ball Honedge /u/danoobna
11. Evolved Phantump for Sachet + Evolved Spritzee /u/pol_bius
12. Dream Ball HA Spritzee, Friend Ball Frillish, Heavy Ball Skorupi for Fast Ball HA Pichu, Beast Ball and Level Ball HA Jangmo-o /u/gram98
13. Love Ball Cherubi, Love Ball Gastly, Moon Ball Gastly, Love Ball Ferroseed for HA Lure Ball Skorupi, HA Love Ball Snover, HA Level Mawile, HA Love Toxel /u/hgperez678
14. HA: Dream Ball Elgyem and Spritzee, Level Ball Stufful and Combee for HA: Beast Ball Elgyem, Heavy Ball Indeedee, Beast Ball Bergmite, Love Ball Pidove /u/bigthurm45
15. Moon Ball Pumpkaboo and Friend Ball HA Cleffa for HA Heavy Ball Riolu and Beast Ball Passimian /u/Rtex1337
16. Level Honedge, Level HA Combee, Dream HA Spiritzee, Heavy HA Karrablast, Dream HA Wooper for HA: Fast Heatmor, Lure Mareanie, Level Rookidee, Friend Pidove and Fast Tyrouge /u/BazInABasket
17. HA: Friend Cleffa, Level Combee, and Dream Spritzee for HA: Moon Roselia, Moon Gastly, and Beast Golett /u/MelodicResult
18. Moon Ball HA Hatenna for Dream Ball Inkay /u/ABNC1
19. Beast Ball HA Jangmo-0 for Heavy Ball HA Eevee /u/Notnowjenkins
20. Friend Ball Frillish for Heavy Ball Stonjourner /u/KingOfNacks
21. HA Galar Corsola for HA Scraggy /u/timelyespresso
22. Dream Ball Eiscue, Dream Ball HA Inkay, and Dream Ball HA Spritzee for Dream Ball HA Sawk, Cottonee, and Golett /u/WhisperingHopeAway
23. 1 Master Ball for HA: Moon Ball Minccino, Moon Ball Roggenrola, Lure Clobbopus, Moon Golett /u/3GSid
24. HA Dream Ball Hoothoot for Love Ball Hawlucha /u/paulthafish
25. HA Dream Ball Hoothoot for HA Heavy Ball Shelmet /u/cazabichos
26. HA Beast Espurr, Love Ferroseed, HA Heavy Elgyem for HA Dream Throh, Heavy Dhelmise, HA Level Helioptile /u/BazInABasket
27. HA: Heavy Elgyem, Level Combee, Friend Cleffa for HA: Safari Natu, Dream Rolycoly, Beast Chinchou /u/nickyyavellian
28. Friend Ball HA Cleffa for Lure Ball HA Noibat /u/msbhmj
29. 2 Breedject Deino for 2 Breedject Tympole /u/Liftedlarvitar
30. HA: Dream Ball Spritzee, Level Ball Combee, Heavy Ball Elgyem, and Heavy Ball Karrablast for Moon Ball Cubchoo, HA: Moon Ball Noibat, Heavy Ball Swinub, Beast Ball Croagunk /u/_bogey
31. Level Honedge, Beast Wishiwashi, HA Heavy Elgyem, and HA Level Shelmet for HA: Moon Sableye, Fast Eevee, Friend K-Vulpix, and Level Charmander /u/Spherical2884
32. HA: Love Cubchoo, Dream Whooper, Sawk, and Throh, Safari Natu for HA: Moon Kanto/Alola Meowth, Beast Binacle, Dream Frillish, Love Pancham /u/MelodicResult
33. 15 Aprimon for Apricorn Balls: Dream, Level x 2, Heavy, and Friend /u/CrypticShadows
34. HA Beast Darumaka (regular), HA Heavy Golett, HA Dream Throh for Heavy Grubbin, HA: Level Unovan Stunfisk, Friend Snover /u/Wenitzb
35. Heavy HA Elgyem, Level HA Combee, Dream HA Spritzee, Friend HA Cleffa, Level HA Shelmet, Level Honedge, Beast Wishiwashi for Moon HA Feebass, Moon HA Ralts, Moon Mr. Mime, Safari Mr. Mime, Heavy HA Darumaka, Beast HA Snorlax and Moon Darumaka /u/JokerX6
36. HA Beast Ball Inkay for Beast Ball Solrock /u/mr629
37. Moon HA Litwick for Heavy HA Oddish /u/giwtwm
38. Heavy Skorupi for HA Moon Electrike /u/nickyyavellian
39. Friend Solrock and Love Bronzor for Beast (G) Slowpoke and HA Dream Oranguru /u/flexedlobster
40. HA Heavy Ball Elgyem for HA Beast Ball Torkoal /u/MelodicResult
41. Level HA Falinks for Dream HA Gothita /u/Kritzlof
42. HA: Fast Pincurchin and Espurr, Level Shelmet for Heavy and Level Cherubi, HA Friend Dwebble /u/jeuxinterdits
43. HA: Love Milcery and Toxel, Beast Croagunk, Moon Hatenna, Heavy Rookidee for HA Friend: Basculin, Sudowoodo, Barboach, Golett, Wingull /u/Nany266
44. HA:Timburr, Vulpix (Kanto), Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Eevee, and Popplio for Dream and Level Ball /u/Cydios
45. Level Passimian, Level Riolu, Level Heatmor, Level Darumaka-Unova, Level Bronzor, Level Stunfisk-Unova, Friend Sigilyph, Friend Bronzor, Moon Golett, and Love Cubchoo. for Heavy Dreepy, Dream Blipbug, Fast Golett, Friend Tyrogue, Friend Klink, Level Vulpix, Friend Dhelmise, Level G-Zigzagoon, Level Sinistea, Love Litwick /u/hgperez678
46. Safari Galarian Zigzagoon for Dream Togepi /u/etivory
47. HA: Heavy Shelmet and Moon Cubchoo for Heavy Wishiwashi and Dream Deino, HA: Level Red Basculin, Beast Clobbopuss, Heavy Cutiefly, Heavy Koffing /u/rhixcs25
48. Level Bronzor, Level HA Stunfisk, Level HA Swirlix, Level Dewpider, Level HA Passimian, Level HA Onix for HA: Beast Ball Ponyta, Dream Ball Koffing, Dream Ball Salandit, Dream Litwick, Heavy Minccino, Heavy Litwick /u/Anubis2525
49. Lure HA East Shellos for Heavy HA Togedemaru /u/SomeoneStopTheShow
50. HA Moon Cubchoo and HA Dream Galar Corsola for Heavy HA Arrowkuda and a Moon Ball HA Delibird /u/Illustrious-Bullfrog
51. HA Pokeball Throh for Beast Ball Impidimp /u/Laivoriz
52. HA: Heavy Togedemaru and Level Stufful for HA: Dream Remoraid and Moon Remoraid /u/Rooreelooo
53. HA where applicable: Level Heatmor, Level Unova Stunfisk, Level Onix, Level Cherubi, Level and Fast Bronzor, Level Hondge, Level Stufful, Fast Mimikyu for HA where applicable: Love and Lure Ball Golett, Lure Ball Bronzor, Heavy Rufflet, Heavy Sawk, Heavy, Level, Dream and Moon Unova Yamask /u/TheGeminiTwins
54. HA: Heavy Elgyem, Level Shelmet, Dream Wooper for Heavy Ball /u/seventhird
55. Beast Solrock, Fast Mimikyu, Heavy Wishiwashi, HA: Red and Blue Basculin for Heavy Wimpod, Dream Morpeko, HA Dream Larvitar, Oddish, Pidove /u/ixderediem
56. Level HA Hippopotas for Level HA Golett /u/The-Olark
57. Level HA Golett and Heavy HA Cutiefly for Heavy HA Gothita and Heavy Throh /u/Anubis2525
58. Dream Ball for HA: Level Shellos West, Dream Klink, Heatmor, and Unova Darumaka /u/DieGenerates97
59. Level HA Golett for Heavy HA Heatmor /u/hgperez678
60. Fast: Bronzor, Mimikyu, Friend: Frillish, Heavy: Oddish, Cutiefly, Wishiwashi, Togedemaru, Sawk, Gothita, Level: Onix, Hippopotas, Love: Pidove, Lure: Bronzor for Dream Pincurchin, Heavy Rotom, Beast Oddish, Level Spritzee, Heavy Phantump, Heavy Trubbish, Level Grubbin, Dream: Torkoal, Love: Skorupi, Lure: Goomy, Level: Morpeko, Beast: Joltik, Heavy Vanillite /u/hgperez678
61. Timer Ball HA Throh for Dream HA Stunky + Beast Ball /u/The-Olark
62. Love: Espurr, Gossifluer, Cubchoo, Moon: Rookidee, Cubchoo, Beast: Clobbopus, Friend: Tyrogue, Level: Shelmet, Heavy: Cubchoo, Klink, Lure: Pincurchin, Snom, Dream: Blipbug, Fast: Heatmor, Tyrogue, Pincurchin for Heavy: (G) Corsola, Stunky, Bergmite, Bunnelby, Swirlix, Love: Sinistea, Lure: Sizzlepede, Level: Clobbopuss, Arrokuda, Farfetch'd, Dream: Nickit, Rufflet, Cubchoo, Yamper, Beast: Falinks, Moon: Swirlix /u/shinybidoof11
63. HA Timer Ball Sawk for HA Heavy Sinistea + Moon Ball /u/The-Olark
64. Dusk Lileep, Luxury Lileep, Great Cranidos for Dive Kabuto, Heavy Piplup, Premier Cranidos /u/Eltatero
65. DBHA Tentacool for DBHA Illumise /u/Klondike232
66. Beast Ball: Bronzor and HA Espurr for Beast Ball HA: Snorunt and Cottonee /u/Chissoff
67. Dream, HA when possible: Shellos-East, Hoenn Zigzagoon, Pincurchin, Unova Yamask, Kanto Ponyta, Inkay, Rufflet, Yamper, Hoothoot, Morpeko, Deino for Dream, HA when possible: Solosis, Combee, Cherubi, Swinub, Delibird, Baltoy, Morelull, Wailmer, Rotom, Snorunt, Sneasel + Quiet and Timid mints /u/OoFirePrinceoO
68. Ultra Ball Shieldon (HOME) for Luxury Ball Shieldon (Gen 7) /u/Eltatero
69. Dream Morpeko, HA: Level Hippopatas, Heavy Cutiefly, Dream Inkay, Dream Pincurchin, Heavy Elgyem, Moon Cubchoo for Dream Non-HA Skorupi, Heavy Non-HA Bulbasaur, Heavy HA Charmander, Fast HA Bulbasaur, Dream HA Purrloin, Heavy HA Frillish, Dream HA Pumpkaboo /u/Duality44
70. Fast Mimikyu, Level Yamask, Fast, Level, Love, Lure, Moon Bronzor, Level HA Riolu, Level HA Hippopatas, Heavy Cherubi for Safari Kanto Farfetch'd, Heavy Combee, Dream Lunatone, Dream Solrock, Beast, Friend Grubbin, Dream Honedge, Level Sawk, Level Throh, Dream Rotom /u/BeastBallCatcher
71. HA Heavy Ball Togedemaru for Moon Ball HA Corsola /u/Pineapple026
72. (all HA where applicable) Heavy Sableye, Beast Inkay, Beast Solrock, and Fast Mimikyu for Friend Mantine, Dream Tyrogue, Love Elgyem, and Love Shellder /u/JokerX6
73. (Beast Ball HA when possible): Kanto Ponyta, Solrock, Snorunt, Cottonee, Joltik, Solosis, Elgyem, Cubchoo, Inkay for 5 Heavy, 2 Moon, and 2 Fast Balls /u/khunt003
74. HA When Possible: Dream Yamper, Dream Blipbug, Level Rookidee, Moon Morpeko, Heavy Sinistea for HA When Possible: Safari Bronzor, Heavy and Beast Goomy, Level Tyrogue, Dream Applin /u/RealTimeCageDragon
75. Dream Zorua, HA: Love Buneary, Lure Poliwag, Moon Skrelp, Dream Staryu for HA when possible: Dream Porygon, Moon Zorua, Lure Horsea, Lure HA Skrelp, Beast Own Tempo Rockruff /u/guava29
76. Love Lickitung for Dream HA Staryu /u/TaiTaiX
77. Dream Zorua, Lure Clauncher, HA: Sport Pinsir, and Dream Heracross for Beast: Larvesta, Scyther, Dream HA: Tangela, and Druddigon /u/luminescent_potato
78. Dream Zorua for Love HA Larvesta /u/beefstrike
79. Lure Clauncher, Dream Heracross, Dream Zorua, Moon Skrelp, Lure Poliwag, Dream Starmyu, Sport Pinsir for HA: Friend G-Slowpoke, Lure Marill, Friend Scyther, Dream Roselia, Lure Croagunk, Lure Rotom, Lure Cubchoo /u/Chaddyoso
80. Dream Zorua, Lure Poliwag, Dream Heracross, Dream Staryu for Lure Magnemite, Friend Tauros, Moon Larvesta, Friend Fomantis /u/blah12629
81. Love HA Buneary for Moon HA Rockruff /u/MrGameandWatch24
82. Heavy HA Skrelp, Heavy HA Carvanha for Heavy HA Pinsir, Beast HA Magnemite /u/TheGeminiTwins
83. Dream HA Heracross, Dream HA Porygon for Lure HA Druddigon, Dream HA Horsea /u/bymortar
84. Safari Sandshrew for Dream Ball HA Fomantis /u/alexplps
85. Beast Ball Larvesta for Friend Ball HA Poliwag /u/19011901
86. HA: Dream Druddigon and Porygon, Level Staryu, and Sport Pinsir, Dream Tentacool for The Foongus, Tangela, Abra, Beast and Moon Kanto Slowpoke /u/bad_at__naming
87. HA: Sport Fomantis and Safari Bronzor for HA: Sport Venipede and Safari Sandile /u/ABNC1
88. Sport HA Fomantis for Safari HA Fomantis /u/mrogersj5
89. Dream HA Porygon for Sport HA Larvesta /u/SagaciousPunner
90. Sport HA Fomantis for Sport Own Tempo Rockruff /u/TheGeminiTwins
91. Safari and Sport HA Fomantis, Sport HA Venipede for HA Sport Trubbish and Litwick, Safari Bulbasaur /u/nhindian
92. Sport HA Fomantis for Safari Deino /u/Thief-Noctis
93. Safari and Sport HA Fomantis for Sport Snorlax and Dedenne /u/Klondike232
94. Sport HA Venipede for Safari HA Duraludon /u/77JCM77
95. HA Safari Duraludon for HA Sport Golett /u/mrogersj5
96. Sport HA Fomantis for Sport HA Nickit /u/try890
97. Safari Deino and Sport Nickit for Sport Shinx and Safari Passimian /u/ABNC1
98. Sport HA: Venipede, Litwick, Fomantis, Nickit, Dedenne, Golett Safari HA: Deino, Sandile, Bronzor for Sport: Torkoal, Joltik, Impidimp, Karrablast Safari: Lilipup, Helioptile, Stunfisk, Gossifluer /u/katl14
99. Moon HA Sandygast (4EM), Dream Zorua (4EM), Fomantis (All EM) for Sport Gastly, Sport HA Sizzlipede, Sport HA Scraggy /u/minutial
100. Sport HA: Golett, Venipede, and Dedenne for HA Safari Yamper, Squirtle, and Sport HA Squirtle /u/monkshood571
101. Beast HA A-Exeggutor, Repeat Porygon2, Repeat Porygon-Z, Dive Kingdra for 2 Safari and 3 Sport Balls /u/grimjow7
102. 4EM HA Sandygast for Heavy Sandygast /u/jkengstrom7
103. Sport HA: Torkoal, Karrablast, Purrloin, Golett, and Safari HA: Stunfisk for Sport HA: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Sawk, Blipbug, and Safari HA Applin /u/Klondike232
104. Sport HA Applin for Safari HA Golett /u/mrogersj5
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (30 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away Dream Ball HA Spritzee (Sub: pokemontrades, 28 given)
2. Shiny Spritzee Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Trade evolved a Gurdurr /u/egyjoat
2. Haunter Evolution /u/360_noscope_exexex
3. Machoke Evolution /u/MelonIsHappy

Misc (0)


SableyeSavy's Information


Friend codes:
