
4468-2394-9628 || Luna (M), Tori (αS), Solana (US)
4468-2394-9628 || Luna (M), Tori (αS), Solana (US) || XXXX

Trades (68)

[+] Events (58)
1. Manesh Hoopa code for 2X Galileo Rayquaza codes /u/RomanNWK
2. PAL Galileo Rayquaza code for PAL Harry Hoopa code /u/Jamie-McL
3. 2X Gamescom codes - Sableye/Aromatisse and Bouffalant/Malamar for XYZ Trio - Shiny Xerneas, Shiny Yveltal & Zygarde /u/xchicowx
4. 3 HK Jirachi codes for PC Shiny Diancie /u/mikakana
5. 3 PAL Harry Hoopa codes for 6 comp shinies: Treecko, Absol, Mudkip, Hawlucha, Growlithe and Feebas /u/JaketheAlmighty
6. 1 HK Shiny Jirachi code for 2 comp shinies:Electrike and Ralts /u/KageNoRaito
7. 1 HK Shiny Jirachi code for 5 comp shinies:Swablu, Riolu, Smeargle, Machop and Axew /u/xchicowx
8. 1 HK shiny Jirachi code for 4 custom comp shinies: Onix, Buneary, Deino and Froakie /u/radiowarrrr
9. 4 PAL Harry Hoopa codes for 4 comp shinies: Charmander, Eevee, Meditite and Bagon /u/Scairus
10. 1 PAL Harry Hoopa code for 10 ability capsules /u/Hells_Gate97
11. 2 PAL Harry Hoopa codes for 2 comp shinies: Porygon and Pineco /u/Dark_Lucario
12. 1 PAL Harry Hoopa code for 1 comp shiny Vulpix /u/annie3d
13. 1 PAL Aldora bird code set & 1 Zapdos and 1 Moltres code for PC shiny Ho-oh, GAME Darkrai & PC Shiny Kotone Yasue's Tyranitar /u/jaimeg7
14. 1 PAL Aldora bird code set & 3X Articuno codes for 2015 Tanabata Jirachi /u/bi-cycle
15. 2 PAL Aldora bird code sets for RNG shiny Mewtwo & shiny Cresselia /u/Admiral_Fish
16. 2 PAL Aldora bird code sets + Articuno and Moltres code for 16 Pokémon Scrap Campaign codes /u/koto_om
17. 1 PAL Aldora Moltres code for 1 PAL Aldora Zapdos code /u/Flareblitz12
18. 3 PAL Aldora Moltres codes for 1X Articuno & 2X Zapdos codes /u/Horaki16
19. 8 PAL Mew codes for Shiny HP ice HA Luxury ball Pichu, Shiny Lunatone & Solrock and shiny HA Carbink /u/Wizli
20. 1 PAL Aldora bird code set for Korean XY&Z Trio (Shiny Xerneas, Shiny Yveltal and Zygarde) /u/ghlyt
21. 3 PAL Darkrai codes for 2 Comp Shinies: 5IV DBHA Spiritomb & 6IV DBHA Duskull /u/CaelumKrieger
22. PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas code for Tough Bug event Pinsir and Heracross /u/Voltagic
23. 2 PAL Aldora bird code sets for 2 comp shinies: 6IV HP ground Larvesta & 5IV Spritzee /u/PikaCuber
24. Scrap Venusaur, Blastoise & Charizard codes for Korean WCSK16 Shiny Mewtwo /u/whlzki
25. 3 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for Kor VGC Shiny Machamp /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
26. 8 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for 4 VGC Shiny Machamp (2X GER, ENG & JPN) /u/ZeroPointLibra
27. 6 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for 3 RNGd Legends: 4th gen Shiny Groudon, 4th gen shiny Kyogre & 5th gen shiny Kyurem /u/Feder96
28. 3 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for Shiny PC Diancie /u/endy1102
29. 3 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for PC Hiroshima shiny Gyarados /u/fleepter
30. Fortunes: PC Diancie, HK Jirachi, Jade Infernape, HA Birds, PGL Delibird & 5 comp shinies for Treasure: Taiwan VGC Mewtwo code /u/snowkae
31. 2 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for FRE VGC Shiny Machamp /u/ZeroPointLibra
32. GER VGC shiny Machamp for JPN M18 Arceus and 2 Dream Radar RNGs: Quiet HP fire Porygon & Timid HP ice Rotom /u/blackaurora
33. 1 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas code for 4 comp shinies with 6IVs and 3 comp shinies with 5IVs /u/v3220
34. 5 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for 3 Chymia's Gardevoir codes /u/toujours_poke
35. 4 PAL Darkrai codes for 2 comp shinies: Timid Moon ball HP ground Pidgey & Quiet Luxury ball HP fighting Yamask /u/jen_pai
36. 2 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for 6 comp shinies with 6IVs /u/peatsahad
37. 1 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas code for OCT2014 Diancie & 5 comp shinies /u/Neckes
38. 1 HK VGC Shiny Mewtwo code for Movie Volcanion & 4 comp shinies /u/BejittoSSJ5
39. 1 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas code for Redemption for 3X Chymia's Gardevoir codes /u/toujours_poke
40. 1x shiny Xerneas & 1x shiny Yveltal codes for PGL Cynthia's Garchomp code /u/infiniteshadow
41. 1 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas code for 8 comp shinies /u/Jamie-McL
42. 4 PAL Descartes shiny Yveltal codes for 2 RNGd Legends: 4th gen Shiny Latios & Latias /u/Feder96
43. PGL Cynthia's Garchomp code for PGL N's Darmanitan code /u/DestinySaber
44. Osaka Johto Lab code set for KOR All-Stars Battle shiny Diancie, JPN Jarvis' Gengar & ENG Scrap Eevee /u/ajkyle56
45. 3x shiny Xerneas & 1x shiny Yveltal codes for JPN Sly Zoroark (UK event) with SR Naive nature /u/Megashiny00
46. 3 PAL Descartes shiny Yveltal codes for Spanish PRIMAV2015 (Spring 2015) Shiny Charizard /u/RikiiMarinedragon
47. 6 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for Skytree shiny Rayquaza (JPN) & PCH Magicarp (JPN) /u/flaw1ess1994
48. Gamescom Morimoto's Bouffalant for RNG'd HP Fire Shiny Tapu Koko & SR'd Shiny Tapu Koko /u/HashG8
49. Nintendo HK Shiny Mewtwo for 5IV RNG'd CoroCoro Ho-Oh /u/TheOnlyXdude
50. 6 PAL shiny Silvally codes for 3 JPN shiny Kyogre/Groudon codes /u/ConquestofGaul
51. JPN Kyogre/Groudon code, 4X LINE Rotom codes & 3X PAL Silvally codes for Redeemed JPN Kyogre & Groudon and LINE Rotom /u/Jamie-McL
52. Timid GF Celebi for 2 XY codes (2018 Legends) /u/Pjay12
53. Jade Infernape for Hayley Mew w/ Jolly nature & Sucker Punch /u/ZiR1402
54. Harry Hoopa & HK Shiny Rayquaza for Manesh Arceus /u/Krauser_X
55. Descartes Xerneas, Yveltal & Zygarde for CoroCoro Arceus /u/cyandigo
56. Happy Meowth, 20th Anniv Darkrai & Genesect for Korean Movie Arceus /u/froakiedokie
57. GF Keldeo & JPN Shiny Tapu Koko for JPN Fuura Lugia /u/Ebondragonx
58. KOR Kimia's Gardevoir for JPN Ryota Otsubo's Krookodile /u/cherryblossom10
[+] Shinies (1)
1. 6IV Shiny Fast ball Pineco for 5IV Shiny Repeat ball HA Fletchling & 5IV Shiny Moon ball Ekans /u/s_10
[+] Competitive / Casual (3)
1. DBHA Female Lileep with egg moves Tickle & Mirror coat for DB Castform, love ball Sneasel, moon ball Ralts & sport ball Scyther /u/sfreds
2. DBHA Cranidos female for DBHA Exeggcute female /u/HKG_Teddy
3. DBHA female Lileep for HA Durant /u/gcritic
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (6)
1. PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas code for Shiny 6IV Love ball Horsea & Wishmaker Jirachi /u/blackaurora
2. 2 PAL Descartes shiny Xerneas codes for Channel Jirachi with Body Slam /u/ThreadsOfFate
3. SPRING 2014 Electabuzz for RNG shiny Wishmaker Jirachi w/ Jolly nature and Tutor moves Body Slam & Headbutt /u/Porta_14
4. Gamescom Morimoto's Sableye & SUM2014 Heracross for Gamestop Shiny Dog Trio /u/Birdytrap
5. Harry Hoopa & Helen Volcanion for DW Arceus /u/Caaethil
6. 20th Anni. Mew & Victini for TRU Arceus & Alamos Darkrai /u/Crystals924

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (52 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away my spare Jade Infernape codes before their expiry date. (Sub: pokemontrades, 50 given)
2. Gave Away 2 PAL Descartes Yveltal codes using Random Number Generator (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. BenY-S redeemed my Scrap Mewtwo code for me /u/BenY-S

Misc (0)


Salicifolia's Information


Cheers from northern latitudes!

Friend codes:

  • 4468-2394-9628


  • IGN: Tori