
2320-7561-2134 || Drew (αS)

Trades (17)

[+] Events (2)
1. 5iv Skarmory for GAME Code Redeemed /u/sinstrashowdown
2. GAME Code for Celebi, Staryu, 2 Pokevivs /u/demosthenes13
[+] Shinies (3)
1. GAME Code and Shiny Dratini for 5iv Shinies: Chimchar, Starly, and bagon /u/statue_left
2. Shiny Comp Cobalion for Shiny Comp Poliwag /u/Pride_Incarnate
3. 5iv Treeko for Shiny Zubat /u/CubeThePenguin
[+] Competitive / Casual (10)
1. 5iv Charmander for 5iv Scrafty /u/hommiedogm
2. HA EM Piplup for IV'd Noibat /u/amarks815
3. 5iv Sneasel for 5iv Espurr /u/hp1999
4. HA: Bulbasuar, Starly, Piplup, Torchic for Shiny Sandshrew /u/psymun09
5. 5iv Moon Ball Chatot for 3iv HA Smeargle /u/1switzereva
6. 5iv Moon Ball Chatot and Chatot Breedject for 5iv Aerodactyl and Koffing Breedject /u/nekomaroo
7. Breedject Moon Ball Chatot for Rapidash /u/mist0624
8. 4 Moon Ball Breedject Chatots for Seel, Drowzee, Mr. Mime Tauros /u/wikenny
9. Breedject Froakie, Treeko, Chatot, HA Piplup, Starly, Larvitar, and Gibble for Electabuzz, Exeggcute, Mankey, Jynx, Farfetch'd, Pinsir, and Lickitung /u/phoenixmaster95
10. Moon Ball Breedject Chatot for Hitmonlee and Moon Stone /u/gmpsmendes
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. Genesect and Mewtwo for 4 GAME Codes /u/amarks815
2. Shiny Chimchar, 5iv Chatot, Pokeviv for Shiny 5iv Coballion /u/The10Force

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


ScarySwampert's Information


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