
3754-7846-6727 || Seek (Y)

Trades (15)

[+] Events (1)
1. 2 US Gengar Event Codes for Dreamball Grimer, Exeggcute, Clamperl, Ponyta, Machop, Cacnea /u/jaykyungsoo
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (14)
1. 5iv HA Dream Ball Slowpoke for Starf Berry /u/UmiMizuAi
2. 5iv HA Dream Ball Abra for Enigma Berry /u/tjmil28
3. Dream Ball Shelmet and Zangoose for HP Fire/Ice Dittos /u/richi3f
4. Dream Ball Kabuto and Zigzagoon for Dream Ball Taillow, Kricketot, Oddish, and Wailmer /u/giokiwi
5. Dream Ball Timid Snorunt for Dream Ball Misdreavus /u/Ustrina
6. HA Dream ball Skamory for HA Dream ball Vanillite /u/TaiTaiX
7. HA Dream Ball Pidgey, Snorunt, Duskull, Solosis, and Sigilyph for HA Dream Ball Elekid, Gastly, Poliwag, and Drowzee /u/nothing-creative
8. HA Skarmory, Teddiersa, and Nincada for HA Emolga, Wooper, Wobbuffet /u/Akrisn
9. Kangaskhan for Slakoth /u/avcloudy
10. DB HA Riolu for DB HA Seel, Spheal, Joltik, Smoochum /u/DiamondFarm
11. Level Ball Swinub, DB HA Skarmory and Cleffa for DB HA Druddigon, Slugma and Sandshrew /u/xSince86x
12. DB HA Pachirisu, Bidoof, Duskull, Numel, Elektirke, Nincada, Elekid, Teddiursa, Pinsir, Onix, Machop, Abra for DB HA Buizel, Psyduck, Natu, Marill, Mankey, Farfetch'd, Doduo, Goldeen, Tangela, Lickitung, Heatmor, Stunfisk, Maractus, Castform, and Hoppip /u/Rashe
13. DB HA Pinsir for DB HA Aipom and Snubbull /u/J-AnideM
14. DB HA Gligar for DB HA Hippopotas /u/TaiTaiX
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Helped him evolve a Porygon to a Porygon-Z /u/Vyctox

Misc (1)

1. Traded my 5iv Dream Ball Munna for a 5iv Dream Ball Snorunt


Seek152's Information


Friend codes:
