
SW-1054-2018-8823 || Shawarma (VIO)
SW-1054-2018-8823 || Shawarma (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (8)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (8)
1. 5IV Adamant Torchic for 3IV Ralts + nonshiny kangaskhan and Charmander with egg moves /u/effieSC
2. 5IV Adamant Torchic HP Electric for 5IV Adamant Axew /u/ohnosakura
3. 5IV Adamant Torchic HP Electric for 5IV Bold Squirtle /u/pierozc93
4. 5IV Jolly Hawlucha for 5IV Jolly Froakie /u/qweligator
5. 5IV Adamant Torchic for Mild Diancie /u/Mega-Mew
6. 5IV Jolly Hawlucha for 5IV Adamant Druddigon /u/The-Tempest-22
7. 5IV Modest Lotad for 5IV Jolly Absol + Nonshiny flawless honedge /u/jesusfreakette
8. 5IV Jolly Torchic for Moon ball gastly with EM + Sport ball scyther with EM /u/Regigigas29
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (5)

1. Hatched a shiny sandile /u/s_10
2. Hatched a shiny flechtling /u/CapsFan1989
3. Hatched a shiny zubat /u/linkyleblinky
4. Hatched a shiny Treecko /u/Brtgmz01
5. Hatched a shiny froakie /u/Heavyminded

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 168 eggs given)

1. Timid Abra eggs giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 20 given)
2. Gastly, Beldum, Torchic, Abra, Marill Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 75 given)
3. Hawlucha, Larvitar, Joltik, Kangaskhan giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 73 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (5 threads, 10 given)

1. TSV check for /u/RUMandCOCK (1 checked)
2. TSV Checks for /u/Grifstar (2 checked)
3. TSV Check for /u/SeraCross (1 checked)
4. TSV check for /u/Armadylspark (1 checked)
5. Checked 5 eggs for /u/anjayo (5 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (2)

1. Helped /u/Xoxo_megano tradebacking 25 pokemon he/she was missing to complete national dex /u/Xoxo_megano
2. Tradeback with u/JosueGurrola33 for his/her national dex completion, also helped me tradevolve some mons /u/JosueGurrola33

Misc (0)


v3220 Jun 18, 2016 5:04:15 AM

Hatched a Shiny Eevee for me. Quick, reliable and responsive. Spent time playing through his game to get to the name rater in order to nickname it for me. Thanks again!

zapurr1 Jun 6, 2016 5:15:14 PM

Got a shiny marill in their giveaway! Thanks so much :D Quick and responsive 10/10

Vemje Jun 4, 2016 6:09:32 PM

Gave me a shiny torchic in a giveaway, thanks again :)

Leon_zz Jun 4, 2016 6:06:21 PM

I have just hatched a shiny Pokemon from him! Awesome user! Thanks again!

BackYouDirtyApe Jun 4, 2016 5:43:38 PM

I've just hatched a shiny Torchic from the egg He gave me! Thank you so much again!

Taeshi Jun 3, 2016 10:54:52 PM

I matched two Pokemon on their giveaway! What an awesome trader, the response was so quick, and they were also very happy to wait between me hatching the eggs and switching carts. Super patient and accommodating and the eggs hatched shiny with zero problems! They even alerted me to a second giveaway ;__; So very kind. Thank you so much again!!

twizzlerheathen Jun 3, 2016 10:40:29 PM

Very quick and nice!

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