
3668-7656-2197 || SHEIMI (ΩR), Sheimi (Y)
3668-7656-2197 || SHEIMI (ΩR), Sheimi (Y) || 2607, 0355

Trades (12)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (9)
1. Shiny Poochyena for HA Eevee /u/Prepostasaurus
2. Shiny Skitty for Dratini with Extreme Speed /u/ashenstorm
3. Shiny Wooper for Mareep with Agility /u/theJexican18
4. Shiny Ralts for HA Zangoose /u/Yoyo2061
5. Shiny Electrike for Shroomish with Wake-Up Slap /u/Yoyo2061
6. Shiny Pawniard for Electrike with Electro Ball /u/LangstonHues
7. Semi-Comp Shiny Mareep for Aron with Stealth Rock, Head Smash, Superpower and Curse /u/cinnamonice
8. Semi-Comp Shiny Swablu for Lillipup with Yawn, Ice Fang, Fire Fang and Thunder Fang /u/Vefyx
9. Comp Shiny Aron, Misdreavus and Lillipup for Comp Shiny Vulpix, Shellder and Minccino /u/Schwarzmilan
[+] Competitive / Casual (3)
1. Shiny Stone for HA Togepi /u/Admiral_Fish
2. Ability Capsule for Marill with Belly Drum and Aqua Jet /u/amazingname1234
3. Power Bracer for Zubat with Brave Bird /u/bronk4
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (14)

1. Beldum (2607) /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
2. Deino (2607) /u/Tatertot74
3. Ferroseed (2607) /u/Jugawatt
4. Meditite (2607) /u/eddiy
5. Teddiursa (0355) /u/Bouncer2085
6. Gible (0355) /u/manaty_poke
7. Nincada (0355) /u/SantinoGomez
8. Honedge (2607) /u/suzakutrading
9. Ralts (0355) /u/Umbra-Profess
10. Rotom (2607) /u/Umbra-Profess
11. Shinx (2607) /u/Darknyan004
12. Charmander (0355) /u/manaty_poke
13. Grimer (0355) /u/haroo0929
14. Froakie (0355) /u/harbinger086

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Schwarzmilan Dec 25, 2014 8:55:55 PM

Traded 3 competitive shinies for 3 of mine. Furthermore, two of his shinies were custom bred (really quickly) for me. Great to do business with him and would always do it again! Thanks!

ShinySheimi's Information


Friend codes:
