
SW-4871-6493-8031 || Cisco (SCA)
SW-4871-6493-8031 || Cisco (SCA) || XXXX

Trades (57)

[+] Events (7)
1. Fast, Friend, Lure, Level, Heavy, Moon, Dream, Beast Ball for Mew and Jirachi (BDSP) /u/orykorio
2. P:LA Shaymin for 2x Mimikyuu Codes /u/Vanhuie
3. Glastrier for 2x Mimikyuu Codes /u/Krieg99
4. Friend Ball Ogerpon (+Masks) for 1x Mimikyuu Code /u/xSkiesRage
5. 3x Mimikyuu Codes for Zarude /u/notyourmama12
6. Iron Leaves for 2x Mimikyuu Codes /u/TeoBoccaccio
7. 3x Mimikyuu Codes for Marshadow /u/enlightened_pogo
[+] Shinies (14)
1. Friend, Lure, Heavy (x2), Love, Beast, Dream Ball for Shiny Feebas in Love Ball, 0 IV Attack /u/zQubexx
2. Fast Ball Koraidon, Shiny Dream Ball Scatterbug, Shiny Level Ball Pawmi for Shiny Rayquaza (Pokemon GO) /u/teogeorgiou
3. Any VC Crystal mon (Rattata) for Shiny Electrike (HOME) /u/JustARandGuy
4. 1x Mimikyuu code for Shiny Artisan Form Poltchageist /u/CanaryIntheSky
5. Heavy, Love, Dream, Beast Ball for Shiny Great Tusk, Shiny Flutter Mane /u/Robinwind
6. 1x Moon Ball for Shiny Zorua-Hisui /u/Zopyros6
7. Fast, Friend, Lure, Level, Heavy, Moon, Dream, Beast Ball for Shiny Riolu (Beast Ball), Furret, Ralts, Wailord, Ludicolo, Wailmer, Clauncher /u/orykorio
8. Fast, Friend, Moon, Dream, Beast Ball for Shiny Spiritomb, Charmander, and Mimikyu /u/Zopyros6
9. Heavy, Lure, Level, Friend, Fast, Moon, Dream, Beast Ball for Shiny Onix, Dartrix, Beldum, Iron Hands, Iron Valiant, Palafin, Togetic, Dragapult, Cottonee, Pelipper, Whiscash, Doublade /u/Walker15367
10. Lure, Level, Heavy, Fast Balls for Shiny Gligar, Sableye, Lickitung, and Drifloon /u/EyedSpy
11. Fast, Level, Moon, Friend Ball for Shiny Porygon /u/n0itamina
12. Moon Ball, Beast Ball for Shiny Grimmsnarl /u/Sniknuh
13. Safari Ball HA Grookey for Shiny Smeargle /u/darthjankins69
14. Magearna for Shiny Yveltal /u/JackM76
[+] Competitive / Casual (36)
1. Dream Ball Tandemaus; Fast Ball Charcadet for 1 Ability Patch /u/BwainnDR
2. Love Ball Eevee; Moon Ball Mankey for 1 Ability Patch /u/Coedeine
3. Dream Ball Tandemaus; Heavy Ball Foonguss; Moon Ball Mankey (all HA) for Heavy Ball Gible; 1 Ability Patch /u/Elentari1405
4. Love Ball Goomy for Level Ball Tatsugiri (HA) /u/SubetaiTheSwift
5. Heavy Ball Foonguss; Love Ball Goomy for Moon Ball Murkrow; Beast Ball Deino /u/Flunix
6. Love Ball Goomy; Heavy Ball Foongus for Level Ball Wattrel; Level Ball Dratini (both HA) /u/InfinityDonuts
7. Beast Ball Deino;' Dream Ball Tandemaus; Dream ball Impidimp for Beast or Love Ball /u/Corndog420
8. Dream Ball Impidimp; Love Ball Goomy; Friend Ball Deino for Moon Ball Houndour /u/-Seikopath
9. Level Ball Larvitar for Moon Ball /u/Ultimateace43
10. Heavy Ball Gible; Beast Ball Deino; Friend Ball Deino for Heavy Ball /u/probablyborderline
11. Beast Ball Deino; Moon Ball Murkrow; Dream Ball Impidimp for Dream Ball /u/D_o_H
12. Dream Ball Tandemaus; Love Ball Goomy; Love Ball Veluza for Level Ball /u/asphyxiati0n76
13. Fast Ball Charcadet; Friend Ball Noibat; Moon Ball Mankey for Friend Ball /u/Derextreme
14. Leevel Ball Tatsugiri (yellow); Level Ball Wattrel; Fast Ball Charcadet for Fast Ball /u/slipperytriple
15. Level Ball; Dream Ball for 2 Fast Balls /u/PeDominik
16. Fast Ball Koraidon for Beast Ball Miraidon /u/jackdembeanstalks
17. Dream Ball Impidimp; Love Ball Veluza for Tera Steel Salamence /u/AlexM1998
18. Lure Ball Roaring Moon for Heavy Ball Iron Jugulis /u/TimTamj
19. Heal Ball Flutter Mane for Timer Ball Iron Hands /u/Crzy_Lst_Kdd
20. 1 Ability Patch for Timer Ball Iron Bundle /u/GarchompRawr
21. Fire Breed Paldean Tauros; Ability Capsule for Water Breed Paldean Tauros /u/edlynbot
22. Enamorus for Urshifu Rapid-Strike /u/ydkywbr
23. Friend, Lure, Level, Heavy, Love, Fast, Moon, Dream Balls for Regieleke; Glastrier /u/NinjaOfPallet
24. Dream Ball for Master Ball /u/honeyvi-per
25. Munkidori/Okidogi/Fezandipiti for Galarian Arcticuno/Zapdos/Moltres /u/27stPhanTony
26. Friend Ball Ogerpon (+Masks), Moon Ball Bloodmoon Ursaluna for Calyrex, Regidrago /u/GarchompRawr
27. Friend Ball for Kyogre /u/JustARandGuy
28. Cramorant for Morpeko /u/BONKEx
29. Fast/Friend/Level/Lure/Heavy Ball for Pokemon GO Darkrai /u/JKKM2445
30. Love Ball and Lure Ball (USUM) for PoGO Xerneas and PoGO Groudon /u/Gazier
31. Beast Ball Totodile for Aerodactyl /u/ChozoWolf
32. Beast, Dream, Moon, Friend Ball for Urshifu Single-Strike /u/redditsbitch
33. Friend, Lure, Level, Heavy, and Dream Ball for Spectrier /u/WockioSwitch
34. Hearthflame Mask, Wellspring Mask, Cornerstone Mask for Yveltal, Guzzlord /u/Far-Anything5921
35. Sport Ball for Dream Ball /u/LongQuang
36. Love Ball Raging Bolt and Level Ball Gouging Fire for Moon Ball Iron Crown and Level Ball Iron Boulder /u/nicnacnooo
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Dragon Cheer TM for Electivire and Rhyperior evolution tradeback /u/BioPho

Misc (1)

1. Friend Ball Ogerpon, Moon Ball Bloodmoon Ursaluna (0 Spe IV) for Event Hoopa


ShisukoDesu's Information


Friend codes:
