
SW-7545-7602-8020 || Skeletowl (SW)
SW-7545-7602-8020 || Skeletowl (SW) || XXXX

Trades (111)

[+] Events (1)
1. 20th Ann Manaphy for 20th Ann Genesect /u/Symirk
[+] Shinies (1)
1. 10 Aprimons for Shiny Kingler /u/skinnypeen197
[+] Competitive / Casual (109)
1. 5iv tepig for 5iv skrelp /u/loe151
2. baltoy for rufflet /u/TerinHD
3. DBHA Togepi for DBHA Elgyem /u/rpg_entity
4. Cranidos, Shieldon and Magmar for Jumpluff, Trapinch and Mantine /u/darthnick426
5. DBHA Togepi for FB Burmy /u/person6445
6. Dream ball HA smeargle and Dream ball Ha Elgyem for Dream Ball HA Glamoew and Dream Ball Ha Finneon /u/ohnosakura
7. Dream ball HA Kang and DB HA Elgyem for DBHA Roselia and Fast Ball Growlithe /u/kirakori
8. DBHA Smeargle for DBHA Gulpin /u/chuen1672636
9. DBHA Kang for Moonball Chansey /u/txeptirea
10. Safari ball pichu and natu for DB ponyta and drowsee /u/ValkyrieG
11. 5IV Skrelp for 5IV Ralts /u/VAegian
12. 5 evolve items for 3x DBHA pokemon, a 3iv tauros and ditto /u/tlatham86
13. 5IV Skrelp for Moon ball gastly /u/Medicipopes
14. 5DBHA mons and a FB Combee for 7 Bank mons /u/effieSC
15. HADB Venipede for HABD Nincada /u/N_O_R_W_H_A_L_E
16. 5IV Kabuto for 6IV Voltorb /u/Wellyngtoncs
17. HA Froakie and Lapras for Shiny Larvitar /u/himynameisdrake
18. evolve items, masterball and leftovers for DBHA AND BB mons /u/ValkyrieG
19. 10x DBHA for 10x DBHA /u/Aunna
20. Tradeback of Florges and Zygarde for 5IV Petilil /u/rotophonophilia
21. Tradeback of 5 Pokemon for UT bank Celebi /u/thehegs
22. DBHA Glameow, Moonball Houndour for DBHA Bellsprout & Torkoal /u/Worldtraveller2016
23. 5IV HA Kabuto for 5IV Corphish /u/Joriseus
24. DBHA Snorunt for Safari ball Aron /u/BRBrutus
25. DBHA Gulpin and sandshrew for DBHA Pineco and venonat /u/Spekpony1
26. DBHA Stunky for DBHA Numel /u/wanderingscribe
27. 2x Moon ball houndour, safari tropicus, pichu and natu for DBHA abra, dratini, cleffa, mime junior and sports ball scythe /u/DarthBaelfire
28. Moonball 5IV (-sp.atk) Jolly houndour for Moonball 5IV (-sp.atk) Larvitar /u/Mariguanadon
29. DBHA sandshrew and cubone for Bank ball Milktank and ryhorn /u/AnchorWeight
30. DBHA finneon, stunky, cubone for DBHA Snorlax (12.5% female) /u/jotaro321
31. DBHA Stunky for DBHA Drilbur /u/Vore-
32. DBHA 5IV Cubone for 6IV Gastly /u/dinnerdoggy
33. DBHA Cubone & Moonball Houndour for DBHA Chimecho & Heavy ball Venonat /u/mothimania
34. 5IV perfect cubone for 5IV perfect deerling /u/Gekkouhyou
35. DBHA zubat, cubone, milktank, snorunt and shuppet for love ball magikarp, heavy ball phanphy, Nidoran, Mareep, Lapras /u/GoodMuse
36. Egg from DBHA Cubone (6IV Adamant) & 6IV Ditto for 5IV Scraggy /u/Vanillafrosty25
37. 5 Bank ball 5 IV pokemon for 5 different Bank ball IV bred pokemon /u/erwincole
38. 10 BB Breedjects for 6 BB Breedjects /u/Cognito17
39. 1 perfect male and 1 imperfect female db cubone for 1 imperfect female level ball growlithe /u/rickelparrit
40. moonball houndour for moonball shelder /u/CHASEMTA
41. 5 BB pokes for 5 BB pokes /u/Moonlightcat18
42. Imperfect 5IV DBHA Cubone for Imperfect 5IV DBHA Starly /u/johnny_awesome8
43. FEMALE: DBHA Zubat, Milktank & Cubone. MALE: 5IV Lvl Ball Mareep for Moonball Seel & Koffing, Safari Exeggcute, Love ball Ralts /u/meizinsane
44. Level ball mareep egg for Mystery egg /u/xTGx-Grizz
45. lvl ball mareep egg for mystery egg /u/Bumpynoggin
46. level ball mareep egg for mystery egg /u/TriplesWithDip
47. level ball mareep egg for Mystery egg /u/Hipnik
48. DBHA Cubone & Level ball Mareep for Moon ball Chatot, Friend ball Roselia /u/theflamesof
49. Mystery BB Egg & Level ball mareep egg for Two mystery eggs /u/qster987
50. Level ball mareep egg for Mystery egg /u/MarinaTea
51. level ball F Mareep for Lure ball F chinchou /u/flaw1ess1994
52. 5 Breedject pokemon for XYZ Yveltal (event pokemon) /u/MisterAxl7777777
53. Friend ball yanma for Friend ball Venonat /u/flaw1ess1994
54. Mystery BB egg for Mystery BB Egg /u/Bumpynoggin
55. Heavy ball skarmory, 5IV HA skrelp for Heavy ball wooper, 5IV HA Rhydon /u/Osagras94
56. DBHA Snorunt, cubone & shuppet for Moonball lapras & grimer, level ball ratata /u/Sakisd7
57. DBHA Smeargle for DBHA shelder /u/LostBoyAng
58. 5IV DBHA Cubone and ability capsule for 6IV Moon ball Marill egg /u/Foxlery
59. DBHA Cubone and Friend Yanma for Moon ball vulpix and ekans /u/Jublusion
60. level ball kang for safari ball kang /u/reloadv
61. Xerneas for Hoopa /u/purekhaos
62. 27 evolution items for 37 DBHA females /u/Coastey
63. DBHA Exeggcute (Gen 6) for HA alolan Sandshrew (Gen 7) /u/ryumaruborike
64. Beast Ball Duralodon for Oranguru and Karrablast /u/lvl69Electivre
65. Level HA Eevee for Moon HA Drampa /u/Rin-a-bell
66. HA Lure ball Shuckle for HA Love Ball Wailer /u/Weevil_Underwood_
67. Friend HA Cottonee for Heavy HA Corsola (Galar) /u/cumulonimbus123
68. level ball pincurchin, moonball Snom, love morpeko and level farfetch’d for Polteageist & Milotic /u/Cute1234562002
69. Level ball growlithe, ha moon morelull and ha dream togedamaru for moon ball riolu, moon ball indeedee and beast ball mudbray /u/theHammer34
70. Beast Goomy, Fast HA Charmander, Heavy Stonejourer, Moon HA Morelull, Dream HA TogedemaruMorelull for Moonball HA Litwick, Moon HA phantump, Beast Nincada, Moon HA vulpixBeast HA Togepi, Lure Ball HA Chewtle /u/GeoffreyfactorX
71. 3 Apriball for Masterball /u/xDUmb1
72. 3 Apriball for 1 Masterball /u/Hungryshark59
73. 3 Apriball for 1 Masterball /u/What1001
74. level ball sudowoodo and a love ball morpeko for beast lapras and beast Toxel /u/PierPaoloTroiano
75. Moon HA Snom for Heavy HA Meowth (Galar) /u/00LiU000
76. 6IV Eevee for 6IV Toxel /u/Thryian52
77. female HA cleffa for Beast ball /u/charlotte_the_witch
78. 6IV Eevee for 6IV Mimikyu /u/Thryian52
79. friend eevee for love mimikyu /u/-baileigh
80. 3 Aprimons for 2 Ability Capsule /u/Lampyridae
81. 20 Pokemon - combinatination of DBHA and Aprimons for 2 Masterballs /u/TrueEcstasy
82. 18 Aprimons for 6 Apriballs /u/Yogurttoad
83. 3 aprimon for 1 apriball /u/ginosmoove
84. 2 x Safari Pokemon for 1 x Apriball /u/montreeck
85. 3 x special ball mons for 1 x 6IV DB Dreepy /u/Frankxysm
86. 3 x Aprimons for 1 x 6IV BB Arrokuda /u/Junyjun97
87. 3 x Aprimon for 6IV Lure Ball Squirtle /u/FacetiousBeard
88. Friend Ball Eevee / Moon Ball Mimikyu for Lure Ball eevee /u/Shastjion
89. HA Fast ball Pincurchin for Adamant Mint /u/ZimUXIII
90. 3 HA pokemon for 15XL candy /u/An-de
91. 2 Aprimon for 1 Ability capsule /u/wildcat368466
92. HA Pawniard, dream HA kanto ponyta, dream HA west shellos, dream HA solosis for 20 XL candy /u/What1001
93. 5IV Farfetched and Friend Ball Eevee for 6IV Corphish /u/Nintyuk
94. BB rotom for Jolly Mint /u/Walteryallas
95. HA Level Ball Pincurchin for Bottle cap /u/Nobelium14
96. beast and level 5IV+fantastic males eevee for adamant mint /u/JiminyFeckit
97. 3 x Aprimon for 3 x Aprimon /u/SlothDaddy754
98. 6 Aprimon for 2 Apriball /u/Sizzible
99. dbha Drifloon for bbha rockruff /u/IAmLooke
100. Moonball HA A-Vulpix for Friendball HA poliwag /u/MrGameandwatch24
101. Fast HA Lickitung and Dream HA Cubone for HA Sinistea and Moon HA Pincurchin /u/TheGeminiTwins
102. lure ball HA dedenne for DBHA Pincurchin /u/beefstrike
103. Lure HA dedenne for Sport HA Larvesta /u/thief-noctis
104. ha friend cubone / ha moon dedenne for HA Sports ball Scyther&Pinsir /u/Blooyu
105. FAST ball HA Lickitung & DREAM ball HA Buneary for Beast Ball HA Shinx & Beast Ball 4/5IV Larvesta /u/Alaxx27
106. 3 Aprimon for 1 Masterball /u/xshadexlegacy
107. 8 Aprimons for 8 Aprimons /u/McMichael33
108. 4 HA Aprimon for 4 HA Aprimon /u/hoozayisdead
109. 5 Aprimon for 5 Bottlecaps /u/ads999
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (3)

1. hatch of a shiny chinchou egg /u/Kalamitykatt
2. Hatch Comfey /u/Storm2921
3. Hatch Growlithe /u/Chezerony

Giveaways/Contests (32 Pokémon given, 90 eggs given)

1. Free Corsolla (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. Free Tangela (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. Rotom (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
4. Free Togepi (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
5. Gave a selection of 8 pokemon as a 'breeding starter pack' (Sub: pokemontrades, 8 given)
6. Surprise Bankball giveaway (known pokemon, unknown special balls) (Sub: SVExchange, 90 given)
7. Pokerus Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)
8. Pokerus Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 7 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (7)

1. Lending Arbok so other user could breed for an egg /u/KoNaosuke
2. Trade back for evolutions /u/SLHunter
3. evolving Kadabra /u/Majou-PkMn
4. 4 evolution tradebacks /u/thieuhuy66
5. Evolve duskclops /u/mahoang
6. evolve kadabra /u/poketrads
7. 3 evolution tradebacks /u/TyrantsInSpace

Misc (0)


dinnerdoggy Jun 6, 2016 10:07:51 PM

Very nice, and willing to negotiate. I highly recommend this trader :)

Skeletowl's Information


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